Application for Permanent Residence – Business Immigration Program – Start-up Business Class (IMM 5759)

I can’t apply online and require accommodations

If you, your sponsor (if you are being sponsored by a family member) or representative can’t apply online and require accommodations, including for a disability, you may ask for an alternative format. After we review your request, we’ll send you the application package in one of these formats:

  • paper
  • braille
  • large print

To request another format:

  1. Open a new email.
  2. In the subject line of your email, include
    • the format you need (paper, braille, or large print)
    • the application package you want
  3. In the body of your email, include
    • your full name (principal applicant) as shown on your passport
    • the full name of your sponsor, if you’re being sponsored by a family member
    • a statement explaining that you’re asking for an alternate format
    • whether you want the application in English or French
    • how we should send it to you (by email or regular mail)
      • Include your email address if you want us to send it electronically, so you can print it yourself. This option will save you the time it would take to mail it to you.
      • Include your mailing address (in Canada only) if you want it mailed to you.
  4. Send your email to:

We will only reply to requests for alternative formats. We won't reply to any other emails. After we get your request, we’ll reply with instructions and tell you where to send your application.

To submit your application

  • fill out and sign any paper forms
  • return the application by mail or courier to the mailing address provided in our instructions

Track your application

We recommend you use a postal or courier service with tracking so you have proof your application was delivered.

Find out how to check if your application has been received.

For more information about applying with an alternate format, call 1-888-242-2100 (from within Canada only).

Table of Contents


Application package

This application package has:

  • an instruction guide, and
  • the forms you need to fill out.

The instruction guide:

  • has information you must know before you submit your application, and
  • explains how to fill out the forms and gather your supporting documents.

Read the instruction guide completely and then fill out each of the applicable forms.

For an application to be considered complete, the principal applicant must fill out the forms listed below and must submit them all in the Permanent Residence Online Application Portal for the principal applicant and each of their dependants. Incomplete applications will be returned.

The forms include questions that will help the processing of your application.

Symbols used in this guide

This guide uses these symbols to draw your attention to important information:

Required step
What you must do to have your application processed.
Important information

Important information that you need to know to avoid delays or other problems.

Get more information

Where to get more information.

Note: Tips that will help you with this application.

Before You Apply

Permanent Residence under the Business Immigration Program

Technical issues with commitment certificate numbers

If you get an error message when entering your commitment certificate number in the portal, contact your designated organization. We’re working to fix this issue.

Effective April 30, 2024, applicants must provide their commitment certificate number in order to submit their application in the permanent residence portal. Applicants must submit their application on or before the expiration date of the commitment certificate and the letter of support. Please note that failure to comply with these requirements will result in a rejection of your application. We strongly encourage all applicants to ensure that they meet these requirements to avoid any delay.

The Business Immigration Program

Canada welcomes successful business people who are seeking new opportunities and challenges. The Business Immigration Program is designed to encourage and facilitate the admission of these individuals. Both the federal and provincial/territorial governments welcome business immigrants and offer services to help immigrants start a business and settle in Canada.

This guide will help you to apply under the Start-up Business Class. Please read carefully the definitions and the instructions below.

Note: You cannot apply under the Start-up Business Class if you intend to reside in Quebec.

Using a representative

Note: If a paid representative is submitting your application online on your behalf, they must sign in to their Representative Portal account to do so. You, as the Primary Applicant, need to electronically sign your application and your representative must also provide their declaration before submitting the application.

If you (the principal applicant) want to authorize a representative to act on your behalf (paid or unpaid) you must

  • submit a Use of a Representative [IMM 5476]  (opens in a new tab) form
  • sign it digitally or by hand and get your immigration representative to do so also
  • upload it with your application

If you (the principal applicant) want to allow us to release information from your application to someone other than yourself who will not act as your representative you must


Start-up Business

A start-up business must be a new business intended to be operated in Canada which meets the criteria of a qualifying business, meaning that the new start-up business has received a commitment from:

  1. a designated angel investor group confirming that it is investing at least $75,000 in a qualifying business or two or more designated angel investor groups confirming that they are together investing a total of at least $75,000 in such a business;
  2. a designated venture capital fund confirming that it is investing at least $200,000 in a qualifying business or two or more designated venture capital funds confirming that they are together investing a total of at least $200,000 in such a business; or
  3. a designated business incubator confirming that it is accepting the applicant into its business incubator program.

Note: An investment is defined as “buying shares or other forms of equity in the applicant’s business” and therefore, convertible debt or convertible debenture is not permitted.

