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Booth 19
Incident remediation through automation

Experience the power of automation in transforming incident resolution on the Government of Canada (GC) network.

SSC is using intelligent automation to enhance network service delivery, increase speed and provide network stability. This means Canadians can access services around the clock. Visit Booth 18, Proactive solutions for network monitoring and management.

Step into the world of automation and witness its real-time power at this booth. Our experts will demonstrate the seamless conversion of device configurations from one vendor to another using pre-defined templates, showcasing the efficiency and agility of automation. Experience the true potential of event-driven automation as we simulate an incident and observe the automatic remediation process in action. Gain insight into how automation is reshaping network management, thereby ensuring faster response times and improved network reliability.

Don’t miss this opportunity to see incident resolution and witness how SSC is raising the bar with innovative automated solutions.

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Booth 19 - Incident remediation through automation is located in Victoria Hall.