Save Time: Send a Complete Application
This tutorial video shows you how to complete your application correctly and avoid common errors that can cause delays. It will help anyone traveling or immigrating to Canada, applying for Canadian citizenship, sponsoring a refugee or filling out other Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) applications.
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Save Time: Send a Complete Application
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Transcript: “Save Time: Send a Complete Application”
Video length: 8:12 minutes
Background music plays.
The host appears and stands on the right side of the screen. There is a spinning red globe that appears on the left side of the screen.
Host: “Are you planning to travel or immigrate to Canada, apply for Canadian citizenship or sponsor a refugee?”
Image of spinning red globe disappears.
An image of the generic application form for Canada appears in the background while the host continues speaking.
Host: “Are you filling out any other Citizenship and Immigration Canada applications?”
The video changes to a close-up of the host.
Host: “Excellent! I’m here to help you complete your application correctly and avoid common errors that result in application delays—and get you on your way faster.”
The host fades away.
The text “Save time: send a complete application” appears on screen to the sounds of typing.
The host reappears on the right side of the screen. His name, David, appears as text on the left side of the screen to the sounds of typing. Underneath, the text “Citizenship and Immigration Canada” appears on screen.
Host: “Hi, my name is David and I work for Citizenship and Immigration Canada—or CIC.”
The video changes to a close-up of a big pile of application forms on a table.
Host: “We get thousands of applications each year from people around the world. It seems that Canada is a popular place!”
The shot of the pile of application forms disappears. A woman appears on screen, pulls back a chair and sits at a table with a laptop and paperwork in front of her.
The woman holds the mouse with her right hand and is looking at the computer screen.
Host: “What you may not know is that many applications we receive are incomplete.”
The woman disappears from the screen.
The video changes to a close-up of the host on the left side of the screen.
Host: “Sometimes, applicants don’t fill out their applications in full—or they send applications that are missing some of the documents we need.”
In the background, an image of an application checklist appears.
Host: “Others forget to sign their forms. In all of these cases, we have to return the applications without processing them.”
The background image disappears, leaving the host alone on screen.
Host: “Unfortunately, this means that valuable time is lost while applicants resubmit their applications to us and wait for them to be processed.”
The video changes to a wide shot of the host, on the right side of the screen.
Host: “I’m here to help you save time … and worries. Watch carefully as I walk you through the most common mistakes that applicants make.”
Host: “Feel free to pause the video at any time to check your form and materials.”
An image of a pause button appears on the left side of the screen with swoosh and clicking sound effects, while the text “Pause” appears to the right of the button.
Host: “Press play again when you’re ready to continue.”
An image of a play button appears on the left side of the screen with swoosh and clicking sound effects, while the text “Play” appears to the right of the button.
The buttons disappear and an image of the CIC Video Centre Web page appears on the left side of the screen, while the host stays on the right.
Host: “And don’t forget! The Video Centre on our website has other useful tutorials to help you complete your application, so be sure to take a look.”
The image of CIC’s website disappears, and the video changes to a close-up of the host.
Host: “Let’s start with filling out your application. All of our applications are available online.”
The host disappears and the video changes to a shot of a laptop screen, which is seen over the shoulder of a woman while she is typing.
The video changes to a close-up of the computer screen while the woman is reading an “Application for Temporary Resident Visa Made Outside of Canada” form, scrolling up and down.
Host: “The best way to fill out your form is on your computer. It’s easier to read and process.”
Host: “Some forms include a ‘Validate’ button at the top or bottom of the page. If your form has this feature, make sure to click the button once you have completed the form. This will tell you if you’ve filled out all sections. If you haven’t, it will highlight incomplete sections of the form in red.”
The woman clicks on the blue “Validate” button at the top of the form. There is a clicking sound effect. The image of the computer screen shows the form with highlighted sections in red.
The video changes to a close-up of the host.
Host: “When you are working with our online or PDF forms …”
The host disappears and the woman working on the laptop reappears.
Host: “… remember that you can stop and save your work at any time.”
