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Page 4 de 240 — Livre de condoléances pour Sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth II

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Thank you for your life of duty and service. God save the King.

Mike M - Toronto
2022-09-21 09:45:09

My condolences to the family and the nation.

Danielle - St Jean Baptiste, Manitoba
2022-09-21 09:41:37

As a Canadian I have always had a love for her majority the Queen, she was truly the queen of Canada and the rest of her glorious commonwealth when I joined the Canadian armed forces I pledged my life to the crown as did many others I will continue to honour my service to her majesty the Queen and his majority the king

Austin stasiuk - Niagara falls
2022-09-21 09:41:06

We would like to present my condolences to our Canadian friends for the sensitive loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Commonwealth countries and Queen of Canada. As mentioned by President Nayib Bukele, “Her Majesty´s legacy will always remain a touchstone for our shared values of emphaty solidarity and service”. We join the Canadian people in this time of mourn.

Embassy of El Salvador in Canada - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-21 09:38:22

My heart goes out to the Royal family during this time of sadness and loss. I personally feel like I lost a grandmother who was always there with a calm demeanor. The world mourns. May she rest in peace.

Tamara - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-21 09:32:19

Vous avez marqué de vos empreintes votre passage sur cette terre et notamment en tant que Chef d'Etat du Canada. Malgré votre départ, vous demeurerez un modèle et une source d'inspiration.

Christian - Montréal, Québec
2022-09-21 09:30:48

Very sorry for the loss of her majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
God save the King.

Melanie - Kapuskasing, Ontario
2022-09-21 09:08:18

Rest in Peace.

Nelda - Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario
2022-09-21 09:08:02

I wish to extend my deepest condolences to the Royal Family on the loss of our dear Queen Elizabeth. She will always be remembered and will remain in our hearts forever.

Marie - Hamilton, Ontario
2022-09-21 09:01:04

Vous avez été toute votre vie et serrez toujours une exemple de bonté et servitude pour tous... Bon repos Sa Majesté

Stéphane - Gatineau. QC
2022-09-21 08:55:15

Rest Easy Queen to the World.

2022-09-21 08:54:26

A life served in duty, with dignity and respect. May her soul rest in peace.

Rima - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-21 08:46:42

Thank you, Ma'am, for everything.

With sincere condolences to the Royal family.

Jacquie - Scarborough, Ontario
2022-09-21 08:45:24

My sincerest condolences for the Royal family at this time. You have
my deepest sympathy.
Wishing you peace, comfort, courage, and lots of love at this time
of sorrow. Her Majesty was and will always be remembered with love. She was a great lady.

Susan - Cut Knife, Saskatchewan
2022-09-21 08:44:08

Her Majesty was a great world leader who had a wonderful vibrant personality that you could sense whenever you saw her in her walkabouts. Seventy years of dedicated service. The CME/RCE were very privileged to have her Majesty as our Colonel-in-Chief. May she rest in peace,

Ted - Levack ON
2022-09-21 08:42:30

To Members of the Royal Family,
First and foremost, you have lost a beloved family member. My heartfelt condolences for your loss. Know that Canadians share your grief, albeit at a distance. Rest in peace Your Majesty.

Connie - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-21 08:35:20

Thank you, Your Majesty, for being you and staying true to your words for your subjects throughout the Commonwealth. You have been an inspiration to so many with your wisdom, strength, compassion, empathy, loyalty, love of family, sense of humour and smile. You will always be remembered! R. I. P. with those gone before.

Elizabeth - Newmarket, Ontario
2022-09-21 08:30:50

My family and my condolences to King Charles and the Royal family on the death of our mighty Queen Elizabeth. She will forever be remembered as a wonderful Monarch to the British and Commonwealth people.

Hamish Calder - Halifax, Nova Scotia
2022-09-21 08:30:39

To Your Majesty,
You have always been apart of my life. A constant pillar of strength, leadership, and caring. I have tried to follow your example of goodness and kindness , humor and love of family. I will dearly miss you. Thank you for all you gave to your people we are deeply grateful. May you rest in eternal peace.
With Love,

Mala - Maple ,Ontario
2022-09-21 08:26:36

Your Majesty,
You have been Britain’s longest reigning Monarch and it has been an honour to have witnessed the world during your reign, to see how you carry yourself.
Thank you,
May you rest in peace and May your soul find peace and your loved and dearest ones with you on your journey ahead.

From India, to the U.K. (our home), to now Canada,
Mathangi, Kenneth and Maya Ingram

Mathangi - Ontario
2022-09-21 08:26:11

The world has lost an amazing person. May her majesty’s legacy of character and faith live on through others.
Condolences to her family, friends, loyal staff and ordinary people everywhere feeling the sadness of her passing.

Pamela - Lanark Highlands, ON
2022-09-21 07:51:45

Please accept my condolences to the Royal Family and the peoples fo the United Kingdom.

Guy - St Eustache
2022-09-21 07:49:36

Rest In Peace, best queen this generation will ever see

Catherine - St Eustache, Québec
2022-09-21 07:48:21

Sincerest condolences on the loss of your Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother. Losing a loved one is never easy but rest easy in the knowledge that she was beloved by so many of us who never had the privilege to meet her.

Brenda - Ontario
2022-09-21 07:42:29

Oh your gracious magistrate I know that you are in lol of our hearts, I wanted to give thanks for all you have done in providing equal access to every one, and providing me with hope, inspiration, and love. You will be truly missed, and in my heart, and all of our hearts you will truly rain for ever. Keep us all safe and look upon us in heaven. “God keep and save our queen”.

MIchael Ciarciello - Montreal Quebec
2022-09-21 07:40:35

What an outstanding woman you were. Rest in peace.

Karen - Barrie, Ontario
2022-09-21 07:32:33

Toute mes condoléances à la familles royale. Elle fut une grande Dame qui a marqué ce pays.

Maryse - Lac-Simon, Québec, Canada
2022-09-21 07:28:06

My husband and I send our deepest condolences to the King and his family. The Queen was a truly unique and remarkable woman. She truly was and always will be an inspiration to all. She will be sorely missed. Lord knows you have big shoes to fill. Never lose your faith. God save and bless our King!

Debbie Raddatz - LaPasse, Ontario
2022-09-21 07:25:44

She will be missed.

Howard - Toronto
2022-09-21 07:23:12

Rest well queen mother. You saw and you conquered.

Michael Omughele - Nigeria
2022-09-21 07:18:05

Nous allons vous manquer avec grande tristesse. Merci pour votre service public envers notre pays.

France - Cantley, Quebec
2022-09-21 07:16:52

This is a terrible loss for the world, you will be deeply missed Your Majesty, You will always be remembered and Your legacy is inmortal

Diana Bayer - Colombia
2022-09-21 07:14:52

May dear Lilibet’s soul rest in peace.

Shiksha - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-21 07:00:07

You kept your promise and I thank you for your service. May you rest in peace now.....

Tracy - Kincardine Ontario
2022-09-21 06:58:40

Her Majesty was a great woman who'll be missed in the entire world... She was beautiful in & out. Her strength and determination brought her to serve her country and Commonwealth nations with courage, dedication and care from a young age. She went through a lot in her life, joy and pains... But she stood up, with faith and perseverance and sense of humor. God saved the Queen.. now, she's with him in Heaven and with her loves ones. Thank you so much, Your Majesty! R.I.P. Miss you! 

