Chapter 10 – Foreign Services Instructions
On this page
Section 1 – Interpretation
Section 2 – General Provisions
- 10.2.01 – Intent of Military Foreign Service Instructions
- 10.2.02 – Application of FSD
- 10.2.03 – Commencement and Termination of Eligibility
- 10.2.04 – Unaccompanied Member
- 10.2.05 – Entitlement of a Member Deployed or Assigned
- 10.2.06 – Members Enrolled or Re-Enrolled Outside Canada
- 10.2.07 – Release Outside Canada
- 10.2.08 – Leave Without Pay
- 10.2.09 – Maternity or Parental Allowance
- 10.2.10 – Travel Points
- 10.2.11 – Remuneration Paid by a Third Party
- 10.2.12 – Exchange Rates
- 10.2.13 – Separation Expense
- 10.2.14 – Annual Report
- 10.2.15 – Request for DCBA review
Section 3 – Operation Allowances
- 10.3.01 – General Provisions
- 10.3.02 – Eligible Members
- 10.3.03 – Application by Deployment Status
- 10.3.04 – Operations Foreign Service Premium
- 10.3.05 – Hardship Allowance
- 10.3.06 – Hardship Allowance Bonus
- 10.3.07 – Risk Allowance
- 10.3.08 – Environmental Allowances
- 10.3.09 – Post-Combat Reintegration Allowance
- 10.3.10 – Unused Special Leave (Mission) During Non-Combat Operations
- 10.3.11 – Transportation on Special Leave
- 10.3.12 – Transportation Assistance to a Rest and Relaxation Centre
- 10.3.13 – Determination of Hardship and Risk Allowance Levels
- 10.3.14 – Laundry Expenses
- 10.3.15 – Accommodations
Section 4 – Meal Allowance
Section 5 – Shelter and Related Provisions
- 10.5.01 – Definitions
- 10.5.02 – Intent
- 10.5.03 – Eligible Members
- 10.5.04 – Opting Out
- 10.5.05 – General Provisions
- 10.5.06 – Crown-Held Accommodation
- 10.5.07 – Allied Nation Accommodation
- 10.5.08 – Rent Ceiling
- 10.5.09 – Rent Allowance
- 10.5.10 – Rent Share
- 10.5.11 – Waiver of Rent Share
- 10.5.12 – Accommodation Payments, Advances and Recovery
- 10.5.13 – Utility Share
- 10.5.14 – Utility Allowance
- 10.5.15 – Furniture and Appliance Rental
- 10.5.16 – Purchase of Furniture and Appliances
- 10.5.17 – Rental Search Fees
- 10.5.18 – Accommodation Deficiency Adjustments
- 10.5.19 – Maintenance or Repair Costs
- 10.5.20 – Grounds Maintenance Assistance
- 10.5.21 – Rent or Lease Liability
- 10.5.22 – Expenses to Settle Dispute
- 10.5.23 – Expenses for Leased Accommodation
- 10.5.24 – Local Move
- 10.5.25 – Laundry Expense
Section 6 – Travelling and Dependant Care Expenses for Dependants on Briefing Programs and Foreign Language Training
Section 7 – Repealed by TB 1 March 2022
Section 8 – Dependant's Health Care Expenses
Section 9 – Special Dependants
Section 10 – Relocation Expenses for a Person Qualifying as a Dependant or Special Dependant During Posting
Section 11 – Daycare Assistance
Section 12 – Education and Related Care of Dependent Children
Section 13 – Employment Assistance for Spouses and Common-Law Partners
Section 14 – Foreign Service Allowances
Section 15 – Post Living Allowance
Section 16 – Post Differential Allowance
Section 17 – Telephone Calls
Section 18 – Post Transportation and Related Expenses
Section 19 – Gymnasium or Health Club Fees
Section 20 – Posting Loan
Section 21 – Home Leave Travel Allowance
Section 22 – Post Travel Assistance
Section 23 – Compassionate Travel
Section 24 – Safe Storage Expense Benefit
Section 25 – Emergency Evacuation and Loss
Section 26 – Compensation for Damage or Loss of Household Goods and Effects
Section 27 – Inheritance
Section 28 – Custodial Expense and Private Motor Vehicle Storage
10.1.01 – Definitions and Abbreviations
The definitions and abbreviations in this instruction have general application in this chapter. Definitions with limited or specific application appear in the applicable section of this chapter.
10.1.01(1) Definitions
- actual and reasonable expenses
- the actual expenses incurred, and supported by proof of payment; and
- the reasonable amount that the Canadian Forces judges to be both appropriate and justifiable based on experience of what such costs should be in the circumstances, and within the limits of this Chapter. (frais réels et raisonnables)
(TB, effective 1 Mar 2022)
- approving authority
Means the :
- Commander Canadian Defence Liaison Staff (London);
- Commanding Officer, Canadian Defence Liaison Staff (Washington);
- Commanding Officer, Canadian Forces Support Unit (Colorado Springs);
- Military Foreign Service Officer/ OUTCAN VCDS;
- Commanding Officer, Canadian Forces Support Unit (Europe);
- J1, Canadian Joint Operations Command (limited in application to the Compassionate Travel Assistance, as set out in MFSI 10.23);
- J1, Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (limited in application to the Compassionate Travel Assistance, as set out in MFSI 10.23); or
- Children's Education Management Section (limited in application to the Education and Related Care of Dependent Children, as set out in MFSI 10.12).
(TB, Modified 1 March 2022)
- assignment
means a posting, attached posting or attached posting (temporary) to a permanent or training position outside Canada at a post other than a Chief of the Defence Staff designated International Operation. An assignment also includes encumbering a temporary OUTCAN position, for the sole purpose of augmenting a CAF OUTCAN unit at a post other than a Chief of Defence Staff designated International Operation. For greater clarity, an assignment does not include remote work arrangements. (assignation)
(TB, modified 1 April 2024)
- attached posting
means the temporary deployment or assignment of less than 365 days, of a member into a permanent position on the establishment of a component, sub-component, formation, task force, base, training establishment, unit or element, other than that in which the member is ordinarily employed and in which the member continues to fill a position. (affectation temporaire)
(TB, modified 1 April 2024)
- attached posting (temporary)
means the temporary deployment or assignment of between fourteen to sixty days or more, of a member in direct support of a post or an operation other than that in which the member is ordinarily employed and in which the member continues to fill a position. (affectation temporaire (provisoire))
- compensation day
means a day within a week on which work is normally scheduled for the member by the member’s commanding officer. (jour de rémunération)
- cross-posting
means a posting from one post outside Canada to another post outside Canada.
- crown-held accommodation
means accommodation owned, leased or administered by the Crown other than a residential housing unit or single quarters and, unless the Minister otherwise directs, includes accommodation provided directly to a member by the host government.
(TB, effective 1 January 2025)
- day
means a calendar day and days are counted consecutively.
(TB, effective 1 April 2009)
- dependant
for the purposes of this chapter
- the member's spouse or common-law partner who resides with the member at the post for a minimum of eight months in a twelve-month period, but does not include such persons when they are living separately from the member for other than Canadian Forces reasons;
- the member's dependent child; or
- the member's special dependant.
(TB, modified 17 August 2023)
- dependant child
for the purposes of this chapter means the member’s or the member’s spouse’s or common-law partner’s biological child, stepchild, legal ward, adopted child or child adopted under a Canadian indigenous custom adoption practice – if the child resides with the member at the post–or previous place of duty in Canada for a minimum of eight months in a twelve-month period and who:
- is under 21 years of age, resides with the member at the post and is not married or in a common-law partnership;
- is 21 or more years of age, and is dependent on the member by reason of mental or physical disability
- notwithstanding (a) and (b) a dependent child who accompanies a member outside Canada and reaches the age of 21 during the posting, but only remains a dependant child for the duration of that posting for the purposes of Section 5 and the CAFRD. (enfant à charge)
(TB, modified 1 April 2024)
- dependant student
for the purposes of this chapter means a student who is a child of the member or of the member's spouse or common-law partner who:
- is under 21 years of age at the commencement of the school year;
- is not residing with the member because that student is in full-time attendance at an educational institution away from the post; and
- is not married or in a common-law partnership.
(TB, modified 17 August 2023)
- deployment
means a posting, attached posting or attached posting (temporary) to an operation outside Canada designated by the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) and controlled by the Commander Canada Joint Operations Command (CJOC) or Commander Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM) in an area designated by the Minister of National Defence or by allied nations if participation of CAF personnel is approved by a National Authority to Deploy (NAD). (déploiement).
(TB, modified 1 April 2024)
- Family Configuration
means the member who is at post and the number of dependants who are normally residing with the member at the post for at least eight months of any consecutive 12 month period as follows:
- unaccompanied means a member who is not accompanied by a dependant;
- accompanied by one dependant means that one dependant is residing with the member at the post;
- accompanied by two dependants means that two dependants are residing with the member at the post;
- accompanied by three dependants means that three dependants are residing with the member at the post; and
- accompanied by four or more dependants means that four or more dependants are residing with the member at the post.
(TB, effective 1 Mar 2022)
- father or mother
Means the:
- the biological parent or parents;
- a step-parent
- a person or persons formally appointed legal guardian of a member or the member’s spouse or common-law partner; or
- a person standing in the place of a father or mother who, prior to the member’s enrolment, had undertaken the responsibilities and fulfilled the duties of a father or mother.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
- Force Employer
means an operational level commander responsible for force employment. (Utilisateur de la Force)
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
- Foreign Service Directives
are a system of allowances and benefits for Public Service employees that are co-developed by participating bargaining agents and public service employers at the National Joint Council of the Public Service of Canada.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
- household goods and effects
means the personal belongings, including the furniture, household effects, household equipment and personal effects of the member and of the member’s dependants (including motorcycles), but does not include personal motor vehicles, livestock or pets. They do not include any effects that are shipped as unaccompanied baggage (UAB) for a restricted or prohibited move.
(TB, effective 1 March 2022)
- member
means an officer or non-commissioned member in the Canadian Forces.
- occupant in a member's household
- a member;
- the member's dependants and special dependants who are residing with the member at the post for a period of at least eight months out of a consecutive twelve-month period;
- notwithstanding paragraph (b) above, dependent students are not to be included as occupants in a member's household.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
- operation
means a CDS designated operation outside Canada to a Theatre of Operations controlled by the Commander CJOC or Commander CANSOFCOM for purposes other than military training or administration. (opération)
(TB, modified 1 April 2024)
- place of duty
has the same meaning as CBI 1.26 – Definitions – Place of duty and Permanent Workplace. (lieu de service)
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
- post
- in respect of a ship’s company on deployment outside Canada into an area designated by the Minister of National Defence or by allied nations, the ship is considered the post.
- in respect of all other deployments means the specific, permanent, physical location associated with the member’s position and where the member ordinarily performs their duties within a Theatre of Operations designated by the Minister of National Defence; and
- in all other cases, a place of duty outside Canada.
(TB, modified 1 April 2024)
- posting
means a permanent change in the member's place of duty, normally of twelve months or more. A member who has dependants may be posted accompanied or unaccompanied.
- post index
means an expression of the price differential between the cost of living at the post including the surrounding area of the post, and Ottawa, as reported by Statistics Canada on a monthly basis.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
- previous place of duty
means the member’s place of duty , immediately prior to the member’s deployment or assignment. (dernier lieu de service)
(TB, modified 1 April 2024)
- private-home daycare
also referred to as home-based child care, means a licensed child care facility that is provided in a private residence other than the home of the dependent child or children.
(TB, effective 1 April 2009)
- private motor vehicle
means a registered, licenced, insured, road worthy and operable sedan, sports car, station wagon, minivan, Sport Utility Vehicle , crossover, van, pick-up, or 4-wheel drive vehicle of one-ton rating or less registered in the member’s name or in the name of the spouse or common-law partner, or a dependant, the primary purpose of which is for regular family conveyance. This definition excludes racing cars, campers/RVs, motorcycles, and any other vehicle which does not meet the above criteria. (véhicule à moteur privé)
(TB, modified 1 April 2024)
- rent allowance
means the monthly amount in local currency established under MFSI 10.5.09 (Rent Allowance) paid to a member to permit the member to rent accommodation of a standard established under Section 5 – Shelter and Related Provisions. (indemnité de loyer)
(TB, effective 23 July 2003)
- reside
means, in respect of a dependant residing at the foreign post, that the dependant resides full time with the member at the post, notwithstanding temporary absences which do not exceed a total of 120 days within each 12 month period. For the purpose of this definition, the first 12 month period shall commence on the date of arrival of the dependant and each subsequent 12 month period shall commence on the anniversary date of the initial arrival.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
- service couple
“service couple” has the same meaning as employee couple in FSD 2 and means two individuals assigned to the same post, or to different posts, who are married to each other or who are in a common-law partnership recognized under QR&O Article 1.075 (Common-Law Partner and Common-Law Partnership) where:
- both individuals are members; or
- one individual is a member and the other is eligible to claim foreign service entitlements from the Government of Canada (e.g., public servant). (couple militaire)
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
- special dependant
means a person designated under Section 9 – Special Dependants. (personne à charge spéciale).
(TB, effective 23 July 2003)
- stopover
means an interruption of travel by a member through a point under a single ticket:
- for a period of time beyond that necessarily required for direct transit through the point; or
- for a period normally extending to the departure time of the next connecting leg of the trip; and
- (exceptionally) including a carrier-scheduled overnight stay.
(TB, effective 1 April 2009)
- Temporary Duty
has the same meaning as in Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction (CFTDTI)
(TB, effective 17 August 2023)
- theatre of operations
means a geographical area outside Canada designated by the Minister of National Defence in which one or more military operations are conducted. (théâtre d’opérations)
(TB, modified 1 April 2024)
- third location
means any location
- outside the member’s post, previous place of duty or home unit;
- any location outside 100km radius from member’s home; and
- if a member is deployed on an operation, any location outside the theatre of operations. (tiers lieu)
(TB, modified 1 April 2024)
- unaccompanied member
means a member with dependants, if the dependants are not moved outside Canada at public expense as a result of the member's posting, attached posting or attached posting (temporary).
(TB, effective 23 July 2003)
10.1.01(2) Abbreviations
- AA
means Approving Authority.
means Accommodation Deficiency Adjustment.
means the Director of Compensation and Benefits Administration.
means the Foreign Service Directives.
- PI
means the Post Index.
means Post Living Allowance.
means a private motor vehicle.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.2.01 – Intent of Military Foreign Service Instructions
The intent of the allowances and benefits under the Military Foreign Service Instructions is to recognize and to facilitate a member’s service outside Canada while occupying a position specifically intended for service outside Canada to ensure that, as much as possible, members should be neither better nor worse off than their counterparts serving in Canada.
(TB, modified 1 April 2024)
10.2.02 – Application of FSD
10.2.02(1) (Equitable Payments) Subject to any direction that may be issued by Treasury Board, if under this chapter a member or the member’s dependants have not received compensation because the relevant circumstances, although not dissimilar to, are different from the circumstances established, the Minister may approve the payment of all or part of that compensation, if in the Minister’s opinion it would be either:
- when a relevant FSD exists, consistent with the practice in the Public Service under that FSD; or
- equitable and consistent with the purpose of this chapter.
(TB, modified 1 April 2024)
10.2.02(2) (Application of FSD) If, under this chapter, a member may claim allowances and benefits or is required to pay a charge in accordance with the terms and conditions established in a FSD, that FSD shall be deemed to apply to the member as if that member were an employee.
10.2.03 – Commencement and Termination of Eligibility
10.2.03(1)(Commencement of eligibility) Unless otherwise specified:
- a member who arrives at the post prior to the member's change of strength (COS) date:
- and who is on leave, is entitled to the applicable allowances and benefits commencing on the member's COS date, or
- and who is not on leave, is entitled to the applicable allowances and benefits commencing on the member's date of arrival at the post;
- a member who arrives at the post on or after the member's COS date, is entitled to the applicable allowances and benefits commencing on the member's date of arrival at the post.
10.2.03(2)(Termination of eligibility) Unless otherwise specified:
- a member who departs the post prior to the member's change of strength (COS) date ceases to be entitled to the applicable allowances and benefits on the date of the member's departure from the post;
- a member who departs the post on or after the member's COS date:
- and who is on leave, ceases to be entitled to the applicable allowances and benefits on the member's COS date, or
- and who is not on leave, ceases to be entitled to the applicable allowances and benefits on the member's date of departure from the post.
10.2.03(3)(Cross-posting) The entitlement to the allowances and benefits of a member who is cross-posted and does not return to Canada on leave at public expense between cross-postings continues, except for Section 5 – Shelter and Related Provisions.
10.2.04 – Unaccompanied Member
A member has a limited amount of time under the CAFRD to move their dependants to the post at public expense. An unaccompanied member, who moves their dependants to the post at their own expense, continues to be an unaccompanied member for the purpose of this chapter.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.2.05 – Entitlement of a Member Deployed or Assigned
10.2.05(1) (Deployment or assignment status) Members are deployed or assigned by means of a posting, attached posting or attached posting (temporary) In order to determine eligibility to allowances and benefits in this chapter, the applicable section must be consulted.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.2.05(2) (Posting) A member who is posted for:
- a period of twelve months or more may be entitled, if eligible, to the allowances and benefits in all applicable sections of this chapter; or
- a period of less than twelve months may be entitled, if eligible, to the allowances and benefits in the following applicable sections:
- Section 2 – General Provisions,
- Section 3 – Operation Allowances,
- Section 4 – Meal Allowance,
- Section 5 – Shelter and Related Provisions,
- Section 6 – Travelling Expenses for Dependants on Briefing Programs,
- Section 8 – Dependant's Health Care Expenses,
- Section 11 – Day-care Assistance,
- Section 12 – Education and Related Care of Dependent Children,
- Section 13 – Employment Assistance for Spouses and Common-law Partners,
- Section 14 – Foreign Service Allowances,
- Section 15 – Post Living Allowance,
- Section 16 – Post Differential Allowance,
- Section 17 – Telephone Calls,
- Section 18 – Post Transportation and Related Expenses,
- Section 19 – Gymnasium or Health Club Fees,
- Section 21 – Home Leave Travel Assistance,
- Section 23 – Compassionate Travel,
- Section 24 – Safe Storage Expense Benefit,
- Section 25 – Emergency Evacuation and Loss, and
- Section 26 – Compensation for Damage or Loss of Household Goods and Effects.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.2.05(3) (Attached posting and attached posting (temporary)) A member who is attached posted or attached posted (temporary) may be entitled, if eligible, to the allowances and benefits in the following applicable sections:
- Section 2 – General Provisions;
- Section 3 – Operation Allowances;
- Section 4 – Meal Allowance;
- Section 5 – Shelter and Related Provisions;
- Section 14 – Foreign Service Allowances;
- Section 15 – Post Living Allowance;
- Section 16 – Post Differential Allowance;
- Section 17 – Telephone Calls;
- Section 18 – Post Transportation and Related Expenses;
- Section 19 – Gymnasium or Health Club Fees;
- Section 21 – Home Leave Travel Assistance;
- Section 23 – Compassionate Travel;
- Section 28 – Custodial Expense and Private Motor Vehicle Storage.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.2.05(4) (Temporary duty originating from Canada) A member who is on temporary duty from Canada to a post outside Canada is only entitled, under this chapter, to the Risk Allowance as set out in CBI 10.3.07 - Risk Allowance. The other allowances and benefits to which a member on temporary duty may be entitled to are set out in the Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instructions.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.2.05(5) (Temporary duty originating from a post outside Canada) A member assigned or deployed whose temporary duty originates from a post outside Canada remains entitled to benefits and allowances under this chapter during the TD period subject to specified limitations – in addition to other allowances and benefits set out in the Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instructions.
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
10.2.06 - Members Enrolled or Re-enrolled Outside Canada
10.2.06(1) (Employment at ordinary residence) A member ordinarily resident outside Canada who is enrolled or re-enrolled outside Canada, and who accepts employment for a continuous period of duty at the location where the member ordinarily resides, is entitled to the allowances and benefits under the following applicable sections:
- Section 2 - General Provisions;
- Section 3 - Operation Allowances;
- Section 5 - Shelter and Related Provisions;
- Section 8 - Dependant's Health Care Expenses;
- Section 10 - Relocation Expenses for a Person Qualifying as a Dependant or Special Dependant During Posting;
- Section 15 - Post Living Allowance;
- Section 18 - Post Transportation and Related Expenses;
- Section 19 - Gymnasium or Health Club Fees;
- Section 24 - Safe Storage Expense Benefit; and
- Section 25 - Emergency Evacuation and Loss;
10.2.06(2)(Third location employment) A member ordinarily resident outside Canada and deployed or assigned for a continuous period of duty outside Canada and away from the location where the member ordinarily resides, shall be entitled to the allowances and benefits of this chapter in accordance with the member's deployment or assignment status.
10.2.06(3)(Application) For the purposes of paragraphs (1) and (2), this chapter applies to the member from the date of arrival at the post to the date of departure on termination of duty at that post, except that this chapter shall not apply during periods of leave without pay.
