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Page 117 de 240 — Livre de condoléances pour Sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth II

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"Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant!" Matthew 25:23

Thank You!

(Applauding, Saluting)

Wendy - Guelph, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:26:43

RIP Queen Elizabeth 

Menley - Toronto, Ontario.
2022-09-11 17:26:35

All my admiration for your life of service and faith. You, to me, have always been the embodiment of dharma. May you finally have rest now, and have eternal peace along your lost loves.

M Vithy - Ontario
2022-09-11 17:26:30

Rest in Peace our Dear Queen.

Haylee - Trail, British Columbia
2022-09-11 17:26:13

Thank so much for your leadership, may you rest in God’s paradise. God give peace to your family.

Joe & Sarah - Cambridge, ON
2022-09-11 17:26:00

The only Queen I’ve ever known, may you Rest In Peace with Prince Phillip for eternity.

Agatha - Brampton, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:25:36

My heartfelt condolences and prayers are sent to Queen Elizabeth II’s family and friends. Queen Elizabeth II was a truly remarkable and wise woman, loved and cherished by many globally. I am honoured to have had her as my Queen.

Linda - Cambridge, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:25:32

Sincere Sympathy


Annelies Bates - Victoria, British Columbiz
2022-09-11 17:25:24

Your Majesty. You have done your very best for 70 years faithfully and now you deserve to Rest in Peace. You will be forever missed and I'm sure your son King Charles will continue that which you have taught him all his life and now be with your loving husband again in eternity.

Patricia - Cornwall On
2022-09-11 17:25:24

I will never forget when you stopped in B.C. and I was singing on the second row, waving my flag, and you glanced at my blond hair and our eyes met for a few seconds. I made a point of watching your car when it went past the street in Calgary later in my life. My mom had your picture on several items in her house. You were respected and thought of. Thank you for your 70 years of dedicated service. My condolences to the Royal Family. You will be missed. Rest in Peace.

Josephine - Calgary
2022-09-11 17:24:48

RIP. We love you.

James - Markham, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:24:47

Thank you for all the years of loyal service. Rest in peace.

Sharon - Barrie, Ontario, Canada
2022-09-11 17:24:20

Queen Elizabeth II will always be my Queen. I was always very proud to call her my Queen for the great example, dedication, and kindness. It is a sad moment to all Canadians - we will miss you during our life on earth.

Carlos Ferreira - Orangeville, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:24:18

May you travel far and travel well
Your memory will always be a blessing

Thank you for your dedication to service

Silja - Montréal Québec
2022-09-11 17:23:40

Thank you for being a shining example of strength, leadership and integrity over your 70 year reign. You will certainly be missed and will not be an easy act to follow.

Guy - Englehart, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:23:39

My deepest condolences to all the family in the passing of the Queen. She truly was a beautiful person who did so much for our world. May she Rest In Peace. May all your wonderful memories help you through your time of such a big loss

Tracey - Cambridge, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:23:28

You will be greatly missed. God save the Queen!

Leighton - Gladstone, Manitoba
2022-09-11 17:23:15

Your legacy, love, and life will be everlasting. You have been an example of selfless service, hard work, and regality that is second to none. No words can express how much you will be missed. Thank You.

Michelle - Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
2022-09-11 17:23:10

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family. Queen Elizabeth will forever be in our hearts. May the love and memories remain forever in your heart.

Judy Hunting - Oshawa, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:22:54

Thank you for being our Queen. Rest in Peace.

Marianne - Holland, Manitoba
2022-09-11 17:20:47

Your Majesty;
Your passing has hit me harder and hurting my heart and soul more than I could have imagined. I am so very grateful that you were our Queen for so many years.
My heart wants to say thank-you for everything you were and all that you said and did that made our world a better place.
Grief and loss certainly is the price we pay for love- just as you said once.
God save the King.
Forever your faithful subject.

Ann - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:20:34

Thank you for your many years of service and your love and caring for the people in the commonwealth and around the world.
Rest In Peace

Brian - Calgary/Alberta
2022-09-11 17:20:29

thankyou rest in peace

jeffrey - scarborough ontario
2022-09-11 17:20:29

Hope Nanny and Mum are having tea with you soon. They thought very highly of the Queen as they were fellow Englanders. You will be greatly missed by your family and the world. ( The Richardson family )

Chris - ontario
2022-09-11 17:19:45

Sending my condolences to Queen Elizabeth II 's family and a sincere thank you for her many years of dedicated service to our commonwealth. God Save The Queen.

Angela - Mount Uniacke, Nova Scotia
2022-09-11 17:19:40

The world is much dimmer without your beacon of light to inspire us. It has been my honor and privlege to serve in your CAF and will continue to bear true allegiance to your Family.
Your Humble servant, 

Wayne - Lower sackville, NS
2022-09-11 17:19:01

My family and myself send our heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Royal family are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Shelley - Sarnia ON
2022-09-11 17:18:57

I fear The Queen was the last monarch of such devotion towards the country and dignity. We have lost more than a monarch, but great personality. I am proud to have such a person as a head on my state.
Rest in peace Your Majesty The Queen.

Andrei - Aurora ON
2022-09-11 17:18:39

May God Bless her Majesty's Soul

Ayush - Abbotsford (British Columbia)
2022-09-11 17:17:58

Your majesty will always be in the hearts of this beautiful land. she will always be the eternal queen loved by everyone.

Hernando - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-11 17:17:36

You were a great inspiration to us all. Your wise words will live on forever.

Adam - Hamilton, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:17:28

With deepest sympathies.

Lisa - St. John’s, Newfoundland
2022-09-11 17:17:17

Condolences going out to the royal family. She was a gracious lady.

