Chapter 205 - Summary of Allowances for Officers and Non-Commissioned Members (effective 26 May 2021)

Please refer to CBI Chapter 205 for entitlement conditions associated to the below allowances. 


DESCRIPTION (Updated list effective May 26, 2021)

CBI Ch 205
Environmental Allowances
Paratroop Allowance (PARATROOP), CBI 205.30 Paid monthly to a paratrooper who is qualified and current in military parachuting, and who performs parachute jumping on a continuous basis when posted to a designated paratrooper position.
Casual Paratroop Allowance (CASPARA), CBI 205.305 Paid at a daily rate to CAF members who are ordered or instructed to jump from an aircraft in flight on a casual basis.
Rescue Specialist Allowance (RESSPECA), CBI 205.31 Paid monthly to Search and Rescue Technicians (SAR Techs) who perform assigned duties associated with search and rescue operations on a continuous basis and when posted to a designated rescue specialist position.
Casual Rescue Specialist Allowance, CBI 205.315 Paid per incident to a member who is a rescue specialist or undergoing training to be a rescue specialist and is ordered or instructed to jump from an aircraft in flight, fly in an aircraft or dive in any combination thereof in accordance with the order or instruction. 
Aircrew Allowance (AIRCRA), CBI 205.32 Paid monthly to pilots or operators of airborne equipment who are either aircrew badge qualified or flight crew badge qualified and exposed to flying conditions on a continuous basis when posted to a designated aircrew position.
Casual Aircrew Allowance (CASAIRCRA), CBI 205.325 Paid at a daily rate to CAF members who are ordered to fly as a functional member of an aircrew or undergoing training to become qualified in the operation of aircraft and are ordered or instructed to fly, except as a passenger or paratrooper on an aircraft. 