10.2.07 - Release Outside Canada
If a member elects to remain outside Canada on release, the allowances and benefits in this chapter shall cease on the earliest date of:
- The member’s effective date of release;
- the day before the member commences Retirement Leave; or
- the day member departs from post.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.2.08 - Leave Without Pay
A member who is granted leave without pay during an assignment outside Canada is entitled to the applicable allowances and benefits under this chapter, except for:
- Section 14 - Foreign Service Allowances;
- Section 15 - Post Living Allowance; and
- Section 16 - Post Differential Allowance.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.2.09 - Maternity or Parental Allowance
10.2.09(1) (Included benefits) A member who is entitled to maternity or parental allowance under CBI 205.461 – Maternity and Parental Allowances continues, if the member remains at the post, to receive the allowances and benefits to which the member was entitled to receive immediately prior to commencing maternity or parental leave, except that the following allowances are adjusted in accordance with CBI 205.461:
- Section 14 - Foreign Service Allowances ;
- Section 15 - Post Living Allowance ; and
- Section 16 - Post Differential Allowance .
10.2.09(2) (Benefit adjustments) The allowances specified in paragraph (1) shall be adjusted to recognize:
- a change in rate of pay;
- a change in family configuration;
- a change in the Post Index;
- a revision to the Section 14 rates; and
- a revision to the Section 16 rates.
10.2.09(3) (Period of maternity or parental leave) The period of maternity or parental leave does not count for the purpose of calculating points under CBI 10.14.02 - Foreign Service Premium or for the calculation of number of months served in regard to the Post Differential Allowance bonus.
10.2.09(4) (Temporary absence) If a member on maternity or parental leave is temporarily absent from the post in excess of 25 compensation days, the benefits of Section 15 and 16 shall cease with effect from the 26th compensation day of absence. The member is required to inform the Approving Authority of any absences from the post in excess of 25 compensation days.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.2.10 - Travel Points
A member may collect and utilize travel points accumulated for travel authorized under this chapter.
(TB, 21 March 2024, effective 1 April 2024)
10.2.11 - Remuneration Paid by a Third Party
10.2.11(1)(Application) This instruction applies to members who receive remuneration in whole or in part from a third party, such as Mission Subsistence Allowance (MSA) from the United Nations.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.2.11(2)(Administration) A member in receipt of remuneration from a third party shall provide the AA with appropriate details, for furtherance to DCBA in order to determine the appropriate level of the allowances and benefits to ensure that the member does not receive double benefits.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.2.11(3)(Limitation on entitlement) If a third party pays remuneration in whole or in part to a member, the allowances and benefits set out in this chapter are reduced:
10.2.11(4)(Maximum reduction) No reduction may exceed in amount the total of the remuneration paid by a third party.
10.2.11(5)(Retention of monies) If a reduction is imposed in accordance with this instruction, any monies received as remuneration by the member from a third party is retained by the member in lieu of any allowances and benefits for which a reduction has been imposed under this chapter.
10.2.12 - Exchange Rates
Accountable advances that are permitted in respect of this chapter, may have a different currency exchange rate between the date the advance is made and the date on which it is recovered. The member should neither lose nor gain as a result of currency exchange rate fluctuations under these circumstances. The administration for all losses and gains upon recovery of the advance are the responsibility of the AA.
(TB, amended 17 August 2023)
10.2.13 - Separation Expense
10.2.13(1) A member who is entitled to receive benefits and allowances under this chapter is not normally entitled to the allowances and benefits under CBI 208.997 – Separation Expense.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.2.13(2) A member entitled to the allowances and benefits under CBI 208.997 – Separation Expense who is attached posted or on temporary duty for a period of less than 120 days is entitled to receive applicable benefits and allowances under this chapter.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.2.14 - Annual Report
The Director General Compensation and Benefits shall submit to the Foreign Service Interdepartmental Co-ordinating Committee on 01 November an annual report including:
- the details as to designations of special dependants made under Section 9 – Special Dependants; and
- a listing of members continuing to receive the Foreign Service Premium (FSP) under CBI 10.14.02 – Foreign Service Premium after serving at the same post for seven consecutive years or more, and the reason for continuing the FSP payment.
10.2.15 – Request for DCBA review
A member may request, through their Chain of Command, a DCBA review in the following conditions:
- where the remuneration sought is not clearly addressed within this chapter;
- if DCBA is clearly identified as the AA; and
- where the approval in this chapter is the CMP or the CDS.
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
10.3.01 - General Provisions
10.3.01(1) (Intent) The intent of the allowances and benefits in this section is to assist a member on a deployment.
10.3.01(2) (Remuneration paid by third party) If a third party pays remuneration to a member, the allowances and benefits to which the member is entitled under this section are reduced in accordance with CBI 10.2.11 – Remuneration Paid by a Third Party.
10.3.01(3) (Variation of allowances and benefits) The allowances and benefits may vary within the same operation.
10.3.01(4) Repealed by TB effective 1 Mar 2022
10.3.02 - Eligible Members
10.3.02(1) (Application) This section applies to a member on a deployment and with respect to CBI 10.3.07 - Risk Allowance also to a member on temporary duty.
10.3.02(2) (Service couple) Each member of a service couple is entitled to the allowances and benefits in this section.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.3.02(3) Repealed by TB 1 Mar 2022
10.3.02(4) (Member not entitled) For greater certainty, a member who is on assignment is not entitled to the allowances and benefits under this section.
10.3.03 - Application by Deployment Status
10.3.03(1) (Posting, attached posting and attached posting temporary) A member who is posted, attached posted or attached posted temporary on a deployment, may be entitled to the allowances and benefits under this section applicable to the specific location where they perform their duties, subject to any limitations.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.3.03(2) Repealed by TB effective 1 April 2024
10.3.03(3) (Temporary duty) A member who is on temporary duty is only entitled to receive Risk Allowance at a daily rate not to exceed the monthly rate of the Risk Allowance under CBI 10.3.07, if such a rate exists for the post at which the member is on temporary duty.
10.3.03(4) (Start and end of entitlement) Subject to paragraph (5), the member’s entitlement to the allowances and benefits under this section commence on the date of arrival at the post and cease on the date of the final departure from the post.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.3.03(5) (HMCS or allied ship) A member aboard an HMCS or allied ship is only entitled to the allowances and benefits under this section upon the ship's arrival in the theatre of operations.
10.3.04 - Operations Foreign Service Premium
10.3.04(1) (Intent) The Operations Foreign Service Premium (OPS FSP) is an allowance payable to a member:
- in recognition of service on operations; and
- to cover expenses not specifically covered by other allowances and benefits.
10.3.04(2) (Annual OPS FSP Adjustments) The OPS FSP is adjusted annually by the Director Compensation and Benefits Administration (DCBA), using the same percentage change, if any, established by the Treasury Board.
10.3.04(3) (Amount of OPS FSP) The OPS FSP is paid at a monthly rate, for the status and premium level that applies to the member who is on a deployment, as set out in the table below:
Operations Foreign Service Premium (Effective April 1, 2024 in CAD)
Level | Points | Member |
1A | 0 to 6 | 1,027 |
1B | 7 to 12 | 1,119 |
1C | 13 to 18 | 1,211 |
1D | 19 to 24 | 1,302 |
2A | 25 to 30 | 1,394 |
2B | 31 to 36 | 1,448 |
2C | 37 to 42 | 1,503 |
2D | 43 to 48 | 1,559 |
2E | 49 to 54 | 1,614 |
2F | 55 to 60 | 1,669 |
3A | 61 to 66 | 1,723 |
3B | 67 to 72 | 1,747 |
3C | 73 to 78 | 1,772 |
3D | 79 to 84 | 1,795 |
3E | 85 to 90 | 1,819 |
3F | 91 to 96 | 1,843 |
4A | 97 to 102 | 1,867 |
4B | 103 to 108 | 1,893 |
4C | 109 to 114 | 1,919 |
4D | 115 to 120 | 1,945 |
4E | 121 to 126 | 1,971 |
4F | 127 to 132 | 1,997 |
5A | 133 to 138 | 2,023 |
5B | 139 to 144 | 2,047 |
5C | 145 to 150 | 2,070 |
5D | 151 to 156 | 2,094 |
5E | 157 to 162 | 2,117 |
5F | 163 to 168 | 2,139 |
6A | 169 + | 2,163 |
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.3.04(4) (Point accumulation) Points are accumulated for service on operations at the rate of one point per calendar month of service.
10.3.04(5) (Calculation of points) For the purpose of calculating points under this instruction, a member is considered to have completed a month of service on operation where there is an entitlement to ten compensation days of OPS FSP in a calendar month, except that during a cross-posting on another deployment a member cannot accumulate points on the basis of two periods of ten compensation days within the same calendar month.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.3.04(6) (Partial months) Partial months are counted only during the first and last calendar months of a deployment. All other months are calculated from the first to the last day of a calendar month.
10.3.04(7) Repealed by TB effective 1 Mar 2022
10.3.04(8) (Member absent from post) A member who is absent from the post in excess of 25 compensation days:
- continues to receive OPS FSP if the member is on temporary duty; and
- for other than temporary duty , ceases to receive OPS FSP on the 26th compensation day of the absence and resumes receiving OPS FSP on the first compensation day following the return of the member to the post.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.3.04(9) (Member not returning to the post) A member who is absent from the post, for reasons other than disciplinary reasons, ceases to receive OPS FSP on the 26th compensation day after the departure from the post or on the day it is determined that the member would not return to the post, whichever is earlier.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.3.04(10) (Disciplinary absence) The payment of OPS FSP to a member who is absent from the post for disciplinary reasons ceases on the day of departure from the post and resumes on the day after the member's return to the post.
10.3.04(11) Repealed by TB effective 1 Mar 2022
10.3.04(12) (Points not interchangeable) Points accumulated under this instruction are not interchangeable with FSP points accumulated under CBI 10.14.02 - Foreign Service Premium.
10.3.04(13) (Points accumulated previously) Any points accumulated under section 12 of the Military Foreign Service Regulations are considered to be points accumulated under this instruction.
(TB, amended 17 August 2023)
10.3.05 - Hardship Allowance
10.3.05(1) (Intent) The intent of the Hardship Allowance (HA) is to compensate for the living conditions existing at a specific post.
10.3.05(1.1) (No Entitlement) A member is not entitled to an allowance under this instruction for any period in respect of which they are entitled to be paid travel expenses under the Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction.
(TB, effective 01 August 2019)
10.3.05(2) (Levels of HA) There are seven levels of HA, ranging from zero (CFB standard) to six (austere). The HA level for every post is zero unless determined otherwise in accordance with MFSI 10.3.13 (Determination of Hardship and Risk Allowance Levels).
(TB, effective 1 August 2019)
10.3.05(3) (Amount of HA) HA is paid at a monthly rate, for the level that applies to the international operation on which the member is deployed, as follows:
Table to MFSI 10.3.05(3)
Hardship Allowance (Effective April 1, 2024 in CAD)
Level | Member |
I | 230 |
II | 459 |
III | 689 |
IV | 919 |
V | 1,148 |
VI |
1,378 |
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.3.05(4) (Repealed)
10.3.05(5) Repealed by TB effective 1 Mar 2022
10.3.05(6) (Member absent from post) Subject to paragraphs (1.1), (7) and (8), a member who is absent from the post in excess of 25 compensation days ceases to receive the HA on the 26th compensation day of the absence and resumes receiving the HA on the first compensation day following the return of the member to the post.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.3.05(7) (Member does not return to the post) Subject to paragraphs (1.1) and (8), a member who is absent from the post and subsequently does not return to the post ceases to receive the HA on the 26th compensation day after the departure from the post or on the day it is determined that the member will not return to the post, whichever is earlier.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.3.05(8) (Disciplinary absence) The payment of HA to a member who is absent from the post for disciplinary reasons ceases on the day of departure from the post and resumes on the day after the member's return to the post.
10.3.05(9) (Location change) A deployed member who changes location to another post is entitled to the HA applicable to the new post commencing on the day following the member's arrival at the post.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.3.05(10) Repealed by TB effective 1 Mar 2022
10.3.06 - Hardship Allowance Bonus
10.3.06(1) (Intent) The intent of the Hardship Allowance Bonus (HA Bonus) is to compensate a member for repeated deployments.
10.3.06(2) (Monthly rate) The rate of HA Bonus varies according to the member's length of service on operations. HA Bonus payable to a member is the monthly amount calculated as a percentage of the authorized HA level under CBI 10.3.05 - Hardship Allowance.
10.3.06(3) (Levels) The HA Bonus level to which a member is entitled is based on points accumulated for service on operations as follows:
Hardship Allowance Bonus
Points | Percentage |
0 to 6 | 0 |
7 to 12 | 20 |
13 to 18 | 30 |
19 to 24 | 40 |
25 to 30 | 50 |
31 to 36 | 60 |
37 to 42 | 70 |
43 to 48 | 80 |
49 to 54 | 90 |
55 to 60 | 100 |
61 to 66 | 110 |
67 to 72 | 120 |
73 to 78 | 130 |
79 to 84 | 140 |
85 to 90 | 150 |
91 to 96 | 160 |
97 to 102 | 170 |
103 to 108 | 180 |
109 to 114 | 190 |
115 to 120 | 200 |
121 to 126 | 210 |
127 to 132 | 220 |
133 to 138 | 230 |
139 to 144 | 240 |
145 to 150 | 250 |
151 to 156 | 260 |
157 to 162 | 270 |
163 to 168 | 280 |
169 or more | 290 |
10.3.06(4) (Point accumulation) Points are accumulated for service on operations at the rate of one point per calendar month of service.
10.3.06(5) (Calculation of points) For the purpose of calculating points under this instruction, a member is considered to have completed a month of service on operation where there is an entitlement to ten compensation days of HA Bonus in a calendar month, except that during a cross-posting to another deployment or temporary change in location, a member cannot accumulate points on the basis of two periods of ten compensation days within the same calendar month.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.3.06(6) (Partial months) Partial months are counted only during the first and last calendar months of a deployment. All other months are calculated from the first to the last day of a calendar month.
10.3.06(7) (Adjustment) The HA Bonus is adjusted to reflect any adjustment made to the HA under CBI 10.3.05.
10.3.06(8) (Period of service not interchangeable) Subject to CBI 10.16.03(3) - Concurrent use of period of service, any period of service for which a member was entitled to receive HA Bonus cannot be used for the purpose of calculating the Post Differential Allowance under Section 16 - Post Differential Allowance.
10.3.07 - Risk Allowance
10.3.07(1) (Intent) The intent of the Risk Allowance (RA) is to compensate for the risks associated with a specific post.
10.3.07(2) (Levels of RA) There are five levels of RA, from zero (least risky) to four (riskiest). The RA level for every post is zero unless determined otherwise in accordance with MFSI 10.3.13 (Determination of Hardship and Risk Allowance Levels).
(TB, effective 1 August 2019)
10.3.07(3) (Amount of RA) RA is paid at a monthly rate, for the level that applies to the international operation on which the member is deployed, as follows:
Table to MFSI 10.3.07(3)
Risk Allowance (Effective April 1, 2024 in CAD)
Level | Member |
I | 230 |
II | 459 |
III | 689 |
IV |
919 |
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.3.07(4) Repealed
10.3.07(5) Repealed by TB effective 1 March 2022
10.3.07(6) (Member absent from post) A member absent from the post in excess of 25 compensation days ceases to receive the RA on the 26th compensation day of the absence and resumes receiving the RA on the first day following the return of the member to the post.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.3.07(7) (Member not returning to the post) A member who is absent from the post for reasons other than disciplinary reasons ceases to receive RA on the 26th compensation day after the departure from the post or on the day it is determined that the member will not return to the post, whichever is earlier.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.3.07(8) (Disciplinary absence) The payment of RA to a member who is absent from the post for disciplinary reasons ceases on the day of departure from the post and resumes on the day after the member's return to the post.
10.3.07(9) (Location change) A deployed member who changes location to another post is entitled to the RA applicable to the new post commencing on the day following the member's arrival at the post.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.3.07(10) Repealed by TB 1 March 2022
10.3.08 - Environmental Allowances
10.3.08(1) (Allowances for designated positions) A member who is entitled to an allowance under CBI 10.3.05 (Hardship Allowance) or CBI 10.3.07 (Risk Allowance), unless the member occupies a specific position on the operation designated by the CDS, is not entitled to the allowances under the following instructions:
- CBI 205.30 – Paratroop Allowance;
- (Repealed, 17 August 2023);
- CBI 205.32 – Aircrew Allowance;
- (Repealed);
- (Repealed);
- CBI 205.34 – Diving Allowance.
(TB, amended 17 August 2023)
10.3.08(1.1) (No Entitlement) A member who is entitled to an allowance under MFSI 10.3.05 (Hardship Allowance) is not entitled to an allowance under the following instructions:
- CBI 205.33 – Land Duty Allowance (Monthly)
- CBI 205.335 – Land Duty Allowance (Casual)
- CBI 205.35 – Sea Duty Allowance (Monthly)
- CBI 205.355 – Sea Duty Allowance (Casual)
- CBI 205.37 – Submarine Allowance (Monthly)
- CBI 205.375 – Submarine Allowance (Casual)
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.3.08(2) Repealed by TB effective 1 April 2007)
10.3.09 - Post-Combat Reintegration Allowance
10.3.09(1) (Definitions) For the purpose of this instruction:
- Combat operations are military operations designated by the CDS where the use or threatened use of force, including lethal force, is essential to impose will on the opponent or to accomplish a mission;
- Non-combat operations are military operations where weapons may be present, but their use or threatened use is for self-protection purposes and not otherwise essential to the accomplishment of the mission. Non-combat operations are normally peace support or humanitarian operations; and
- A restriction of leave is an order that restricts a member or group of members from taking leave during combat operations while on deployment for reasons of operational necessity.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.3.09(2) (Intent) The intent of the Post Combat Reintegration Allowance (PCRA) is to assist a member to reintegrate with family following repatriation from a deployment where the member was engaged in CDS designated combat operations for all or part of the deployment and was not granted special leave (mission) due to a restriction of leave order.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.3.09(3) The granting of leave is the first option to be considered to ensure the well being of members on deployment to a post where combat operations are being conducted.
10.3.09(4) Unit or personal leave plans shall not be based, changed or cancelled in consideration of PCRA. Commanders shall only use PCRA as a last resort.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.3.09(5) (Application) CDS designated combat operations and non-combat operations may occur simultaneously or sequentially during the same deployment. Consequently, PCRA entitlements amongst members on the same deployment may vary.
10.3.09(6) (Entitlement) A member who is deployed is entitled to PCRA, under the following conditions:
- the member's circumstances conform to the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) written designation of the operation, post location, timeframe and unit(s)/sub-unit(s) engaged in combat operations;
- during the deployment, the member was subject to a restriction of leave order; and
- the member’s special leave (mission) was not otherwise denied due to their personal circumstances.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.3.09(7) (Frequency of PCRA) A member is entitled to consideration for one PCRA for each 180 day interval of a deployment. A member who is deployed two or more times to a combat operation within a 180 day period commencing with the date of arrival at the first deployment is entitled to consideration for one PCRA coinciding with the initial deployment period.
10.3.09(8) (Qualifying time for PCRA) For purposes of determining the PCRA rate, each full or partial day of service at a deployment post conforming to the particulars and timeframes of the CDS combat operation designation under paragraph (6) shall be counted. When a member has been medically evacuated due to injury or illness directly related to operational conditions at a combat operation, each full or partial day the member remains in the medical chain of evacuation outside Canada shall be counted until such time it is determined that the member would not return to the deployment post.
10.3.09(9) (PCRA rate) The PCRA rate, established by the Director Compensation and Benefits Administration, is the average cost of the most economical return air fare, based on a 60-day advanced booking and using the most direct and practical route between the post and Toronto, Ontario.
10.3.09(10) (Amount of PCRA) Based on qualifying time determined in accordance with paragraph 8, a member who is deployed on a combat operation:
- for a period of 120 to 180 days is entitled to a PCRA equivalent to the entire rate established under paragraph (9); or
- for a period of 90 days or more but less than 120 days, is entitled to a PCRA not to exceed 66% of the rate established under paragraph (9); or
- for a period in excess of 60 days but less than 90 days, is entitled to a PCRA not to exceed 33% of the rate established under paragraph (9).
10.3.09(11) (Request for PCRA) Request for payment of PCRA must be made by the member on form CF 52 and certified by the member's Commanding Officer as follows:
I certify that [insert member's rank and name] of [name of Task Force or Task Force Sub Unit]:
- served at OP [insert name of operation], at [insert foreign post location] that was designated by the CDS as a combat operation for the period [specify CDS designation timeframe(s)];
- was not granted special leave (mission) due to a restriction of leave order during the period of deployment;
- has qualifying time for PCRA purposes amounting to [insert number of days] for the deployment period [insert member's arrival date at deployment] to [insert member's departure date from deployment]; and
- is not being repatriated for disciplinary reasons.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.3.09(12) (Payment of PCRA) The PCRA is to be paid to the member immediately prior to the member's repatriation.
10.3.09(13) (Early repatriation – disciplinary reasons) A member who is repatriated early for disciplinary reasons is not entitled to PCRA.
10.3.09(14) (Death) If a member dies while on a deployment, any PCRA entitlement is to be credited to the deceased member's pay account.