Shannon - Swan river manitoba
2022-09-11 17:16:49


2022-09-11 17:16:33

Cela faisait si longtemps qu’elle était là. Solennelle figure du monde britannique, elle donnait l’impression d’être intemporelle, immortelle. Elle le restera. Telle une figure marquante historique, telle la grand-maman d’un peuple. Elle peut maintenant reposer en paix. Elle a fait son devoir, tenue sa promesse. Elle est maintenant une légende. Elle est l’Histoire de tout un peuple à travers le monde. Bon repos éternel, bien mérité.

Marie-Claude - Montréal, Québec
2022-09-11 17:15:53

Heartbroken that we've lost our beloved queen. She was a true inspiration and such a beautiful soul. She will always be remembered. May she rest in paradise.

Laura Ouellette - Windsor Ontario
2022-09-11 17:15:08

Repose en paix votre majesté…mes sympathies à la famille…

Christian Laurin - Laval , Québec
2022-09-11 17:14:31

Like many people who live life in the spotlight, you gave so much of yourself in order to serve the masses. You are the only monarch I have ever known and I appreciate your lifetime of self-sacrifice and commitment to the Commonwealth and particularly to the residents of Canada. Rest well and know that we will carry on and have you in our heart as we do so.

Ruth Ann - Milton ON
2022-09-11 17:14:27

Rest In Peace your Majesty. Thank you for all the years you devotedly served your many subjects around the world you will be greatly missed by us all.

Irene - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-11 17:14:16

My deepest condolences going out to the royal family during such a difficult time, heaven has gained another Angel. Rest peacefully Queen Elizabeth II.

Sherry Bennett - Grande Prairie, Alberta
2022-09-11 17:14:07

My family and I would like to offer our sincerest condolences to the Royal Family. Queen Elizabeth was an amazing woman, and she will be remembered as such. May she rest in peace with her beloved husband, and also her parents and sister.

Debra Everts - Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
2022-09-11 17:13:38

Une très grande dame que j’ai beaucoup admiré, mes sincères condoléances à la famille et à tous ceux qui vive dans le grand Commonwealth

Alain - Carignan, Québec
2022-09-11 17:12:54

A bright light in dark times. Strong willed and charming. Will be missed

David - Niagara Falls, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:12:24

Rest In Peace Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, you will be deeply missed.

Noah - Sudbury, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:12:23

You will be deeply missed. Thank you.

Blake James - Alberta
2022-09-11 17:12:08

Rest In Peace

Farbod - Kelowna BC
2022-09-11 17:11:52

May the justice of God be accomplished in your life !

Edner Lopcy - Santiago , Chile.
2022-09-11 17:11:21

As our Queen, you led with grace, poise, understanding and calm. You will be missed dearly.

Jen - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:11:13

Mes condoléances à la famille royale. Elizabeth 2 était une exemple de dévouement envers la couronne. Elle m a toujours impressionné

Charline - Gatineau, Québec
2022-09-11 17:10:36

No matter how old one grows, nothing prepares your loved ones for your demise. As old as the Queen was and the many accomplishments she bagged, we believe there was more and there will be more. Now she has become more (encompassed in all and the most she could have been), continue to rest peacefully Queen, Amen.

Chukwunyelu - Abuja FCT, Nigeria.
2022-09-11 17:09:59

You will always be remembered for all that you have done forever in my hearts 

Reena Bhatia - Canada
2022-09-11 17:09:17

Thank you for your service. God bless the Queen.

Janice - Kingston
2022-09-11 17:09:10

My condolences to the Royal family on the passing of Queen Elizabeth. She was a wonderful Queen, who loved her country and all of the commonwealth. She worked til the end and that shows her dedication to the duty she was born into. If you agree with the monarchy or not, no one can deny the incredible life she led, the many hearts she has touched and that beaming smile she always had.

Vanessa - Carbonear, Newfoundland
2022-09-11 17:09:10

"If the Heavens ever did speak, you were their last true mouthpiece."

Nicole - Crapaud, Prince Edward Island
2022-09-11 17:08:08

J'offre ma plus profonde sympathie à sa Majesté la reine.

Marc-Alexandre - Montréal, Québec
2022-09-11 17:07:46

My deepest condolences to the Royal family
She will be missed
My heart and prayers are with you all in this difficult time

Chrissy Burton - Niagara on the lake, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:07:27

Merci, pour votre grande générosité, votre amour pour le peuple, votre droiture. Avec tout mon respect je garderai à jamais votre souvenir.

Johanne - Sainte-Julie, PQ
2022-09-11 17:07:17

My deepest condolences. I have always been fascinated by the Queen’s sense of duty and how well she carried it. She is an example of how one should carry themselves. Her Majesty will remain in my memory.

Kirsty - Oshawa, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:06:50

Rest In Peace, Your majesty. Deepest condolences to the Royal family.

Sifana - Ajax , Ontario
2022-09-11 17:06:38

My sincere condolences on the passing of our beloved Queen.

Lars - Moose Jaw Sask
2022-09-11 17:06:08

RIP in Queen!
Always loved, never forgotten, forever missed

Harmeet Bhatia - Ajax, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:05:58

Thank you for your service, you will be greatly missed your majesty!

Nameera - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:05:30

Thank you Ma'am for you life of service. My condolences to your family. Long live your son King Charles III.

Cathy - Windsor, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:05:01

Thank you for your dedication, devotion and love for your people. You never wavered from your duties as a Royal, a parent, a grand parent and great grand parent. You have always been humble and kind. Thank you so much for being the only Queen I have ever known. May you rest in eternal peace with Prince Phillip. You will be missed by all. 

Elechia Barry-Sproule - Newmarket, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:04:44

It is with deepest condolences, sympathy and respect, having lived our lives under your rule, that we honour your life and memories.

Donald Andrew Reid - Summerside, PE
2022-09-11 17:04:06

Rest in peace Your Majesty. You will be missed around the world. You were an inspiration to all women around the world. Thank you

Kiran - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-11 17:04:00

To the entire Royal Family
Please accept my most sincere condolences on your loss. Her Majesty has been a source of comfort as we have navigated so many changes over the years. I wish peace and comfort to you all. God bless.