Land Duty Allowance (LDA), CBI 205.33

Paid monthly to CAF members who are exposed to environmental conditions associated with field operations on a continuous basis and posted to a designated position.
Casual Landy Duty Allowance (CASLDA), CBI 205.335 Paid at a daily rate to CAF members who are exposed to field conditions on a casual basis for a period greater than 24 hours for the purpose of conducting military related operations and training. Excludes members who are serving with, supervising, administering or training Cadets and undergoing adventure training.
Diving Allowance (DIVGA), CBI 205.34 Paid monthly to divers who are qualified and current in military diving (clearance, ship, or combat) and who perform diving duties on a continuous basis when posted to a designated diving position.
Diving Deep Danger Allowance, CBI 205.341 Paid at a daily rate to clearance divers who are ordered or instructed to dive more than 200 feet underwater in a submersible at least once a day. 
Diving Experimental Saturation Allowance, CBI 205.342 Paid at a daily rate to divers (clearance, ship, or combat) who are ordered or instructed to participate in an experimental saturation dive and decompression for at least a continuous 24-hour period.
Casual Diving Allowance (CASDIVGA), CBI 205.345 Paid at a daily rate to a member who is a diver or undergoing training to be a diver or is either a medical officer or assistant who performs diving duties on a casual basis. 
Sea Duty Allowance (SDA), CBI 205.35 Paid monthly to CAF members who perform duties on a surface ship on a continuous basis, when posted to a designated position.
Casual Sea Duty Allowance (CASSDA), CBI 205.355 Paid at a daily rate to CAF members who perform duties on a surface ship on a casual basis, when that ship is not in refit or on a diving tender that is in home port. 
Hypobaric Chamber Allowance, CBI 205.36 Paid at a daily rate to aero-medical training officers or technicians who perform assigned duties inside a high altitude (hypobaric) chamber
Submarine Allowance (SUBA), CBI 205.37 Paid monthly to CAF members who perform duties where there is continual and substantial exposure to the environmental conditions associated with submarine operations on a submarine that is not in refit, and posted to a designated position.
Casual Submarine Allowance (CASSUBSA), CBI 205.375 Paid on a casual basis to CAF members who perform duties on a submarine away from its home port for at least 24 continuous hours.
Exceptional Hazard Allowance (EHA), CBI 205.38 Paid per incident to CAF members required to perform disposal procedures on a known or suspected improvised explosive device or any other extremely hazardous chemical, explosive substance or prime charge. In addition, compensates personnel deployed on Op LASER, Op VECTOR and Op GLOBE, who are at greater risk of exposure to COVID-19 due to their duties.  
Special Operations Allowance (SOA), CBI 205.385 Paid monthly to CAF members who perform duties for special operations on a continuous basis when posted to a designated special operations position.
Casual Special Operations Allowance (CASSOA), CBI 205.3855 Paid at a daily rate to CAF members who perform duties for special operations on a casual basis.
Special Operations Assaulter Allowance (SOAA), CBI 205.401 Paid monthly to assaulters who are qualified and current in assaulter operations and training of assaulters who perform assaulter duties for special operations on a continuous basis when posted to a designated assaulter position.
Casual Special Operations Assaulter Allowance (CASSOAA), CBI 205.4015 Paid at a daily rate to CAF members who do not occupy a designated assaulter position and perform assaulter operations and training of assaulters for special operations on a casual basis.
Submarine Crewing Allowance (SUBCA), CBI 205.41 Paid monthly to compensate members for crewing or for their readiness-to-crew submarines and who occupy a position on a submarine.
Special Allowances  
Post Living Differential (PLD), CBI 205.45 Paid monthly to CAF members to reduce the adverse financial impact on military members and their families when posted to a PLDA (excluding isolated posts) with a COL above the national average. 
Transitional Post Living Differential, CBI 205.452 Paid monthly to CAF members to help offset cost of living fluctuations and supplement Post Living Differential (PLD).
Maternity and Parental Allowances (MATA/PATA), CBI 205.461 Paid to CAF members to supplement their Employment Insurance or Quebec Parental Insurance Plan while they are on maternity or parental leave.
Allowance for Personal Requirements, Persons Held in Service Custody, CBI 205.47 Paid at a daily rate to members identified in the Code of Service Discipline, National Defence Act (NDA) para 60(1) (d-j) in custody and without funds.
Imprisonment Allowance, CBI 205.475 Paid at a daily rate to support the rehabilitation of imprisoned CAF members who are committed to the Canadian Forces Service Prison and Detention Barracks whose pay and allowances have been forfeited.
Stress Allowance for Test Participants, CBI 205.48 Paid at a daily rate to CAF members who participate in physiological, psychological or other tests authorized by or under the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS).
Court Allowance Reserve Force Legal Officer, CBI 205.505 Paid at a daily rate to Reserve Force legal officers who participate in court proceedings.
Recruitment Allowance (RA), CBI 205.525 Paid in one or more lump sums to eligible members enrolling in understrength military occupations.
Allowance - Loss of Operational Allowances (ALOA), CBI 205.36 Paid monthly to CAF members to replace Special Duty Area or Operation (SDA or SDO) related allowances lost as a result of becoming ill or injured.
Clothing Allowance  
Civilian Dress Assistance Allowance (CDAA), CBI 205.57 Paid monthly to CAF members required to wear civilian clothing on a continuous basis for at least 70% of the member’s normal working hours when performing that duty.
Casual Civilian Dress Assistance Allowance  (CCDAA), CBI 205.575 Paid at a daily rate to CAF members required to wear civilian clothing on a casual basis for at least 70% of the member’s normal working hours when performing that duty.
Payments to Dependants of Personnel Deceased or Missing  
Special Allowance - Dependants of Deceased Personnel, CBI 205.72 Paid to a deceased or missing CAF member’s dependants when that member was in receipt of Isolation Allowance, Foreign Service Allowance or other allowances related to place of duty.
Death Gratuity - Reserve Force, CBI 205.73 Paid to a deceased or missing Reserve Force member’s spouse, common-law partner or estate to compensate for their loss.
Leave Entitlement - Payment to Service Estate, CBI 205.74 Paid to a deceased or missing CAF member’s service estate to cash-out the member’s remaining leave.
Payment in lieu of Annual Leave, CBI 205.75 Paid to a CAF member in lieu of them taking their annual leave.
Payment in lieu of Accumulated Leave, CBI 205.76 Paid to a CAF member in lieu of them taking their accumulated leave.
Payment in lieu of Retirement Leave CBI 205.77 Paid to a CAF member in lieu of them taking their retirement leave.

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