(TB effective 14 May 2009)
10.3.10 - Unused special leave (mission) during non-combat operations
Members on non-combat operations are not eligible to receive PCRA. When an entitlement to Special Leave (Mission) exists and that leave is not expended during non-combat operations for strictly operational reasons, members may be compensated under Special Leave (in lieu of Mission Leave) in accordance with the Canadian Forces Leave Policy Manual (CFLPM) Section 5.12.
(TB, modified 1 April 2024)
10.3.11 - Transportation on Special Leave
10.3.11(1) (Entitlement to expenses) A member who deploys for 60 consecutive days or more may be entitled to the benefits under CBI 209.52 (Transportation on Special Leave (TSL)).
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.3.11(2) Repealed
10.3.12 - Transportation Assistance to a Rest and Relaxation Centre
10.3.12(1) (Intent) The intent of the Transportation Assistance to a Rest and Relaxation Centre (TARRC) is to assist a member on deployment to travel to a Rest and Relaxation (R and R) Centre.
10.3.12(2) (Entitlement) A member who is deployed is entitled to the TARRC once during each consecutive six month period of service completed at a post if:
- the member is entitled to the allowances and benefits under this section;
- the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) has designated an R and R Centre for that post; and
- the member is authorized by the commanding officer to travel to the R and R Centre.
(TB amended 17 August 2023)
10.3.12(3) (Member's obligation) A member who is authorized to travel to the R and R Centre must remain at the R and R Centre for the duration of the authorized period.
10.3.12(4) (Amount) The amount of TARRC is the actual transportation expenses incurred by the member to a maximum of the return economy airfare between the post and the R&R Centre.
10.3.12(5) (Recovery of the TARRC) The TARRC is recovered from a member who fails to complete the period of service for which the TARRC was paid unless, in the opinion of the CDS, the reasons for non-completion of the required period of service were beyond the control of the member.
10.3.13 - Determination of Hardship and Risk Allowance Levels
10.3.13(1) (Authority) The CDS — or an officer designated by him or her — as Chairperson of the Departmental Hardship and Risk Committee, determines, in accordance with this instruction, an HA level for the purposes of MFSI 10.3.05 and an RA level for the purposes of MFSI 10.3.07.
10.3.13(2) (Designation) An officer who is designated by the CDS under paragraph (1) must not be an officer who is referred to in subparagraph (7)(c).
10.3.13(3) (Factors – Hardship Level) Before determining an HA level for a post, the Chairperson of the Departmental Hardship and Risk Committee must consider all of the following:
- the conditions on duty (e.g. force protection levels and alert state, daily routine, conditions and equipment for operational tasks, foreign contingents and local forces/police);
- sustainment and leisure (e.g. accommodations, sleep comfort and privacy, washrooms and ablutions facilities, food supply and preparation, drinking water, personal communications capability, standing restrictions on personal liberty, morale, welfare and recreation, postal services, and access to retail and service facilities);
- the operating environment (e.g. accessibility and standard of health services support, local climate, exposure to death and the use of deadly force, exposure to human suffering, misery and inhumanity, social isolation, local language and culture, and the local population’s attitude);
- measures taken to improve conditions at the post; and
- any representations made by interested commanders in accordance with instructions issued by or under the authority of the CDS concerning HA determinations.
10.3.13(4) (Determination – Hardship Level) The determination of the HA level for a post shall be based on the weighted mean of all factors in paragraph (3), in accordance with a methodology promulgated by the Secretary of the Treasury Board.
10.3.13(5) (Factors – Risk Level) Before determining an RA level for a post, the Chairperson of the Departmental Hardship and Risk Committee must consider all of the following:
- kinetic activities (e.g. threat posed by hostile forces, civil instability, and risk caused by other contingents and/or neighbouring national forces);
- the operational environment (e.g. geospatial hazards from: chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear contamination, hazardous plants, animals, and unexploded ordnance, health and hygiene, and the physical geography and its effects on the task force);
- measures taken to mitigate the risk to members serving at the post; and
- any representations made by interested commanders in accordance with instructions issued by or under the authority of the CDS concerning RA determinations.
10.3.13(6) (Determination – Risk Level) The determination of the RA level for a post shall be based on the weighted mean of risk factors in paragraph (5), in accordance with a methodology promulgated by the Secretary of the Treasury Board.
10.3.13(7) (Consent Required) Before determining an HA or RA level for a post, the Chairperson of the Departmental Hardship and Risk Committee shall obtain the informed consent of a majority of the following Committee members for that level for that post:
- the Secretary of the Treasury Board or their designate;
- the Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police or their designate; and
- the Commander of the Canadian Joint Operations Command or their designate.
10.3.13(8) (Determined Level) The Chairperson of the Departmental Hardship and Risk Committee shall determine an HA or RA level that is equal to or less than the consented level.
10.3.13(9) (Effective Date – First Determination) The first determination of an HA or RA level for an operation is effective the earlier of:
- if the operation is “special duty service” as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Veterans Well-being Act, the date of the designation under that Act;
- the date on which any representations were made by interested commanders: see subparagraphs (3)(e) and (5)(d); and
- the date on which the determination was made.
10.3.13(10) (Effective Date – Subsequent Determination) Each subsequent determination of an existing HA or RA level for an operation is effective:
- for an increase to an existing level, the first day of the month after the determination;
- for no change to an existing level, the first day of the month after the determination;
- for a decrease of an existing level, the first day of the seventh month after the determination;
- for a post whose HA and RA levels returned to zero by means of paragraph (11), the first day of the 19th month after the month in which it was most recently determined;
- any other date as approved by the President of the Treasury Board.
10.3.13(11) (Expiration – Date And Effect) This rule takes effect on 1 October 2019. A determined HA or RA level expires on the end of the 18th month after the month in which it was most recently determined (e.g. level determined 20 June 2019, level expires midnight, 31 December 2020). Upon expiration, the HA level and RA level for a post return to zero.
(TB, effective 01 August 2019)
10.3.14 - Laundry Expenses
A member is entitled to be reimbursed actual and reasonable laundry expenses if no laundry facilities are provided by the Crown or a third party.
(TB, effective 1 March 2022)
10.3.15 - Accommodations
While on deployment, where the AA determines that it is not feasible for the member to enter into a lease or to contract accommodations, and there are no Crown held accommodations available, the AA may authorize the reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses for accommodation not to exceed the rates in the PSPC Accommodations directory. Requests for accommodation costs that exceed the PSPC Accommodations directory rates are to be staffed to DCBA for approval.
(TB, effective 1 March 2022)
10.4.01 - General Provisions
10.4.01(1) (Intent) The intent of a meal allowance under this section is to assist with the additional food costs arising as a result of service outside Canada.
10.4.01(2) (Remuneration by a third party) If a third party pays a meal subsistence, or other similar allowance to a member, the allowance to which the member is entitled under this section shall be reduced by an amount equivalent to that portion of the third party allowance applicable to meals.
(TB, effective 1 September 2018)
10.4.02 - Eligible Members
Section 10.4 applies to a member on deployment, or attached posted or attached posted (temporary) to a place of duty outside Canada, when the meals or rations are not provided by the Crown or by a third party or at public expense.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.4.03 - Entitlement
10.4.03(1) (Daily meal allowance) Eligible members are entitled to a daily meal allowance.
10.4.03(2) (Amount) The amount of the meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) shall be in accordance with Appendices C and D of the National Joint Council Travel Directive as applicable.
10.4.03(3) Repealed
10.4.03(4) Repealed
10.4.03(5) Repealed by TB effective 1 Mar 2022
10.4.04 – Calculation of Allowance
10.4.04(1) (Conditions and limitations) When eligible to this section, the following conditions and limitations apply:
- upon arrival at the new post, the member is entitled to a daily meal allowance equivalent to the full daily meal rate (excluding incidentals) for that post for the first thirty (30) consecutive days;
- if, after the first thirty (30) consecutive days the member occupies permanent, semi-permanent, private non-commercial, commercial, or Crown-held accommodation with meal-preparation facilities, the member is entitled to a daily meal allowance equivalent to:
- 75% of the daily meal rate for the ninety (90) days running consecutively from day thirty one (31) to day one hundred and twenty (120); and
- 50% of the daily meal rate commencing from the one hundred twenty first (121st) consecutive day;
(incidentals not included) for that post;
- if, after the first thirty (30) consecutive days the member occupies accommodation without meal-preparation facilities, the member is entitled to a daily meal allowance equivalent to 75% of the daily meal rate (incidentals not included) for that post;
- if the daily meal allowance under MFSI paragraphs 10.4.04(1)(b) or (1)(c) is inadequate because of heavy workload, difficulty of finding food, limited restaurant facilities outside of hotel facilities, lack of transportation, or other special circumstances the AA may submit a request for a review and recommend an adjustment of the daily meal allowance to DCBA for approval. Any adjustment shall not exceed the full daily meal rate for that post. The circumstances for and the expenditure data substantiating any adjusted daily meal allowances shall be forwarded to DCBA to be retained for audit review purposes;
- if, it is determined that the daily meal allowance authorized under MFSI 10.4.04(1)(d) is not sufficient, the only recourse is for the member to request DCBA authorization to claim the actual and reasonable cost of meals supported by receipts. The member cannot mix the meal allowance with reimbursement of actual and reasonable meal costs;
- this allowance shall be paid as a daily allowance rather than a monthly allowance. For example: in a 31 day month the member's entitlement would be 31 x the daily meal rate, in a 30 day month, the member's entitlement would be 30 x the daily meal rate and during a 28 or 29 day month the member's entitlement would be 28 x the daily meal rate or 29 x the daily meal rate; and
- the consecutive days count does not stop for any period of absence under paragraph (2), unless the member is required, due to operational reasons, to vacate the permanent, semi-permanent, private non-commercial, commercial, or Crown-held accommodation at the post.
(TB, effective 1 March 2022)
10.4.04(2) (Member absent from post) If a member is:
- absent from the post on temporary duty, the member's daily meal allowance ceases for the period of temporary duty. For the day of departure from and return to the post for temporary duty reasons, the Task Force Commander (TFC) or AA shall authorize a reduced daily meal allowance, abated by the temporary duty meal rates (breakfast, lunch, dinner) applicable to the post, for the meal periods the member was absent from the post. In circumstances where a meal was taken at the post on the day of departure from and return to the post is not governed by a temporary duty meal rate, the TFC or AA shall authorize reimbursement of actual and reasonable meal expenses incurred;
- travelling in the area of the post and claims a meal expense, the TFC or AA shall abate the daily meal allowance under the same terms and conditions that govern temporary duty under MFSI 10.4.04(2)(a);
- on leave, or hospitalized, the member's daily meal allowance ceases for the duration of the leave or hospitalization period. For the day of departure from or return to the post for leave or hospitalization reasons, the TFC or AA shall authorize a reduced daily meal allowance abated under the same terms and conditions that govern temporary duty under CBI 10.4.04(2)(a);
- held in detention or absent without authority, the member's daily meal allowance shall be ceased for the duration of the absence. For partial days of duty at the post, the TFC or AA shall authorize a reduced daily meal allowance abated under the same terms and conditions that govern temporary duty under MFSI 10.4.04(2)(a); or
- absent from the post for any other reason, the daily meal allowance shall be ceased.
(TB, effective 1 September 2018)
Section 5 – Shelter and Related Provisions
- arm's length transaction
means a transaction that is consummated between two or more individuals who are not connected by blood relationship, marriage or common-law partnership or adoption, as per the Canada Revenue Agency income tax folio S1-F5-C1 as amended from time to time.
(TB, effective 1 March 2022)
- extensive official representational duties
means regularly occurring official hospitality duties in the member’s home which includes, but is not limited to, official dinners, business meetings, and social events. Extensive official representational duties involve hosting intergovernmental parties with status equal to or exceeding that of the CAF member.
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
- limited official representational duties
means infrequent official hospitality duties in the member’s home which includes, but is not limited to, working meals, limited working group and meetings and occasional social events. Official representational duties normally involve hosting military equivalent audiences with status equal to or below that of the CAF member.
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
- rent ceiling
means the maximum amount established under CBI 10.5.08 – Rent Ceiling in local currency for each post having regard to the member's pay level and the number of occupants in a member's household.
- rent share
means the monthly amount that the member pays for accommodation that corresponds to the average cost of comparable unfurnished and unserviced accommodation occupied by a member of the same pay level and number of occupants in a member’s household in Canada.
- utility allowance
means the monthly amount established in Canadian currency or local currency at the post that is paid to a member to cover reasonable utility charges.
- utility charges
means the amount payable by a member in local currency at the post for utility expenses
- utility share
means the monthly amount in Canadian currency that the member pays for utilities which corresponds to the average cost of utilities for comparable unfurnished and unserviced accommodation occupied by a member of the same pay level and number of occupants in a member's household in Canada.
10.5.02 - Intent
The intent of this section is to outline the allowances and benefits designed to ensure that, wherever possible and practicable and allowing for local conditions, a member can acquire suitable accommodation at the post for the member and the member's dependants that is generally comparable to but does not necessarily equal to the size and nature of the accommodation the member would have obtained in Canada and that a member is only responsible for one set of accommodation and utility expenses during the member's deployment or assignment.
10.5.03 - Eligible Members
10.5.03(1) (Eligibility) A member who is posted, attached posted or attached posted (temporary) to a place of duty outside Canada is entitled to the allowances and benefits in this section.
10.5.03(2) (Service couple) For service couples posted, attached posted or attached posted (temporary) to the same post, only one member of the service couple is entitled to the allowances and benefits under this section and the member having the lower rate of pay is deemed to be a dependant of the other member.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.5.03(3) (Unaccompanied members and members with no dependants) A member who has no dependants and is attached posted or attached posted (temporary) or a member who is deployed or assigned unaccompanied is entitled to the allowances and benefits in this section except that, wherever possible, the member is to rent furnished accommodation or occupy furnished Crown-held accommodation.
10.5.04 - Opting Out
(TB, effective 1 April 2009)
10.5.04(1) (Definition) For the purposes of the French version of this section, programme means the application of the provisions of Section 5.
10.5.04(2) (Application of this section) Upon a member's arrival at the post, the provisions of this section automatically apply unless the member elects otherwise in accordance with paragraph (3).
10.5.04(3) (Opting Out) Upon arrival at the post, a member who is entitled to benefits and allowances under Section 5 (10.5) may make an election to opt out of all provisions related to shelter and utilities for the duration of the member’s assignment or for the currently occupied/selected accommodation.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.5.04(3.1) (Opting In) Under exceptional circumstances, should a member who had previously elected to opt out in accordance with 10.5.04(3) wish to elect to opt in to the benefits under Section 5 (10.5), the request shall be submitted to DCBA as the approving authority.
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
10.5.04(4) (Effective date of initial election) The member’s initial decision to elect to opt in or out may only be backdated to the first day of the month in which the member elects to opt in or out.
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
10.5.04(5) (Subsequent election) A subsequent election to opt in or out may only be made on the first day of any month.
10.5.04(6) Repealed
10.5.04(7) (Recovery of allowances and benefits) If a member elects to opt out, the allowances and benefits already advanced, such as security deposit and utility advance, are to be recovered immediately. Allowances and benefits paid annually are to be recovered based on the number of months remaining in the annual period when the member elects to opt out.
10.5.05 - General Provisions
10.5.05(1) (Limitation) A member is entitled to the allowances and benefits in this section only if:
- the associated transaction is an arm's length transaction; and
- none of the following persons have an interest, including a financial interest, other than as a lessee in the accommodation occupied by the member:
- the member,
- the member's dependant, or
- a related person who is not at arm's length from the member
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.5.05(2) (Election of number of occupants in a member's household) A member who is renting accommodation or occupying Canadian Crown-held accommodation is entitled to elect to have the allowances and benefits under this section determined on the basis of a number of occupants which is one higher than the member's actual number of occupants in the member's household. The election is made on the date the member signs the lease or occupies the Crown-held accommodation.
10.5.05(3) (Higher number of occupants) Election of a number of occupants in a member's household one higher than the member's actual number of occupants in the member's household may be made if the member's actual rent is within the rent ceiling applicable to the member's elected number of occupants in a member's household and if the accommodation does not exceed the entitlement determined under paragraph (7).
10.5.05(4) (Effect of election) Election by a member of a higher number of occupants in a member's household applies only in respect of this section.
10.5.05(5) (Duration of election of number of occupants in a member's household) If a member makes an election under paragraph (2), the election remains in force for as long as the member continues to occupy the accommodation.
10.5.05(6) (Pay levels) For the purposes of CBI 10.5.08 - Rent Ceiling, 10.5.10 - Rent Share and 10.5.13 - Utility Share, the pay levels are determined according to the following table:
Pay Level | Annual Rate of Pay Rounded to the Nearest Dolar (in Canadian dollars) |
1 | 1 to 39,999 |
2 | 40,000 to 41,999 |
3 | 42,000 to 43,999 |
4 | 44,000 to 45,999 |
5 | 46,000 to 47,999 |
6 | 48,000 to 49,999 |
7 | 50,000 to 54,999 |
8 | 55,000 to 59,999 |
9 | 60,000 to 64,999 |
10 | 65,000 to 69,999 |
11 | 70,000 to 74,999 |
12 | 75,000 to 79,999 |
13 | 80,000 to 89,999 |
14 | 90,000 to 99,999 |
15 | 100,000 to 109,999 |
16 | 110,000 to 119,999 |
17 | 120,000 and over |
10.5.05(7) (Square metre entitlement) The square metre entitlement for accommodation of a member, other than a member having official representational responsibilities, having regard to the number of occupants in a member’s household, is as follows:
House Hold Size | Square Footage | Square Meters |
1 | 1800 | 167 |
2 | 2000 | 186 |
3 | 2200 | 204 |
4 | 2400 | 223 |
5 or more | 2600 | 242 |
(TB, amended 1 January 2025)
10.5.05(8) (Limitation) Members who sign a lease, after 31 March 2024, that exceeds their square metre entitlement:
- may relocate, at their own expense, to a square metre compliant accommodation; or
- will be considered to have opted out of Section 5.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.5.05(9) (Space to be considered) The space to be considered in applying square metres includes all space in the home. Measurements are inside wall to inside wall.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.5.05(9.1) (Exclusions) Excluded are unfinished basements, attics, crawl spaces, furnace and mechanical or electrical rooms, unheated garages.
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
10.5.05(10) (Number of bedrooms) When determining the suitability of privately leased accommodations, the AA shall be guided by the following accommodation space targets/guidelines:
Household Size | Number of Bedrooms |
1 or 2 | 2 |
3 or 4 | 3 |
5 or more | 4 |
(TB, amended effective 1 April 2024)”
10.5.05(11) (Accommodation Deficiency Adjustment) A member who is unable to rent accommodation with the entitled number of bedrooms may apply for an accommodation deficiency adjustment under CBI 10.5.18 – Accommodation Deficiency Adjustments, if the member rents accommodation with a lower number of bedrooms.
10.5.05(12) (Remuneration paid by third party) If a third party pays remuneration to a member, the allowances and benefits to which the member is entitled under this section are reduced in accordance with CBI 10.2.11 – Remuneration Paid by a Third Party.
10.5.06 - Crown-Held Accomodation
10.5.06(1) (Crown-held accommodation) The Approving Authority may order a member to occupy any available Crown-held accommodation at the member's post.
10.5.06(2) (Occupancy agreement) A member occupying Crown-held accommodation must sign an occupancy agreement and must:
- verify the furnishings in the accommodation and note their condition in the schedules attached to the Occupancy Agreement; and
- obtain appropriate householder's insurance for public liability and for damage to or loss of the member's household goods and effects.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.5.07 - Allied Nation Accommodation
A member who rejects accommodation offered by an allied nation at a post must have their reasons for the rejection approved by the Director General Compensation and Benefits in order to receive rent allowance.
10.5.08 - Rent Ceiling
10.5.08(1) (Determination of rent ceiling) A member's rent ceiling for unfurnished accommodation is determined as follows:
- if a member is serving at a post in respect of which a rent ceiling is established in accordance with FSD 25, the member's rent ceiling is the amount established for the post under that FSD;
- if a member is serving at a post in respect of which the rent ceiling has not been established in accordance with FSD 25, the rent ceiling is the amount established annually by the Director of Compensation and Benefits Administration (DCBA) for that post having regards the member's pay level and number of occupants in a member's household, and the local conditions at the post.
10.5.08(2) (Posting instruction) If a member has a posting and promotion message, the member's rent ceiling is determined according to the member's new pay level.
10.5.08(3) (Choice to share accommodation) If a member chooses to share accommodation with one or more other members, the rent ceiling shall be determined on the basis of:
- the total number of members, dependants, special dependants and persons living in the accommodation;
- the pay level of the member receiving the highest pay, not including the allowances under Chapter 10;
- also applies to a service couple, whether they are assigned to the same post or to different posts.
(TB, effective 1 April 2009)
10.5.08(4) (Representational duties) A member who occupies a position that has been formally assigned by the VCDS, representational duties as defined in 10.5.01 is entitled to an additional amount to the member’s rent ceiling of:
- 25% of the rent ceiling for a member with extensive official representational duties; or
- 10% of the rent ceiling for a member with limited official representational duties.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.5.08(5) (Rent ceiling increase) If due to local conditions at the post the amount determined under subparagraph (1)(b) is no longer adequate, a member's rent ceiling may be increased by an amount authorized by DCBA.