Heather - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-11 17:03:57

Grateful to the Queen for her life long service and leadership.

Arthur - Richmond BC
2022-09-11 17:03:57

Thank you Ma'am for you life of service. My condolences to your family. Long live your son King Charles III.

Cathy - Windsor, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:03:28

Thank you for your service and leadership in the past 70 years. You will be missed.

Yuna - British Columbia
2022-09-11 17:02:40

Our Sincere condolences and prayers to the Royal Family.
Rest In Peace our Beautiful Angel your
Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll.

Sara F - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-11 17:02:24

God Bless you.

Antonio - Guelph, Ont
2022-09-11 17:02:14

Ce ne sera plus jamais pareil sur
le trône. Vous serez toujours derrière moi. Au revoir.

Polin - Longueuil, QC
2022-09-11 17:01:40

It is so sad to hear of your passing ,You will be missed all over the world and stay in our hearts forever. 

Lise Marie - New Brunswick Canada
2022-09-11 17:01:37

Merci pour votre dévouement, votre constance et votre beau sourire

Louise - Terrebonne, Québec
2022-09-11 17:01:27

My deepest condolences to the royal family.

Amanda - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-11 17:01:24

Toutes mes condoléances

Honoré - Togo
2022-09-11 17:01:17

You were loved and will be greatly missed. A job well done. In the highest esteem, from an admirer.

Barbara - Abbotsford, British Columbia
2022-09-11 17:01:13

our queen, will miss you a lot. :(
Rest peacefully

NAVJOT - brampton,ontario
2022-09-11 17:01:05

Thank you for your service. Rest In Peace. Long live the king.

Caroline - Cambridge, Ontario
2022-09-11 17:00:55

Rest in paradise

Stanley - McCreary Manitoba
2022-09-11 17:00:40

I vividly remember the day you became Queen, when my father awoke me and gave me the news. You have been a powerful symbol of duty, history, and service for all my adult life. Thank you.

Garry - Calgary Alberta
2022-09-11 17:00:33

You will be missed by us all precious Queen! We admired your strength, commitment, devotion, wisdom and love for us all! God bless the QUEEN!

JoAnn - Orangeville, On
2022-09-11 17:00:31

You had an amazing life and you will leave a big hole in the world. May you rest in peace.

Debbie Ouellette - Alberta
2022-09-11 17:00:23

She earned the title “Her Majesty” but was also like any wonderful Grandma you know.

Janette - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
2022-09-11 16:59:45

My heartfelt condolences and prayers are sent to Queen Elizabeth II’s family and friends. Queen Elizabeth II was a truly remarkable and wise woman, loved and cherished by many globally. I am honoured to have had her as my Queen.

Carol - Tillsonburg Ontario
2022-09-11 16:59:42

The Queen is dead, long live the King

Robert - Oshawa, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:59:19

Votre Majesté La Reine Elisabeth ll, je vous souhaite un repos éternel, vous avez bercé mon enfance et l’enfance de plusieurs enfant du monde. Vous êtes et vous serez toujours une femme d’exception. On vous oubliera jamais. God Save The King.

Teddy - Helesmes (France)
2022-09-11 16:59:08

Please accept my condolences in the death of your mother, grandmother, great grandmother and Queen. A classy lady gone to soon.

Maryanne - Winona
2022-09-11 16:58:22

May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Amen

Afolabi - Vancouver
2022-09-11 16:58:21

Rest in peace, your majesty. Thank you for your service.

Dongsheng - Halifax, NS (currently studying in Wisconsin, USA)
2022-09-11 16:57:49

Votre grandeur, votre gentillesse et votre amour pour tous va beaucoup me manquer.
Je garderai un très bon souvenir des années où vous étiez notre Reine.
Reposez en paix, car vous le méritez.

Marc-Antoine - Québec, Québec
2022-09-11 16:57:32

Sincere condolences on the loss of Her Majesty the Queen. As keenly felt as her death has been to all her subjects, the loss is that much more keenly felt by those to whom she was mother, grandmother and great- grandmother. I keep her family in my thoughts and prayers and the sweet memories of her unparalleled reign in my heart. May she speed to eternal peace and to the loved ones who no doubt await her in heaven.

Joanne Dunlap - Ontario
2022-09-11 16:57:31

From our family to yours we are sending you our deepest condolences. Our taughs and prayers are with you.

Nathalie Hamel, Eric & Émilie Benoit - Drummondville, Québec
2022-09-11 16:57:20

So sad to hear of the Queen’s passing. She was a constant in our family over the years. Our Grand Parents immigrated from Great Britain. Thinking of her family as they all move forward & remember her with a smile.

Jack & Myrna - Dorchester, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:57:19

God bless we will miss you.

RONALD - Deep River. Ontario
2022-09-11 16:57:10

Our beloved Queen was a role model extraordinaire for generations of people all around the world. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

Sherrill - Tavistock, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:57:09

Je suis venu au monde au Canada quelques années après votre couronnement, pour moi vous êtes Notre Reine à tout jamais.
Ma famille et moi nous vous offrons toute nos condoléances aux nouveau Roi et à votre grande famille. Longue vie au Roi Charles III

Serge Benoit - Mont-Royal, Québec
2022-09-11 16:56:53

The queen was a really great person. She brought the monarchy into modernity. I hope, as the days go by, that the royal family will do well in coping through the pain.

Jacob - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-11 16:56:22

My sincerest condolences to the entirety of the Royal Family as well as to every Canadian who mourns this incalculable loss. Her Majesty the Queen’s devotion to the Crown and her unending dedication to duty are unparallelled and unmatched in history. She will be remembered as Elizabeth The Great—and she deserves no less! Requiescat in Pace, Ma’am … you’ve earned it!