Sophie Favreau - Turin, Italy (but from Montreal Québec - Canada)
2022-09-21 06:25:32

Our sincere condolences to all of Her Majesty's family members on her passing. The Queen was a beautiful, sincere, dedicated and graceful monarch who performed her role with dignity and compassion. She will be missed. Eileen & Reed Howey

Eileen - United Kingdom
2022-09-21 06:23:57

Sincere and heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family and all those who were fortunate enough to know and love Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She was a constant presence in our lives and a most cherished individual who was a shining example of service above self. May she rest in peace, now reunited with her beloved Philip.

Louis and Darlene - St. John's, NL
2022-09-21 06:22:14

Sincères condoléances, elle fut une reine exemplaire.

Brigitte - Terrebonne, Québec
2022-09-21 06:08:06

R.I.P Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll

Tracy - Lethbridge, Alberta
2022-09-21 05:56:21

Rest In Peace, your Majesty, our beautiful Queen. My deepest condolences to the Royal family. I was truly blessed to witness such historical Queen. Thanks for your lifelong service and dedication, your Majesty will be deeply missed! An end of an era, rest in heave, dear Majesty!

Nora - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-21 05:51:09

Your Majesty, we thank-you for your lifetime of service. Your dedication to the Commonwealth will always be held with such high regard. Your unwavering faith will always live on.

Elise - Powell River, British Columbia
2022-09-21 05:39:41

Rest In Peace, your Majesty, our beautiful Queen. My condolences to the Royal family. I was truly blessed to witness such a historical Queen. End of an era! Rest In Peace in heaven, dear Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the second.

Nora - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-21 05:36:49

Sup my condolences

Michelle - Alberta
2022-09-21 04:59:50

To our Beloved Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Thank you truly for your lifetime of sacrifices, purity, devotion, and all your incredible service to the world and your family.
You will remain alive in our memories forever.
May you continue your next journey in heaven with your true love Prince Philip.
Rest peacefully our Queen!
With Love, Warmth, and Respect.

A K - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-21 04:56:12

The news of your death hit me hard. I lost my Grandpa this past July and my Grandma last year. I lived far from them and was not able to attend their funerals. Attending yours gave me the closure I needed. Thanks for being a role model for women across the world. I respected your love of animals, as I believe this speaks to your good character. I am sad to see you go. I hope you have found peace in heaven and are reunited with your loving family. Rest in peace.

Sydney - Victoria, British Columbia / Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-21 04:43:23

Paying an honorable tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, a beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and monarch. Praying that courage, strength & peace be with all that grieve & may we take comfort knowing she was profoundly loved by all. She will hold a special place in our hearts & remain vibrant in our memories forever. The one & only Queen we have ever known. Her dignity and unwavering duty have been an inspiration having an immeasurable impact on so many lives. Respectfully.

Kohli Family - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-21 04:36:37

The only time I ever "saw" the Queen was when I was two years old. Unfortunately, I fell asleep waiting and missed the whole event! I have loved watching the Royal Family's big events and enjoyed the special relationship the monarchy has with Canada in recent times although I recognize for the Indigenous Peoples in Canada it is not the same. I will however miss seeing her face on all of our currency. Rest in peace QEII

Charlotte - Victoria, BC
2022-09-21 04:08:58

My heart felt sympathies to King Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, and Prince Edward at the loss of your much loved mother Queen Elizabeth. As much as I am so terribly saddened by the death of Her Majesty you have all lost your mother and you must be missing her terribly.
I will pray for you and all of your family's, that you will feel much peace and comfort in the difficult days and weeks ahead.
May God Bless you all.

Elizabeth - North Vancouver, British Columbia.
2022-09-21 03:43:38


2022-09-21 03:35:02

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Many thanks for everything you have done for Caloucaéra island, and for my family.

Very Best regards,

Jean-Louis JERSIER

Jean-Louis JERSIER - Caloucaéra / Kalinagos Islands
2022-09-21 03:32:10

My heart fold condolences to the royal family on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. I was able to meet the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh on their visit's to my home town in Thompson Manitoba. Being a British subject by birth and now Canadian citizen, I thank the royal family for all their philanthropic work. I am proud to be a Canadian, a British subject, and the opportunity to meet the royal family members on their work through the commonwealth. God save the King.

Mark Noel Laine - Holyrood, Newfoundland and Labrador
2022-09-21 03:25:58

Your service, dedication, and love for the Monarchy was stead fast and strong. Thank you, your Royal Highness, and love live the King

Allison - Chilliwack, BC
2022-09-21 03:02:17

Thank you for your service to Canada. RIP

Ming - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-21 02:28:42

Thanks you queen Elizabeth for your service .. your in the hands of god now … you will be missed

Kathrine - Alberta canada
2022-09-21 02:22:01

It is with deep sorrow we mourn the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. With heartfelt gratitude, we honour The Queen's life and legacy of dedication and commitment to the people. We pray The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh are richly blessed and Rest In Peace, together. God Bless The Royal Family. God Save The King.

Robert and Laurie - Langley, British Columbia
2022-09-21 02:21:02

Our hearts are with you in this time of sorrow. With love to you and your family.

Maria Prima (mimay) - Doha, Qatar
2022-09-21 02:19:50

Dear King Charles and Family,
Please accept our codolences
for the sad loss of your Mother
and our Queen. She will be sadly missed by all of us she was an
amazing woman and a perfect Queen.

Joan Veronica Bowman - Chilliwack B.C.
2022-09-21 02:03:33

Thank you so much for your service. Rest In Peace.

Rob - Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia
2022-09-21 01:53:40

Mes sincères condoléances

Louis - Saguenay QC
2022-09-21 01:52:03

Thank you Your Majesty for your dedicated service. You were the epitome of grace, dignity and warmth….a wonderful role model.

Janet - West Vancouver BC
2022-09-21 01:44:24

Our condolences to all of the Royal family and to all of those who were closest to the Queen.
To the Queen,
Thank you for your dedication to public service.
May you rest in peace and rejoice in meeting all your beloved who have passed before you.
"... We will meet again."
The Darlington Family

JJ - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-21 01:31:24

My sincerest condolences to all the members of the Royal Family. Her Majesty was a lovely, very dignified lady sincere, caring and always welcoming people with her radiant smile.
I was born in Liverpool, England 86 years ago. In 1951 I had the privilege to see the Trooping of the Colours at the age of 13. I remember seeing her Majesty riding side-saddle. I remarked to myself "Oh what and odd way to ride a horse".
Her Majesty will be missed by many and lives forever in our hearts.

Lilian Girling - Calgary, AB
2022-09-21 01:25:45

Rest in peace

Daniel - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
2022-09-21 01:08:01

Condolences on the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We are grateful for her life of service. Grant her eternal rest and may perpetual light shine upon her.

Sharon - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-21 01:01:42

God gave our Queen a long and prosperous life with her beloved husband by her side. She lived to see her great grand children growing up. She was quietly beautiful in every way a woman can be and the world is a better place because she was our Queen.