10.5.08(6) (Multi-year lease) The rent ceiling in effect under paragraph (1), on the date the member signs the lease, is the rent ceiling for each year of a multi year lease.
10.5.08(7) (Escalation clause) In the case of a multi-year lease where the actual rent is within the rent ceiling for the first year but the lease contains an escalation clause that causes the member's rent ceiling to be exceeded, DCBA approval of an increased rent ceiling is required.
10.5.08(8) (Local Move) If a local move of a member whose rent ceiling is established under subparagraph (1)(b) occurs which is:
- beyond the member's control and results in the rent ceiling being exceeded, approval of the DCBA for an increase to the rent ceiling is required; or
- for the member's personal reasons, the member is not entitled to have their rent ceiling increased.
10.5.08(9) (Furnished accommodation) A member is entitled to rent furnished accommodation and to a rent ceiling that is 25% over the rent ceiling the member would have been entitled to for unfurnished accommodation if:
- the member's move is to a post where the host country has imposed additional limitations on the move of household goods and effects to those already provided under the CAFRD in terms of description and weight, and the AA determines that the member cannot adequately furnish the accommodation without additional rented furnishings; or
- the member’s move of household goods and effects is prohibited.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.5.08(10) (Commercial accommodation) A member is only entitled to rent commercial accommodations with a rent ceiling that is 25% over the rent ceiling the member would have been entitled to for unfurnished accommodation when they:
- are posted prohibited or attach posted or attach posted (temporary);
- are unaccompanied for the first 180 days of their assignment;
- are unaccompanied with an unlimited waiver of rent share; or
- are required to select a commercial accommodation due to the unavailability of non-furnished rented residences at the post – as confirmed by their AA.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.5.08(11) (Change in number of occupants in household) If the number of occupants in a member's household increases or decreases after the date on which the accommodation is occupied, the member's rent ceiling will not be increased or decreased for the duration of the lease.
10.5.08(12) (Special dependant) A member is not entitled to an increase in the rent ceiling as a result of a person who has been designated as a special dependant after the member arrives at the post, except if a member is compelled to change leased accommodation for reasons that are beyond the member's control not having regard to the designation of the special dependant.
10.5.09 - Rent Allowance
10.5.09(1) (Maximum rent allowance) Rent allowance is paid to a member when the actual rent exceeds the member's rent share and must be within the member's rent ceiling for the post as established under CBI 10.5.08 - Rent Ceiling.
10.5.09(2) (Entitlement) Unless otherwise provided under this section, a member is entitled to rent allowance commencing on the later of:
- the member’s arrival at the post; or
- the commencement of a signed lease.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.5.09(3) (Choice to share accommodation) If a member chooses to share accommodation with one or more other members, only the member receiving the highest monthly pay, not including allowances under this Chapter, shall be paid the rent allowance.
10.5.09(4) (Payment of rent allowance) If rent allowance cannot be paid in local currency, it is to be paid for the duration of the lease at the local currency equivalent of the amount calculated as rent allowance in Canadian currency.
10.5.09(5) (Foreign exchange adjustments) Calculation of the rent allowance under paragraph (4) is in Canadian currency at the Public Works and Government Service Canada (PWGSC) exchange rate on the date of commencement of the lease or at the PWGSC rate of exchange at the time of any change of status that affects the member's rent allowance.
10.5.09(6) (Timing of adjustments) Adjustments in the amount of rent allowance are computed every two months and when rent allowance is ceased, using the PWGSC exchange rate on the first working day of the month in which rent allowance is payable.
10.5.09(7) (Monthly amount) The rent allowance is a fixed monthly amount for the duration of the lease payable as follows:
- if the actual monthly rent does not exceed the member's rent ceiling, the actual monthly rent is the member's rent allowance; and
- if the actual monthly rent is greater than the member’s rent ceiling, the rent ceiling is the member’s rent allowance.
10.5.09(8) (Actual monthly rent) The actual monthly rent includes the following:
- taxes and other mandatory charges required under the terms of the lease, such as condominium fees and subdivision fees, if they relate specifically to the accommodation and are identified as such;
- the monthly cost of monitoring a previously installed security system, if this is a condition of the lease;
- rent for a garage at the location of the accommodation or if the accommodation has no parking facilities, the cost for rental of parking facilities that the member pays other than at the accommodation; and
- the lodging portion of the cost of commercial accommodation, if a member resides in commercial accommodation.
10.5.09(9) (Escalation clause) If the lease contains an escalation clause, rent allowance is increased for the remainder of the term of the lease pursuant to the escalation clause, provided that the actual monthly rent remains within the member’s established rent ceiling.
10.5.09(10) (Change of rent ceiling) If a member's rent allowance is limited by an established rent ceiling and that rent ceiling is subsequently:
- increased, the member's rent allowance is adjusted effective the date of the revision of the rent ceiling; or
- decreased, the member's rent allowance is not adjusted until the member changes accommodation or departs the post.
10.5.09(11) (Member absent from post) A member absent from the post:
- who occupies commercial accommodation at the post, ceases to be entitled to rent allowance on the date the member departs the post, unless the Approving Authority (AA) certifies that the member is required to retain the commercial accommodation;
- who is on leave, continues to be entitled to rent allowance; or
- without authority, ceases to be entitled to rent allowance for the period that the member is absent without authority.
10.5.09(12) (Subletting accommodation) If a member who is absent from the post on temporary duty or on leave sublets their accommodation, the member's rent allowance is reduced by the amount the member receives from subletting.
10.5.09(13) (Renovations) If the lessor upgrades the member's accommodation during the lease negotiations or during the period of the lease, the member's rent allowance is not adjusted until the initial lease expires, despite that the member's actual rent may be increased and the new actual rent is less than the member's rent ceiling.
10.5.09(14) (Payment) The monthly amount of rent allowance is payable to the member on the date the member is to pay rent according to the terms of the lease.
10.5.10 - Rent Share
10.5.10(1) (Rent share) Subject to CBI 10.5.11 - Waiver of Rent Share, the member shall commence payment of the Rent Share on the later of:
- the member’s arrival at the post; and
- the commencement of a signed lease.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.5.10(2) (Amount of rent share) A member pays a monthly rent share based on their pay level and the member's household size when the member signs the lease or occupies the Crown-held accommodation, as follows:
Rent Share (in Canadian dollars)
Pay level |
1 occupants |
2 occupants |
3 occupants |
4 occupants |
5 or more occupants |
1 |
526 |
572 |
618 |
644 |
670 |
2 |
554 |
600 |
645 |
673 |
701 |
3 |
618 |
663 |
707 |
727 |
747 |
4 |
672 |
703 |
733 |
757 |
781 |
5 |
691 |
723 |
754 |
776 |
797 |
6 |
705 |
733 |
761 |
787 |
813 |
7 |
720 |
753 |
786 |
816 |
846 |
8 |
741 |
774 |
806 |
843 |
880 |
9 |
763 |
794 |
824 |
868 |
912 |
10 |
783 |
812 |
841 |
894 |
946 |
11 |
799 |
832 |
864 |
921 |
978 |
12 |
823 |
855 |
886 |
934 |
981 |
13 |
846 |
883 |
919 |
962 |
1,004 |
14 |
875 |
911 |
947 |
994 |
1,041 |
15 |
900 |
938 |
975 |
1,025 |
1,074 |
16 |
930 |
966 |
1,002 |
1,055 |
1,107 |
17 |
956 |
993 |
1,030 |
1,086 |
1,142 |
(Rates effective 1 April 2024)
10.5.10(3) (Annual adjustments) The rent share is adjusted annually by the Director Compensation and Benefits Administration on 01 April based on the most recent Consumer Price Index of the annual movement for rent of accommodation as determined by Statistics Canada.
10.5.10(4) (Other adjustments) Despite any increase or decrease in the member's pay or in the number of occupants in a member's household, the member's rent share is based on the pay level and the number of occupants in a member's household on the date the lease is signed or the Crown-held accommodation is occupied, except if:
- there is a rent increase due to:
- a lease renewal,
- an escalation clause, or
- a local government legislated increase; or
- the member changes accommodation.
10.5.10(5) (Choice to share accommodation) If a member chooses to share accommodation with one or more other members, the rent share shall be determined on the basis of:
- the total number of members, dependants, special dependants and persons living in the accommodation;
- the pay level of the member receiving the highest monthly pay, not including the allowances under Section 10;
- the rent share shall be assessed in total to the member who is in receipt of the highest pay and who shall be required to pay the total rent share; and
- also applies to a service couple, whether they are assigned to the same post, or to different posts.
(TB, effective 1 April 2009)
10.5.10(6) (Required to share Crown-held accommodation) If a member is required to share Crown-held accommodation with one or more other members together with their dependants or special dependants, each member's rent share is based on their annual pay and number of occupants in a member's household divided by the number of members sharing the accommodation.
10.5.10(7) (Effect of accommodation deficiency adjustment) If the member is entitled to an accommodation deficiency adjustment under CBI 10.5.18 - Accommodation deficiency adjustments, the amount of that adjustment is deducted from the member's rent share.
10.5.11 - Waiver of Rent Share
10.5.11(1) (Waiver of rent share) A member who is required to pay a rent share under CBI 10.5.10 - Rent Share and who continues to be financially responsible for accommodation at their previous place of duty may be granted a waiver of rent share subject to the terms and conditions of this instruction.
10.5.11(2) (Determined period of waiver) A member who continues to be financially responsible for accommodation at their previous place of duty is entitled to a waiver of Rent Share and waiver of Utility Share for a period not exceeding nine months, less the amount of posting notice given before the departure for the post, calculated from the first day of the month following the date in which the posting instruction was issued. The following conditions apply:
- the former principal residence, as defined in CBI 208.96 - Acquisition and Disposal of Residential Accommodation, must be unoccupied;
- the member has not received the Real Estate Incentive (REI) under CAFRD 8.2.03; and
- the member is not entitled to a waiver of Rent Share and/or Utility Share for any days they have claimed an expense under CAFRD 8.2.07 (Temporary Dual Residence Assistance (TDRA).
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.5.11(3) (Extension of determined period) For the purposes of paragraph (2), if a member's posting is extended for a period of more than nine months, the member is deemed to have terminated a posting and commenced a new posting.
10.5.11(4) (Limit) For the purpose of calculating the entitlement period for waiver of rent share in paragraph (2), the reduction made to the rent share under CBI 10.5.17(8) - Locating a tenant, no matter the amount of the reduction, is equivalent to one month waiver of rent share.
10.5.11(5) (No reduction) A member who has already been granted a waiver of rent share for the entire period to which the member was entitled to under paragraph (2) is not entitled to the reduction of rent share for the fees associated with locating a tenant in CBI 10.5.17 - Property Management Fees.
10.5.11(6) (Undetermined period of waiver) The following cases in which members continue to be financially responsible for accommodation at their previous place of duty are entitled to a waiver of rent share until:
- where, for operational reasons, the CAF prohibited posts a member to an assignment on an unaccompanied basis, or to continue or extend an assignment where dependants have been evacuated under the provisions of FSD 64 - Emergency Evacuation and Loss, and living expenses for the separated dependants are not being paid under that directive; the period would normally be up to the duration of the member's assignment or extension, or such date as the CAF authorizes a dependant(s) to join the member at the post;
- where, for employment, education or family-related reasons, a spouse/common-law partner does not accompany a member for all or part of a member's posting; one or more dependent children may accompany the member to a post or remain in Canada with the spouse/common-law partner; the period would normally be for the time during which the member and dependant(s) are separated;
- where disruption of a dependant's education would occur; except as provided for in paragraph (d), the period would normally be to the end of the relevant school term.
- where the member's spouse/common-law partner and one or more dependent children remain at the former place of duty in Canada in order to avoid disruption of a dependent child's education at the primary or secondary level; the period would normally end when the child completes the final year of secondary education, or when the family relocates to the post, or on completion of the member's assignment, whichever is earlier
- where a dependant is ill and is unable to relocate with the member, the period would normally end not later than 14 days following the date that the attending physician certifies that the dependant is medically fit to travel; and
- where a dependant remains at the former place of duty in Canada to arrange for disposal of the member's principal residence, the period would normally not exceed twelve months and would end on the day following the closing date of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale or the day following the commencement date of a rental agreement, whichever is applicable.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.5.11(7) The waiver remains in effect until the conditions necessitating family separation no longer apply, or the date which their dependant (s) move to the post, whichever is earlier (see CAFRD 6.05 (1.1)). Dependants must have arrived at the post before the half-way point in the member's posting unless the member is in receipt of a no-cost posting extension at the same post.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.5.11(8) (Cross-posting) A member who is cross-posted and whose dependants remain at the previous post, continues to pay rent share at the previous post but is granted a waiver of rent share at the new post, until the member's dependants move to the new post.
10.5.11(9) (Member's responsibility) A member who has been granted a waiver of rent share is responsible to report to the AA when the member is no longer financially responsible for accommodation at their previous place of duty.
10.5.12 - Accommodation Payments, Advances and Recovery
10.5.12(1) (Payment by member to hold accommodation) A member is entitled to be reimbursed an amount equivalent to the rent paid by the member to hold accommodation for a period prior to the date of the member's arrival at the post and, if applicable, prior to the date of delivery of the member's household goods and effects, but such period is not to exceed three months.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.5.12(2) (Payment by Approving Authority to hold accommodation) The Approving Authority (AA) who considers it necessary to retain accommodation for a member may authorize payment of the rent for that living accommodation for a period of vacancy not to exceed three months.
10.5.12(3) (Advance to acquire accommodation) If not relocated under the CAFRD, a member who is required to pre-pay the lessor a sum of money to acquire accommodation, either as advance rent or in consideration of tenancy but other than as a security deposit, the member, is:
- entitled to an advance not exceeding six times the member’s monthly rent; or
- to forward a request to the Director Compensation and Benefits Administration for approval if the member is required to pre-pay a sum of money greater than six times the member’s monthly rent.
(TB, amended 1 January 2025)
10.5.12(4) (Recovery of advance) If an advance is made under paragraph (3):
- for advance rent, a member is not entitled to a rent allowance for the period of the lease for which the advance rent was paid and, unless the member has been granted a waiver of rent share the member must pay a rent share;
- in consideration of tenancy, the amount of such advance is to be recovered by monthly deductions at a rate not less than the amount of the advance divided by the total number of months of the lease.
10.5.12(5) (Security deposit) If, under the terms of a lease, a member is required to pay the lessor, on a refundable basis, a sum of money as a security deposit against property damage or otherwise, the member is entitled to an advance for the security deposit not exceeding an amount equal to six times the monthly rent.
10.5.12(6) (Remittance of security deposit and interest) A member who receives a security deposit advance under paragraph (5) must remit the advance to the AA upon reimbursement by the lessor and, if the interest accumulated on the security deposit is refundable to the lessee on termination of the lease, the member must also remit such interest to the AA.
10.5.12(7) (Security deposit withheld) If a lessor withholds all or part of a security deposit as payment for alleged loss, damage or other liability:
- the AA may, if the amount withheld does not exceed the amount of rent on which the member's rent allowance is based for one month, reduce the member's amount owing on the advance for the security deposit for that part of the withheld security deposit that, in the opinion of the AA, does not represent loss or damage caused by the member; or
- the CDS may, if the amount withheld exceeds the amount of rent on which the member's rent allowance is based for one month:
- authorize, in accordance with CBI 10.5.22 - Expenses to Settle Dispute, payment for legal and related expenses, and
- and if legal proceedings by the member would be uneconomical or prejudicial to the Canadian Forces objectives, reduce the member's amount owing on the advance for the security deposit for that part of the withheld security deposit that, in the opinion of the CDS, does not represent loss or damage caused by the member.
10.5.13 - Utility Share
10.5.13(1) (Utility share) The member shall commence payment of the Utility Share on the later of the member’s arrival at the post or the commencement of a signed lease unless the member:
- is entitled to a waiver of utility share;
- has chosen to opt out of Section 5; or
- is not entitled to utility allowance IAW 10.5.14(1)(c).
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.5.13(2) (Amount of utility share) A member pays a monthly utility share based on their pay level and the member’s household size when the member occupies the accommodation, as follows:
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
Utility Share (in Canadian dollars)
Pay level |
1 occupants |
2 occupants |
3 occupants |
4 occupants |
5 or more occupants |
1 |
241 |
276 |
325 |
341 |
341 |
2 |
256 |
292 |
341 |
351 |
360 |
3 |
275 |
294 |
341 |
361 |
373 |
4 |
294 |
312 |
351 |
380 |
392 |
5 |
300 |
333 |
359 |
383 |
395 |
6 |
308 |
357 |
368 |
385 |
397 |
7 |
318 |
370 |
375 |
397 |
404 |
8 |
332 |
387 |
392 |
412 |
419 |
9 |
341 |
396 |
397 |
426 |
436 |
10 |
345 |
404 |
411 |
440 |
441 |
11 |
355 |
411 |
418 |
441 |
448 |
12 |
359 |
416 |
425 |
445 |
453 |
13 |
368 |
426 |
435 |
446 |
459 |
14 |
383 |
443 |
447 |
459 |
466 |
15 |
394 |
453 |
455 |
473 |
485 |
16 |
398 |
457 |
463 |
488 |
494 |
17 |
402 |
463 |
468 |
503 |
507 |
(Rates effective 01 April 2024)
10.5.13(3) (Annual adjustments) The utility share is adjusted annually by the Director Compensation and Benefits Administration on 01 April based on the most recent Consumer Price Index of the annual movement for utilities as determined by Statistics Canada.
10.5.13(4) (Effective date) Despite any increase or decrease in the member's pay level, the member's utility share is based on the pay level of the member and the number of occupants in a member's household on the date the accommodation is occupied until:
- the member changes accommodation; or
- there is a change in the number of occupants in the member's household, including the designation of a special dependant.
10.5.13(5) (Arrival and departure of occupants) For the purposes of subparagraph (4)(b), the member's utility share is increased or decreased effective on the first day of the month following the arrival or departure of an occupant in a member's household. A dependant who becomes 21 years of age and is no longer a dependant for purposes of this chapter continues to be an occupant for the purpose of Utility Share.
10.5.13(6) (Waiver of utility share) A member is entitled to a waiver of utility share when they are entitled to a waiver of rent share under 10.5.11(6)
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.5.13(7) (Member's responsibility) A member is responsible to report to the Approving Authority when the member is no longer financially responsible for utilities at their previous place of duty.
10.5.14 - Utility Allowance
10.5.14(1) (Utility allowance) A member is entitled to a utility allowance, starting on the date the lease commences, based on the charges of the utilities in paragraph (4).
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.5.14(1.1) (Utility Allowance – no entitlement) A member who:
- rents accommodation with a pool and who cannot separate the utility costs to satisfy the condition prescribed at 10.5.14(6) is not entitled to a utility allowance; or
- resides in commercial accommodation, is not entitled to a utility allowance, unless the member pays for utilities separate from the lodging portion of the cost of the commercial accommodation.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.5.14(2) (Direct payment) If it is possible for the Approving Authority (AA) to pay the cost of utilities directly to the utility supplier, the AA is to make the necessary arrangements.
10.5.14(3) (Amount of Utility allowance) A member who is entitled to a utility allowance must submit a request to the AA:
- with an estimate of the applicable charges in paragraph (4); or
- allow the AA to calculate an estimate of the applicable charges in paragraph (4).
10.5.14(4) (Utility charges) The charges that may be included in the estimates referred to in paragraph (3) are the following:
- rental and repair charges for meters;
- water charges;
- gas charges;
- the cost of fuel used for heating, including cost of firewood if it:
- is the primary source of heat,
- is an essential source of heat to supplement an inadequate heating system, or
- is used in fuel-efficient fireplaces designed to reduce energy consumption;
- the charge of fuel used for cooking;
- electricity charges;
- sewage charges, including the emptying of septic tanks;
- garbage collection charges, including garbage bags, tags or containers required by the local government;
- charges or taxes for municipal services such as fire protection, police protection, street cleaning, mail delivery, street lighting and snow removal, when not included in the leasing agreement as part of rent;
- pest control charges if required by law or those that would be the responsibility of the landlord in Canada or appropriate local authority such as the municipal health or sanitation department in Canada;
- license fees and related taxes imposed by the host government for one television set, one car radio and one radio in the accommodation;
- any sales or excise tax on the related bills for the items listed above; and
- if the local water is not potable, charges for bottled water as follows:
- 9 litres per day per person 12 years of age or over, and
- 5 litres per day per person under 12 years of age.
10.5.14(5) (Member's responsibility) The member is responsible for the cost of the following services:
- home telephone and mobile telephone services, including data plans, and roaming fees;
- home internet services;
- housekeeping services (as defined in CBI 211);
- cable television, satellite television, and streaming services; and
- subject to CBI 10.5.20 - Grounds Maintenance Assistance, gardening or other grounds maintenance for privately leased accommodation.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.5.14(6) (Swimming pool) If a member leases private accommodation or occupies Crown-held accommodation containing a swimming pool on the grounds of the premises, the member is responsible for any costs associated with the pool. The AA will reduce the utility allowance accordingly.