Designated Entity

An angel investor group/venture capital fund/business incubator designated by the Minister and eligible to issue commitments under the Start-up Business program.

Qualifying Business

A qualifying business meets the following requirements:

  • A corporation that is incorporated in and carrying on business in Canada is a qualifying business if, at the time the commitment is made, both of the following are true:
    • Each applicant holds 10% or more of the voting rights attached to all shares of the corporation outstanding at that time
    • Applicants and the designated entity jointly hold more than 50% of the total voting rights attached to all shares of the corporation outstanding at that time

In order to qualify for the Start-up Business Class, a business should be incorporated and carrying on business in Canada at the time the commitment is made. However, consideration will be made for a qualifying business whose incorporation is conditional upon the attainment of permanent residence by the applicant(s).


A "commitment" is an agreement between the applicant and the designated entity to establish and incorporate a qualifying business in Canada. The designated entity must be one which appears in the list of designated private sector businesses. Proof and details of this agreement will be submitted in the form of a term sheet/client agreement along with the Commitment Certificate for the purposes of processing.

Qualified Participant

A person who has been issued a permanent residence document based on their application as a member of the Start-up Business class

A designated angel investor group

A designated venture capital fund.

Essential Person

A person who is considered to be essential to the business and who has been identified as essential by the designated angel investor group, venture capital fund or business incubator on the commitment certificate and Letter of Support. If the application for an essential person is refused for any reason, all other applications related to that commitment will also be refused.


A term sheet/client agreement (Signed by the designated entity) in combination with a Commitment Certificate completed by an authorized member of the designated entity, binding the applicant to a designated entity. (See angel investor network, venture capital fund or business incubator above).

Commitment Certificate

A commitment sent electronically to IRCC from the designated angel investor group, venture capital fund or business incubator along with the term sheet/client agreement.

Letter of Support

A letter given to the applicant by the designated angel investor group, venture capital fund or business incubator which the applicant must include with their application.

Do you intend to reside in Quebec?

Individuals who intend to reside in Quebec are not eligible to apply under the Start-up Business Class. Under the Canada-Quebec Accord on Immigration, Quebec establishes its own immigration requirements and selects immigrants who will adapt well to living in Quebec. If you intend to come to Canada as a Quebec-selected permanent resident, you must first contact the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration (MIFI).

You may also consult the Quebec-selected skilled workers page for more information.

Stay informed

Selection criteria, requirements and other information for applicants can sometimes change. Please note that:

  • Applications will be processed according to the rules and regulations in effect at the time of the application. These may change at any time.
  • Our Apply to immigrate to Canada page contains the latest news, selection criteria updates and applications links. Check periodically for updated information.

Eligibility criteria

For your application to be eligible for processing, you must:

  • have received a Letter of Support from a designated entity
  • meet the language requirements
  • have sufficient settlement funds (transferable and available funds, free of debts or other obligations and excluding any investment made by a designated entity into their business)

Note: No more than five persons may be part of a single commitment from a designated business entity. If your commitment has more than one person related to the business proposal, an application for each person named in the Commitment Certificate must be received before final decisions will be made on any of the applications. 

The following information will help you determine if you meet the eligibility criteria indicated above.

Note: Starting April 30, 2024 in order for any application associated with a commitment certificate to be processed, all applications associated with that commitment certificate must have been received when submitting your application otherwise the group will be considered incomplete and rejected.

If you do not meet all of the criteria described above, do not submit an application under the Start-up Business Class, as your application will be refused. Check the other classes to see if you satisfy their eligibility criteria.

Important information. It is important that you make a careful assessment before you apply because certain fees, such as the processing fee, are non-refundable, even if your application is refused.

What are the requirements for applicants under the Start-up Business Class?

Your application to come to Canada under the Start-up Business Class will be assessed on a pass/fail basis against three requirements. The three requirements are:

  • Requirement 1:  Commitment from a Designated Entity
  • Requirement 2:  Ability in English, in French or both
  • Requirement 3:  Settlement Funds

If you meet all three requirements indicated above, then you may qualify to immigrate to Canada under the Start-up Business Class.

Below are detailed descriptions of all the requirements that are to be assessed. Carefully review the following information and then decide if you want to apply under this class.

Requirement 1: Commitment from a Designated Entity

Private sector organizations demonstrate their support of your business idea by providing you with a Letter of Support which details the commitment they are willing to make towards your new business. They will send further details in the form of a Commitment Certificate directly to IRCC for assessment.