The video shows a close-up of the computer screen as the woman clicks on the “Save” button.
Host: “This makes it easy for you to locate documents or research your answers.”
The woman reappears on the screen, sitting at a computer desk with laptop and paperwork. She is going through and verifying paperwork.
Host: “You can return to your application later to finish it.”
The woman disappears, and the shot changes to a close-up of the host.
Host: “Here’s a real problem area: often, we find that people skip questions or leave them blank.”
A wide shot of the host on the left side of the screen is shown.
Host: “Be sure to answer all the questions on your form. Do not leave empty question boxes or blanks.”
The text “Do not leave empty question boxes or blanks” and an image of a red “X” appear on the left side of the host. There is a swoosh sound effect and the sound of an “X” being marked.
Host: “If the question does not apply to you, simply write N/A, meaning ‘not applicable’.”
The text “Write N/A” and an image of a green check mark appear on the left side of the host. There is a swoosh sound effect and the sound of a check mark being made.
The text disappears.
The video shows a close-up of the host.
Host: “The lesson here? Send us a complete application. Answer all the questions.”
The text “Answer all questions” appears on the left side of the host with swoosh and clicking sound effects.
The host and the text disappear from the screen.
The video shows a close-up of the woman sitting at a computer desk and typing. The shot changes to a close-up of her fingers typing on the keyboard. There are typing sound effects.
Host: “It is also important to be clear with your answers—to avoid confusion during processing.”
The shot changes to a close-up of the host.
Host: “Sometimes, we receive applications that are hard to read or difficult to understand. If CIC staff do not understand or cannot read an answer, the application will be returned.”
The host disappears and the shot changes back to the woman sitting at the computer desk in front of a laptop. She is holding a big yellow envelope and putting documents into it for mailing.
Host: “The applicant has to fix the problem and resubmit the forms to us to be processed.”
The woman disappears, and the shot changes to a close-up of the host.
Host: “Filling out your application on a computer is always the best approach. Answers are easier to read, which makes applications easier to process.”
The shot changes to a wide shot of the host on the left side of the screen.
Host: “Another tip: Answer all questions completely. In other words, give us the facts.”
The text “Clear and correct answers” and an image of a green check mark appear on the left side of the host. There is a swoosh sound effect and the sound of a check mark being made.
The text and green check mark disappear.
Host: “Sometimes people give vague or irrelevant answers.”
The text “NO vague or irrelevant answers” and an image of a red “X” appear on the left side of the host. There is a swoosh sound effect and the sound of an “X” being marked.
Host: “Try to avoid this by giving us complete and detailed answers.”
The text and red “X” disappear.
A faded image of a person’s hands typing on a keyboard appears in the background as the host speaks.
Host: “For example, if a question requests your address in Canada, do not simply write Canada. Please provide as complete an address as possible.”
The image of a person’s hands typing on a keyboard fades to a white background while the host speaks. The host is standing on the right side of the screen.
Host: “At minimum, include the name of the town or city and province in Canada.”
The shot changes to a close-up of the host.
Host: “If you’re not sure of the exact location, do not leave it blank. Make sure you search for the right answer and include it.”
The text “NO unanswered questions” appears on the left side of the host with a swoosh sound effect.
The shot changes to a wide shot of the host standing on the right side of the screen.
Host: “Another common problem area is photos. We have very specific photo requirements—and these are clearly outlined in each application kit. They’re sometimes different for different applications.”
An image of an application guide on the CIC website appears on the left side of the screen.
Host: “We often receive photos that do not meet our specifications. Sometimes they’re damaged. Or they are not clear, too dark, or have shadows.”
The Permanent Resident Card Photo Specifications appear on the screen. The page scrolls down to show examples of photographs that do not meet CIC’s photo specifications.
The photo specifications disappear, and the host is shown standing on the right side of the screen. A woman sitting down at a computer desk, typing on a laptop, is shown in the background. The background fades to white.
Host: “Unfortunately, we have to return the entire application to you and ask you to send new photos when you resubmit your application.”