10.5.14(7) (Other expenses) A request for additional expenses to be included in the calculation of the member's utility allowance is to be forwarded to the Director Compensation and Benefits Administration for approval.
10.5.14(8) (Reconciliation) Annually, or when entitlement to the utility allowance ceases, the member will advise the AA of the actual charges of utilities for reconciliation purposes and applicable adjustments.
10.5.14(9) (Utility advance) A member who is required to pre-pay for utilities in order to receive a service is entitled to an advance not exceeding the amount of the pre-payment required by the utility company.
10.5.14(10) (Recovery of utility advance) An advance made under paragraph (9) is:
- repaid by the member upon recovery of the pre-payment from the utility company; or
- recovered from the member's pay within 60 days following the member's departure from the post.
10.5.15 - Furniture and Appliance Rental
10.5.15(1) (Conditions) The furniture and appliance rental allowance may only be granted if, because of local circumstances:
- the Canadian Forces Support Unit cannot provide furniture or appliances; and
- there is no host nation support for the provision of furniture and appliances.
10.5.15(2) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (1), a member is entitled to a furniture and appliance rental allowance as follows:
- if the move of the member's household goods and effects is authorized, the member is entitled to an allowance not to exceed 25% of the member's rent ceiling;
- if the move of household goods and effects is prohibited:
- and the member is living in furnished accommodation, the member is entitled to an allowance not to exceed 25% of the member's rent ceiling, or
- and the member is living in unfurnished accommodation because furnished accommodation is not available, the member is entitled to an allowance not to exceed the amount established by the Chief of the Defence Staff.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.5.15(3) (Itemized list) The furniture and appliance rental allowance may only be used to rent items on the list provided to the member.
10.5.15(4) (Special dependants) A member who has a special dependant designated after their arrival at the post is not entitled to the furniture and appliance rental allowance in regards to that person, even if the member has not reached the maximum amount to which he is entitled under paragraph (2).
10.5.15(5) (Rent-to-buy contracts) Only rent-to-buy contracts that do not result in the member gaining ownership of the furniture or appliance at the expiration of the contracts are permitted under this instruction.
10.5.15(6) (Maintenance and insurance) If a member is authorized to rent furniture and appliances, any associated maintenance or insurance costs in the lease or rental contract are the Crown's responsibility, however, the rental cost is to be shown separately from the maintenance or insurance costs.
10.5.15(7) (Member's responsibility) Any fees charged by rental company for damages to the rented furniture and appliances, other than damages covered by the insurance, are the responsibility of the member.
10.5.15(8) (Delivery and pick-up) A member is entitled to reimbursement of delivery and pick-up costs for the rented furniture and appliances.
10.5.15(9) (Financial interest) A member may only rent furniture and appliances from a business enterprise and must not have any financial interest with respect to that business.
10.5.15(10) (Cessation) The allowance ceases:
- in accordance with CBI 10.5.04 - Section 5 Not Applicable, if a member elects to opt out or partially opt in; or
- the day of the final departure from the accommodation of the last occupant in a member's household.
10.5.15(11) (Request) The payment of the furniture and appliance rental allowance is made on a monthly-basis and is conditional on the member's request for the allowance at the beginning of the contract on a form CF 52, accompanied with a copy of the rental contract, and certified as follows:
"I accept this allowance on condition that I will inform the AA of any changes to the rental contract and will provide any document required in that regard."
10.5.16 - Purchase of Furniture and Appliances
10.5.16(1) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (2), a member who is posted to a place of duty outside Canada is entitled to the reimbursement of 50% of the purchase price of Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) approved items of furniture and appliances if, because of local circumstances:
- the Canadian Forces Support Unit cannot provide furniture or appliances to the member;
- the rental of furniture or appliances is not possible or practicable because of the unavailability of furniture or appliance rental companies or prohibitive rental costs; and
- there is no host nation support for the provision of furniture and appliances.
10.5.16(2) (Request procedure) A request for purchase of furniture and appliances:
- of 5,000 Canadian dollars or less is submitted to the Approval Authority (AA) for review and approval within 30 days of the member's occupancy of the accommodation and prior to the purchase of furniture and appliances; or
- greater than 5,000 Canadian dollars is submitted to the AA for review and submission to the CDS for approval, within 60 days of the member's occupancy of the accommodation and prior to the purchase of furniture and appliances.
10.5.16(3) (AA review) In reviewing any application for the purchase of furniture and appliances, the AA must be satisfied that all other sources to obtain furniture or appliances have been eliminated.
10.5.16(4) (Itemized list) A member may only be reimbursed for items on the list provided to the member and for which approval has been given.
10.5.16(5) (Special dependant) For the purpose of the determining what the member is entitled to under the list, the member may include any special dependant who was designated prior to the posting.
10.5.16(6) (Furniture or appliance purchase advance) A member who is required to purchase furniture and appliances is entitled to an advance in an amount equal to the actual purchase price of the furniture or appliance authorized for purchase. The member is to submit a claim for reimbursement within 30 days of the purchase authorized under paragraph (2).
10.5.17 - Rental Search Fees
10.5.17(1) (Eligible members) A member who is posted to a post and whose move does not occur under the CAFRD is eligible to request reimbursement under MFSI 10.5.17. (Rental Search Fees)
(TB modified, 1 January 2025)
10.5.17(2) (Rental search) A member who engages the services of a:
- rental agency to find rental accommodation on relocation may be reimbursed the actual and reasonable fee charged by that agency; however
- If there is no rental agency engaged in real estate rentals and sales at the post, and the member uses the services of an agency or individual offering services not dissimilar to those of a rental agency, the member shall submit a request for reimbursement to the AA for consideration by DCBA.
10.5.17(3) Repealed
10.5.17(4) Repealed
10.5.17(5) Repealed
10.5.17(6) Repealed
10.5.17(7) Repealed
10.5.17(8) (Locating a tenant) If, following confirmation of posting, a member engages the services of a real estate or property management firm to find a first or a subsequent tenant for the member’s principal residence as defined in CBI 208.96 Acquisition and disposal of residential accommodation and consequently pays a fee based on one month’s rent or fraction thereof, the AA may waive the payment of one month’s rent share or fraction thereof, subject to the following:
- the member shall present documentation for one or both finder's fees;
- for the purpose of calculating the entitlement period for waiver of rent share under MFSI 10.5.11(2) (Determined period of waiver), the waiver shall be limited to a one-month maximum for each finder's fee, to locate a first or a subsequent tenant, regardless of the duration of the lease;
- waiver of rent share where a finder's fee has been paid in accordance with MFSI 10.5.17(10) (No reduction) relates to costs associated with the use of commercial agencies engaged in real estate rentals and sales.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.5.17(9) Repealed
(TB, effective 1 April 2009)
10.5.17(10) (No reduction) A member who has already been granted a waiver of rent share for the entire period to which he was entitled to under CBI 10.5.11(2) is not entitled to the reduction of rent share for the fees associated with locating a tenant.
10.5.17(11) (Request for reduction) The request for a reduction in rent share specified in paragraph (8) is to be submitted to the Approving Authority for consideration and approval.
10.5.17(12) (Exception) If the member has opted out or partially opted in, the member is entitled to be reimbursed an amount not to exceed the monthly rent that the member is paying at the post.
10.5.18 - Accommodation Deficiency Adjustments
10.5.18(1) (Entitlement) A member who is paying a rent share is entitled to an Accommodation Deficiency Adjustment (ADA), if the member:
- is required to occupy unsuitable Crown-held accommodation; or
- due to the general deficiency in rental accommodation available at the post, rents unsuitable accommodation.
10.5.18(2) (Member's choice) A member who elects to live in substandard accommodation where there is comparable accommodation at the post is not entitled to an ADA.
10.5.18(3) (Request procedure) Requests for the consideration and approval of the Director Compensation and Benefits Administration (DCBA) for an ADA are to be submitted to the Approving Authority (AA).
10.5.18(4) (Amount of adjustment) The DCBA may approve an ADA equal to a reduction of 10%, 20% or 30% of the member's rent share, reflecting a low, moderate or high degree of deficiency. In exceptional circumstances, a deficiency adjustment greater than 30% may be considered by the Director General Compensation and Benefits at a rate of reduction that does not exceed the deficiency adjustment established by the Foreign Affairs' Committee on Accommodation Deficiencies if one has been approved for the same rental accommodation.
(TB, effective 1 April 2010)
10.5.18(5) (Factors considered) Factors considered for the determination of an ADA include:
- the member's square metre and bedroom entitlement in accordance with CBI 10.5.05 – General Provisions; and
- the factors listed under paragraph 6(b) to (e) in Appendix C of FSD 25.
10.5.18(6) (Factors not considered) Factors not considered for the determination of the ADA include:
- undesirable environmental condition that reduces the aesthetic value of all Crown-held or leased accommodation at a particular post;
- deficiencies accommodation that are related to furniture, furnishings and official representational duties.
10.5.18(7) (Crown-held accommodation) A request for an ADA for Crown held accommodation controlled by Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) is to be sent to the AA and be accompanied by an assessment and recommendation from the Head of Mission.
10.5.18(8) (Effect of accommodation deficiency adjustment) If the member is entitled to an ADA, the amount of adjustment calculated under this instruction, is deducted from the member's rent share.
10.5.18(9) (Annual review) The AA will review the validity of existing deficiency adjustments at the post on April 1st of each year, or when the member changes accommodation, and will make a report of the review to the Director Compensation and Benefits Administration.
10.5.19 - Maintenance or Repair Costs
10.5.19(1) (Renovation or repair expense to obtain accommodation) If a member, in order to obtain suitable leased accommodation on arrival at the post, must incur expenses for renovation, repair or for a payment in the nature of capital expenditure, the member is to provide a submission to the Approving Authority (AA) detailing the housing situation that prevails at the post, the reasons for selecting that particular accommodation and the extent of renovation or repair.
10.5.19(2) (Maximum entitlement for renovation or repair expenses) The member is entitled to a maximum reimbursement for renovations or repairs equivalent to one month's actual rent for that accommodation, but not exceeding the member's rent ceiling.
10.5.19(3) (Reimbursement procedure) A request for reimbursement of expenses incurred for approved renovations or repairs under paragraph (1) is submitted for approval by the AA on a form CF 52 accompanied with itemized receipts.
10.5.19(4) (Member's responsibility) The member is responsible to ensure that, wherever possible, the lease provides that the lessor is responsible for maintenance and repairs. The member is responsible to be aware, at the time the lease is signed, of the anticipated maintenance costs to the member.
10.5.19(5) (Normal maintenance or repair costs) A member who, because of local law or the terms of the lease, is responsible for all or a portion of costs for normal maintenance or repairs for equipment permanently installed in the leased accommodation is entitled to reimbursement of such actual and reasonable expenses for maintenance or repairs, consistent with those which would normally be the responsibility of the Crown for Crown-held accommodation.
10.5.19(6) (Approval for normal maintenance or repairs) If the member's anticipated cost of normal maintenance or repairs under paragraph (5) is expected to exceed 200 Canadian dollars for any one occasion, or a total of 1,000 Canadian dollars in any calendar year, prior approval from the AA is required.
10.5.19(7) (Major repairs or renovation) The AA may authorize reimbursement of up to one month's rent for major repairs or renovation, and the Director Compensation and Benefits Administration (DCBA) may authorize reimbursement in excess of one month's rent for major repairs or renovations. If costs for major repairs or renovations are expected to be significant, the AA is to explore alternatives, taking into consideration such factors as the duration of the lease, the anticipated duration of the member's deployment or assignment, the availability of alternative suitable accommodation, as well as the costs associated with breaking the lease and a local move.
10.5.19(8) (Termination of lease) Maintenance requirements with respect to the end or termination of a lease will only be reimbursed on relocation due to a posting for members whose move does not occur under the CAFRD. However, reimbursement of such expenses for other moves will be considered only in exceptional circumstances for all members.
(TB modified, 1 January 2025)
10.5.19(9) (Swimming pool) A member who leases accommodation or occupies Crown-held accommodation containing a swimming pool on the grounds of the premises is responsible for any required maintenance, including testing and treating the water, cleaning and vacuuming, and any costs associated with the seasonal opening and closing of the pool.
10.5.20 - Grounds Maintenance Assistance
10.5.20(1) (Definition) The definitions in this paragraph apply in this instruction.
- grounds maintenance allowance
means the monthly amount in Canadian currency or local currency at the post that is paid to a member to cover the grounds maintenance charges at the post.
- grounds maintenance charges
means the amount payable in local currency at the post for reasonable expenses incurred by a member for lawn mowing, aerating, and fertilizing, and for landscaping of pre-existing hedges, ornate trees, flower gardens and flowerbeds associated with the member's accommodation at the post.
- ground maintenance share
means the monthly charge in Canadian currency that a member in receipt of grounds maintenance allowance pays to the Crown for grounds maintenance assistance.
10.5.20(2) (Entitlement) A member who, due to their official representational duties is entitled to a 25% increase in the rent ceiling in accordance with 10.5.08 - Rent Ceiling, is entitled to a grounds maintenance allowance (GMA) in local currency to assist with grounds maintenance charges.
10.5.20(3) (Grounds maintenance share) The grounds maintenance share (GMS) in Canadian currency is calculated as follows:
- if the lot is less than 660 square metres: [{(lot size/660) square metres} x 100] = GMS in Canadian dollars; or
- if the lot is 660 square metres or more: [{(660/lot size) square metres} x 100] = GMS in Canadian dollars.
10.5.20(4) (Separate maintenance contract) A member is responsible to obtain a separate maintenance contract for functions such as snow removal, cleaning a swimming pool, planting and maintaining a vegetable garden or planting new flower gardens or flowerbeds.
10.5.20(5) (Monthly amount of GMA) If the monthly ground maintenance charges incurred by a member:
- do not exceed the member's GMS, no GMA is payable; or
- are greater than the member's GMS, the payable GMA is equal to the actual grounds maintenance charges.
10.5.21 - Rent or Lease Liability
A member who is not relocated under the CAFRD and incurs rent or lease liability upon departure from the post may be reimbursed under CBI 208.955 - Reimbursement for rent or lease liability.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.5.22 - Expenses to Settle Dispute
10.5.22(1) (Entitlement) If a dispute arises at a post between a member and a lessor, either during the term of a lease or on termination of a lease, about loss or damages allegedly caused by the member, the member is entitled to the payment of:
- the expenses of securing independent competent assistance, including legal services, provided such expenses do not exceed the difference between the amount claimed by the lessor and the amount of liability recognized by the member; or
- an amount up to the cost of procuring independent competent assistance, including legal services, towards settlement of that part of the claim which does not involve member liability.
10.5.22(2) The Approving Authority (AA) shall submit a report to the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) outlining the circumstances of the dispute, the report of an independent appraiser, if applicable, and recommendations for the disposition of the dispute. Payment to the lessor of that part of the claim which, in the opinion of the CDS, is not properly attributable to abuse or neglect by the member may be authorized:
- if the CDS is satisfied that the lessor's claims are unreasonable and initiation of legal proceedings against the lessor would prejudice the objectives of the Canadian Forces or involve prohibitive costs; or
- if court proceedings have taken place and a judgement has been rendered against the member.
10.5.23 - Expenses for Leased Accommodation
10.5.23(1) (Eligibility) A member at a post may be reimbursed the expenses listed in paragraph (2) if the member:
- leases accommodation on arrival; or
- disposes of leased accommodation on posting from the post.
10.5.23(2) (Reimbursable expenses) A member to whom paragraph (1) applies is entitled to reimbursement for the following:
- legal fees and registration fees;
- duty stamps;
- inventory charges;
- real estate agent's fees; and
- subject to paragraph (3), compulsory insurance of a kind not required as a condition of occupancy in Ontario, including insurance for public liability where this is the responsibility of the lessee under local law or practice but would have been the responsibility of the lessor under the law of Ontario.
10.5.23(3) (Insurance) A member is responsible to obtain the appropriate householder's insurance for public liability for which they would be responsible under the law of Ontario and for damage or loss of household goods and effects.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.5.24 - Local Move
10.5.24(1) (Eligibility) A member who is compelled to change permanent leased accommodation for reasons that are beyond the member's control is entitled, to reimbursement of the expenses listed in paragraph (3) if the member's local move was pre-approved by the Approving Authority.
10.5.24(2) (Special dependant) Any local move having to do with a special dependant designated after the arrival of the member at the post, is not a reason considered beyond the member's control for the purposes of paragraph (1).
10.5.24(3) (Reimbursable expenses) A member to whom paragraph (1) applies is entitled to reimbursement for the following:
- legal fees and registration fees;
- duty stamps;
- inventory charges;
- real estate agent's fees;
- subject to paragraph (4), compulsory insurance of a kind not required as a condition of occupancy in Ontario, including insurance for public liability where this is the responsibility of the lessee under local law or practice but would have been the responsibility of the landlord under the law of Ontario;
- packing, transporting and unpacking of household goods and effects;
- disconnection, preparation for shipment including certification and servicing, and connection of major appliances;
- disconnection and connection of electrical equipment including in-home theatre systems, computer systems and satellite dishes if initial connections fees were paid by the member;
- disconnection and connection of public utility services, including telephone, electricity, water, cable and Internet;
- disconnection and connection of an existing security system; and
- two nights of interim lodging with receipts and three days of meals and incidental expenses at the applicable Treasury Board rates.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.5.24(4) (Insurance) A member is responsible to obtain the appropriate householder's insurance for public liability for which they would be responsible under the law of Ontario and for damage or loss of household goods and effects.
10.5.24(5) (Loss or damage) The member is entitled to compensation for loss or damage to household goods and effects while in transit during a local move, in accordance with Section 26 - Compensation for Damage or Loss of Household goods and Effects.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.5.25 - Laundry Expense
A member is entitled to be reimbursed actual and reasonable laundry expenses if the member occupies accommodation that does not have a washer and dryer or there are no laundry facilities provided by the Crown, in the case where the member is assigned on attached posting or attached posting (temporary).
(TB, modified 1 March 2022
Section 6 – Travelling and Dependant Care Expenses for Dependants on Briefing Programs and Foreign Language Training
10.6.01 - Intent
The intent of this section is to provide financial assistance to members for their spouse or common-law partner and/or dependants who have been authorized Foreign Language Training, or have been authorized to attend official briefings before or after a posting/attached posting.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.6.02 - Eligible Members
10.6.02(1) (Eligible members) The following section applies to a member:
- posted on assignment to a place of duty outside Canada when the CDS has authorized pre-assignment or post-assignment briefings for dependants;
- deployed to a place of duty outside Canada when the CDS has authorized pre-deployment briefings or a post-deployment reintegration program for dependants; or
- posted on assignment to a place of duty outside Canada where the member’s spouse or common-law partner is authorized Foreign Language Training.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.6.02(2) (Service couple) Only one member of a service couple is entitled to claim the allowances and benefits set out in this section for each dependant.
10.6.03 - Entitlement
10.6.03(1) (Deployment) If the CDS has authorized a pre-deployment briefing program or a post‑deployment re-integration program for the member’s dependants, the member is entitled to be reimbursed for actual and reasonable expenses, incurred on behalf of the member’s dependants who participates in the program under the terms and conditions of FSD 12.
10.6.03(2) (Assignment) If the CDS has authorized a pre or post assignment briefing program or Foreign Language Training for the member's dependants who accompany the member on an assignment, the member is entitled to be reimbursed for actual and reasonable expenses under the terms and conditions of FSD 12.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
Section 8 – Dependant's Health Care Expenses
10.8.01 - Intent
The intent of this section is to provide financial assistance under the terms and conditions prescribed in FSDs 38, 39, 41 and 42 to members who incur dependant health care expenses outside Canada which exceed those permissible under:
- the Comprehensive Coverage of the Public Service Health Care Plan; or
- the Canadian Forces Dependants' Dental Care Plan.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.8.02 - Eligible Members
10.8.02(1) (Eligible members) This section applies to a member posted to a place of duty outside Canada.
10.8.02(2) (Service couple) Only one member of the service couple may claim the allowances and benefits set out in this section for each person under CBI 10.8.03(1) - Entitlement.
10.8.03 - Entitlement
10.8.03(1) (Entitlement) A member to whom this section applies is entitled to the Preventive Medical Services Expenses, Health Care Expenses, Health Care Travel, and Medical and/or Dental Expense Advances benefits under the terms and conditions set out in FSD 38, 39, 41, and 42 respectively incurred on behalf of the following persons:
- a dependant who resides with the member at the post; or
- a dependent student; or
- a special dependant, if entitled to health care coverage under CBI 10.9.04(2)(a) - Medical coverage.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.8.03(2) (Member’s responsibility) A member is responsible for the cost of any dependant’s local medical travel at the member’s post.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.8.03(3) to 10.8.03(5) Repealed by TB 1 March 2022
10.9.01 - Intent
The intent of the policy in this section is to assist a member to obtain special dependant status for a person and to inform the member of the entitlements in regards to that special dependant.
10.9.02 - Eligible Members
10.9.02(1) (Eligible members) A member who is posted to a place of duty outside Canada for a period of twelve months or more is entitled to request that a person be designated as their special dependant.
10.9.02(2) (Service couple) Only one member of a service couple is entitled to request that a person be designated as a special dependant.