For your application to be eligible for processing, you must have received a Letter of Support from:

  • a designated angel investor group confirming that it is investing at least $75,000 in a qualifying business or two or more designated angel investor groups confirming that they are together investing a total of at least $75,000 in such a business, or
  • a designated venture capital fund confirming that it is investing at least $200,000 in a qualifying business or two or more designated venture capital funds confirming that they are together investing a total of at least $200,000 in such a business, or
  • a designated business incubator which confirms that it accepting a qualifying business into its program.

What to do with the Letter of Support once you have it?

You must include your Letter of Support with your application. If you do not, your application will be returned to you as incomplete.

Where to obtain a Letter of Support?

Consult the list of designated venture capital funds, angel investor groups and business incubators.

How long is the Letter of Support valid for?

Each Letter of Support is valid for a period of six months from the date it was issued. This means that we must receive your application for permanent residence under the Start-up Business Class within six months of the Letter of Support being issued.

Requirement 2: Ability in English, in French or both

The ability to communicate and work in one or both of Canada’s official languages is very important to you as a business immigrant. Proficiency in English, French or both will help you in the Canadian labour market.

You meet the language proficiency requirement for the Start-up Business Class if you have a level of proficiency of at least benchmark level 5 in either official language for all four language skill areas, as set out in the Canadian Language Benchmarks and the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens.

You will be assessed on the following language skill areas:

  • listening,
  • speaking,
  • reading, and
  • writing.

You must provide proof of your language proficiency with your application.

Proof of language proficiency

For your application to be eligible for processing, you must include a copy of the results of one of the following language tests from a designated language testing organization with your application:



Note: If you do not submit a copy of the results of your official language proficiency test with your application to the Central Intake Office (CIO), your application will not be processed and will be returned to you as incomplete.

Your test results must not be more than two years old at the time that you submit your application.

Official language testing

To prove your language skills, you must take a language test given by a designated language testing organization, and include the results with your application.

In order to know which language tests we accept, please refer to the Language testing - Start-up Business page.

Requirement 3: Settlement funds (money required to settle in Canada)

The Government of Canada does not provide financial support to business immigrants.

You must also show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family after you arrive in Canada.

The money must be available to support the costs of living for yourself and your family. The amount is an estimate of what you would require to support yourself and your family without employment or other income. The funds must be:

  • available and transferable
  • free of debts or other obligations.

You cannot borrow this money from another person.

The amount of money you need to support your family is determined by the size of your family. These amounts are updated every year. Check the Proof of funds page to make sure you have the most recent information.

You must submit proof of settlement funds with your application. If you do not, your application will not be processed and will be returned to you as incomplete.

For proof of funds, you must get official letters from any banks or financial institutions where you are keeping money.

Letter(s) must:

  • be printed on the financial institution’s letterhead
  • include their contact information (address, telephone number and email address)
  • include your name
  • list outstanding debts such as credit card debts and loans
  • include, for each current bank and investment account:
    • account numbers
    • the date each account was opened
    • the current balance of each account
    • the average balance for the past six months

Sufficient funds are determined according to the applicant’s family size, including both accompanying and non-accompanying family members, using 50% of the current low income cut-off (LICO) for urban areas with populations of 500,000 or more.

We strongly recommend that you research the cost of living in the region of Canada where you intend to live. To make your establishment in Canada easier, bring as much money as possible with you to Canada.

You should be aware that Canadian legislation requires persons entering Canada to declare cash funds of $10,000 CDN or more. You will have to disclose these funds to a Canadian official upon arrival. Cash funds means:

  • money (coins or bank notes),
  • securities in bearer form (stocks, bonds, debentures, treasury bills, etc.), and
  • negotiable instruments in bearer form (bank drafts, travellers’ cheques, money orders, etc.).

Biometric (fingerprints and photo) requirements

You and your family members may need to appear in person to have fingerprints and a photograph (biometric information) taken at a biometric collection service point.

Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada are exempt from giving biometrics.

As of December 3, 2019, you need to give biometrics when you apply from within Canada. You can go to a designated Service Canada location.

Find out if you need to give biometrics.

If you have to give biometrics, you can give them after you:

  • pay for and submit your application and biometric fees; and
  • get a Biometric Instruction Letter (BIL) which will direct you to a list of biometric collection service points you may choose from.

You must bring the BIL with you to the biometric collection service point to give your biometrics.