André Fillion - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:56:16

My heartfelt condolences on a remarkable role model and inspiration for women of the world. Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth II

Sandra Canas - Toronto Ontario
2022-09-11 16:56:11

My sincerest condolences to the Royal family. Queen Elizabeth II will be remembered as a beautiful soul.

Cindy - Toronto, ON
2022-09-11 16:56:04

We waved at eachother when the Queen and Prince Phillip rode in an open convertible in 1973 in Toronto on Bloor Street. Toronto was a different place then and everyone was so excited.
My condolences to the Royal family.
The Queen served our country and the commonwealth with class and dignity.

Nancy A. Gonos - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:55:49

Thank you, Queen Elizabeth for everything done, thank you for you humor through out the years. You will always been the Queen in everyone's hearts.

Irene - Nakusp, British Columbia
2022-09-11 16:54:45

You were an amazing woman who reigned with grace and dignity. No other monarch will come close to you. May you always live forever in the thoughts and hearts of the people.

Hollie - Amaranth, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:54:25

Your duty now is finished Queen Elizabeth II, may you now rest in Paradise.

Sherry - Kamloops, British Columbia
2022-09-11 16:53:55

Rest in peace, Your Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. My deepest condolences to the Royal Family.

Junice - Thornhill, ON
2022-09-11 16:53:37

Sincères condoléances à la familles Royal et aux peuples membres du Commonwealth. Vive le rois Charles III

Sylvain Desrosiers - Montreal, Quebec
2022-09-11 16:53:19

You wore your crown well.
May this carry you forever in peace.

Linda - Fenelon Falls Ontario Canada
2022-09-11 16:53:10

I am sorry to hear about the Queen Elizabeth 2 passing
Im lovley lady

Zachary Bentley - Dartmouth Nova scotia
2022-09-11 16:53:06

I well remember her when I visited her in June , 1957. Much respect.

Cecily & Robert Hunter - Woodstock, On.,Canada
2022-09-11 16:52:59

Bonsoir/jour, je souhaiterai adresser mes sincères condoléances à Sa Majesté la Reine Elizabeth II.

Jacques Hoste - France
2022-09-11 16:52:35

My heartfelt condolences. She was an icon. I don’t think we even realized what an impact she had on modern times. She was the epitome of strength - and she was a woman. But not a boastful woman and not a woman trying to prove she was strong or important. She just did her thing. Women and humanity should take a page from her book. What a great loss to our world. Rest In Peace dear Queen Elizabeth.

Andrea - Ontario
2022-09-11 16:51:57

I watch the Queen’s Coronation multiple times on TV as a little girl. I waved a Canadian flag as she drove by my school. I watched her on TV and I grew old with her. I am very saddened by her loss. My condolences to the entire Royal family. Long live King Charles III.

Adele - Markham, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:51:44

Many, many thanks for your tremendous contribution to the Crown, the Church, the world. I have wonderful memories of being an usher at an evensong at the oldest Cathedral outside of the British Isles (Quebec City) in 1987. Pictures of that event were front and center today at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity.

Peter - Quebec City, Quebec
2022-09-11 16:51:37

I listened to the Radio Ceylon broadcast when you were coronation as the queen of England in 1951 when at the school assembly. May you rest in peace!

Thewage - London Ontario
2022-09-11 16:51:35

Sad week, and a tear. You were a classy, kind, beautiful, fun person/wife/mother/grandmother/queen. May you rest in peace, you will be fondly remembered and forever missed.

Lisa - Burlington, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:51:35

Your impact on my country Nigeria will not be forgotten. Generations after, we are still feeling the impact! May God restore Africa amen

Toyin - Hamilton, ontario
2022-09-11 16:51:09

With profound sadness, we offer our heartfelt thoughts & prayers to the new King & the Royal Family. God bless our new King!

Shirley Ann Soini - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:51:08

Our beloved Queen Her Majesty Elizabeth II. Exemplary person to the world who we'll miss so much.

Fabio Renan - Mogi das Cruzes - SP - Brazil
2022-09-11 16:51:00

I was taken to see you when I was still in a stroller. I have never forgotten the day. It was in Montreal. My mother and Grandmother were born in Scotland and came to Montreal where I was born. 1952. I had the honour to see you when I was 3 or 4 years old and was taken to see you. Have never forgotten the day. Rest in peace!

Wanda - Toronto Ontario Canada
2022-09-11 16:50:48

I am very sad to hear the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She was a phenomenal leader and role model for the world. May she rest in peace.

Aiden - St Catharines, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:50:31

I am so saddened by the Queens passing, she was such a beautiful and loving person, she will be missed by so many but always in our hearts. I know she is happy and will loved ones now

Sharon - Welland Ontario
2022-09-11 16:50:30

Mes sincères condoléances à la Famille Royale. Votre Majesté la Reine, merci pour votre vie consacrée au service public, et pour tous les sacrifices que cela a dû occasionner pour vous.

Martin - Baie-Comeau, Québec
2022-09-11 16:50:24

Thank you for being a constant in my life, my mother’s life, and my grandmother’s life. As 3 generations of British immigrants we watched and respected you from afar. You were a constant in all our lives and a strong woman for us all to work towards being.

Taylor - Ontario
2022-09-11 16:49:45

Condolences to the family. We will miss the Queen.

Sheila - Powell River, British Columbia
2022-09-11 16:49:21

Sending my deepest condolences to all the royal family at this sad time .
Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth you will be missed by so many .
We have lost but heaven has gained .

Lianne Dixon - Courtice Canada
2022-09-11 16:49:09

A life of service well lived, farewell Queen of Canada

Remington - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-11 16:48:51

I would like to present my sincere condolences to His Majesty the King Charles III and the Members of the Royal Family. May Her Majesty the Queen Elisabeth II rest in peace.

Pierre-Emmanuel - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:48:50

Condolences to the family. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.