10.9.02(3) (Dependants) Persons considered to be dependants under subparagraph 1(f)(iii) of the Military Foreign Service Regulations immediately prior to the coming into force of this chapter are deemed to be special dependants for the purpose of this chapter.
10.9.02(4) (Employees) While an individual identified as a “caregiver” IAW the CAFRD or as a “housekeeper” IAW CBI 208.80, may be considered a dependant and eligible to be relocated at public expense to accompany a single parent at the post, this individual is not eligible for consideration as a dependant or special dependant under the terms and conditions of this chapter.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.9.03 - General Provisions
10.9.03(1) (Application) If a person is designated by the Chief of the Defence Staff as a special dependant of a member, the following sections may apply on behalf of the special dependant:
- Section 5 – Shelter and Related Provisions;
- Section 8 – Dependant’s Health Care Expenses, if the medical examination under CBI 10.9.04(1) - Mandatory medical examination is approved with limited financial liability to the Crown under Section 8;
- Section 10 – Relocation Expenses for a Person Qualifying as a Dependant or Special Dependant during Posting, if the person is designated as a special dependant during the member’s posting;
- Section 14 – Foreign Service Allowances
- Section 22 – Post Travel Assistance; and
- Section 25 – Emergency Evacuation and Loss.
(TB, effective 1 March 2022)
10.9.03(2) (Residency requirement) If a person is designated as a member's special dependant, that person must reside with the member at the post.
10.9.03(3) (Foreign nationals) Foreign nationals who do not have permanent resident status in Canada cannot be designated as special dependants.
10.9.03(4) (Host nation) The member is responsible to ensure that any host nation requirements for the special dependant are met.
10.9.03(5) (Cost of assessment) The member is responsible for any fees or costs associated with obtaining documentation in support of the member's request for the designation of a person as a special dependant.
10.9.03(6) (Termination of designation) The designation of a person as a special dependant of a member ceases upon departure from the post, unless the member is cross-posted.
10.9.04 - Medical Coverage of Special Dependant
10.9.04(1) (Mandatory medical examination) Prior to requesting that a person be designated as a special dependant, a medical examination of that person must be completed in accordance with CFAO 20-50 – Assignment To and From Posts Outside Canada and CFAO 34-28 – Dependants – Medical Screening.
10.9.04(2) (Medical coverage) Depending on the findings of the medical examination under paragraph (1), the following applies:
- if the medical examination is approved with limited financial liability to the Crown under Section 8 – Dependant's Health Care Expenses, a member is entitled to Comprehensive Coverage under the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) and to the allowances and benefits under Section 8;
- if the medical examination is approved with substantial financial liability to the Crown under Section 8 and the member is able to obtain Comprehensive Coverage under the PSHCP, the member must obtain medical insurance to cover what would have been covered under Section 8;
- if the medical examination is approved with substantial financial liability to the Crown under Section 8 and the member is not able to obtain Comprehensive Coverage under the PSHCP then the member must obtain medical insurance to provide for normal health care expenses and medical evacuation expenses; or
- if the medical examination is not approved the member must obtain medical insurance to provide for normal health care expenses and medical evacuation expenses.
10.9.05 - Request Procedure
10.9.05(1) (Request procedure) A request for a person to be designated as a special dependant is to include the following information and documentation:
- the name of the person for whom the member is requesting special dependant status and their relationship to the member;
- a summary by the member of the circumstances leading to the request for special dependant status;
- a statement indicating whether the person to be designated:
- resides with the member prior to the member's posting, or
- has had a change of circumstances during the member's posting which makes the person dependant upon the member;
- a statement indicating the person to be designated will reside with the member as a occupant of the member's household outside Canada for the entire posting;
- proof that the person to be designated will meet the eligibility for Comprehensive Coverage under the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP) or has insurance coverage equal to or better than that provided under the PSHCP;
- should the member not be entitled to Section 8 - Dependant's Health Care Expenses for their special dependant, the member's acceptance in writing of responsibility for the cost of health care and related travel expenses for the special dependant, which would otherwise be provided for under Section 8;
- a social worker's detailed report stating whether the person is emotionally, medically, physically or legally dependent on the member and a statutory declaration signed by the member if the person is financially dependent on the member;
- a completed screening form as set out in CFAO 20-50 - Assignment To and From Posts Outside Canada;
- in the case of a foreign national, proof of permanent resident status in Canada; and
- confirmation by the gaining Approving Authority that the special dependant will be accepted by the Host Nation.
10.9.05(2) (Decision) The decision of the Chief of the Defence Staff regarding the member's request for the designation of a person as a special dependant, will be forwarded in writing to the member.
Section 10 – Relocation Expenses for a Person Qualifying as a Dependant or Special Dependant During Posting
10.10.01 - Intent
The intent of the allowances and benefits in this section is to assist a member whose status changes during a member's posting when the member marries or enters into a common-law partnership, is granted guardianship or custody of a child or has a person designated as a special dependant.
10.10.02 - Eligible Members
This section applies to a member who is posted to a place of duty outside Canada for a period of twelve months or more.
10.10.03 - Entitlement
10.10.3(1) (Relocation expenses) If, during the posting, a person becomes a special dependant or a dependant through marriage or common-law partnership to a member, including any accompanying dependent child, or by guardianship or custody of a child being granted to a member, that member is entitled to:
- actual and reasonable transportation expenses, including costs of authorized stopovers, for the new dependant or special dependant, by the most direct routing from the location where the person becomes a dependant or special dependant to the member's post, not to exceed the cost of travel by the most direct routing from the member's previous place of duty to the member's post; and
- actual and reasonable expenses for the shipment and storage of the household goods and effects of the dependant or special dependant, in accordance with paragraphs (4) and (5):
- in the case of a move to a post where the CF or the host country has imposed limitations on the move of household goods and effects in terms of description and weight, up to the total weight entitlement applicable to the new number of occupants in the member's household, taking into consideration any initial or subsequent shipment or storage previously authorized, or
- for any other move, up to the total weight entitlement applicable to the member, taking into consideration any initial or subsequent shipment or storage previously authorized.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.10.3(2) (Time limitation) The shipment and storage of the household goods and effects is to be done immediately after marriage or after the date of eligibility, and not less than six months before the expected termination of the member's posting.
10.10.3(3) (Shipment and storage not authorized) The shipment and storage of the household goods and effects will not be authorized if the place of residence of the dependant or special dependant is at the member’s post.
(TB amended 17 August 2023)
10.10.3(4) (Shipment of household goods and effects) The expenses for the shipment of the household goods and effects are limited to the actual and reasonable expenses for packing, crating, cartage, transportation and unpacking:
- the location where the person became a dependant or special dependant or their previous place of residence at the time of the member's change in status to the member's post, not to exceed the cost of shipment of an equivalent weight from the member's previous place of duty to the member's post;
- the member's previous place of duty to the member's post; or
- the common-law partner’s previous place of residence at the time that person became a common-law partner to the member’s post, not to exceed the cost of shipment of an equivalent weight from the member’s previous place of duty to the member’s post.
(TB, effective 1 April 2009)
10.10.3(5) (Storage of household goods and effects) Following receipt by the AA of an inventory prepared by the member, a member is entitled to payment of storage expenses, for the household goods and effects of the dependant or special dependant, not including the packing, crating and shipping expenses associated with placing the household goods and effects of the dependant or special dependant in long-term storage.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.11.01 - General Provisions
10.11.01(1) (Intent) The intent of Daycare Assistance is to provide financial assistance to single or working parents who incur expenses for their children to attend accredited daycare or day-nursery institutions, which are in excess of costs for similar facilities in Ottawa.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.11.01(2) Repealed
10.11.01(3) Repealed by TB effective 1 Mar 2022
10.11.01(4) (Verification) Daycare Assistance is provided as an allowance. Members are required to demonstrate that the allowance was spent for the purpose for which it was intended.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.11.02 - Eligible Members
10.11.02(1) (Eligible members) The member is eligible to request the assistance set out in this section for each dependent child, if the member:
- is on a permanent assignment;
- is accompanied by a dependent child who has not yet reached the age for full time enrolment in school;
- Is either;
- is a single parent; or
- married or in a common-law partnership and whose spouse or common-law partner is working full days or half days.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.11.02(2) (Service couple) Only one member of a service couple is eligible to request the assistance set out in this section for each dependent child.
10.11.02(3) (Not Eligible) If the member, or the member's spouse or common-law partner, is on maternity or parental leave, the member is not eligible to request daycare assistance.
10.11.03 - Entitlement
10.11.03(1) (Entitlement) A member to whom this section applies is entitled to be paid Daycare Assistance under the terms and conditions of FSD 32.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.11.03(1.1) to 10.11.06 Repealed by TB 1 March 2022
10.11.07 - Request
10.11.07(1) (Request) Once the representative daycare ceiling has been approved by DCBA, members may submit a request for daycare assistance to the AA. On approval, the AA shall issue monthly allowances to the member for daycare assistance subject to the terms and conditions of FSD 32.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.11.07(2) to 10.11.09 Repealed by TB 1 March 2022
10.12.01 - Intent
The intent of Section 12 is to provide assistance to members serving at a post to ensure that their children obtain primary and secondary education, which approximates Canadian standards and enables the children to re-enter the Canadian school system with as little disruption as possible.
10.12.02 - Eligible Members
10.12.02(1) (Eligible members) A member who is posted on assignment to a place of duty outside Canada is eligible to request the assistance set out in this section.
10.12.02(2) (Service couple) Only one member of a service couple is eligible to request the assistance set out in this section.
(TB, effective 01 Sept 2017)
10.12.03 - Entitlement
10.12.03(1) (Education of dependent children) A member is entitled to the following Education of Dependant Children benefits in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in FSD 2, 30, 34, 35, 51, and 70:
- Education Transportation (see paragraph (3));
- Education allowances under FSD 34, except that the entitlement for Post secondary Shelter Assistance under FSD 34.6 will be limited to the last place of duty, or the location of the members principal residence immediately prior to the assignment
- Education Travel under FSD 35; and
- Family Reunion Travel Allowance (FRTA) (see paragraph (4)).
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.12.03(2) (Limitation) A member who elects real estate incentive under CAFRD 8.2.13 is not eligible for post secondary shelter assistance.
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
10.12.03(3) (Transportation and parking at the post) Subject to FSD 30, a member is entitled to an allowance for the expenses incurred by the member for:
- local return transportation each school day between the member's place of residence at the post and the dependent child's place of education, including transportation of an escort, if required;
- PMV parking each school day at the place of education of the dependent child, if required.
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
10.12.03(4) (Family Reunion Travel Allowance) The entitlement set out in FSD 51 is subject to the following:
- a member who seeks Family Reunion Travel Allowance (FRTA) shall present a signed travel plan identifying the proposed travel and anticipated costs, accompanied with a request for leave, if applicable;
- the FRTA is issued as arranged by the Approving Authority (AA), taking into account the need to book tickets in advance; and
- return travel may be authorized to a location on a direct routing to the post, for the member and any dependant(s) eligible for travel under FSD 51, including dependants residing at the post.
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
10.12.04 - Verification
10.12.04(1) (Requirement) A member who receives an allowance as set out in this section is required to prove that the allowance was expended and maintain proof of expenditure, as follows:
- the member shall provide proof to the AA within 30 days of expending the allowance; and
- the member shall retain proof of expenditure for a period of seven years.
10.12.04(2) (Recovery) If proof cannot be produced as required, the AA shall take recovery action.
10.12.04(3) (Unsubstantiated portion) If a member cannot prove that the allowance has been used for the purpose intended, the member shall return the unsubstantiated portion of the allowance.
10.12.04(4) (Additional allowance) No additional allowance will be issued until the verification procedure and adjustments, if any, have been completed.
10.12.04(5) (Verification by the Directorate of Dependant Education Management) Further verification of the allowance may be conducted by the Directorate of Dependant Education Management as necessary.
(TB, effective 1 April 2009)
10.13.01 - Intent
The intent of the allowances and benefits in this section is to provide financial assistance to a member to assist the member's spouse or common-law partner in securing employment at the post, or upon return to Canada, to facilitate re-entry into the Canadian workforce.
10.13.02 - Eligible Members
The following section applies to a member posted to a place of duty outside Canada, if accompanied by a spouse or common-law partner.
10.13.03 - Entitlement
A member to whom this section applies is entitled to be reimbursed for their spouse's or common-law partner's employment related expenses under the terms and conditions established in FSD 17.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.14.01 - General Provisions
10.14.01(1) (Allowances) The Foreign Service Allowances consist of the following allowances:
- the Foreign Service Premium; and
- the Post Specific Allowance.
10.14.01(2) (Remuneration paid by third party) If a third party pays remuneration to a member, the benefits and allowances to which the member is entitled under this section are reduced in accordance with CBI 10.2.11 – Remuneration Paid by a Third Party.
10.14.02 - Foreign Service Premium
10.14.02(1) (Intent) The Foreign Service Premium (FSP) is an allowance payable to a member:
- in recognition of foreign service and, as such, recognizes that there are disutilities and disincentives, some of which may be financial, resulting from service outside Canada; and
- to cover expenses not specifically covered by other allowances and benefits.
10.14.02(2) (Eligible members) This instruction applies to a member who is on assignment.
10.14.02(3) (Service couple) Each member of a service couple is entitled to FSP at the appropriate rate, except that if there are dependants residing with the service couple, one member designated by the service couple, is considered to be an accompanied member for the purpose of calculating FSP.
10.14.02(4) (Single member) A member who is not married or in a common-law partnership, but has one or more dependent students as defined in CBI 10.1.01 – Definitions, shall be entitled to the accompanied by one dependant rate.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.14.02(5) (Amount of FSP) The FSP paid at a monthly rate, for the status and premium level that applies to the member who is assigned to a post, is set out in the table to MFSI 10.14.02(5).
Table to MFSI 10.14.02(5)
Foreign Service Premium (Effective April 1, 2024 in CAD dollars)
Level | Points | Member | Accompanied by 1 Dependant | Accompanied by 2 Dependants | Accompanied by 3 Dependants | Accompanied by 4 or more Dependants |
1 | 0 – 24 | 734 | 1,027 | 1,232 | 1,294 | 1,359 |
2 | 25 – 60 | 1,100 | 1,540 | 1,849 | 1,941 | 2,038 |
3 | 61 – 96 | 1,430 | 2,003 | 2,403 | 2,523 | 2,649 |
4 | 97 – 132 | 1,573 | 2,203 | 2,643 | 2,776 | 2,915 |
5 | 133 – 168 | 1,731 | 2,423 | 2,908 | 3,053 | 3,206 |
6 | 169+ | 1,869 | 2,617 | 3,141 | 3,298 | 3,463 |
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
10.14.02(6) (Annual FSP Adjustments) The FSP is adjusted annually by the National Joint Council FSD Committee.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.14.02(7) (Accumulation of points) Points shall be accumulated for service outside Canada at the rate of one point per month of service.
10.14.02(8) (Calculation of points) For the purpose of calculating points under this instruction, a member shall be considered to have a completed month of service where there is an entitlement to ten compensation days of FSP in a calendar month except that during a cross-posting to another assignment, a member cannot accumulate two points for two periods of ten compensation days within the same calendar month.
10.14.02(9) (Partial months) Partial months are counted only during the first and last calendar months of an assignment. All other months are calculated from the first to the last day of a calendar month.
10.14.02(10) Repealed by TB 1 March 2022
10.14.02(11) (Consecutive years at post) Unless the Chief of the Defence Staff approves the continued payment of FSP, a member who has served seven or more consecutive years at the same post is no longer entitled to receive FSP.
10.14.02(12) (No point accumulation) If payment of FSP has been terminated under paragraph (11), the member ceases to accumulate qualifying points during the period in which payment of the FSP is terminated.
10.14.02(13) (Change In family configuration) If the member precedes the dependants to the post, or where a dependant or dependants precedes the member on departure from the post, the rate of FSP is to be adjusted, if applicable, to reflect the actual family configuration at the post, effective the date of the change in family size at the post.
10.14.02(14) (Member absent from post) A member who is absent from the post in excess of 25 compensation days:
- continues to receive FSP if the member:
- is on temporary duty that is required to take place away from the post and in receipt of CFTDTI benefits; or
- is under an emergency evacuation order and remains located outside of Canada; or
- for other than temporary duty or an emergency evacuation order and who has no dependants residing at the post, ceases to receive FSP on the 26th compensation day of the absence and resumes receiving FSP on the first compensation day following the return of the member to the post; or
- for other than temporary duty and who has dependants residing at the post, will receive an adjusted FSP payment to reflect the family size residing at the post, commencing on the 26th compensation day of the absence, with the previous rate resuming on the first compensation day following the return of the member to the post.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.14.02(15) (Dependant absent from post) If a dependant of a member in receipt of FSP, other than a dependent student in paragraph (4):
- is temporarily absent from the member's post for more than 25 compensation days, the FSP will be adjusted to reflect the family configuration at the post, commencing on the 26th compensation day of the absence, with the previous rate resuming on the first compensation day following the return of the dependant to the post; or
- is at the post for less than 25 compensation days from the commencement of the FSP, the FSP will be adjusted to reflect the family configuration from the day on which the dependant left the post.
10.14.02(16) (Points not interchangeable) Points accumulated under this instruction are not interchangeable with OPS FSP points accumulated under CBI 10.3.04 - Operations Foreign Service Premium.
10.14.02(17) (Concurrent accumulation of points) A member who is posted to a place of duty outside Canada and is subsequently attached posted or attached posted (temporary) to an operation continues to accumulate points under this instruction while also accumulating OPS FSP points under CBI 10.3.04.
10.14.02(18) (Points accumulated previously) Any points accumulated under the Military Foreign Service Regulations are considered to be points accumulated under this instruction.
(TB modified 17 August 2023)
10.14.02(19) (Limitation – member attach posted to an operation) An accompanied member who is posted to a place of duty outside Canada and is subsequently attached posted or attached posted (temporary) to an operation and, as a result, is entitled to allowances under MFSI Section 10.3 (Operation Allowances), shall not be entitled to the member's portion of FSP in paragraph (5) of this instruction for the duration of their attached posting or attached posted (temporary). For greater clarity, the member shall continue to be entitled to the dependant's portion of FSP, if applicable, in paragraph (5) of this instruction, for the duration of the member's attached posting or attached posted (temporary), subject to paragraph (15) of this instruction.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.14.03 - Post Specific Allowance
10.14.03(1) (Intent) The intent of Post Specific Allowance (PSA) is to assist a member with miscellaneous travel requirements, which are a consequence of foreign service. There is no requirement for members to maintain or provide proof of travel.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.14.03(2) (Eligible members) This instruction applies to a member who is deployed or assigned:
- on a posting for 12 months or more;
- on a posting for a continuous period greater than seven months but less than 12 months;
- on an attached posting, and as a result of an extension of the tour expiry date, will be at the post for a continuous period greater than seven months.
10.14.03(3) (Service couple) Each member of a service couple is entitled to PSA.
10.14.03(4) (Continued entitlement) A member who is assigned to a post outside Canada, and is subsequently attached posted or attached posted (temporary) to another post, continues to receive PSA established in accordance with the member's original assignment.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.14.03(5) (Amount of PSA) PSA is payable on a monthly basis to reflect one-twelfth of the annual rate established in accordance with FSD 56.11, and published annually by DCBA.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.14.03(6) (Exception) A member to whom subparagraph (2)(b) or (c) applies only receives the first payment of PSA on the first day of the eighth month, and this payment includes the PSA for the seventh and eighth month.
10.15.01 - General Provisions
10.15.01(1) (Intent) The intent of the Post Living Allowance (PLA) is to compensate for higher costs of purchasing goods and services at a post where the cost of living is higher than in Ottawa/Gatineau.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.15.01(2) (Remuneration by a third party) If a third party pays a meal, living, subsistence or other similar allowance to a member, the assistance shall be taken into consideration when Statistics Canada calculates the Post Index to which the eligible member is entitled under this section.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.15.01(3) (Meal allowance) If a member receives a meal allowance as set out in Section 10.4 (Meal Allowance), the meal allowance shall be taken into consideration when calculating the assistance to which the eligible member is entitled under this section.
10.15.02 - Eligible Members
10.15.02(1) (Eligible members) A member who is assigned to a post is eligible for PLA.
10.15.02(2) (Service couple) Each member of a service couple is eligible for PLA.
10.15.02(3) repealed by TB, effective 1 march 2022
10.15.03 - Entitlement
10.15.03(1) (Entitlement) A member who is assigned to a post is entitled to a PLA calculated for the post in accordance with the terms and conditions of FSD 55.
10.15.03(1.2) (Service couple) If the members of a service couple, serve or reside at the same post and one service member has diplomatic privileges and/or access to duty free goods, both members will be treated as having diplomatic privileges and having access to duty free goods.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.15.03(2) Repealed by TB effective 1 Mar 2022
10.15.03(3) (Member not residing at post) If a member resides outside their assigned post, the PI for the location of their assigned post applies.
(TB, amended 17 August 2023)
10.15.03(4) Repealed by TB effective 1 Mar 2022
10.15.03(5) (Maternity or parental leave) If a member is granted leave under article 16.26 (Maternity leave) or article 16.27 (Parental leave) of the QR&O during an assignment, the member's PLA shall be calculated as outlined in CBI 205.461 (Maternity and Parental allowances).