We encourage you to give your biometrics as soon as possible after getting the BIL. We’ll start processing your application after we get your biometrics.

Where to give your biometrics

You need to book an appointment to give your biometrics at one of these official biometric collection service points.

Step 1. Gather Documents

What documents are required?

Use the Document Checklist [IMM 5760] (opens in a new tab) which you can find in this package to assist you gathering the necessary documentation.

Important information: Incomplete applications will be returned by email. For your application to be considered complete, you must include

  • all the information asked for, on the online forms from you
  • the forms completed by the principal applicant, and
  • all supporting documents requested    

If you do not provide all the requested information or documents, the processing of your application could be delayed.

If you can’t provide one or more documents required on the document checklist, you must provide a written explanation for each missing document so your application is not delayed in processing or returned to you as incomplete. You must also provide any other evidence or documents you have available to satisfy the requirement. Upload them as the document type that was asked for.

It’s helpful to include any proof that you applied to get supporting documents (for example, a marriage certificate payment receipt). The officer processing your application will contact you if they need more information.

Medical requirements

You and your family members must undergo an immigration medical exam (IME)in order to become a permanent resident of Canada. You and your family members must not have a health condition that:

  • is a danger to public health or safety, or
  • would cause excessive demand on health or social services in Canada.

Examples of “excessive demand” include ongoing hospitalization or institutional care for a physical or mental illness.

Find out more about immigration medical exams.

Important information: You must inform us immediately of any change in your marital status or your family composition (e.g. marriage, common-law relationship, separation, divorce, birth of a child, adoption of a child, death, etc). Any family member who has not been examined before you become a permanent resident can never be sponsored by you in the future.


Information on medical instructions will be provided to you by the IRCC office. When you receive your assessment notice you will also receive medical forms for yourself (and any dependants, if applicable) and instructions on how to access a list of doctors in your area who are authorized to conduct IMEs (see below).

Note: You are not required to have an IME before you submit your application forms.

Exam validity

Medical results are valid for twelve months from the date of the IME. If your application is not finalized during this time, you may be required to do another medical exam.

Authorized doctors

The IME must be performed by a doctor from the IRCC list of Panel Physicians. You cannot choose your family doctor if their name is not on this list. See the list of Panel Physicians to find a doctor in your area.

Note that the doctor is only responsible for conducting the IME and cannot give you any advice on the immigration process.

Police certificates

If you and your family members are 18 years of age and older and aren’t permanent residents or Canadian citizens, you must provide a valid police certificate for any country other than Canada in which you spent 6 or more months in a row since the age of 18.

Note: You do not need to provide a police certificate from a country if you or your family members were under 18 years of age the entire time you lived in that country.

If the original certificate isn’t in English or French, you must get an accredited translator to translate it. You must include both the police certificate and the translation.

We’ll also do our own background checks to see if there are reasons why you or your family members may not be admissible to Canada.

For specific and up-to-date information, see our guide on where to get a police certificate.

Translation of documents

You must include the following along with any document that is not in English or French:

Translations may be done by:

  • a person who is fluent in both languages (English or French, and the unofficial language); or
  • a Canadian certified translator (a member in good standing of a provincial or territorial organization of translators and interpreters in Canada).

If the translation isn’t done by a Canadian certified translator, the person who completed the translation must provide an affidavit swearing to their language proficiency and the accuracy of the translation.

The affidavit must be sworn in the presence of:

In Canada:

Authority to certify varies by province and territory. Consult your local provincial or territorial authorities.

Outside of Canada:

  • a notary public

Authority to administer oaths varies by country. Consult your local authorities.

small exclamation warning signImportant information: Translations must not be done by the applicants themselves nor by members of the applicant’s family. This includes a parent, guardian, sibling, spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, grandparent, child, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew and first cousin.

Note: An affidavit is a document on which the translator has sworn, in the presence of a person authorized to administer oaths in the country where the translator is living, that the contents of their translation are a true translation and representation of the contents of the original document. Translators who are certified in Canada don’t need to supply an affidavit.

Certified true copies

To have a photocopy of a document certified, an authorized person must compare the original document to the photocopy and must print all of the following on the photocopy:

  • “I certify that this is a true copy of the original document”;
  • the name of the original document;
  • the date of the certification;
  • the name of the authorized person;
  • their official position or title; and
  • their signature.

Who can certify copies?

Only authorized people can certify copies.

Important information: Certifying of copies must not be done by the applicants themselves nor by an applicant’s parent, guardian, sibling, spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, grandparent, child, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew or first cousin.