Christine - Stoney Creek Ontario
2022-09-11 16:48:45

You were an inspiration to millions, not least of all my grandma, for whom there was no prouder moment on her 100th birthday than getting a centennial greeting from your team.

Rest in peace Elizabeth Regina...your work is done and done well, and you're probably having tea in heaven with Hannah now!

Ryan - Vancouver BC
2022-09-11 16:48:26

You were the total meaning of LADY

Florence - Halifax NS
2022-09-11 16:48:04

You were one of the strongest person to endure the weight of crown which so many people may fail to do so! We admire you for that!! :)

Deepti jaswal - Scarborough/Ontario
2022-09-11 16:47:49

To a woman of greatness, honor, profound dignity and a life well lived, May you REST IN PEACE Your Majesty Queen Elizabeth.

Diana - Kitchener On
2022-09-11 16:47:38

My deepest condolences to your family during this time.

Benjamin - Quispamsis, New Brunswick
2022-09-11 16:46:47

J'offre mes sympathies à la famille royale en ces temps difficiles. Sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth II aura été un exemple de figure constante et de sagesse. Vous pouvez maintenant vous reposez auprès du Prince Philip pour l'éternité. À jamais dans nos coeur, Votre Majesté! Longue vie au Roi Charles!

Stecy - Beloeil, Canada
2022-09-11 16:45:54

“My Queen” for my 72 years of which 26, I spent in the UK. She will be hugely missed here in Canada. My best wishes to King Charles III, I am sure he will continue the amazing work of Her Majesty. God Bless.

Roger - Pickering, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:45:38

Rest And Peace Mommy

Lo Atoumane - Sénégal
2022-09-11 16:45:33

Her Majesty’s legacy and contributions to humanity will be a full send forward to the present and future generations as a staple of a monumental icon for her service, Rest In Peace.

Engelbert - Sudbury, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:45:13

My family and I offer our condolences. May the queen rest in peace.

Lise - Sudbury Ontario
2022-09-11 16:45:11

Thank you for everything, Your Majesty, our Queen. May you Rest In Peace. You will be dearly missed.

Eva - Vancouver BC
2022-09-11 16:44:56

I’m terribly sorry for your loss. I don’t know her personally but she was a great inspiration and role model that I’ve always looked up to. I can’t imagine what you are going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Jezelle - Thornhill, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:44:50

Queen Elizabeth as the Royal Head of Canada will be missed. i still remember the days when we sang “God save the Queen”.

My condolences to the family, long live the Queen.

Lorie - Lincoln, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:44:47

Signing for my Mom Olga who left us in 2007 and who loved everything about the Queen. May they one day meet and share a chat. Rest In Peace Queen Elizabeth

Maureen - Maple Ridge, British Columbia
2022-09-11 16:44:47

I extend my sincere condolences to the family of Queen Elizabeth II at this sad time. I am the daughter of a war bride, Iris Ricketts Ewen, living in Canada and I share in your grief. I admire the strength of conviction of Queen Elizabeth, her fortitude and unwavering duty. Simply put, she was an amazing woman, and she will be missed. Carry her in your hearts as you continue to do her good work.

Joy - Cranbrook, British Columbia
2022-09-11 16:44:40

You majesty , you will be missed

Janet - Gonzalez
2022-09-11 16:44:26

Sending prayers and my condolences to the Royal Family. RIP Your Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II.

Shirley - Port Sydney, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:43:55

With great memories of a Queen who was a beacon to all the world in how to be just, moral, and caring. She represented stability and sound judgement in a rapidly changing and turbulent era. While we shall greatly miss her, King Charles is well prepared to carry on her legacy. God save the King!

Michael Flynn - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-11 16:43:16

Your service and leadership will be missed. You were ever present throughout my life and hard to believe you are gone. Rest well.

Oliver - Toronto
2022-09-11 16:43:10

With sincere condolences on the loss of our beloved Queen.

Darlene - Cavendish, Newfoundland and Labrador
2022-09-11 16:42:17

Chère Reine Élizabeth II,

Je te remercie pour les 70 ans que tu as dévouées à ton peuple et à celui des Canadiens. Tu as été une figure emblématique et tu resteras à toujours dans nos cœurs! Merci pour tout ce que tu as fait! Je t'aimerais à tout jamais!

Repose en paix auprès de ton époux!

Jocelyn - Laval, Québec
2022-09-11 16:42:03

Thank you for 70 years of dedicated service. My deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family, the people of the UK, and countries part of the Common Wealth. Her Majesty The Queen will be deeply missed by all. Rest in peace Your Majesty.

Sarah - Barrie, ON, Canada
2022-09-11 16:41:46

With the utmost of grace she has navigated through the most changes in the world in her time as Queen. We will miss you Mum.

Brenda and Joseph - Kitchener Ontario
2022-09-11 16:41:31

The world won’t ever be the same

Cammy McLaughlin - Halifax, Nova Scotia
2022-09-11 16:41:28

RIP Queen Elizabeth and thank you for your dedication and service.

Steven - Surrey, BC
2022-09-11 16:41:18

Rest In Peace your Majesty, you were much loved.

Jana - Guelph, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:40:17

Our deepest gratitude and thanks go to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for the 70 years of dedication, service, leadership, and love she gave us as Queen of Canada. She showed, as Her dear Father, King George VI, did before her, what strength and comfort our Constitutional Monarchy provides. God Save The King.

Michael & Julian - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:40:13

Que votre dernier voyage, permette enfin de retrouver Votre Prince.
Bon voyage…

Anne - Montréal, Qc Canada
2022-09-11 16:39:24

Our deepest condolences and sympathies to the Royal Family, her long life of duty and service will never be matched or forgotten, may she rest in well deserved peace now. Long live the King.

Linda and Gary - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:39:07

Rest in Peace

Louise - Sorel-Tracy, Québec
2022-09-11 16:38:52

Farwell mother (MOM) of the Commonwealth you're Devotion and Presence will be missed by All.

