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Booth 3
3D printing and modelling

SSC is using 3D printing and modelling to develop prototyping skills that can be applied to future projects. 3D printing and modelling are instrumental in creating custom objects required for various work and projects.

SSC is currently printing cases and boxes for SSC Internet of Things projects. (Don’t miss Booth 4 - Internet of Things in the GC to learn more about this technology!) This enables SSC to simulate, test and monitor the sensor, saving time and money.

At the booth, you will see 3D printers, 3D scanners and examples of printed objects. You’ll also have the opportunity to observe and even test the 3D printing process.

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Booth location on map

Booth 3 - 3D printing and modelling is located in the Ottawa Room.

Salle Victoria Espace de l'innovation Salle Ottawa Vestiaire Entrée Enregistrement Entrée Carte de référence Niveau Terasse Escaliers Kiosque Salle detoilettes Ascenseur Trajet Cafétéria Direction Victoria Hall Innovation Lounge Coat check Entrance Check-in Entrance Map Legend Stairs Booth Washrooms Elevator Path Ottawa Room st Terrace Level Entrancefrom parkinggarage Cafeteria Direction 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8A 8B 7B 7A 6 5 4 3 2 1