People authorized to certify copies include the following:

In Canada:

Authority to certify varies by province and territory. Check with your local provincial or territorial authorities to learn who has the authority to certify.

Outside Canada:

  • a notary public

Authority to certify international documents varies by country. Check with your local authorities to learn who has the authority to certify in your country.

Step 2. Complete the Application

Follow the step-by-step instructions below to complete the application forms.

Filling out the application

Sign in or create a Permanent residence online application portal account.

 You must fill out these digital forms online

You’ll fill out these digital forms online (for yourself, and any family members 18 or older)

You must also fill out these PDF forms

Complete and sign these PDF forms, if they apply to you

Important information. It is a serious offence to give false or misleading information on these forms. The information you provide on your application may be subject to verification.

Important information

Be complete and accurate

Complete all sections on the forms. If a section does not apply to you, write “Not Applicable” or “NA”.

If you need more space for any section, include an additional page containing the appropriate section, complete it and upload it with your application. For the document type, choose “other.”

Uploading additional documents to your online application

To submit supporting documentation with your online application (e.g. your Curriculum Vitae (CV)/Resume, a copy of the exact status in Canada document you submitted with your 2020 interest to sponsor form, etc.) select “Other” from the drop-down menu (Document type) and upload your documents or other additional information which can be in any of the following formats: JPG, JPEG or PDF.


If signatures are missing (when this applies), we will return the application by email without processing it.

As the principal applicant, you’ll electronically sign for the entire application, including your family members by typing your full name exactly as it is shown on your passport.


  • Remember to check for signature requirements and sign when needed, either by hand or electronically. If forms are not signed in the correct places, and by the correct people, we will return your application without processing it.
  • Signatures may be required in more than one place or from more than one person on some forms.
  • Where a date is needed, make sure you fill it in.
  • A parent or legal guardian must sign on behalf of a dependent child under the age of 18 when a signature for this person is required.

Step 3. Pay the Fees

Calculating your fees

Use the table below to calculate the total amount of fees to be paid. The processing fee must be included with your application.

We recommend you pay the right of permanent residence fee ($575) now to avoid delays. You will have to pay it before you become a permanent resident.

Application (per person) $CAN
Your application
Processing fee ($1,810) and right of permanent residence fee ($575)
Your application (without right of permanent residence fee) 1,810
Include your spouse or partner
Processing fee ($950) and right of permanent residence fee ($575)
Include your spouse or partner (without right of permanent residence fee) 950
Include a dependent child 260

For applicants who started an immigration process before August 1st, 2014, see the Definition of Dependent Children Before August 1st, 2014.

Note: The following persons are exempt from paying the Right of Permanent Residence Fee of $575:

  • Your dependent children;
  • You, if you are the principal applicant and the dependent child of a permanent resident or Canadian citizen. You must meet the definition of “dependent child” at the time of the application;
  • You and your family member, if you are a protected person.
Biometrics fees $CAN
Biometrics (per person) 85
Biometrics (per family) (2 or more people)

Maximum fee for a family of 2 or more people applying at the same time and place


Payment Issues

No fee included or insufficient fees

If you do not pay the full fees for your application(s) we will return your application(s). We will only start processing your application after you return it with the correct fees.

blue question mark For immigration applications, see section 10 of the IRPR and for citizenship applications, see section 13 of the Citizenship Act for more information.


If you pay more than the fees needed for your application(s) we will start processing your application, and send you a refund as soon as possible.

Note: You don’t have to ask for a refund. It will be done automatically.

Note: If you’re eligible for a refund, we will issue the refund to the person indicated on the Payer Information section of the receipt (if a receipt is attached to a paper application or uploaded as part of an online application). If you paid directly within an online application (no receipt attached), or if there is no name indicated on the receipt, we will send the refund to the applicant.

stop sign

Only online payments are accepted in Canada. If any other forms of payment are received, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will return your application.

How to pay the fees for your application

To pay your fees for your application you’ll need:

  • a valid email address;
  • a credit card, Debit MasterCard® or Visa® Debit card.

Follow these instructions to pay your fees online.

stop sign hand Do not exit without printing or saving the receipt! The receipt is your proof of payment!

  • At the end, click on the “Save” button to save a PDF copy of the IRCC official receipt.
  • Upload a copy of this receipt to your online application when asked.

Additional fees

You must also pay for the following for yourself and your family members (if applicable):

  • medical examinations;
  • police certificates;
  • language assessments.