Jane - Barrie Ontario
2022-09-21 00:52:36

May her legacy never dim, and her family, along with the commonwealth, endure. God Save The Queen.

Allan - Whitehorse, Yukon
2022-09-21 00:45:24

It is with mydeepest condolences to the Royal family and to the all who hearts Queen Elizabeth II touched throughout her reign. As a women she has and always will be to me be an example of dedication, faith, dignity, strength and grace. RIP thank you ma’am

Jacqueline Kelly-Pemberton - Inkerman,Ontario Canada
2022-09-21 00:45:19

You will always be in our hearts.
May you rest in eternal peace.

Francesca - Montréal, Quebec
2022-09-21 00:41:00

Rest In Peace your Majesty

Concha Candell - El Salvador
2022-09-21 00:37:49

Rest In Peace your Majesty

Concha - Ontario
2022-09-21 00:36:15

Thank you ma'am, for everything. RIP.

Kate - Toronto Ontario
2022-09-21 00:28:38

Our Majesty the Queen was the most famous and beloved face to the entire world. But to her dearest family she was magic. She brought so much pure joy to her loved ones. I sincerely feel heartbroken for the loss of an irreplaceable presence. I hope they heal with time and find comfort in all of the lessons they will carry with them throughout their lifetimes. Queen Elizabeth II shall always be the most impressive individual, adored so deeply by the entire globe. Rest In Peace your Majesty

Valerie Franklin - Deloraine, MB, Canada
2022-09-21 00:27:38

Our beautiful, great and admirable lady Queen Elizabeth II ; thank you to give me a freedom, probity and prosperous Hong Kong city that I have those before 1997! Miss, love and respect our forever Queen from my bottom of my heart!Hope you with Prince Philip , Duke of Edinburgh happiness in Heaven!

Tibby - British Columbia
2022-09-21 00:25:25

We all love you!! We will never forget your brilliant smile.

Kaz - Japan
2022-09-21 00:24:00

Your Majesty. I would like to thank you Ma'am for the years of service you have given to the commonwealth. Although circumstances out of your control placed the crown on your head, you conducted yourself with grace and dignity and Ma'am, you showed us that you were born to wear it. Thank you. To His Majesty the King and, the Royal Family of Windsor, I'm sorry for your loss.

Michelle - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-21 00:23:09

Condolences to the royal family on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. She was part of the lives of generations of families; how strange to imagine the world without her. As a child, our family gathered around the TV for her Christmas greetings. She had a presence that spoke to all. Our kids after school "Aw, Queen Elizabeth died? That's sad, she was a very nice lady". She emanated kindness. Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth II. Thank you for your dedicated service & the good you contributed

Angela, Eric, Ashleigh, Emily, Edward W. - Markham, Ontario, Canada
2022-09-21 00:21:05

Thank you for your many years of service
to your country as well as the commonwealth countries. You led with such grace and poise and strength. The world is a better place because of your role in it. May you Rest In Peace.

Erin - St. Albert, Alberta
2022-09-21 00:18:22

ElizabethR you were the most inspiring role model to a young woman growing up in the 60’s and 70’s amongst a patriarchal society. Thank you for all you were to me, to the UK, to others around the world. We needed you and will miss you- your love, humour, subtle diplomacy and endless dignity. Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory.
Thank you ma’am.

Sally - England, now visiting relatives in Naramata, BC
2022-09-21 00:15:18

I was deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth
I Greatly admired and respected her.
My heartfelt condolences to the entire Royal Family and I'm hoping her horses and corgi's that she so loved will be well taken care of.
Queen Elizabeth will be missed dearly.

Linda - Yorkton Saskatchewan
2022-09-21 00:13:50

J'offre mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille Royale, pour le décès de Sa Majesté La Reine Élizabeth 11, notre Reine qui a fait énormément pendant ses 70 ans de règne ; pour conserver l'unité, la démocratie, le développement et la liberté au Canada. C'est une grande tristesse et elle nous manquera beaucoup.

Yolande - Lévis, Québec
2022-09-21 00:11:23

Our deepest condolences to the Royal Family and all Late Queen's subjects.
We were imigrants coming to Canada, by choice. We embraced Canada and the Canadian Queen. At our citizenship ceremony in Ottawa we gratefully pledged our loyalty to now Our Queen, and we were proud to be Her Majesty subjects for over 40 years.
We were always amongst the greeting crowds during the Queen's visits to Canada.
Rest in peace our beloved Queen. We respect you, admire you. You will be missed.

Hanna - Ottawa, Ontario, now Vancouver, BC
2022-09-21 00:10:06

I have admired and loved the Queen all my life. Although losing her majesty is devastating to her family, everyone who cared for her and every country that benefitted from her steadfast and knowledgeable rule, I feel she is finally at peace, resting beside her beloved Philip, content that she lived her best life. God Save the Queen, and now King Charles.

Debbie - City of Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
2022-09-21 00:07:09

My condolences to the family on the loss of your mom, grandmother & great-grandmother. May your memories of her keep you strong.

Danica J Lewington - Hudson, Quebec
2022-09-21 00:06:26

True to your word you serviced the world with trust, knowledge and dignity and respect. God speed you are with your loved one now.

Shelley - Surrey, BC
2022-09-21 00:04:14

Thank you for your service.

Samantha - Spruce Grove, Alberta
2022-09-20 23:57:29

Your majesty, you’ve left us with so many memories, a life full of service we thank you for; and a hole in our hearts. Rest In Peace HRH. Xo

Nichole - Calgary Alberta, Canada
2022-09-20 23:56:44

Dear Queen Elizabeth II,
May our love forever show you how much you meant to us in being our Queen of Canada.
You will be greatly missed. However, you will continue through our hearts.
Yesterday I spent beautiful sunny afternoon in Queen Elizabeth Park in remembrance of you.
With Love.

Amanda Hunter - Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada
2022-09-20 23:35:51

Rest in peace, in the arms of angels. You devoted your life to your country, may God grant your soul eternal peace and light in Heaven. Amen

Mairelis - Alberta
2022-09-20 23:34:18

Rest in Peace. Amen
My condolences to all family.

Marcia Quintana - Alberta
2022-09-20 23:31:39

On behalf of my parents, Margot and Denis
da Camara and family, we would like to extend our sincere condolences to King Charles 111 and the Royal family for the loss of the venerable Queen Elizabeth. Her memory will be everlasting!

Thank you for your life-long service and may you Rest In Peace your Majesty!

Marcelle da Camara - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-20 23:31:38

Queen Elizabeth II is the only monarch most of us have ever known. Her death is like losing that ever faithful grandmother, ever watching over us. Guiding, teaching and protecting us. Thank you for your service and for your love of Canada. You'll be forever missed. RIP QE II.

Scott - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-20 23:31:23

Condolences to the Royal Family . The Queen was the only Queen I have ever known and thank you for serving our countries for all these years . She will be Greatly missed and we may never have another Queen like her . May our Royal Highness Rest In Peace .

Maria Pia Emma Famiglietti - Ontario
2022-09-20 23:31:07

Elizabeth II, revered and respected, exhibiting dignity, humility, tolerance, compassion, empathy and stability, modelling these qualities and more for the world. She will be forever remembered, earning a favoured place in history. Never forgotten, now immortal!

