Commissioner's Directives

As per sections 97-98, of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA), the Commissioner of the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) can develop rules for how CSC is run. These rules are called Commissioner’s Directives. Directives are developed to help staff apply the CCRA and the Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations (CCRR), as well as other pieces of legislation, to their work.

Inmates can access Commissioner’s Directives through CSC’s institutional libraries.


CD 001 - Mission, Values and Ethics Framework of the Correctional Service of Canada (2018-04-23)


CD 002 - Designation of Release Sites other than Penitentiaries (2018-06-25)


CD 003 - Peace Officer Designations (1992-11-01)


CD 004 - National Standards for the Deployment of Correctional Officers (2017-05-29)


GL 005-1 - Institutional Management Structure: Roles and Responsibilities (2008-06-30)


CD 009 - Research (2017-11-20)


CD 022 - Media Relations (2024-09-16)


CD 023 - Citizen Advisory Committees (2013-09-30)


CD 024 - Management of Correctional Service of Canada Volunteers (2018-07-23)


CD 026 - Communications (2019-06-17)


CD 041 - Incident Investigations (2020-09-08)


CD 048 - Information Sharing and Provision of Support Services Associated with Coroner’s/Medical Examiner's Death Investigations or Inquests/Inquiries (2019-03-25)


CD 060 - Code of Discipline (2019-07-22)


CD 081 - Offender Complaints and Grievances (2019-06-28)


CD 083 - Inmate Committees (2023-08-14)


CD 084 - Inmates' Access to Legal Assistance and the Police (2002-03-28)


CD 085 - Correspondence and Telephone Communication (2001-12-17)


CD 087 - Official Languages (2019-09-16)


CD 100 - Gender Diverse Offenders (2022-05-09


CD 200 - Policy Framework (2018-10-01)


CD 225 - Information Technology Security (2023-12-18)


CD 226 - Use Of Electronic Resources (2023-12-18)


CD 227 - Use of Web 2.0 Technology (2015-05-04)


CD 228 - Information Management (2017-07-17)


CD 234 - Claims for Staff Personal Effects and Inmate Personal Effects and the Offender Accident Compensation Program (2016-02-29)


CD 253 - Employee Assistance Program (2002-05-13)


CD 254 - Occupational Health and Safety, Duty to Accommodate and Return to Work Programs (2025-02-24)



CD 259 - Exposure To Second Hand Smoke (2014-03-17)


CD 265 - CSC Recognition Program (2014-04-01)



CD 266 - Ceremony and Protocol (2023-08-14)


CD 266-1 - Half-Masting of the National Flag of Canada and Other Flags (2013-05-15)


CD 300 - Real Property (2001-01-23)


CD 318 - Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development (2022-04-04)


CD 320 - Facilities Maintenance Management (2022-12-12)


ISD 335 - Internal Services Directive - Fleet Management (2020-06-30)


CD 340 - Electronic Security Systems (2018-03-05)


CD 345 - Fire Safety (2024-03-04)


FD 350 - Contracting and Materiel Management (2017-03-27)


FD 350-1- Asset Management (2016-05-16)


FD 350-3 - Contracting (2022-03-28)


FD 350-4 - Acquisition Cards (2015-04-27)


CD 351 - Employee Clothing Entitlements (2008-12-19)


CD 352 - Inmate Clothing Entitlements (2003-03-19)


CD 530 - Death of an Inmate: Notifications and Funeral Arrangements (2022-07-11)


CD 541- Interjurisdictional Exchange of Service Agreements (2022-07-18)


CD 543 - CCRA Section 81 Agreements (2022-07-18)


CD 544 - Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (1999-11-15)


CD 550 - Inmate Accommodation (2018-08-20)


CD 559 - Visits (2015-07-02)


CD 563 - Identification Cards (1987-01-01)


CD 564 - Departmental Security (2015-02-09)


CD 564-1 - Individual Security Screening (2018-11-13)


CD 564-2 - Departmental Physical Security (2015-02-09)


CD 564-5 - Access to the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) (2018-09-17)


CD 564-6 - Business Continuity Program (2016-08-15)


CD 566 - Framework for Safe and Effective Correctional Environments (2020-03-16)


CD 566-1 - Control of Entry to and Exit From Institutions (2015-07-02)


CD 566-2 - Control of Vehicle Entry to and Exit from Institutions (2012-06-13)


CD 566-3 - Inmate Movement (2021-12-20)


CD 566-4 - Inmate Counts and Security Patrols (2025-03-03)


CD 566-5 - Non-Security Escorts (2017-04-18)


CD 566-6 - Security Escorts (2018-06-18)


CD 566-7 - Searching of Offenders (2024-10-01)


CD 566-8 - Searching of Staff and Visitors (2015-07-02)


CD 566-9 - Searching of Cells, Vehicles and Other Areas (2015-07-02)


CD 566-10 - Urinalysis Testing (2015-06-18)


CD 566-11 - Electronic Monitoring of Offenders (2016-08-15)


CD 566-12 - Personal Property of Offenders - (2023-10-30)


CD 566-13 - Detector Dog Program (2015-03-23)


CD 566-15 - Closed Circuit Television Systems (2024-08-06)


CD 567 - Management of Incidents (2018-01-15)


CD 567-1 - Use of Force (2018-12-17)



CD 567-2 - Use of and Responding to Alarms (2016-07-04)


CD 567-3 - Use of Restraint Equipment for Security Purposes (2018-02-26)


CD 567-4 - Use of Chemical and Inflammatory Agents (2016-02-01)


CD 567-5 - Use of Firearms (2018-12-10)


CD 568 Management of Security Information and Intelligence (2013-11-18)


CD 568-1 - Recording and Reporting of Security Incidents (2016-06-06)