Step 4. Submit the Application

Now that you’ve prepared your application, you must submit it online for processing. To help make sure the application can be processed as quickly as possible:

  • answer all questions
  • electronically sign your application (type your full name exactly as shown on your passport)
  • include your processing fee receipt
  • upload all the supporting documents

What Happens Next?

The application process


Completion check: Once you have submitted your application, we will check to determine that all required application forms have been properly completed and submitted, the application processing fee has been paid, and that all requested supporting documentation has been provided.

If your application package does not meet these requirements, we will return it to you. No file will be created or record kept until a complete application has been submitted.

Acknowledgment of receipt: If your application is complete, we will begin to process it. You will be sent a letter that:

  • notifies you of this fact and provides you with your visa office file number,
  • sets out some basic instructions for contacting us,
  • gives you a brief outline of future processing steps.


Review for decision

Your application will undergo a detailed review by an IRCC Officer. The Officer will consider all the information and documentation you have provided, and will assess it against current selection standards.

What you can do to help processing

There are certain things you can do to help make sure your application is processed as fast as possible:

  • submit all documents and information we have asked for with your application
  • pay your application and biometric fees (if required)
  • provide your biometrics as soon as possible (if required)
  • tell us if your contact information changes, including:
    • mailing address;
    • telephone numbers;
    • facsimile number (fax);
    • e-mail address.

Things that delay processing

The following may delay processing:

  • unclear photocopies of documents;
  • verification of your information and documents;
  • a medical condition that may need more tests or consultations;
  • a criminal or security issue;
  • consultation is needed with other offices in Canada or abroad.

For more information

Current processing times

You can check current processing times on the Application processing times webpage.

In Canada and the United States

You may also Contact Us or go online to see the current status of your application:

  1. Click on Check application status, and
  2. Follow the instructions provided.

For details about how to remove your application status information from the Internet, visit the “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) section.

If you are outside Canada and the United States:

Contact the Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate responsible for your region.

Protecting your information

Your personal information is:

  • available to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) employees who need to see it to provide the services to you, and
  • not disclosed to other organizations except as permitted under the provisions of the Privacy Act or the Citizenship Regulations.

For more information about the protection of your data, visit the Frequently Asked Questions/Help Centre.

Quality Assurance Program

Our quality assurance program randomly chooses applications for a special review. If chosen, we will ask you to attend an interview with an IRCC official to:

  • verify that the documentation and any other information you submitted is accurate,
  • verify that your application has been completed properly.

Note: We will notify you in writing if your application is chosen.

Need help?

If you need help, you can find answers to your questions by visiting the Help Centre.

Appendix A: Photo specifications

Notes to the applicant

Take this information with you to the photographer

  • Photos may be in colour or in black and white.
  • Photos must be original and not altered in any way or taken from an existing photo.
  • Photos must reflect your current appearance (taken within the past twelve (12) months).

Applying online

  • Upload 1 photo taken within 12 months of the date you apply and include images of the front and back of the photo.
  • For digital photos, the information required for the back of one photograph can be provided as one separate document with a confirmation from the photo studio (e.g. receipt). This document should be uploaded in the Portal section titled “Additional Supporting Documents - Other”.

Additional details for digital photos:

The photograph must be:

  • in JPEG or PNG format;
  • measurements must be between 715x1000 and 2000x2800 pixels;
  • file size must 4 MB or less;
  • a scanned photo (don’t take a picture of a paper photo with your digital camera or phone).

Notes to the photographer

The photo must be:

  • taken by a commercial photographer;
  • 50 mm x 70 mm (2 inches wide x 2 3/4 inches long) and sized so the height of the face measures between 31 mm and 36 mm (1 1/4 inches and 1 7/16 inches) from chin to crown of head (natural top of head);
  • clear, sharp and in focus;
  • taken with a neutral facial expression (eyes open and clearly visible, mouth closed, no smiling);
  • taken with uniform lighting and not show shadows, glare or flash reflections;
  • taken straight on, with face and shoulders centered and squared to the camera (i.e. the photos must show the full front view of the person’s head and shoulders, showing the full face centered in the middle of the photo);
  • taken in front of a plain white background with a clear difference between the person’s face and the background. Photos must reflect and represent natural skin tones and not be altered.
Image described below

The back of the photo must include:

  • the name and date of birth of the person in the photo
  • the name and complete address of the photography studio
  • the date the photo was taken;

The photographer may use a stamp or handwrite this information. Stick-on labels are not accepted.

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