Dale - Surrey, B.C.
2022-09-11 16:38:50

The queen was my idol, she was the queen of my heart. My deepest sympathies for the royal family, and for myself because it hurts the most.

Samar - Ontario
2022-09-11 16:38:48

Queen Elizabeth, I have always admired you over the years and feel the loss of the world to not have you in it anymore! You are someone I wish I could have known. I’m so happy you are re-joined with your Beloved Husband, Prince Philip. Love and Blessings to all your loved ones left here in the earthly realm.

Monica - Regina, Saskatchewan
2022-09-11 16:38:42

My deepest condolences

Darren - Barrie , Ontario Canada
2022-09-11 16:38:37

We are praying for you and your family in such difficult times. We hope your faith can help you find some solace and peace as you grieve. great lady !!!
With sincere condolences,

vickie - st.johns,nl
2022-09-11 16:38:30

My sincerest condolences to the Royal Family upon the loss of their beloved mama, grandmama and great grandmama. To those of us who have lived under her reign all our lives, it can most assuredly be said that we have been blessed to have lived in the age of Elizabeth, our good and gracious Queen. Her remarkable soul has left us, but we will enjoy the residue of her faith, service, and devotion.

David - Niagara Falls
2022-09-11 16:38:13

RIP Queen Elizabeth II R.
You have made a tremendous service to Canada and the Commonwealth. My condolences to the Royal Family. 

Douglas - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:38:03

My deepest condolences to the royal family for their loss. Though she was our sovereign, she was also a relative, a sister, a mother, and a grandmother. My we all remember her fondly for her dedication to all the roles she inhabited in our lives. May God continue to bless her in heaven.

Jimmy Au - Toronto
2022-09-11 16:37:37

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of Her Majesty, The Queen. What a wonderful life lived! We will miss her greatly.

Brad - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-11 16:37:13

My Mom, Thelma and I were lucky to see the Queen in Kingston, Ontario in the 70's. She will be greatly missed.

Doris Herns - Mountain Grove, Ontario Canada
2022-09-11 16:36:24

My deepest sympathies to all members of the Royal family. She was a great and beautiful person. Rest in peace, your work is done.

Nicole - Ottawa Ontario
2022-09-11 16:35:49

All my life you were there. All my life you were a steady constant. I pledged my allegiance to you as our military head. I am very sad and sorry to see you go. The world is a lesser place in your absence. Thank you for your service.

Karen - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:35:28

My deepest sympathy to the Queen's family on the loss of a wise woman. We all have a lot to learn from her.

Swarnjit - Calgary, AB
2022-09-11 16:35:24

Rest In Peace your majesty. We have lost a much loved Queen, mother,grandmother and great grandmother. Our lives will never be the same we mourn your loss and look back on your life with so much love.

Linda - Abbotsford B.C
2022-09-11 16:35:07

Me and my family would like to extend our deepest sympathy to the Royal family.

Jessica Breboneria - Whitehorse, Yukon
2022-09-11 16:34:43

My sincere condolences to all the extended Royal family on the loss of a mother, grandmother and great- grandmother Queen Elizabeth. She was wonderful world leader!

Sharon - Barrie, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:34:35

My deepest condolences. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II personified what service and duty stand for. Rest in peace and thank you.

Vida - Kitchener, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:34:16

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family on the loss of The Queen. She was a beloved monarch and family member. She ruled with grace and dignity, and will be greatly missed. Rest In Peace, Your Majesty

Nicole - Ontario
2022-09-11 16:34:12




2022-09-11 16:34:08

Thank you for giving so much of yourself to all of us.
Our Amazing and dedicated Queen for our entire lives… we shall miss your gracious presence but we shall never forget our Queen Elizabeth

Russ Raymond - Vancouver, BC. Canada.
2022-09-11 16:34:05

My condolences to your Majesty King Charles 111,and to the whole Royal Family, on the passing of our Beloved Queen Elizabeth 11. RIP!
Met her on her last trip to Canada in Edmonton. What a privilege and now such a loss. My prayers are with you all. Our Queen is dead, long live the King.

Sherry - Lethbridge, Alberta
2022-09-11 16:34:02

Your majesty the queen Elizabeth, you where so adored and loved by so many around the world almost 71 years of devotion to Canadians, your home England and many other places. My heart is broken at the news that we have lost the greatest queen of all time I shed a few tears and made a prayer in your honour asking our lord and saviour to protect you and your family hoping that King Charles will be able to follow in your footsteps and make an impact as great as you did

Gabrielle R - Ottawa Ontario
2022-09-11 16:33:31

Avec la disparition de Sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth II, le monde a perdu une voix de paix et un porte drapeau des causes justes. Elle a laissée un héritage effaçable et indéniable pour un monde juste et libre. Paix éternelle à son âme.

Mohamed Tayeb - Algérie
2022-09-11 16:33:14

In a time when women need positive role models there is none better than the Queen. She was honest, fair, kind and handled herself in a way that demanded respect. For this she will be missed.

Ellen - Dundas, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:32:20

My sincere condolence to the Royal family. Thank you for the Queen's lifelong service to Commonwealth places, including the previous colony of Hong Kong. QE II's presence is a testimony of the Christian faith that strengthened her which she proclaimed. May God receive the Queen as His beloved daughter, a faithful servant. R.I.P.

Albert - Richmond, BC
2022-09-11 16:32:20

My heartfelt condolences to every member of the Royal Family and to the British people. The Queen had been a constant in my life since I was a toddler, and she will be sorely missed.

As a Canadian, I am proud to live in a Commonwealth country and my best wishes go out to Your Majesty that you will have the strength, good health and support needed for a task that is daunting in this every-changing world.

Brigitte - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:32:14

Condolences to your family.
How wonderful for your family to have their mother granny and great grandmother for many years of their lives.