Fran - Victoria, BC
2022-09-20 23:30:00

Queen Elizabeth 11, you devoted yourself to selfless service and duty to the people of the United Kingdom, the realms, territories, and the commonwealth of nations. I salute you and express my gratitude for your example of steadfast faith and extraordinary resilience through the inevitable storms in life. Thank you for showing us the value of "keeping calm and carrying on". Well done and may you rest in perpetual peace.

Evelyn - Ontario
2022-09-20 23:26:11

Your Majesty, my Queen - I express my heartfelt sympathy to your family, our family in service, and every person who has been inspired by your dedication, poise, strength and humanity for all of my years. I was in awe of your absolute majesty! Farewell my Queen, smile forever! <3

Lisa - Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia
2022-09-20 23:24:51

irreplaceable and kind. Long live the King.

Rosanne - St. Catharines/ Ontario
2022-09-20 23:20:45

Sincere condolences and prayers for His Majesty King Charles and all the Royal family. She has always been Canada's Queen and in my heart always will be. I have fond memories of singing God Save Our Gracious Queen and hope that Canada continues to be a vibrant and vital part of the Commonwealth of Nations.

Susan - Lake Country, British Columbia
2022-09-20 23:19:36

May you RIP your majesty. It was a true privilege to grow up in the second Elizabethan period under your gracious reign. You were an inspiration to millions. God bless your soul.

Shirley - Nanaimo
2022-09-20 23:15:18

My most sincere condolences to the royal family. Queen Elizabeth II will be remembered. She was the symbol of such grace and equanimity. Born as a 1st generation Canadian to immigrant parents it is an honour for me to carry our late Majesty's name as a part of my own.

Gabriela Elizabeth Umanzor - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 23:08:43

HRM. Rest in the peace of the Lord. You have fought the good fight and you won. Eternal rest grant unto her oh Lord and let your perpetual light shine on her and may her soul rest in peace.

BEATRICE - Orleans Ottawa
2022-09-20 23:04:30

Gracious, Noble, Happy and Glorious throughout decades of service. Thank you.

Patricia - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-20 23:03:33

Les cieux ont accueilli une nouvelle étoile.
Elle restera pour toujours une grande reine qui aura marqué notre époque

Jocelyn Ann Mary - Brownsburg chatham Québec
2022-09-20 23:03:23

Your simile will always in my mind. We shall meet again in the other world.

Kitty - Ontario
2022-09-20 23:00:23

Ever singing, march we onward, victors in the midst of strife, joyful music lifts us sunward, in the triumph song of life.

Thank you for your service, and rest in peace, Your Majesty.

David - Ottawa
2022-09-20 22:53:17

My deepest sympathies to the Royal family.
It was a pleasure growing up and having the chance to see the Queen and her husband at our small town in Prescott, Ontario during their Royal visit. I have always had a deep admiration of the woman that had so much strength and character (personality and integrity). May she Rest In Peace with her Prince.

Christine - Spencerville, Ontario
2022-09-20 22:48:56

The only queen many of us have ever known. You were a wonderful human being and you shall be missed. Fare thee well Queen Elizabeth II!

ROSE - Ajax, Ontario
2022-09-20 22:43:31

Your Majesty, You were so very human and a great inspiration every Christmas with your messages. I was raised in the Saguenay and was present in my GirlGuide uniform when you presented Gold Cords to the older guides. Thank you for your deep committment to service, your curiosity, your love and your deep appreciation of history and global affairs. Your leadership has been a guiding force for many for seventy of my years. Rest in Peace. My condolences to your family.

Susan Elizabeth - Vermont
2022-09-20 22:34:43

Thank you for your service, thank you for your honour and time spend being queen. You will be missed as Queen

Larissa - Clyde Alberta
2022-09-20 22:30:34

Please accept my condolences on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She was my queen for all of my life, and her devotion to service has been an brilliant example to us all.

Peter - United States (Arizona)
2022-09-20 22:27:03

Dear Your Majesty, thank you for your seventy years of dutiful service to the UK, Canada and the realms and Commonwealth. Your constant devotion has been an inspiration.

Frank Riggi - Brighton, MI (originally Windsor, ON)
2022-09-20 22:25:30

While you have passed we commemorate your life and thank you for your service.

Jonathan Jokubaitis - Saint-Bruno, Quebec
2022-09-20 22:24:59

Sending sincere sympathy to all the members of the Royal Family.

Catherine - Welland, Ontario
2022-09-20 22:09:52

Heartfelt condolences to the entire Royal family. Rest In Peace. You will be forever missed.

Richa Sharma - Hamilton, Ontario.
2022-09-20 22:04:53

Her Majesty will be sorely missed by all. Thank you for so many years of service to Canada and the rest of your Realms. May the obvious grief of our new King and his family dull with time and become cherished memories. God Save The King.

Robert - Niagara Falls, Ontario
2022-09-20 22:04:06

Please accept my sincere condolences for Majesty Qeen Elizabeth II.

Nicole - Mississauga
2022-09-20 22:02:43

Thank you Your Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. You were the most gracious, devoted Queen. You have earned your rest with your Prince. Thoughts and prayers are with your family, and all those who loved you. Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth. God save our King.

Julie - Richmond, Ontario
2022-09-20 21:58:06

May the family of Queen Elizabeth be comforted in knowing we all are sharing in their grief. We are all feeling a tremendous sense of loss.

Audrey - Sudbury,Ontario
2022-09-20 21:57:34

Revered Queen,
Overwhelmed with grief at your passing, I wish to convey to you my deepest respect, admiration and love. You have enriched this earth with your steadfast leadership, graced us all with your dignity and integrity, and been the unwavering calm through many turbulent times. It is not possible to express in words how much we will miss what you have meant to us. Never has such an honourable person been such a remarkable monarch. With heartfelt gratitude I thank you, Your Majesty.

Elizabeth - Owen Sound, Ontario
2022-09-20 21:55:07

To our unforgettable and beloved Queen Elizabeth II. You’re my greatest inspiration; your legacy lives on. My condo go out to your Royal Family. With deepest sympathy….Rest In Peace , forever in our hearts

Vicki T. - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 21:52:50

Great people like you are very rear on earth, your love to humanity will be greatly missed, RIP great Queen.

Adaobi - Saint John, New Brunswick
2022-09-20 21:49:42

Thank you for your service Queen Elizabeth II. My deepest sympathy to the Queen’s family for your loss.

Krista - Prince George, BC
2022-09-20 21:45:55

The world has lost a pillar of Grace, Dignity, and Strength. Without the Queen's reassuring presence, life is more precarious and uncertain than ever before. May we all strive to follow her example of devotion, steadfastness, and humble service.

Lorien - Grimsby, Ontario
2022-09-20 21:43:22

Your Majesty, my husband & I are Royals through & through. You have given your life for your country & colonies, with your dear husband by your side. You are a Christian & have shown the World how to behave as a child of God. Well done good & faithful servant. Go to Heaven to be with your dear Philip. I hope we will see you sometime in the future. God Bless You for your service, you are a true Queen. We will miss you.
Lyn & John Monro

Linda - Kingston, Ontario
2022-09-20 21:38:19

To our glorious Queen , the only true and noble Christian leader of the United Kingdom N Ireland and her commonwealth countries .You meant the world to me, you can never be replaced. REST IN PEACE.