(TB, effective 1 April 2009)
10.16.01 - General Provisions
10.16.01(1) (Intent) The intent of the Post Differential Allowance is to recognize undesirable conditions existing at certain posts by the payment of a Post Differential Allowance.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.16.01(2) (Remuneration by a third party) If a third party pays remuneration to a member, the allowances and benefits to which the member is entitled under this section are reduced in accordance with CBI 10.2.11 - Remuneration Paid by a Third Party.
10.16.02 - Eligible Members
10.16.02(1) (Eligible members) This section applies to a member who is on assignment.
10.16.02(2) Repealed by TB effective 1 Mar 2022
10.16.02(3) (Service couple) Each member of a service couple is entitled to Post Differential Allowance (PDA) at the unaccompanied rate, except that if there are other dependants residing with the service couple, one member designated by the service couple, is considered to be an accompanied member for the purpose of calculating PDA.
10.16.03 - Entitlement
10.16.03(1) (Entitlement) A member to whom this section applies is entitled to be paid Post Differential Allowance (PDA) under the terms and conditions of FSD 58.
10.16.03(2) (Period of service not interchangeable) Any period of service for which a member was entitled to receive PDA cannot be used for the purpose of calculating the Hardship Allowance Bonus under CBI 10.3.06 - Hardship Allowance Bonus.
10.16.03(3) (Concurrent use of period of service) The period of service of a member who is posted to a place of duty outside Canada and is subsequently attached posted or attached posted (temporary) to an operation is used for both the month calculation in regards to the PDA bonus under FSD 58 and for the purpose of calculating the Hardship Allowance Bonus under CBI 10.3.06.
10.17.01 - Intent
The intent of the allowances and benefits in this section is to assist a member to maintain contact with their family if on a prolonged absence due to Canadian Forces’ requirements.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.17.02 - Eligible Members
10.17.02(1) (Eligibility) This section applies to a member who is posted unaccompanied or attached posted or attached posted (temporary):
- on a deployment;
- on an assignment; or
- aboard an HMCS or allied ship which is away from the home port, whether in Canadian or non-Canadian waters.
10.17.02(2) (Non-eligible periods) Despite paragraph (1), a member is not entitled to the allowances and benefits in this section for any period in which the member returns to Canada on:
- leave;
- a course; or
- temporary duty.
10.17.03 - Time Allotment for Calls
10.17.03(1) (Member on deployment) A member who is on deployment is entitled to one 15-minute telephone call for each period of three consecutive days of a deployment.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.17.03(2) (Member on assignment) A member who is on assignment is entitled to one 10-minute telephone call for each period of three consecutive days away from home.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.17.03(3) (Ship not on operations) A member aboard an HMCS or an allied ship not on operation is entitled to a 10-minute telephone call for each period of three consecutive days from the initial departure date from the home port to the date that the HMCS or allied ship returns to the home port.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.17.03(4) (Accumulation of time allotment) A member who is offered telephone services under CBI 10.17.04(1) - Telephone services available, but during an operation, or aboard an HMCS or allied ship, whether on an operation or not, has no access to those services, may accumulate the time allotment for calls under paragraph (1) or (3), except that any time accumulated will be lost upon the member's:
- completion of the deployment;
- completion of the assignment; or
- for an HMCS or allied ship, from the date that the HMCS or allied ship returns to home port.
10.17.04 - Telephone Services
10.17.04(1) (Telephone services available) Any time allotted to a member for calls under CBI 10.17.03 - Time Allotment for Calls must only be used through these services, when offered:
- free telephone services, such as telephone cards issued by the Approving Authority (AA) or Task Force Commander (TFC) or access to the Canadian Switched Network; or
- free telephone services included in alternate service delivery or facilities contracts.
10.17.04(2) (Time allotment for calls) A member to whom paragraph (1) applies shall not exceed the time allotment entitlement under CBI 10.17.03.
10.17.04(3) (Additional telephone cards) A member who has been issued a telephone card by the AA or the TFC may only be issued additional cards on a replacement basis.
10.17.04(4) (Telephone call allowance) A member who is not offered services under paragraph (1) is entitled to a telephone call allowance for the amount calculated under CBI 10.17.05 - Telephone Call Allowance.
10.17.05 - Telephone Call Allowance
10.17.05(1) (Amount of allowance) The amount of the telephone call allowance is calculated based on the time allotment for calls to which the member is entitled under CBI 10.17.03 - Time Allotment for Calls and the cost of the station-to-station call daily discount rate from the member's post to home.
10.17.05(2) (Permitted use) If a member is entitled to a telephone call allowance, the allowance may be used for:
- telephone calls from the member to their family;
- telephone calls from the member’s family to the member; or
- internet use at the member’s location, such as an internet cafe, in lieu of a telephone call.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.17.05(3) (Additional service charges) If a telephone call is made through the switchboard of a hotel, other accommodation or public facilities and an additional service charge is assessed, the member is reimbursed that charge, if supported by a receipt.
10.17.06 - Claim Processing
Claims for the telephone call allowance shall be made on a CF 52 form and certified by the:
- member prior to receiving the telephone call allowance, as follows:
"I accept this allowance on condition that I may be required to present proof that the conditions for which this allowance was intended, have in fact been met or occurred"; and
- Approving Authority, as follows:
"I certify that (member's rank and name) does not have access to free telephone services".
10.17.07 - Verification
10.17.07(1) (Requirement) A member who receives a telephone call allowance may be required to prove that the allowance was expended in accordance with CBI 10.17.05(2) – Permitted Use.
10.17.07(2) (Unsubstantiated portion) If a member cannot prove that 90% of the allowance has been used in accordance with this section, the unsubstantiated portion of the allowance is to be recovered from the member.
10.18.01 - Intent
The intent of the allowances and benefits in this section is to assist a member with personal transportation requirements and with costs for vehicle leasing, post parking expenses, road taxes and licensing fees, given that:
- in certain locations outside Canada there are circumstances that relate to personal transportation and expenses associated with personal transportation that are significantly different from situations normally experienced by a member serving in Canada;
- access to personal transportation not only contributes to the effective performance of duties but reflects the member's standard of living in Canada; and
- local restrictions may limit the availability of personally owned transport or impose significant extra costs on the member.
10.18.02 - Eligible Members
10.18.02(1) (Eligible members) The section applies to a member who is posted, attached posted or attached posted (temporary) to a place of duty outside Canada.
10.18.02(2) (Service couple) Subject to CBI 10.18.03 - Leased Automobiles, each member of a service couple is entitled to the allowances and benefits under this section.
10.18.03 - Leased Automobiles
10.18.03(1) (Entitlement) A member who is posted on assignment is entitled to lease an automobile if:
- DCBA has determined that the member is not entitled to ship a PMV because the host country has embargoes or prohibitive import duties or disposal requirements applicable to the member's PMV; or
- the member is otherwise not entitled to ship a PMV under the CAFRD.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.18.03(2) (Repealed by TB 17 August 2023)
10.18.03(3) (Service couple) Subject to prior approval by the Approving Authority, each member of a service couple is entitled to lease an automobile if each member of a service couple requires an automobile at the post for one of the following reasons:
- they work at different locations at least two kilometres apart;
- they frequently work different hours; or
- for other service reasons of an exceptional nature.
10.18.03(4) (Member's responsibility) A member who leases an automobile is responsible for expenses such as:
- fuel;
- parking;
- road and bridge tolls;
- insurance;
- kilometric costs in excess of the lease limit;
- any deductibles in the lease; and
- Any other costs listed in FSD 30
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.18.03(5) (Share and allowance) A member who leases an automobile will:
- pay a fixed automobile rental share for the duration of the lease based on the average Canadian national lease cost for a medium sedan; and
- receive an automobile lease allowance to cover the local cost of a medium sedan.
10.18.03(6) (Monthly amount) The monthly amount of the automobile lease allowance payable to a member is calculated as follows:
- if the actual monthly lease cost for the automobile does not exceed the member's automobile rental share, no automobile rental allowance is payable;
- if the actual monthly lease cost for the automobile is greater than the member's automobile rental share but does not exceed the monthly local cost of a medium sedan as determined annually by the Director Compensation and Benefits Administration (DCBA), the actual monthly lease cost is the member's automobile rental allowance for each month; or
- if the actual monthly lease cost for the automobile is greater than the monthly local cost of a medium sedan as determined annually by DCBA, that monthly local cost is the member's automobile lease allowance for each month.
10.18.03(7) (Special circumstances) A member may be authorized by the DCBA to lease an automobile larger than a medium sedan having regard to the needs of the member due to family size or circumstances, in which case the member’s automobile rental share and automobile lease allowance are adjusted to reflect the cost of the authorized leased automobile.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.18.03(8) (Duration of lease) The duration of the lease is to correspond to the member's posting period, if possible, so that the most favourable cost effective terms may be obtained.
10.18.03(9) (Early termination of posting) Actual and reasonable expenses related to the termination of the lease shall be reimbursed to a member whose assignment has been terminated early due to service reasons.
(TB, effective 1 March 2022)
10.18.04 - Other Transportation Expense Allowances
10.18.04(1) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (2), a member to whom this section applies is entitled, in accordance with the terms and conditions of FSD 30, to an allowance for:
- the actual and reasonable expenses for parking facilities at the member's place of work where, in the opinion of the AA the member must use their PMV for transportation to work because,
- the member has duties, responsibilities, rank or position which make the payment of such expenses necessary, or
- public transportation at the post is not available or is not satisfactory by Canadian standards; and
- costs incurred by the member at the post for annual motor vehicle inspection, registration fees and road taxes for one PMV that exceed what would be payable in the province of Ontario. If a member is exempt by the host government from paying these expenses for one PMV, the member is not entitled to an allowance for these expenses for additional PMVs.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.18.04(2) (Expenses incurred on relocation) The expenses incurred by a member for motor vehicle inspection, registration, road taxes and vehicle modifications required by the host country upon arrival at the post are reimbursed as part of the member's move under the CAFRD.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.18.05 - Commuting Assistance
10.18.05(1) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to commuting assistance under the terms and conditions of FSD 30.
10.18.05(2) (Member not residing at post) If, due to personal choice, a member resides outside the post, commuting assistance shall be administered IAW FSD 30.6.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.18.06 - PMV Shipment from other than Previous Place of Duty
10.18.06(1) (Shipment from other than previous place of duty) If a member is entitled to have a PMV shipped under the CAFRD, the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) may grant prior approval through the Director Compensation and Benefits Administration, for the PMV to be shipped from a place other than the member's previous place of duty, but the cost to the public is not to exceed the cost of shipment of the PMV from the member's previous place of duty.
(TB modified, 1 January 2025)
10.18.06(2) (Shipment directly from the manufacturer to a local dealer) Paragraph (1) applies in situations where the manufacturer, after having refused to ship the PMV directly to the member, ships the PMV directly to a local dealer at the member's post, despite that it is not owned or registered in the name of the member or the member's dependant at the time of shipment. Reimbursement is limited to identifiable transportation costs upon production of evidence satisfactory to the CDS for the purchase of a new PMV, but the cost to the public is not to exceed the cost of shipment of the PMV from the member's previous place of duty.
10.18.06(3) (Pick up of a PMV within 12 months) A member is entitled to the reimbursement of actual and reasonable expenses that result from the pick up of a PMV within 12 months of the member's arrival date at a post. Eligible expenses are limited to:
- commercial transportation for the member from the post to the point of pick up of the PMV;
- necessary ground transportation to and from commercial terminals, at the rate set out in Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instructions, from the point of pick up to the post,
- reasonable overnight accommodation as required,
- necessary ferry charges and highway tolls; and
- the cost to ship a PMV at public expense from the member's previous place of duty to the post.
10.19.01 - Intent
The intent of the allowances and benefits in this section is to assist a member to maintain appropriate standards of physical fitness in accordance with DAOD 5023-1, Minimum Operational Standards Related to Universality of Service.
(TB amended 17 August 2023)
10.19.02 - Eligible Members
10.19.02(1) (Eligible members) A member who is posted, attached posted or attached posted (temporary) to a place of duty outside Canada is entitled to request access to physical fitness facilities.
10.19.02(2) (Service couple) This section applies to each member of a service couple.
10.19.03 - Entitlement
10.19.03(1) (Request for access) A member may request access to physical fitness facilities, if no adequate military or government facilities exist near the post and the member:
- lives in an area where the climate, personal security or customs are such that individual training, for example outdoor running, is unreasonable; or
- is serving at a location away from the main camp or base, for a period of less than six months.
10.19.03(2) (Approval) The Approving Authority (AA) or Task Force Commander (TFC) may approve the member's requests for the access to physical fitness facilities, based on the feasibility, economy and practicality, and may, in the following order of priority:
- obtain access to physical fitness facilities of other government departments or military forces;
- arrange rental of facilities;
- obtain corporate passes with a minimum ratio of one pass for every two members; or
- purchase individual passes or memberships.
10.19.03(3) (Limits) Approvals under paragraph (2) may only be in regards to gyms, pools, tracks, aerobics facilities and minigyms.
10.19.03(4) (Special circumstances) If the AA or TFC is not at the same location as the member, the member may be authorized to obtain access to physical fitness facilities and to claim for reimbursement on a form CF 52.
10.19.04 - Facility and Club Fees
10.19.04(1) (Deductible or user portion) If the Approving Authority or the Task Force Commander determines that the only facility available is one that charges a deductible or user portion, no deductible or user portion of club fees shall be charged to the member for access to basic facilities.
10.19.04(2) (Club fees) Clubfees which are in the interest of the department as a representational responsibility are paid under Financial Administration Manual (FAM), chapter 1017-1.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.19.04(3) (Inclusion of dependants) If the facility fee is one price regardless of the number of users, a request to include the member's dependants, shall be forwarded to Director Compensation and Benefits Administration, with the facility's fee schedule, for consideration.
10.20.01 - Intent
10.20.01(1) (Intent) The intent of the posting loan is to aid with the purchase of items required as a direct result of the posting outside Canada, including but not limited to items such as food, clothing, household effects or a PMV. Members will be required to identify the purpose of the loan and are subject to verification of the purchase of items required at post in accordance with FSD 10 (Posting Loan).
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.20.01(1.1) Payments to remove the lien on a vehicle that will be shipped to the post is an approved expense.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.20.01(2) (Other use limitations) A posting loan shall not be used for consolidation of debt prior to departure or for personal gain such as investment purposes or paying down a mortgage.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.20.02 - Eligible Members
10.20.02(1) (Eligibility) This section applies to a member who is posted or cross-posted for 12 months or more on assignment.
10.20.02(2) (Service couple) Each member of a service couple is entitled to a posting loan if each member demonstrates a valid requirement for the posting loan.
10.20.02(3) (Member not entitled) For greater certainty, a member who is on deployment is not entitled to the allowances and benefits under this section.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.20.03 - Entitlement
A member to whom this section applies is entitled to a posting loan under the terms and conditions of FSD 10 (Posting Loan) and this section.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.20.04 - Approval
10.20.04(1) (Valid requirement for loan) Once the member demonstrates a valid requirement for the posting loan, approval of the loan shall be given by the member’s:
- Commanding Officer, if the member is in Canada when requesting the posting loan prior to the departure for the post;
- Approving Authority, if the member is outside Canada when requesting the posting loan; or
- DCBA, if the member is outside the time period for application when requesting the posting loan as per FSD 10
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.20.04(2) (Approval – Early Repatriation or cancellation of posting) If a member returns to Canada prior to the posting end date on the posting message or if a member's posting loan has been approved in anticipation of posting and the member is subsequently notified that the posting has been cancelled:
- the AA or the CO, as the case may be, may authorize the continued repayment of the loan under the existing terms and conditions for that posting loan; or
- the DCBA may, upon request, if such repayment of the loan would cause financial hardship, consider extending the repayment period beyond 48 months
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.20.04(3) (Approval period for cross-posting) In the case of a cross-posting, once the posting message is received, the posting loan may be approved:
- in the twelve months preceding the cross-posting; or
- in the first twelve months of the cross-posting or during the first half of the cross-posting, whichever is less.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.20.05 - Repayment
10.20.05(1) (Release of member prior to full repayment) If a member is released before repayment is completed, the outstanding amount of the loan shall be subject to immediate recovery or as arranged with the Director Military Pay and Allowances Processing.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.20.05(2) (Leave without pay) If a member has been granted leave without pay during the repayment period of the loan, the AA will arrange measures for the member to continue regular payments during the leave without pay period.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.20.06 Repealed
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.20.07 Repealed
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
Section 21 – Home Leave Travel Assistance
10.21.01 - Definitions
- family member
in a non-hierarchical manner, means:
- a dependant as defined in CBI 208.997 Separation Expense, a member’s child, including a stepchild, legal ward, adopted child, or child adopted under a Canadian aboriginal Indigenous custom adoption practice, the member’s parent, step-parent, or a person who stood, prior to the member’s enrolment, in the place of the member’s father or mother, the member’s grandparents, the member’s brother, stepbrother, sister or stepsister; and
- where subparagraph (a) is neither applicable, possible or practical, a person formally designated by the member to be their next of kin IAW QR&O 1.02. (membre de la famille)
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
- Home Leave Travel Assistance (HLTA)
means paid leave from a post where benefits are granted under this section for either Home Leave Travel, Reverse HLTA, or Third Location travel Allowance away from the post. (aide de retour au domicile en congé (ARDC)).
(TB, amend 1 April 2024)
- home
means the residential property that a family member occupies for more than 183 days in a continuous 365 day period. (domicile).
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
- Home Leave Travel (HLT)
means travel by the member to their home or previous place of duty. (retour au domicile)
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
- Reverse HLTA
means travel undertaken by a family member to meet the member at the post. (ARDC inversé)
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
- third location Travel
means any location:
- outside the member’s post, home, or previous place of duty; and
- any location outside 100km radius from the member’s home; and
- If a member is deployed on an operation, any location outside the theatre of operations.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.02 - Intent
10.21.02(1) (Intent) The intent of HLTA is to assist a member who is deployed or assigned to a place of duty outside Canada with eligible expenses.
- while on paid leave, to reunite with their family member; or
- in justifiable cases, as confirmed by the AA, for travel on paid leave when the member does not reunite with family.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.02(2) (Limits) The benefits under this section are not intended for the:
- move of the member’s family member; or
- early repatriation of the member.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.03 - Eligible Members
10.21.03(1) (Eligible members third location travel allowance or home leave travel) A member who is deployed or assigned is entitled to CBI 10.21.05 - Home Leave Travel or CBI 10.21.06 - Third Location Travel Allowance if that member:
- is posted on assignment and has no dependants;
- is posted on deployment, and is unaccompanied on that deployment;
- is attached posted for an expected period in excess of 60 consecutive days;
- is an accompanied member serving at a post outside Canada who is deployed or assigned unaccompanied from that post to another post for an expected period in excess of 60 consecutive days;
- is a member of an HMCS or allied ship's company when sailing for an expected period in excess of 60 consecutive days; or
- is on exchange duty with foreign armed services and is deployed to an operation or designated post with that foreign armed service for an expected period in excess of 60 consecutive days.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.03(2) (Eligible Members – Reverse HLTA) A member is eligible for Reverse HLTA under CBI 10.21.07 – Reverse HLTA if that member:
- is posted on assignment and has no dependants, or
- is attached posted or attached posted (temporary) on assignment in excess of 60 days and is unaccompanied on that assignment.
For greater clarity and certainty, members on deployment are not entitled to reverse HLTA.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.04 - Common entitlements and limitations
10.21.04(1) (Entitlement) A member to whom this section applies, is entitled to:
- reimbursement of expenses for Home Leave Travel in accordance with CBI 10.21.05 – Home Leave Travel; or
- an allowance for Third Location Travel in accordance with CBI 10.21.06 – Third Location Travel Allowance; or
- reimbursement of expenses for Reverse HLTA in accordance with CBI 10.21.07 – Reverse HLTA.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.04(2) (Frequency of HLTA) A member is entitled to one HLTA for each:
- 60 to 120 consecutive day period of the deployment or assignment if the member is not deployed or assigned for a period of 120 consecutive days or more, but not more than one HLTA during each six consecutive month period;
- six consecutive month period of the posting or attached posting; or
- twelve consecutive month period of the posting if the member is entitled to the allowance under section 22 (Post Travel Allowance).