The shot changes to a close-up of the host.
Host: “Your best approach is to bring the photo specifications in your application package to your photographer.”
The text “Bring photo specifications to your photographer” and an image of a green check mark appear on the left side of the host. There is a swoosh sound effect and the sound of a check mark being made.
Host: “Check the photos when you receive them to make sure they meet our needs.”
The text “Check your photos” appears on the left side of the host with a swoosh sound effect.
Host: “When you are ready to submit your application, remember to include all supporting documents. This means photos, fee receipts and supplementary forms.”
The shot changes to show a woman sitting at a computer desk with laptop and paperwork. The woman is gathering the papers together and inserting them into an envelope.
Host: “Supporting documents include items such as passports, birth certificates, medical information, financial statements, language test assessments or sponsor forms.”
The woman disappears from the screen, and the host appears on the right side of the screen. The text “Supporting documents include” appears on the left side of the screen, with a swoosh sound effect. Under this text, a list of supporting documents appears and moves upwards. The text in the list says: “Passports, Birth certificates, Medical information, Financial statements, Language test assessments, Sponsor forms.”
The text disappears and is replaced by a faded image of a document checklist.
Host: “Go through the checklist to see what, if any, supporting documents are needed—and include them with your application.”
The text “Use the checklist” and an image of a green check mark appear on top of the image of the checklist. There is a swoosh sound effect and the sound of a check mark being made.
The image of the document checklist, the text, and the green check mark disappears, but the host is still standing on the right side of the screen.
Host: “When applying by mail, always send originals, unless the application guide or document checklist says photocopies are acceptable.”
The text “Check application guide or document checklist to see if originals or photocopies are required” and an image of a green check mark appear on the left side of the host. There is a swoosh sound effect and the sound of a check mark being made.
A small picture of an Asian woman and an image of a Permanent Resident Card appear under the text.
The text and images disappear and the woman reappears sitting at a computer desk with a laptop, putting her paperwork together.
Host: “Another common mistake happens when applicants send us the wrong types of supporting documents.”
The text “DO NOT substitute documents” and an image of a red “X” appear below the woman and desk. There is a swoosh sound effect and the sound of an “X” being marked.
Host: “Keep in mind that we do not accept substitutes.”
The previous text disappears off the screen. The text “Send correct documents” and an image of a green check mark appear below the woman and desk. There is a swoosh sound effect and the sound of a check mark being made. The text disappears.
Host: “If we have asked for a birth certificate, do not send a passport instead. Other identification that lists your complete name and birth date is not always acceptable.”
Host: “Read the questions carefully and go through our checklist to make sure that you are following the proper steps.”
The woman at the computer desk disappears from the background. The host remains on the right side of the screen.
The text “Read questions carefully” and an image of a green check mark appear first to the left of the host, and then the text “Use checklist” and another image of a green check mark appear underneath. There are swoosh sound effects and then the sound of a check mark being made.
The text disappears.
Host: “What do you do if you can no longer obtain an original document—like a birth certificate—that is needed for your application? If you’re in this situation, you must provide a statutory declaration or affidavit.”
An image of a type of statutory declaration appears on the left side of the screen, while the host remains on the right side.
The image disappears. The host remains on the right side of the screen.
Host: “To find out when and how to provide a statutory declaration or affidavit, refer to the guide in your application kit.”
The shot changes to a close-up of the host.
Host: “If you cannot provide an original document that is required, tell us why. Do not leave the section blank, and do not write N/A. Remember, save time. Send us a complete application so you can get on your way faster.”
The video changes to a wide shot of the host, who is standing on the right side of the screen.
Host: “Be sure to provide us with the right number of identification documents. If we have asked for more than one, that means we need more than one for your application to be considered complete.”
The host disappears from the screen.
The woman sitting at a computer desk with her laptop and paperwork reappears on the screen and is writing with a pen on a piece of paper.
Host: “Don’t forget to fill out and include any supplementary forms that are required. These are extra forms that you may need to fill out.”