Andrea - Victoria BC
2022-09-20 21:37:01

You were a beautiful, elegant and symbolic icon. You'll be greatly missed!!

Cynthia - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 21:35:56

Dear Her Majesty the Queen,
You are extraordinary, the bravest woman I have ever known. I have always respected you deeply; you have always been a true role model to me. You have the smile that could light up the whole world. You will have a special place in our hearts forever as the gracious one brought peace, freedom and laughter to the world, the one who made the world a better place. Thank you for everything Ma'am.
We will meet again some sunny day.
Lots of love,

Rachelle T. - Coquitlam, British Columbia
2022-09-20 21:35:43

May God hold you and your beloved Phillip in the palm of his hand granting you eternal rest as our sovereign you were loved and admired a true woman with class

Sandra - Ontario
2022-09-20 21:35:35

Rest.in Peace your majesty your never ending commitment to your country and all the commonwealth is an example for all of us God save the Queen and grant her eternal rest

Sandra - Ontario
2022-09-20 21:32:18


Sadman Kaseef

SADMAN - Toronto Ontario
2022-09-20 21:26:13

Queen Elizabeth
was extremely dedicated and inspiring.

Brian - Vancouver, B.C. Canada
2022-09-20 21:26:03

I remember with gratitude the devoted service Queen Elizabeth 2 gave to Canada and the Commonwealth. She was the best teacher for King Charles 3 and I look forward to his continuing support for Canada and all its peoples. As a child I listened to the Coronation service on BBC radio in India at Boarding School. It was wonderful to watch the funeral on live TV and feel part of the proceedings. I am proud to be a citizen of the UK, Canada and New Zealand, all with the same Head of State.

Elizabeth - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 21:26:02

Rest in peace your majesty you have earned it with your unwavering duty to your country and the commonwealth

Sandra - Ontario
2022-09-20 21:25:20

May you Rest In Peace our Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Mhaie - Toronto,Ontario
2022-09-20 21:23:51

Caring, calm, cool & collected. RIP

JW - Philippines
2022-09-20 21:13:53

Rest in Peace, your Majesty. You have been such a constant in everyone's life. From the time I was born in Hong Kong pre-1997 to living in London, England for 21 years and now having lived in Canada for over 10. Your face was on every currency in the countries I lived in and your life of service and devotion is admirable. Thank you for your dedication and love for your people. God Bless.

Kaman - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-20 21:10:58

In a world beset with turbulence, you were a steadfast light for all of us. Proud to have had the honour of calling you Our Queen!

Sanjay - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 21:10:55

Our deepest condolence to the late her Majesty queen Elizabeth|| you will be remember forever in our hearts

JOHN RADJ - Philippines
2022-09-20 21:10:41

We mourn with you. The Queen’s passing is a tremendous loss, but if anyone deserves her rest after such a remarkable life of constant giving and devotion to others, it is she. The yoke of duty which she carried with steadfast grace, wisdom, and dignity has finally slipped from her shoulders. May she RIP. May our new King and his family be blessed with comfort and strength to carry on in the days, months, and years to come.

Margaret - Port Elgin, Ontario
2022-09-20 21:07:21

Your Majesty Queen Elizabeth II you will be forever missed. Your the only Queen we’ve ever known, 70 years of devotion to many countries, Thank you for all you have done from the bottom of our hearts. May you Rest In Peace and we wish our condolences and our prayers are with The New King Charles the III and family.

Natalie - Ottawa
2022-09-20 21:04:11

Thank you for your 70 years service. Rest in peace.

Wendy - Port Hope Ontario
2022-09-20 21:00:03

Thank you for your lifetime of dedication to the Commonwealth. I was fortunate to see the Queen once, in Newfoundland, where we, the massed choirs , sang God Save the Queen with heartfelt thanks. You will be greatly missed.

Leslie - Port Perry, Ontario
2022-09-20 20:59:26


Betty - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 20:56:51

My sincere condolences

Rosalie Crisci - Montreal, Quebec
2022-09-20 20:55:58

Our deepest heartfelt sympathies to the Royal family on their loss. We join with you in mourning your beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother, and our beloved Queen. She served with dignity and grace all of her life, a truly remarkable lady, she was an example to us all and will be greatly missed. As British citizens now living in Canada our hearts were broken to hear the news of her passing. Rest In Peace our Queen.

Carol and Dean - Wallace, Nova Scotia
2022-09-20 20:54:40

Vous avez été une cheffe d’état exceptionnelle pour le Canada, une belle fierté pour notre monarchie constitutionnelle. Merci pour votre engagement soutenu durant toutes ces années, c’est digne d’un exploit. J’admirais votre force tranquille, votre dévouement constant envers votre peuple et les autres nations. Paix et sérénité à vous sa Majesté feu Elizabeth II. Mes plus sincères condoléances à vos proches et vos familles endeuillées. Vous nous manquerez, nul doute !

Marie-Michèle - Rosemère, Québec
2022-09-20 20:53:54

I admire you queen may you rest in eternal peace

Daniel - Tampa Florida
2022-09-20 20:53:50

Today I attended a Memorial Service in commemoration of “Her Late Majesty Elizabeth the Second” at The Cathedral Church of St James Diocese of Toronto. It was a beautiful service .

Kathy - Toronto Ontario
2022-09-20 20:51:27

Vous êtes partie mais nous vous assurons de vous rester fidèles tout le temps qu'il nous est encore donné de vivre. Reposez en paix, Majesté !

Ahcene - Montréal / Québec
2022-09-20 20:38:31

The grandmother to all the commonwealth, a woman who was thrown into a position she didn't want at a time when she wasn't ready. She rose to the occasion and proved herself to be someone who wasn't afraid to stand up for what she believed in or do her part to defend her country. God save the Queen.

Michael - Brampton, Ontario
2022-09-20 20:33:49

I am so sorry for your loss.

Paula - Greencastle, Indiana, USA
2022-09-20 20:31:57

May God Bless You, Queen Elizabeth!!!

Kathleen - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-20 20:28:05

Mes condoléances. Dame de grandes inspirations

Isabelle - Laval, Québec
2022-09-20 20:21:27

Thank you for serving us in your Relm of Canada. Your service has made us a better, stronger, and free Canada. God Bless the Queen..................Long Live The King!
The "Banacks"

Glenn - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-20 20:20:48

Sincere condolences to all the Royal family. Well done good and faithful servant. Rest Easy Queen Elizabeth II, you were an inspiration to women of all walks of life!

Marilyn - Fredericton Junction, New Brunswick
2022-09-20 20:16:47

Rest In Peace Queen Elizabeth II. My sincere condolences!

Edwin - Maple Ridge, British Columbia
2022-09-20 20:14:33

My deepest condolences to all the Royal family. My Grandparents came from England, on a trip with my parents I was able to see the location where Buckingham Palace is. It was a thrill of a lifetime for a young 10 year old girl from Toronto, who dreamed about our Queens life.