Maureen - Toronto Ontario
2022-09-11 16:32:12

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family. May you rest in peace, your majesty.

Samantha - Richmond Hill, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:31:59

Your Majesty, may you rest in peace. Thank you for your years of service looking after the millions of people under your care and guidance. One could have not asked for more. Rest in Peace with your dearest Phillip. You have earned it.

John - London Ontario
2022-09-11 16:31:37

Deepest condolences.

T - ON
2022-09-11 16:31:26

Nous ne trouverons jamais les mots adéquats pour décrire le sentiment de tristesse que nous ressentons

YAHIAOUI Hamza - saint leonard Montreal Quebec
2022-09-11 16:30:57

I am saddened by the loss of our great Queen and I offer my heartfelt condolences to the entire Royal Family, The United Kingdom and my fellow Canadians.

Emmanuella - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-11 16:30:50

My heartfelt sympathy to the Royal family. She's the monarch I grew up with. Thank you for your years of service and devotion. My family ancestry all came from Scotland, England and Ireland. My Mother being born in Scotland. I remember seeing you and Prince Phillip in Ottawa in 1967, it was so exciting. Our memories of you will be eternal. God Bless Her Majesty on her final journey.

Mary Lou - Barrie, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:30:16

Thank you for your years of service. You will be missed.

Zoanne - New Westminster, B.C.
2022-09-11 16:30:07

I am saddened to hear of Queen Elizabeth's passing. She was a thoughtful person and has been an inspiration to generations of people around the world. She moved the global conversation forward engaging world leaders with an aim to better the lives of those less fortunate. My condolences to the family of this remarkable person.

Elizabeth - St. John's, NL
2022-09-11 16:29:35

You were the best.

Stephen - Bracebridge, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:29:30

We are sorry to hear the Queen has died. Our condolences to the queen's family. Long live Charles III.

Don - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:29:30

R.l.P your majesty. Thank you for 70 years of unselfish dedication.

Tricia - Brampton, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:29:15

You were a great monarch..R.I.P

Dianne - New Brunswick
2022-09-11 16:29:07

I was born and raised in Hong Kong, under the British colonial rule and moved to Canada after the handover. All of my friends and family, as Hong Kongers and Canadians, admire the Queen's resolve, strength, consistency, love and commitment to the people in the UK and commonwealth.

You will be missed dearly, her Majesty! Rest in peace and your legacy will forever be in our hearts.

Wing - Calgary, Alberta (Formerly from Hong Kong)
2022-09-11 16:28:04

thank you for your service…

Cathie - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-11 16:27:10

Her Majesty was the epitome of strength under pressure. From WW2 to Royal family problems to COVID, her wisdom and dedication brought all her subjects encouragement and peace. Thank you, Madam, for your service.

Michelle - Sedgewick, Alberta
2022-09-11 16:27:09

You are the only Queen I have known throughout my life. It is difficult to imagine this world without your grace, steady guidance and optimism. To you, Queen Elizabeth II, the most gracious of all, thank you for your decades of dedication and service.

Gail - Victoria, BC
2022-09-11 16:26:19

An amazing lady who leaves behind a legacy like no other before her.
RIP Queen Elizabeth

Lee - Orillia Ontario
2022-09-11 16:26:19

I have so much Respect and Admiration for the late Great Queen Elizabeth II due to her countless work. She's the only Queen I know, your Legacy shall remain. May your Soul Rest In Peace.

Sonia J & Eric G - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:26:09

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Her Majesty the Queen will be missed immensely. Even though I didn’t know her personally she has been an inspirational figure for me. She was kind, stable, strong, loving and warm, very much like my own Grandma. You will be missed dearly, thank you.

Lisa - North Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-11 16:26:08

We were saddened to hear about the passing of an amazing woman who had shared so much of herself despite being very private. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and the UK people.

Sandra - Orleans, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:26:07

Rest in peace, dear Queen. God save the King!

Efim - United States
2022-09-11 16:25:47

My sincere condolences to the Royal Family on the loss of their dear Mom, Grandmom, Great Grandmom Queen Elizabeth II. I remember well waking in the morning and our Mom telling us that our King had died and we now had a Queen. Rest well Queen Elizabeth II and God Save King Charles III.

Lena - Stephenville, NL
2022-09-11 16:25:09

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, to a woman who I have great respect for. You have dedicated your life not only to the common wealth but to the entire world and most of all your place with your family. You have kept your promises to serve the people. Now it’s time for you to rest with Phillip. R. I. P. You will always be remembered. 

Anna - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:24:15

Thank you for your service to Canada. May you rest in eternal peace with your loved ones.

Monica - Cochrane, Alberta
2022-09-11 16:24:13

Our Queen will be deeply missed. Sympathies to her family. Rest in peace your Majesty.

Marion - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:23:59

Rest in Peace

Siiri - New Westminster, B.C.
2022-09-11 16:23:58

My thoughts and prayers are with you all. May you always hear the queen whispering to you all when the winds blow. When rain drops fall they are the queen gently kissing your cheeks. When the sun shines the queen is warming your harts. The Queen will always remain in your harts for ever. Safe journey your majesty as you travel towards your love ones.

Gillian Lavallee - Winnipeg Manitoba
2022-09-11 16:23:52

Our sincere condolences to the Royal family on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. She fulfilled her promise to the people and left the world better for those that knew her and admired her. May she rest in peace.

Andrea - Oakville, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:22:33

There can be no greater honour than to be a member of the Commonwealth with the Royals at the helm. Condolences to the family Windsor. God Save The King!

Dr Kenneth Michael Beck - Evanston, IL USA
2022-09-11 16:22:29

Mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille. Vous étiez une grande reine. Un exemple à suive , une inspiration.

René - Candiac, Québec
2022-09-11 16:22:22

Condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.