CD 568-2 - Recording and Sharing of Security Information and Intelligence (2021-01-25)


CD 568-3 - Identification and Management of Security Threat Groups (2016-06-06)


CD 568-4 - Preservation of Crime Scenes and Evidence (2019-01-21)


CD 568-5 - Management of Seized Items (2014-12-08)


CD 568-6 - Creation, Control and Handling of Preventive Security and Intelligence Files (2014-05-12)


CD 568-7 - Incompatible Offenders (2021-08-23)


CD 568-8 - Authority for and Use of Surveillance Equipment (2013-11-18)


CD 568-9 - Management of Human Sources (2015-09-14)


CD 568-10 - Interception of Inmate Communications (2021-06-28)


CD 570 - Security Equipment (2018-04-09)


CD 573 - Control of Items Critical to the Security and Safety of Institutions (1992-11-01)


CD 574 - Sexual Coercion and Violence (2022-05-09)


CD 577 - Staff Protocol in Women Offender Institutions (2019-07-22)


CD 578 - Intensive Intervention Strategy in Women Offender Institutions/Units (2019-11-30)


CD 580 - Discipline of Inmates (2021-06-28)


CD 581 - Violations of the Law by Inmates (2004-04-20)


CD 585 - National Drug Strategy (2007-05-08)


CD 600 - Management of Emergencies (2018-09-17)


CD 700 - Correctional Interventions (2017-05-15)


CD 701 - Information Sharing (2016-06-01)


CD 702 - Indigenous Offenders (2013-11-12)


CD 703 - Sentence Management (2017-04-10)


CD 704 - International Transfers (2013-06-27)


CD 705 - Intake Assessment Process and Correctional Plan Framework (2014-03-24)


CD 705-1 - Preliminary Assessments and Post-Sentence Community Assessments (2023-09-11)


CD 705-2 - Information Collection (2015-11-23)


CD 705-3 - Immediate Needs Identification and Admission Interviews (2018-01-22)


CD 705-4 - Orientation (2014-03-24)


CD 705-5 - Supplementary Assessments (2017-01-23)


CD 705-6 - Correctional Planning and Criminal Profile (2019-04-15)



CD 705-7 - Security Classification and Penitentiary Placement (2018-01-15)



CD 705-8 - Assessing Serious Harm (2014-03-24)


CD 706 - Classification of Institutions (2018-11-07)


CD 708 - Special Handling Unit (2018-09-10)


CD 710 - Institutional Supervision Framework (2013-11-12)


CD 710-1 - Progress Against the Correctional Plan (2019-04-15)


CD 710-2 - Transfer of Inmates (2018-11-07)


CD 710-3 - Temporary Absences (2016-06-01)


CD 710-4 - Perimeter Security Clearance (2014-04-01)


CD 710-5 - Judicial Review of Parole Ineligibility (2016-06-01)


CD-710-6 - Review of Inmate Security Classification (2019-11-30)


CD 710-7 - Work Releases (2021-01-25)


CD 710-8 - Private Family Visits (2016-10-11)


CD 711 - Structured Intervention Units (2019-11-30)


CD 712 - Case Preparation and Pre-release Framework (2012-06-13)


CD 712-1 - Pre-Release Decision-Making (2019-04-15)


CD 712-2 - Detention (2015-04-23)


CD 712-3 Parole Board of Canada Reviews (2017-05-15)


CD 712-4 - Release Process (2019-04-15)


CD 712-5 - Pre-release Case Preparation for Provincial/Territorial Offenders and Federal Offenders Incarcerated in Provincial/Territorial Facilities (2016-06-01)


GL 713-1 - Planning and Consultation Guidelines for the Establishment and/or Relocation of Parole Offices (2010-11-23)


CD 714 - Community Correctional Centre Standards (2024-12-02)


CD 715 - Community Supervision Framework (2019-04-15)


CD 715-1 - Community Supervision (2019-04-15)


CD 715-2 - Post-Release Decision Process (2019-04-15)


CD 715-3 - Community Assessments (2019-04-15)


CD 715-4 - Case Preparation and Supervision of Women Offenders With Children Residing at a Community-Based Residential Facility (2012-06-13


CD 718 - Designation of Persons with Authority for Suspension, Apprehension or Recommitment (2024-01-15)


CD 719 - Long-Term Supervision Orders (2016-06-01)


CD 720 - Education Programs and Services for Offenders (2017-05-15)


CD 726 - Correctional Programs (2021-11-08)


CD 730 - Offender Program Assignments and Inmate Payments (2016-08-22)


CD 735 - Employment and Employability Program (2017-05-15)


CD 737 - Inmate-operated Businesses (2024-08-19)


CD 750 - Chaplaincy Services (2024-01-29)


CD 760 - Social Programs and Leisure Activities (2016-05-02)


CD 764 - Access to Expressive Material (2018-05-14)


CD 767 - Ethnocultural Offender: Services and Interventions (2021-01-25)


CD 768 - Institutional Mother-Child Program (2020-01-24)


CD 784 - Victim Engagement (2019-04-29)


CD 785 - Restorative Opportunities Program and Victim-offender Mediation Services (2015-07-23


CD 786 - Victim Complaints (2015-07-23)


CD 800 - Health Services (2015-04-27)


CD 822 - Medical Isolation and Modified Routine for COVID-19 (2023-03-28)


CD 843 - Interventions to Preserve Life and Prevent Serious Bodily Harm (2017-08-01)


CD 860 - Offender's Money (2023-09-11)


CD 870 - Maintenance Allowance for Offenders (1992-11-01)


CD 880 - Food Services (2019-06-28)


CD 890 - Inmate Owned Canteens (2023-09-11)

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