Deborah - Lyndhurst Ontario
2022-09-20 20:13:08

Dear England citizens, I am so dearly sorry for Queen Elizabeth ll as she sadly passed on 09/08/22. It’s very sad that our queen has passed, sending my condolences.

shreya - ontario
2022-09-20 20:09:58

Je vous souhaite un bon repos bien mérité il est temps de pensée à vous
Bon voyage 

Diane - Canada
2022-09-20 20:09:29

May your soul rest in peace. I am so much impressed by your sense of duty, your dignity, your sense of humor, your connection to your people and your humbleness. Special thanks for your message of hope broadcasted during the COVID pandemic.

Inas - Laval, Québec
2022-09-20 20:03:26

Thank you for a lifetime of inspiration to my mother and me. We remain with genuine respect and gratitude for your service and dedication.

Holly - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 20:02:54

Your dedication to service is an inspiration

Thank you for for everything-

Karen, Isabella and Lily - Guelph, On
2022-09-20 19:52:49

My sincere condolences to His Majesty and family members of our beloved Queen Elizabeth II. She has served us very well and will be greatly missed .

Jezza - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 19:47:35

Our deepest sympathies in the loss of Queen Elizabeth. She was an extraordinary person and will be greatly missed!

Val, Bradley and Tyler - Abbotsford, BC
2022-09-20 19:46:54

Queen Elizabeth II became Queen when I was only 3 months old. I have always enjoyed hearing her messages, watching documentaries of her family. As you leave this world at a beautiful age you will be missed by so many. May you Rest In Peace and my deepest sympathies to all the family. God save the King.

Jacqueline - Nova Scotia
2022-09-20 19:40:40

La reine Elisabeth était une personne aimée et estimée par tout le monde. Elle a, durant toutes ses années de règne fait de son pays et des pays qu'elle dirigeait, des puissances inégalées. Nous prions qu'elle repose en paix.

Jamal-Eddine Es-sbai - Morocco
2022-09-20 19:25:47

may the soul of faithful departed to the mercy of God rest in peace

jocelyn - golden BC
2022-09-20 19:24:00

My sinceres condolence’s to the royal family

Max - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 19:23:53

Thank you for your service to Britian, Canada and the world; a symbol of bringing peace and hope in the constitutional monarchies. Thanks Britian for leaving the legacy of rule of law, freedom and Christian core values to the people of of Hong Kong. Through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

William - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-20 19:23:02

My sincere condolences to the royal family on the loss of the Queen. May she RIP. May you all have wonderful family memories and become closer during this time. Thank you for your dedication and service. May you all be given privacy during this time.

Pamela - Ilderton Ontario Canada
2022-09-20 19:17:33

Votre Majesté,
Je suis attristée par le décès de Sa Majesté la Reine Élisabeth II. Je voudrais vous offrir mes sincères condoléances.

Khady Elimane Faye - Montréal Québec
2022-09-20 19:09:40

Our sincere condolences. Queen Elizabeth was a great person and she will be missed.

Gina - Lower South River Nova Scotia
2022-09-20 19:05:32

My dear Queen Elizabeth,
You have given great strength and quiet guidance to so many of us throughout our lives. I will miss you deeply. Rest in joy and peace with your dear family.

Geraldine Underdown - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 19:00:54

Que votre âme repose en paix !

Hind - Trois-Rivières/Québec
2022-09-20 18:59:41

We with heavy hearts pay our respects and offer condolences . Queen Elizabeth’s love, light, and guidance will be forever part of our hearts, heritage, and memory. Remember that you may see her in your dreams, hear her in your thoughts, and feel her in your hearts. There is no ending, simply a place where you continue her story.

Rebecca Godsalve - New Dayton, Alberta, Canada
2022-09-20 18:58:07

My heart felt condolences to the Royal Family for the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II rest on your Majesty.

Faith Halidu - Prince George, British Columbia
2022-09-20 18:57:21

Sincere condolences to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll family. Rest in Peace Your Majesty.

Jackelyn - Ontario
2022-09-20 18:50:14

We wish to Thank Queen Elizabeth II for her impeccable service. Also for giving us a very memorable 75th birthday. Donna Sept 18th and John Sept 20th. The 19th was the most beautiful celebration of life. "Fit for our Queen" We will always remember.
Thank you

Donna - Guelph, Ontario
2022-09-20 18:49:55

My Condolences to the Royal Family at the loss of your Beloved Mother.
We in CANADA well miss her terribly.

Florence - Kamloops B.C.
2022-09-20 18:46:40

Sincère sympathie à vous tous.

Aline - Rigaud Québec
2022-09-20 18:46:08

Reposez-en paix.

Carmine C. St-Louis - Montreal, Québec
2022-09-20 18:46:04

Best greeting to the family.
Our condolences to all of you.
We watched the funeral service on television and we were impressed ,
how the service was organizes and how each commonwealth was represented.
God bless you all

God save King Charles lll

Pinegrove Place - Richmond, BC
2022-09-20 18:42:36

Thank you, Your Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, for your lifetime of service: you were an inspiration and had my deepest admiration and respect. Your bright smile and your compassion will be missed very much. Rest in peace. Also, warmest wishes to His Majesty King Charles III: I cried with you at your mother's funeral. I hope that you and your family find comfort and solace at this sad time, and happiness in the future. Please take good care of the corgis -- they will miss their Queen, too.

Lisa - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-20 18:42:19

With much sincere sadness I send the entire royal family my heartfelt condolences. I was born in 1951 and am a forever monarchies. I was friends with veronica Milner, who felt at home on holidays at my parents home as they were also friends. Ray Milner was a respected friend of my dad's. I was a volunteer docent at Milner gardens, which veronica kindly donated. Your family are well respected here as a result of veronicas benevolence God bless you all.

Patricia - Qualicum beach, b.c., canada
2022-09-20 18:41:45

Rest In Peace, your majesty. Thank you.

Jillian - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-20 18:41:10

God bless Queen Elizabeth , long live the King

Geoffrey - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 18:40:22

A lifetime promise to serve & a lifetime achievement. Thank you .

Angela Harris - St. Catharines, Ontario
2022-09-20 18:37:35


2022-09-20 18:33:03

Majesty, modest, prayerful, authentic, loyal, committed, a gracious queen with a servants heart, the highest compliment i know for the head of the church in england, and the head of a wonderful family, her legacy to us, you are greatly missed but we will support your heirs always. Read the last Proverb about a woman of noble character…now we pray for healing and unity once more in the family, it would make her happy. God save and bless the new King and his heirs…

Judi Hopewell - Nanaimo, British Columbia
2022-09-20 18:28:00

Thank you to the family for sharing your grief and memories with us. Thank you to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth for 70 years of service, for your humor, advice, thoughtfulness, guidance, hard work and setting the bar high for all women everywhere in the world and for the future Royal Family. thank you for the memories

Violet - St Albert, Alberta
2022-09-20 18:25:52

J'ai l'honneur de vous présenter ma lettre de condoléances à la famille biologique ainsi que les peuples britanniques...
La reine Elizabeth II, elle a marqué son histoire, elle est la grand mère du monde entier....
Et je présente ma lettre de condoléances au nom du tout, peuples Tchadien......
Beaucoup de courage à la famille royaume 

YAYA MOUSSA HAGGARI - N'djamena - Tchad
2022-09-20 18:22:13

My sincere condolences to his majesty King Charles III and the whole family members of our great Queen Elizabeth II. May she REST IN PEACE.
She was a great Queen and she will be missed. God Bless you all.