Joan Scott - Grandview, Manitoba Canada
2022-09-11 16:22:16


Rupinder - Alberta
2022-09-11 16:21:58

My condolences to the family and to all citizens who regard her as Her Majesty The Queen.
I'd like to acknowledge the profound impact of the great Queen Elizabeth the second. I've read many unofficial biographies and I'm in awe of her life experiences and how exceptionally well she composed herself throughout it all.
Queen Elizabeth the second has been a consistent figure of my time on this Earth.
Her wit, calming demeanor, and poignant, timely messages will be greatly missed.

Erica - Born and raised in Montreal, currently live in Panama.
2022-09-11 16:21:27

Thank you, your Majesty, for having been an extraordinary example of how true leadership comes from service.

Stephen and Constance - Amherst, Nova Scotia
2022-09-11 16:21:07

May you rest easy now Queen Elizabeth in the arms of your loving Husband Prince Philip.
You will always be our Queen.
My Condolences to all the Royal Family, all of UK and the world.

Angela - Elko,BC
2022-09-11 16:21:06

Her Majesty was a figure of stability for Canada and much of the world. She will be sorely missed. Rest In Peace Your Majesty

Emma Jennings-Fitz-Gerald - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:20:52

My sincere sympathy to the Royal Family. I am 70 years old and when I was only 6 years old, I watched her checking the troops at the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa. She was dressed in blue and was so graceful. She has been an excellent monarch and will be so missed. May God bless King Charles as he assumes the throne.

Margery - Woodstock Ontario Canada
2022-09-11 16:20:45

To His Royal Highness King Charles 111. Please accept my sincerest condolences to both you and your family on the passing of your mother Queen Elizabeth 11. She was a grand lady, and will be dearly missed ..She has now been reunited with your father Prince Philip. May she Rest in Peace

Marie - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:20:32

Thank you, Your Majesty, for your service to Canada and the Commonwealth. You have been a pillar of strength and light in our lives. God Bless you Ma’am.

Victoria - Embrun, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:20:16

Sincere Condolences to all of the Royal Families. Your Queen is now taking her well deserved rest she will always be watching over you's so make her Proud Your Majesty may you R.I.P 

Theresa - St. Catharines ,Ontario
2022-09-11 16:20:12

Rest easy Queen Elizabeth

Ada - Ottawa
2022-09-11 16:19:34

Queen Elizabeth, you were always there as I grew up! I admired your calm demeanour through good times as well as the sad times. Will miss you greatly but will always stand with the monarchy! Rest In Peace Queen Elizabeth! God save the King!

Shirley - Brandon, Manitoba
2022-09-11 16:19:31

My deepest sympathy to the Royal family
The Queen was a beautiful kind person and will be sadly missed R.I.P God now has another angel.

Diane - Chateauguay qc
2022-09-11 16:19:00

The actual words that would be meaningful to readers are missing and deepest meaning cannot be explored to heighten how grateful I am to see the queen in the early 60's when I was in primary school in Africa.
It's an honor to be part of those sharing their condolences to the family members especially King Charles, Prince William and Harry. May her soul rest in peace. Amen

Christian - Welland, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:18:55

Thank you for serving your country and the world with your knowledge and all that is good for the future generations to learn from. A fine lady special to so many people.

Elizabeth - Halifax, Nova Scotia
2022-09-11 16:18:51

Our deepest sympathies- Our Queen was a great lady and she will be missed.

Kathleen - Antigonish Nova Scotia
2022-09-11 16:18:40

You raised us up, Thank you

Sandra - Victoria, BC
2022-09-11 16:18:25

My deepest sympathy to the Queen's family on the loss of a great woman.

Lynne - Stoney Creek, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:17:53

Rest In Peace your majesty. With love from Canada

Crystal - Calgary Alberta
2022-09-11 16:16:57

Our deepest sympathy to the Royal Family Queen Elizabeth will be missed

Marlene Carkner - Prince George BC
2022-09-11 16:16:54

May Queen Elizabeth RIP. The world would go a long time to have another person as decent as her. God Bless her.

Hayden - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:16:47

A life lived in service with compassion and restraint.

allan - Woss, BC
2022-09-11 16:16:40

Her Majesty will be sorely missed. Best wishes to the family in all of their individual changes during this difficult time. Lots of love from Canada!

Jody M - London, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:16:29

We will miss you

Dallas - Cranbrook, BC
2022-09-11 16:16:22

My deepest sympathies to the whole Royal Family. I feel like I have lost a loved one along with you. She was my Queen and a person that I admired. She will be missed. God speed!

Sandra - Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
2022-09-11 16:16:20

Thank you Ma’am. May God grant you eternal rest.

Gerald - Bedford, Nova Scotia
2022-09-11 16:16:19

She will sadly be missed by many .. Rip your majesty

Carol - Welland on
2022-09-11 16:16:14

My condolences to her Majesty’s family. It’s amazing that I’m 52 and she has been Queen my whole life. From the bottom of my heart I give thanks to Queen Elizabeth II for her dedication, devotion and 70 years of service to her people. As a Canadian I say goodbye to my dear Queen. We must adjust to new times and welcome King Charles III and eventually King William, King George will proceed. God save our future Kings and save the future of the monarch.

Julia Gamble - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:16:07

What a sad loss for a beautiful and beloved Queen. My condolences for her family and her people. May she rest in peace. She will be missed.
God save the King.

Mona - Chilliwack, BC
2022-09-11 16:16:00

My heartfelt condolences to the Royal Family at this time. Thank you for all the years of service. Rest in Peace.

Mary - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-11 16:15:46

You were a shining light in our world, your Majesty. Thank you so much for everything you did. Rest in peace now and forever.

Rachael - Thornbury, Ontario
2022-09-11 16:15:44

With deepest admiration, respect and a very heavy heart.
Rest In Peace your Majesty.

Shirley - North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
2022-09-11 16:15:39

The queen will forever live in our hearts

Alissa - Picton ontario
2022-09-11 16:15:18


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