Start-up Visa Program

Canada’s Start-up Visa Program targets immigrant entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build businesses in Canada (outside Quebec) that

You have a business idea

Apply through the Start-up Visa Program

To apply for the Start-up Visa Program, you must

  • pitch your qualifying start-up to a designated organization and get their support
  • meet the language requirements
  • bring enough money to settle

Start your start-up visa application

Get a work permit while you wait

If you already applied for permanent residence through the Start-Up Visa Program, you might be able to work in Canada while you wait if you

  • show that your business will provide a significant economic benefit to Canada
  • bring enough money to settle

Start your temporary work permit application

You want to support a business

Help an entrepreneur with their start-up

As a designated organization, you can develop your own process for receiving proposals from immigrant entrepreneurs. You can also develop your own criteria to assess them.

It’s up to you to find potential immigrant entrepreneurs you’d like to support.

Find a start-up to support

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