Josie - BC
2022-09-20 18:19:45

Thank you for your seventy years of service and dedication to Canada, the Commonwealth, and the world. Rest in peace.

Stephen - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-20 18:18:52

The passage of history teaches us many things. and you are part of it.
a hug to all.

2022-09-20 18:14:46

To all the members of the Windsor/ Mountbatten-Windsor family : I wish to express my deepest condolences for the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Our Late Sovereign reminded me of my own mum who was born 1925 in Camberwell. Once again so, sorry for your loss and my heart felt thanks to Our Late Sovereign for all the incredible amount of service in her long life. Blessings Lizzy xx

Elizabeth Briede - Toronto/Ontario
2022-09-20 18:14:37

Your Majesty: Thank you for remaining a constant throughout the ineffable seasons of our lives. Amidst calm breezes and treacherous storms, you’ve endured—a steadfast symbol of devotion and optimism. Farewell and safe passage; you will be missed.

Daniel - Coquitlam, British Columbia
2022-09-20 18:11:17

She was a guiding light for so many years, and I personally feel that the world is a smaller place without her presence. She made us all feel a part of a larger community.l

Naomi - B.C.
2022-09-20 18:10:29

God speed my Queen. No one will ever match your integrity, grace and understanding of your subjects during such diverse changes of the world, during your reign.

Grant - Ontario
2022-09-20 18:09:01

Thank you for the love that you gave.

David Eppich - Ontario
2022-09-20 18:08:27

Sincere condolences to the family of Queen Elizabeth II, at this time of loss.
Her Majesty was truly a remarkable human being, and her wonderful example is a benchmark of inspiration for generations, going forward.

Long live The King!

Jorge Pedrosa - Cambridge, Ontario
2022-09-20 18:06:38

Her Majesty will be greatly missed, she was our icon for my entire life, it won't be the same without her. My heart breaks for her family, but at least she is in a better place now, Phillip by her side. Thank you.

Nicole - South Shore, Nova Scotia
2022-09-20 18:06:26

My sincere condolences to Queen Elizabeth II's family. To me she has been a true leader and an inspiration to me since I was a child. Her lovely and kind smile was everywhere in my memory. She will be greatly missed.

Bonnie - Richmond, BC
2022-09-20 18:05:55

Please accept our sincerest condolences on behalf of the Medina and Job family, originated from Trinidad & Tobago.
We are very sorry for your loss. The Queen will be missed. Her dedication and commitment to service is priceless, and a great example for all of us.

Vivian - Oshawa, Ontarion
2022-09-20 18:00:39

You have been a formal fixture for my whole life; whether I was singing O Canada to you as a child, staring at your portrait in our school library, tidying up in our house because "the Queen" just might come by for a visit, and countless other situations. Thank you for your service. XO

Tracey - Toronto
2022-09-20 17:59:06

There's an unbroken thread that is woven from love, and it keeps family always together, for nothing's as real as the moments we've shared---They live on in our memories forever. As difficult it is, may you find comfort knowing in that the Queen, your Mum will always be with you all. My sincere condolences!

Keith Guy - Grand Falls Windsor, NL Canada
2022-09-20 17:58:31

Condolences to the family of the Queen. May God continue to watch over them. She will be missed. My ancestor General John Bourgoyne is buried in Westminster Abby. May the Queen rest peacefully in Heaven. 

Theresa - Sun City California
2022-09-20 17:55:21

Mes sympathie à toute la famille royale et longue vie au roi Charles III

François - Mascouche, Québec
2022-09-20 17:55:03

I remember in 1977 my school called for an outdoor assembly to plant a tree, to celebrate her Majesty’s 25th Silver Jubilee. We were given a “silver” commemorative coin.
“Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing,” 2 Timothy 4:8, NKJV.
I am sure HRH has laid her crown at the feet of her Lord Jesus Christ.

Annette - Whitchurch-Stouffville, Ontario
2022-09-20 17:53:58

Rest in Peace Sweet Lady

Suzanne - Victoria, B.C.
2022-09-20 17:53:43

Thant you so much for sending such a warm message on our 65 wedding anniversary. It wouldn’t be Christmas without the Queen’s message. Thanks for everything.

Phyllis Cunningham - Speers, Saskatchewan
2022-09-20 17:51:49

Rest in peace Your Majesty. You were a great roll model for what it means to serve, to love your family, and keep one's oath. Thank you.

Peter - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-20 17:48:51

You were such an example of grace and poise with a bit of humor sprinkled in. Rest in Peace.

Michelle - Sidney, British Columbia
2022-09-20 17:46:04

Thank you for your service. Rest in peace my Queen.

Christine - Surrey, British Columbia
2022-09-20 17:44:38

You were truly an inspiration.
Rest in Peace, My Queen.
Your Grace, Everlasting.

David Hayes - Dundas, Ontario
2022-09-20 17:44:38

She was the real thing for 70 years.

Patrick - Ottawa Ontario
2022-09-20 17:43:53

Her Majesty was a constant model of grace, good humour, dignity and kindness. Canada has lost an important Monarch; one who matched our love for her, with a profound passion for our country. She will be remembered for her role in uniting Canadians, and the broader Commonwealth with the shared values of peace and cooperation - a legacy which will surely offer comfort to her family at this time. Long Live the King!

Jacob - Woolwich, Ontario
2022-09-20 17:42:09

Thank you Your Majesty for your lifetime of service to Canada, and to Canadians. From opening the St. Lawrence Seaway and celebrating our Centennial to enacting the 1982 Constitution, and your support of a Canadian initiative to free Nelson Mandela and end apartheid in South Africa. You have always been there for us – our Queen. You will be greatly missed!

Christopher - Toronto Ontario
2022-09-20 17:40:10

We will sincerely miss her ever present unwavering leadership and compassion this iconic powerful women gave us…a great loss for the world

Frances - Sydney Nova Scotia
2022-09-20 17:39:09

Deepest condolences for the family, and thanks to Queen Elizabeth II for her years of service and good humour. Especially for my dad, who served under her dad in WWII

Gabe Bonnell - Regina
2022-09-20 17:37:21

As a 6 year old child I saw the Queen and Prince Philip in Dartford Kent England, she was wearing a pink outfit and Prince Philip a naval uniform. After emigration to Canada as an adult I saw the Queen again at the Vancouver Aquarium, she wore a yellow outfit and straw like hat; she seemed a small person. From my heart Thank YOU for Everything; you are a shining example of selfless duty and service. GOD BLESS YOUR MAJESTY, LONG LIVE THE KING!

Pamela - Port Moody, British Columbia
2022-09-20 17:33:25

Rest in peace. Condolences to your family and to all that loved you. Thank you for all your did.

Kayla - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-20 17:32:52

My Queen of Canada, my protector, a lifetime of service, rest in well-deserved peace. She was a true Lady and leader.
Condolances to all her relatives.
May King Charles have an equally successful rein. Long live the King

John - East St. Paul, Manitoba
2022-09-20 17:31:39

Please accept my sincerest condolences to the Royal Family on the death of their Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. I have loved the Queen since I was a little girl and I am 74 years old now.

