Commissioner's directive 566-3: Inmate movement

Commissioner's Directive

Correctional Service Canada badge

Number: 566-3

In Effect: 2021-12-20

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To provide direction for controlling and monitoring inmate movement


Applies to staff controlling and monitoring the movement of inmates at all institutions, excluding Community Correctional Centres


Responsibilities and Procedures

  1. The Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs, will:
    1. ensure that national direction and policy are in place to manage inmate movement
    2. address issues brought forward by Regional Deputy Commissioners and Boards of Investigation.
  2. The Regional Deputy Commissioner will monitor policy implementation and inform the Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs, of any significant issues or deficiencies arising from inmate movement procedures or their implementation.
  3. The Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Correctional Operations, will review and approve, where appropriate, requests from maximum security institutions/units for exceptions to the number of cells that may remain open beyond the identified changeover period.
  4. The Institutional Head will ensure that:
    1. a Standing Order is in place to manage inmate movement and includes the following:
      1. the institution’s procedures for routine movement within or outside a unit or sector for all activities as well as movement between sectors for personal development for rehabilitative purposes (including programs)
      2. times when movement is permitted
      3. the maximum number of inmates permitted to move at one time
      4. any exceptions to the number of cells that may remain open beyond the identified changeover period in maximum security institutions/units
      5. methods of initiating inmate movement
      6. a pass system
      7. out-of-bounds areas during movement
    2. inmate movement during a medical emergency will occur pursuant to CD 800 – Health Services
    3. specific times are established for health care clinics and distribution of medication pursuant to CD 800 – Health Services
    4. all movement procedures allow inmates to engage in their Correctional Plan, including participation in case management, reintegration programs, interventions, and approved religious and cultural events, while taking into consideration institutional security requirements, both during work and leisure hours
    5. significant issues or deficiencies arising from inmate movement procedures or their implementation are reported to the Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Correctional Operations.
  5. The Deputy Warden will ensure Post Orders are developed to monitor and control inmate movement during and after regular working hours.
  6. The Assistant Warden, Operations/Manager, Operations, will ensure procedures are implemented to supervise and monitor inmate movement.
  7. The Correctional Manager, Operational Desk, will provide oversight of routine movement and will approve all non-routine inmate movement.
  8. Under the supervision and direction of the Correctional Manager, Operational Desk, Sector Coordinators will coordinate routine and non-routine movement.
  9. The unit/sector Correctional Manager will manage cell/room changes and inmate movement within the unit or sector, pursuant to CD 550 – Inmate Accommodation.
  10. The Correctional Officer/Primary Worker will ensure each inmate’s pass and/or movement is authorized.
  11. All staff will use and verify the pass system and report unauthorized inmate movement to the relevant Correctional Manager.
  12. At maximum security institutions, the Standing Order will indicate:
    1. inter-cell visitation will not be permitted, except in double-bunking situations where cohabitating inmates have been assessed as compatible
    2. one cell Footnote 1 per range may remain open beyond the identified changeover period. This will mitigate potential risks to personal safety while allowing for unit-based activities, such as laundry, telephone calls, showering, and cleaning. Depending on site infrastructure, certain maximum security institutions/units may be able to facilitate or manage more than one cell remaining open beyond the changeover period. These exceptions must be approved by the Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Correctional Operations, and be reflected in the institution’s Standing Order.

Pass System

  1. The pass system will consist of one or more of the following methods, depending on the site and number of sectors that may exist within that site:
    1. paper record
    2. electronic system
    3. telephone clearance
    4. pick-up or check-off list, and/or
    5. escorted movement.
  2. The pass system will include all of the following:
    1. the areas of the institution where passes or escorts are required
    2. the times passes are required
    3. reasons for issuing the pass
    4. staff who can authorize inmate passes
    5. a system for inspecting passes to prevent breaches of security and abuses of the pass system
    6. a statement describing the responsibilities of all staff for enforcing the pass system.
  3. Taking into account the security level of the institution/unit or the differing security levels between sectors, the procedures for the pass system will include:
    1. the information required for inmate passes
    2. the responsibilities of the initiating and receiving staff
    3. how to schedule visitors
    4. the recording system
    5. how to terminate or cancel a pass (including during the course of movement)
    6. the action to be taken when unauthorized movement occurs
    7. the procedures to be followed during non-scheduled call-outs
    8. how to authorize movement within the institution in preparation for movement between sectors for personal development for rehabilitative purposes, temporary absences, conditional releases, escorts and transfers
    9. how to dispose of used paper passes
    10. what special passes can be issued, including their use and the review process required for these passes.


Work and Program-Related Movement

  1. Procedures for inmate work and program attendance will include:
    1. the times when inmate movement to and from their workplaces and program areas are allowed
    2. the responsibilities of staff
    3. how inmates will be released, including restriction of the number of inmates that may move at one time (where applicable)
    4. the security control points used to monitor inmate movement to and from their workplaces and/or program areas
    5. requirements for movement between sectors, work departments and/or program areas
    6. special requirements for movement of inmates to and from the kitchen
    7. requirements for the movement of inmates working on split shifts
    8. requirements for the movement of inmates who work on maintenance crews or require mobility
    9. measures for inclement weather or emergencies
    10. measures for dealing with inmates who fail to report to the workplace and program
    11. measures for reporting unauthorized absences from the workplace and programs during work hours.

Work and Movement Outside the Perimeter

  1. Movement procedures for work attendance outside the perimeter will include:
    1. out-of-bounds areas
    2. a procedure to monitor and control movement in and out of the institution
    3. the maximum number of inmates allowed outside the perimeter at one time
    4. identifying inmates
    5. escort requirements
    6. the responsibilities of specific Correctional Officers/Primary Workers for searching the inmates in accordance with CD 566-7 – Searching of Offenders
    7. procedures for emergencies.

Leisure Hours and Movement

Leisure Hours and Movement

  1. Movement procedures for weekends, holidays and leisure hours will include:
    1. the times when inmate movement is permitted
    2. the maximum number of inmates to be moved at one time
    3. the areas of the institution where inmate movement is permitted
    4. identification of out-of-bounds areas
    5. identification of the positions and responsibilities of the supervising Correctional Officers/ Primary Workers
    6. identification of the security control points for monitoring inmate movement
    7. release procedures from activities to another location
    8. procedures for interviews during leisure hours
    9. restrictions on inmate movement during inclement weather
    10. procedures for emergencies.
  2. At maximum security institutions, the number of inmates allowed in the yard at the same time will not exceed 50.
  3. Intake Assessment Units located within a maximum security institution are not required to limit the number of inmates from the Intake Assessment Unit attending yard.


Original signed by:

Anne Kelly

Annex A - Cross-References and Definitions


CD 004 – National Standards for the Deployment of Correctional Officers
GL 005-1 – Institutional Management Structure: Roles and Responsibilities
CD 550 – Inmate Accommodation
CD 566 – Framework for Safe and Effective Correctional Environments
CD 566-7 – Searching of Offenders
CD 706 – Classification of Institutions
CD 710-4 – Perimeter Security Clearance
CD 800 – Health Services


Cell: a walled or partitioned area designed to accommodate one or two inmates.

Medical emergency: an injury or condition that poses an immediate threat to a person's health or life which requires medical intervention.

Sector Coordinator: the Correctional Officer/Primary Worker identified to coordinate security operations within a specified sector, as well as incident response, under the supervision and direction of the Correctional Manager, Operational Desk.

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