Policy bulletin 640

Policy number and title:

Commissioner’s Directive (CD) 081 – Offender Complaints and Grievances

Guidelines (GL) 081-1 – Offender Complaint and Grievance Process

Why were the policies changed?

Modifications were made following ongoing reviews to ensure that the above-noted policies are in line with the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA) and the Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations (CCRR).

What has changed?

Technical modifications were made throughout both policy documents. The most significant modifications are as follows:

CD 081 – Offender Complaints and Grievances

GL 081-1 – Offender Complaint and Grievance Process

How were they developed?

The Rights, Redress and Resolution Branch revised these policy documents in consultation with the Strategic Policy Division.

Who will be affected by the policies?

All staff and offenders engaged in the offender complaint and grievance process.


As outlined in the policy documents.

Expected cost?


Other impacts?


Page details

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