Diane Miller Bertrand - Stanstead, Quebec, Canada
2022-09-20 17:29:36

You have been a most gracious Queen with virtues of Fortitude, kindness justice and Charity. May the Mother of God. Mary most Holy bring to Jesus for your everlasting rest. Ave Maria!

Noelle & Regina DeCourcy - Sydney, Cape Breton
2022-09-20 17:28:24

We are deeply saddened by the passing of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We truly hope that each member of the Royal family find some comfort and peace knowing that the Queen was loved by so many around the world. Rest In Peace, you can now be with your Prince. Kindest regards,

Lisa - Delta, British Columbia
2022-09-20 17:27:14

I grew up with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as the Reigning Monarch and I learned all about her from an early age from my Great Grandfather who immigrated from Scotland to Canada and adored her. I wish he would have been alive to see me receive the Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal which I wear on my Tunic (Police) proudly. My heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family and those long serving members of her staff. Thank you for 70 years of devoted Service, you will forever remain in our hearts.

Lori - Victoria, British Columbia
2022-09-20 17:26:50

My good friend and I took the bus down to the NAC the year you came to Ottawa to dedicate the memorial for Oscar Peterson. Thank you.

Gloria - Orleans ON
2022-09-20 17:24:12

Looking at just some of the trips/visits our Queen made, and meetings/events she attended, it was clear that she felt a strong sense of duty, as well as a genuine love of people throughout the commonwealth. It was a life she hadn't quite expected or asked for, but stepped into it, and with her faith in God, navigated it with strength and grace.
My heartfelt condolences to the entire family.

Jean - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-20 17:20:41

My deepest condolences to the the royal family. The Queen's dedication to duty, wisdom and humour has been an inspiration to many of us.

Jen - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-20 17:18:23

May she rest in peace and rise in glory when her King returns.

Benjamin - Kenai, Alaska, USA
2022-09-20 17:16:19

To my Queen
I first saw you in person as a child as you entered Courtenay, BC and I was struck by your beauty and poise…which you carried with you throughout your 70 year reign! Imagine my swearing allegiance to you, The Queen, 36 years later as I joined the RCMP as a civilian member. So proud. You served us well, your majesty, may you Rest In Peace with your sweet Phillip 

Marie - Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
2022-09-20 17:14:03

Queen Elizabeth II fulfilled her decades-long promise to serve her people with dignity, grace and integrity and history will honour her memory. “Well done, good and faithful servant”.

Karin - British Columbia
2022-09-20 17:12:47

It's hard to imagine a Canada without Her Majesty. She has been a source of strength, decency, kindness, and stability for as long as I have been alive. I think many of us never believed we would be without her. A source of inspiration for all; especially women in a world dominated by male leaders. My thoughts are with Her family now and with the family that is the Commonwealth.

Mary - Vancouver BC
2022-09-20 17:12:45

Reine exemplaire.

Carl - Beauharnois, Quebec
2022-09-20 17:10:35

Your face has been on our currency for as long as I've been alive and I have learned so much more about your life and legacy through the Netflix series "The Crown". I wish I could've had the opportunity to meet you in person or be in London to view your funeral. I woke up at 6:00am to watch instead. May you Rest In Peace with condolences to your family.

Katharine - Markham, Ontario
2022-09-20 17:06:03

To HRH The Late Mrs Elizabeth,
I will certainly miss sharing my birthday with the Queen, it was always a special time & moment for me to do so. I followed you all the way throughout my younger years being in the Brownies & Girl-guides. I still take part in works of philanthropy thanks to you.
This is not farewell but so long to an inspiring Queen of my age and time. L.K 

Liselle - British Columbia
2022-09-20 17:05:30

I will forever be grateful for your service. Your dignity and grace will last in my memory until I die. Thank you for your undying legacy

Casandra - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-20 17:04:12

We will miss her. She gave her life to the service of others, we can never thank her enough

Lorraine - Oakville, Ontario
2022-09-20 17:03:48

Sincere condolences to Queen Elizabeth II's family, love ones, All that loved her. To me she has been a loving kind political figure since i was a child, growing along us as a grand mother figure aging beautifully, surrounded by her husband, sons, grand sons that we witnessed growing into kind men with loving wife & smiling children; beautiful inspirational uplifting family. Thank you for all her work making a difference & keeping us on the right track with her positive attitude & role modeling

Izabel - Hamilton, Ontario
2022-09-20 17:02:25

Merci pour vos innombrables années de services Reine Elizabeth II , puisse Dieu et son fils le seigneur Jésus Christ vous aceuillir personnnelement au cieux !

CHRISTIAN - Laval Quebec
2022-09-20 17:02:15

Thank you for your constancy and service to your people. God Bless the Queen

Michael - Alberta
2022-09-20 17:01:55

Thank you for everything you did. You will be dearly missed.

Jennifer - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 17:00:31

Your Majesty, you are now part of a better world, and may now be looking forward to a brighter future!

Reni Sentana-Ries - Ryley, Alberta
2022-09-20 16:58:57

Rest in Peace Queen Elizabeth II. My deepest sympathy and condolences to the Queen’s family for your loss.

Dale - Calgary, AB
2022-09-20 16:58:52

My Queen, my hero, I have been in awe of you since I was a little girl! Your sense of duty, your dignity, your kindness, your sense of humour and your unwavering commitment and devotion to your family, your country and the Commonwealth was beyond remarkable. Truly one of a kind, a great classy lady. Rest In Peace Your Majesty and Long Live the King!

Tricia - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 16:58:33

Reposez en paix, notre chef d'État

Aline M. - Montréal, Québec
2022-09-20 16:57:07

Thank you, Your Majesty, for you dedication, loyalty, integrity and all your grace, forever in our hearts, may the Lord bless your soul onto your next journey and courage to your loved ones with his power of healing
May your soul rest in eternal peace

Anna Maria Del Balso - Montreal Quebec
2022-09-20 16:56:41

Your Majesty,

My sincere condolences on the death of your mother
Queen Elizabeth 11. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11
embodied love, kindness, strength and diplomacy as
a stabilizing presence giving hope throughout the world.

I will greatly miss her.


Judith McMillan

Judith - Vancouver. British Columbia
2022-09-20 16:55:56

I wish you safe passage. Thank you for sharing your life with us and all of your years of service, Your Majesty.

Melanie - Hinton Alberta
2022-09-20 16:55:41

c'est avec une grande tristesse que j'ai appris le décès de Sa Majesté. Son amour et son dévouement pour ses sujets et son cher Communwealth restera a jamais une marque de force de caractère qu'elle a sue démontrer. Thank you M'mam, you will never be forgotten. Your familly (Human and Furry are welcoming you with upon arms and wiggling tails)

Josée - Gatineau, Québec
2022-09-20 16:52:26

Your Majesty.

No woman has ever been loved, so admired, and so respected by the whole world, as you much as you were. Thank you Ma'am, for everything. Thank you for your lifelong dedication. I'm grateful to have been able to witness a superwoman rule the waves. Farewell.

Ika - Saint John, New Brunswick
2022-09-20 16:52:23


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