The text “Include supplementary forms” and an image of a green check mark appear to the right of the woman and desk. There is a swoosh sound effect and the sound of a check mark being made. The text disappears.
Host: “Check your application guide, locate the right forms and complete them. Do you have a family? Spouse or dependants—or both? Make sure you provide all the information we need for your entire family.
The shot changes and the host reappears in a wide shot on the right side of the screen while an image of a diverse group of people appears on the left side of the screen.
Host: “If they’re not coming with you to Canada, you must still provide their information as requested on the application.”
The image disappears. The host remains on the right side of the screen.
The video shows a close-up of the host.
Host: “You’re almost ready to send your application package to CIC, right? It’s time to stop and review everything.”
The shot changes to a wide shot of the host on the right side of the screen.
Host: “Have you included photos? Supporting documents? And all required supplementary forms? Don’t forget to include the correct fee. Make sure you double-check the amount and include it in full. Sign all documents related to your fees.”
A list of words appears on the screen. The text reads: “Photos, Supporting documents, Supplementary forms, Correct fee, Sign all documents” and there is a swoosh sound effect each time a word appears.
The host disappears from the screen. The video shows a close-up of the woman’s hands putting together documents on a computer desk, with a laptop and coffee mug in the background. The close-up continues as the woman’s hand is shown picking up a pen and filling out an application checklist.
Host: “Do one last review of the document checklist in your application kit. Make sure you’ve included all the information and materials we require.”
The host reappears on the right side of the screen.
Host: “Remember, it is important to send a complete application to avoid processing delays—and get on your way faster. Your application will be returned to you if there are problems or if you are missing information or documents.”
The host disappears from the screen.
A close-up of the woman’s hands on the keyboard appears, to the sound of typing.
Host: “You will be asked to fix the problems or obtain the correct documents, then resubmit your application to us. This takes time and causes delays.”
The shot changes to show the woman putting paperwork together and getting ready to insert it into an envelope.
The shot changes and the host reappears on the right side of the screen.
Host: “If you need to provide extra information to support your application, you may include a note with your application package.”
An image of an application form with a blank sheet of paper on top of it appears in the background to the left of the host.
The text “To provide extra information to support your application, include a note on a separate piece of paper” appears underneath the application form to the sound of a swoosh.
Host: “The note should be provided on a separate piece of paper and should include additional details you want to give CIC.”
The shot changes to the woman sitting at a computer desk with a laptop and paperwork. She is putting her documents together and inserting them into an envelope.
Host: “However, do not provide documents that we have not requested.”
The text “Do not send documents we have not requested” and an image of a red “X” appear to the right of the woman and desk. There is a swoosh sound effect and the sound of an “X” being marked. The text disappears.
Host: “Finally, remember to sign and date your application.”
The woman gets up from the computer desk with the envelope and leaves.
Host: “We need your signature and the date for your application to be considered complete and valid.”
The host reappears on the right side of the screen while the text “Sign and date” and an image of a green check mark appear to his left. There is a swoosh sound effect and the sound of a check mark being made.
Host: “Depending on the form you’re filling out, you may need to sign in more than one place. Be sure to read the application and guide carefully.”
A close-up of a hand signing a document appears in the background behind the host, who is still standing on the right side of the screen. The background fades away to white.
Background music starts.
Host: “You’ll find all application guides and checklists on our website at”
The text “Find guides online at” appears on the left side of the host, to the sound of typing.
Host: “Be sure to use them.”
The video shows a close-up of the host.
Host: “If you’re like most people, you probably don’t like delays. My best advice? Skip the frustrating step of having an incomplete application returned to you.”
The host disappears, and the text “Save time: Send a complete application” appears on the screen to the sound of typing.
Host: “Save time. Send us a complete application.”
The screen fades to black.
The text “Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, represented by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 2012” appears on the screen. The music stops.
The Citizenship and Immigration Canada federal identity logo appears on the screen.
The Canada word mark appears on the screen.
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