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.04(3) (Qualifying time) The qualifying time for an eligible member:
- at a post, commences on the date of arrival of the member at the post and ceases on the date of departure of the member from the post;
- aboard an HMCS or allied ship, commences on the date which the ship comes under operational command of CJOC and commences operations for a specified mission and ceases on the date the ship ceases operations and is no longer under operational command of CJOC; or
- who joins an HMCS ship or allied ship en route or already at the post, commences on the date on which the member boards the ship and ceases the date the ship returns to the previous place of duty or arrives at a newly assigned place of duty.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.04(4) (Leave creates entitlement) Entitlement to claim HLTA is dependent upon the member being granted leave and authorized to travel on leave.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.04(5) (Leave travel start and finish) Leave travel for a member claiming benefits under this section must start and finish at the post. Requests to start or finish outside the post may be approved in exceptional cases or for operational reasons. Requests to start or finish travel outside of the post must be authorized by the AA, or the J1 of the Force Employer.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.04(6) (Early termination) If due to service reasons, a member’s deployment or assignment is terminated early and:
- the member or family member travelled and claimed benefits under this section prior to the deployment or assignment being terminated, the funds are not recovered; or
- the member was not granted leave prior to the termination of the deployment or assignment, the member is not entitled to the benefits in this section.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.04(7) (Travelling together) If two or more members claiming HLTA benefits, travel together, each member must provide receipts for their eligible expenses and each invoice can only be used by one member for verification purposes.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.04(8) (No Entitlement) There is no entitlement to the benefits in this section:
- in the first 30 calendar days at the post or during the last 30 calendar days at the post;
- upon return to Canada at the end of a deployment or assignment; or
- if a member is entitled to family reunion travel under Section – 12 – Education and Related Care of Dependent Children.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.04(9) (Leave Travel Assistance) A member who is entitled to the benefits under this section is not entitled to assistance under – CBI 209.50 – Leave Travel Assistance (LTA).
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.04(10) (Meal allowance) The payment of any meal allowance ceases for the period of leave for which HLTA will be claimed whether the member reunites with their family member or not.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.04(11) (Rent Allowance) If the member checks out of their commercial lodging for the period of leave for which HLTA benefits are claimed, the payment of any rent allowance ceases for that period.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.05 - Home leave travel
10.21.05(1) (Entitlement) An eligible member is entitled to assistance with travelling expenses for the direct return journey between the member’s post and their home or their previous place of duty.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.05(2) (Entitlement for Member of Ship’s Company) A member of a ship’s company who travels from a port of call to the member’s home or previous place of duty, is entitled to the most economical direct airfare from the port of call that coincides with the start of the member’s leave travel to the member’s home or previous place of duty and back to the ship.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.05(3) (Travel by air) If travelling by air, reimbursement is restricted to the following expenses, subject to the provision of receipts:
- 100% reimbursement of the air travel for the most direct travel using the lowest available economy class airfare that permits changes for a fee from the member’s post to the member’s home or previous place of duty:
- determined by the Approving Authority (AA), the Task Force Commander or the Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services; or
- obtained by the member directly with a travel agent or carrier;
- ground transportation to and from the airport consisting of:
- the most direct and economical means of commercial or local transportation at the post to the airport. If two or more members travel in the same taxi, only one member may claim reimbursement;
- the most direct and economical means of commercial or local transportation between the airport and the member’s home or previous place of duty. If two or more members travel in the same taxi, only one member may claim reimbursement;
- a maximum of two days automobile rental. If two or more members travel in the automobile, only one member may claim reimbursement; or
- the low kilometric rate if a member uses their PMV or a PMV owned by someone other than a dependant, not to exceed the direct road distance between the airport and the member’s home or previous place of duty. If two or more members travel in the same PMV, only one member may claim reimbursement of the kilometric rate;
- road and ferry tolls necessarily incurred;
- parking at the airport not to exceed three hours; and
- airport taxes, fuel and security surcharges when not included in airfare.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.05(4) (Travel by modes other than air) If leave travel is not by air, the expenses that may be reimbursed, depending on the destination and the mode of travel used include, but are not restricted to:
- the most economical rail or bus pass;
- automobile or motorcycle rental for the number of days determined by the following formula, including basic insurance required by law in the location where the automobile or motorcycle is rented and the cost of fuel,
A / 650 = B
B X 2 = C
A is the direct road distance between the post and the member’s home or previous place of duty;
B is the result of the formula rounded to the highest whole number;
C the total number of days a member is entitled to rent an automobile for the trip - the low kilometric rate for the distance between the member’s post and the member’s home or previous place of duty, if a member uses a PMV, not to exceed the direct road distance. If two or more members travel in the same PMV, only one member may claim reimbursement of the kilometric rate; and
- road and ferry tolls necessarily incurred.
(TB, amended 1 January 2025)
10.21.05(5) (Non-reimbursable expenses) The following expenses will not be reimbursed:
- transportation provided by the CF or a third party;
- transportation expenses on leave travel used to meet the 75% verification requirement under Section 22 – Post Travel Assistance;
- business or first class travel;
- meals;
- lodging;
- incidental expenses;
- fuel if PMV kilometric rate is claimed;
- medical and other types of travel insurance including those charged by the travel agent except those under paragraphs (2) and (3);
- automobile rental and associated costs such as fuel during the period of leave at the member’s home or previous place of duty; and
- rental car drop off fees.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.06 - Third location travel allowance
10.21.06(1) (Intent) A fixed allowance for Third Location Travel can be used for transportation costs, with the primary purpose to facilitate reunification, incurred while on authorized leave. The allowance for Third Location Travel is not meant to reimburse all transportation expenses.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.06(2) (Third Location Travel Allowance for Member of Ship’s Company) If a member travels from a port of call to a third location, the allowance, from the planned port of call that coincides with the start of the member's leave, is calculated in accordance with CBI 10.21.06(3). On completion of leave travel, the member is sent to the ship's location (next port of call, if applicable). The portion of the journey between the port of call where the member commenced their leave and the ships new location is not included in the HLTA calculation. If the schedule of port visits is not known, a request for a third location rate is made to the DCBA.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.06(3) (Rate of allowance) The rate of allowance for Third Location Travel Allowance:
- for the applicable post, shall be the average cost of the most economical return airfare, as established by DCBA, for the most direct flight between the post and Halifax, Quebec City, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Edmonton, and Victoria based on a 60 -day advanced booking;
- for the first Leave Travel is the rate applicable on the day the member arrives at the post or on the day the HMCS or allied ship departs from the port. Any subsequent leave travel will be at the applicable rate on the day the leave travel is requested;
- is prorated for members who deploy less than 120 days. It is payable to a member at a rate of:
- 33% of the allowance if the member is deployed or assigned for an expected period in excess of 60 consecutive days but less than 90 consecutive days; or
- 66% of the allowance if the member is deployed or assigned for an expected period of at least 90 consecutive days but less than 120 consecutive days, or
- 100% of the allowance if the member is deployed or assigned for an expected period of 120 consecutive days or more.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.06(4) (Limitations) A member is not entitled to claim third location travel allowance if the member travels to or from the member’s home or previous place of duty while on Third Location Travel.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.06(5) (Limit) The allowance for transportation expenses is provided for the travel of a member or can be shared between a member and one family member.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.06(6) (Third Location Travel Allowance use) The Third Location Travel allowance is a fixed allowance that can be used for travel and travel related expenses during the leave period such as:
- airfare;
- ground transportation;
- the low kilometric rate from where the travel began if a member uses a PMV;
- road and ferry tolls necessarily incurred;
- parking charges at the airport not to exceed three hours;
- airport taxes, fuel and security surcharges when not included in the airfare;
- rail or bus pass, if the rail or bus pass:
- includes meals and accommodation, 50% of the ticket price is used for verification purpose,
- includes accommodation, 75% the ticket price is used for verification purposes,
- does not include meals and accommodation, the entire cost is used for verification purposes;
- automobile or motorcycle rental including basic insurance required by law in the location where the car or motorcycle is rented and the cost of fuel;
- the transportation portion only of a package cruise, safari or tour. If a cruise, safari or tour includes meals, beverages or accommodation, 50% of the ticket price is used for verification purposes. If a cruise, safari or tour does not include meals, beverages or accommodation, the entire cost may be used for verification purposes;
- public transit; and
- any reasonable expense for a mode of transportation not listed above is to be sent to DCBA for approval.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.06(7) (Non-acceptable use) The Third Location Travel allowance is not to be used for the following expenses:
- transportation provided by the Canadian Armed Forces or a third party;
- business or first class travel;
- transportation expenses on leave travel used to meet the 75% verification requirement under Section 22 – Post Travel Assistance;
- daily tours or cruises;
- meals;
- lodging;
- incidental expenses;
- fuel if a PMV is used; and
- medical and other types of travel insurance including those charged by the travel agent.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.06(8) (Verification) The member is required to prove to the AA or the Task Force Commander that the Third Location Travel allowance was expended in accordance with this section by:
- providing proof upon completion of leave travel that the allowance was used as intended;
- providing proof of having reached the authorized leave destination or having completed the travel plan which may consist of hotel receipts, boarding passes or passport entries but not an approved leave form; and
- clearly identified transportation costs on any proof submitted. If insurance costs are included in the ticket price, the member is responsible to ensure that transportation costs and insurance costs are shown separately on the invoice.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.06(9) (Unsubstantiated portion) If a member cannot prove that 90% of the Third Location Travel Allowance has been used for the purpose intended, the unsubstantiated portion of the Allowance is to be recovered from the member.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.07 - Reverse HLTA
10.21.07(1) (Intent) Reverse HLTA is to assist an eligible member who is posted, attach posted or attach posted (temporary) on Assignment with transportation costs when eligible family members travel to the post.
10.21.07(2) (Conditions for entitlement) When an eligible family member travels to the post, the member is entitled to reimbursement for expenses in paragraph (3) or (4), subject to the following:
- reimbursement is not to exceed the cost of the direct return transportation from the member’s post to the member’s home as set out in CBI 10.21.05 – Home Leave Travel;
- the most economical form of transportation is used for travel;
- the family member arrives at the post no earlier than three days before the start of the member’s leave period and departs no later than three days after the member’s leave period ends; and
- reimbursement of expenses is limited to those for the travel of one family member.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.07(3) (Travel by air) If travelling by air, reimbursement under paragraph (2) is limited to the following expenses, subject to the provision of receipts:
- the lesser of the most economical direct routing airfare from the member’s post to the member’s home and the most economical direct routing airfare from the member’s home to the member’s post:
- determined by the AA, or the Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services, and
- obtained by the member directly with a travel agent or carrier;
- ground transportation to and from the airport consisting of:
- the most direct and economical commercial means of transportation between the airport and the member’s home;
- a maximum of two days automobile rental; or
- the low kilometric rate if a member uses a PMV, not to exceed the direct road distance between the airport and the member’s home or previous place of duty. If two or more members travel in the PMV, only one member may claim reimbursement of the kilometric rate;
- road and ferry tolls necessarily incurred;
- parking not to exceed three hours at the airport; and
- airport taxes, fuel and security surcharges when not included in airfare.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.07(4) (Travel by modes other than air) If leave travel to the member’s post is not by air, expenses that may be reimbursed depend on the destination and the mode of travel used include but are not restricted to:
- the most economical rail or bus pass;
- automobile or motorcycle rental including basic insurance required by law in the location where the automobile or motorcycle is rented, and fuel costs; or
- the NJC FSD low kilometric rate from where the travel began if a member uses a PMV; and
- road and ferry tolls necessarily incurred.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.07(5) (Non-reimbursable expenses) The following expenses will not be reimbursed:
- transportation provided by the Canadian Forces or a third party;
- transportation expenses on leave travel used to meet the 75% verification requirement under Section 22 – Post Travel Assistance;
- business or first-class travel;
- meals;
- lodging;
- incidental expenses;
- fuel if a PMV is used;
- medical and other types of travel insurance including those charged by the travel agent;
- automobile rental and associated costs such as fuel during the period of leave at the member’s post; and
- rental car drop off fees.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.08 - HLTA Request Procedure
10.21.08 (1) (HLTA Request Procedure) A request for HLTA shall be approved prior to travel, and include the following:
- a copy of the approved leave form;
- details of the leave travel to be taken including itinerary and mode of transportation;
- for Reverse HLTA, details of the calculation of HLTA under CBI 10.21.05 - Home Leave Travel upon which reimbursement for Reverse HLTA is based;
- for Third Location Travel Allowance, the amount of the allowance as established under CBI 10.21.06(3) – Rate of Allowance
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.08(2) (Finalize Claim) The following shall be included with the finalized claim:
- a certification by the Approving Authority, as follows:
"I certify that (member's rank and name) was granted leave with pay for the period from (date) to (date) and (rank and name) has provided satisfactory proof that the member incurred the transportation expenses being claimed:
- to reunite with their eligible family member at the member's home or former previous place of duty,
- for their eligible family member to reunite with the member at the post,
- to reunite with their eligible family member at a third location, or
- to travel to a third location without reuniting with their family member.
"I further certify that no previous claim for Leave Travel has been paid to the member for leave granted within this entitlement period";
- certification by the member as follows:
"I certify that except as indicated on this claim, I have not been and will not be reimbursed by the public or a third party for the transportation expenses related to the journey for which I am claiming Leave Travel and no transportation was provided without charge. I further certify that the items claimed herein have not been claimed previously and that the details are as stated".
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.09 - Change in travel plan
10.21.09(1) (Operational requirements) A member who is recalled to duty from leave or has been required to change or cancel leave and/or leave travel arrangements due to operational requirements may be reimbursed expenses as detailed in CBI 209.54 (Reimbursement of Expenses when Recalled from or on Cancellation of Leave).
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.09(2) (Personal reasons) Any cost resulting from a change in leave or travel arrangements due to personal reasons is not reimbursable.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.21.09(3) (Insurance) The member is responsible to ensure that invoices show transportation costs, trip cancellation and travel health insurance costs separately.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.22.01 - Intent
The intent of Post Travel Assistance (PTA) is to assist members and their families to travel away from the post during each posting, with more frequent travel provisions for members at more difficult posts.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.22.02 - Eligible Members
10.22.02(1) (Eligible members) This section may apply to a member posted on assignment to a place of duty outside Canada for a period of twelve months or more. The eligibility and frequency are based on the PDA level at the post and the duration of the assignment, as prescribed in FSD 50 (Post Travel Assistance).
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.22.02(2) (Service Couple) Each member of a service couple may be entitled to a Post Travel Assistance, except that only one member of a service couple may claim the entitlement under this section for each dependant or special dependant.
(TB amended 17 August 2023)
10.22.03 - Entitlement
10.22.03(1) (Entitlement) Subject to the other provisions of this section, a member and any dependant normally residing with the member at the post, including special dependants and dependent students attending primary or secondary school away from the post but not in Canada, are entitled under the terms and conditions of FSD 50, to an allowance for Post Travel Assistance to assist them in travelling away from the post. Only travel that takes place after the member applies for the benefit may be considered.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.22.03(2) (PTA rates) PTA rates are listed in FSD 56. For posts that are not listed in FSD 56, DCBA establishes annually on 01 June, a PTA Rate Table in accordance with the method set out in FSD 50.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.22.03(3) (Rate applicable to member) The value of a member’s initial PTA is based on the rate and number of qualifying dependants applicable on the date of the member’s application for the allowance.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.22.04 - Verification
10.22.04(1) (Requirement) A member who receives a Post Travel assistance (PTA) is required to prove that the PTA was expended in accordance with this section by providing proof to the AA:
- within 30 days of completion of travel if the PTA is used for one trip;
- on completion of all travel for which PTA was issued, but no later than the final departure from the post, if the PTA is used for more than one trip.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.22.04(2) (Retention of proof of travel) The member shall retain appropriate proof of travel, such as airline tickets and boarding passes, including approved Leave Forms, supplemented by other proof such as hotel receipts and passport entries in order to meet verification requirements of the PTA. The member shall retain these for a period of seven years, the same period as other income tax related documents.
10.22.04(3) (Verification) PTA is verified subject to the following:
- the PTA of the member and each eligible dependant and special dependant is verified on an individual basis;
- 75% of the PTA has been spent on travel and travel-related expenses including transportation, accommodation, meals and incidental vacation travel expenses such as tours, entry fees, ski passes, etc.;
- transportation expenses on travel for which assistance under Section 10.21 (Home Leave Travel Assistance) is claimed cannot be used to meet the verification requirement under this instruction;
- expenses for any travel prior to the date the member applied for PTA cannot be used to meet the verification requirement under this instruction; and
- when travel is by PMV or rental vehicle, the charges/fees for vehicle rental, fuel, oil, road/bridge tolls, ferries and other transportation may be included, but transportation charges/fees shall not be based on a mileage/kilometric rate.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.22.04(4) Repealed
10.22.04(5) (Recovery) Amounts issued for the PTA shall be recovered from the member in the following circumstances:
- if proof of the expenditures cannot be produced, the member is responsible to refund the corresponding amounts of PTA;
- a member who cannot prove that the PTA has been used for the purpose intended is to return the unsubstantiated portion of the PTA or use the unsubstantiated portion of the PTA for future travel before the end of their posting;
- if the member's household size decreases after a PTA has been issued but before it has been used, the member is responsible to return any unused portion of the PTA for that dependant or special dependant; or
- if the member's posting is terminated early for other than service reasons, the PTA may be prorated by DCBA unless DCBA determines that any recovery under this subparagraph be waived because of extenuating circumstances beyond the member's control.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.22.04(6) Repealed
10.22.04(7) Repealed
(TB, effective 1 April 2009)
10.22.04(8) (Additional PTA) No additional PTA will be issued until the verification procedure and adjustments, if any, have been completed.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.23.01 - Intent
10.23.01(2) (Definition)
- serious illness or injury
is defined as a medical condition that is usually not life-threatening but can negatively impact quality of life and daily function, and requires the person to have immediate treatment as an in-patient in a hospital; and
- critical illness or injury
for the purposes of this section, has the same meaning as very serious illness or injury, in accordance with Defence Administrative Orders and Directives (DAOD) 5018-0, “An injured or ill CAF member whose injury, disease or illness causes the CAF member’s life to be in immediate danger”.
(TB, effective 1 March 2022)
10.23.01(2) (Intent) The provisions of this instruction are not intended to cover all family emergencies. Compassionate Travel Assistance is designed to compensate a member at a post for transportation and travelling expenditures arising from:
- the serious illness or injury of a dependent student or child; or
- the critical illness or injury, or death of:
- the father or the mother of the member,
- the father or the mother of the member's spouse or common-law partner,
- brother or sister of the member or the member’s spouse or common-law partner,
- a member of the family unit as defined in FSD 54, or
- a non‑dependent child of the member or of the member’s spouse or common-law partner.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.23.01(3) (Parental assistance) Compassionate Travel Assistance may also be used, in accordance with FSD 54, for travel to assist the father or mother of the member or spouse or common-law partner through a significant life event which requires filial assistance, such as disposing of the family home, or relocation by elderly parent(s) into a retirement residence or an assisted care facility.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.23.02 - Eligible Members
10.23.02(1) (Eligible members) This section applies to a member who is posted, attached posted or attached posted (temporary) to a place of duty outside Canada.
10.23.02(2) (Service couple) For the purposes of this section, one of the members of a service couple, designated by the couple, is deemed to be a dependant of the other member.
10.23.03 - Entitlement
10.23.03(1) (Entitlement) Subject to the provisions of this section, a member who is granted compassionate leave under article 16.17 - Compassionate Leave of the QR&O is entitled to Compassionate Travel Assistance under the terms and conditions of FSD 54, except that the employee's share under FSD 54 does not apply.
10.23.03(2) (Accommodation) A member is entitled under this section to reimbursement of actual and reasonable accommodation expenses at the location to which the member is entitled to travel to for compassionate reasons for a maximum of five nights.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.23.03(2.1) (Travelling expenses) For the purposes of this section, travelling expenses means expenses for Air Transportation and local transportation to and from airports at the points of departure and destination. Where the AA deems that travel by PMV from the post is more appropriate, costs are limited to the low kilometric rate IAW the NJC Travel Directive, pursuant to the FSD 2 definition for the direct road distance between the post and the place member is required, or the cost of the lowest airfare available, whichever is less. Accommodations are not reimbursable for travel by PMV other than those reimbursable under CBI 10.23.03(2).
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
10.23.03(3) (Supporting documentation) A member is entitled to be reimbursed for the actual and reasonable expense to obtain a physician’s note or a death certificate required under paragraph (4).
(TB, effective 1 March 2022)
10.23.03(4) (Verification) A member who receives a CTA is required to provide proof of travel to the AA within 30 days of completion of travel. A member may be required to provide written confirmation by the attending physician confirming that the member's immediate presence is required because the illness or injury is serious or critical as defined in 10.23.01(1). A death certificate must be provided with the claim as applicable.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.23.03(5) (Additional CTA) No additional CTA will be issued until the verification procedure and adjustments, if any, have been completed. CTA may be authorized only twice in respect of the same illness or injury to the person as described in CBI 10.23.01(2) (Intent) and only once in respect of the same parent as described in CBI 10.23.01(3) (Parental Assistance).
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.24.01 - Intent
The intent of the Safe Storage Expense Benefit is to provide reasonable protection if a member's living accommodation is unoccupied during a temporary absence of the member from the post, whether the absence arises from duty or other circumstances. The risk of burglary or unlawful entry may be greater than in Ottawa, depending on the duration of the absence and the incidence of crime at the post.
10.24.02 - Eligible Members
10.24.02(1) (Eligibility) The following section applies to a member posted to a place of duty outside Canada.
10.24.02(2) (Service couple) For service couples posted to the same post, only one member of a service couple is entitled to the allowances and benefits under this section.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.24.03 - Entitlement
Subject to the provisions and limitations of FSD 28, the AA shall authorize the Safe Storage Expense Benefit, for a member who is temporarily absent from the post and whose living accommodation will be unoccupied during the absence, and where protection from burglary or unlawful entry is considered essential by the AA. The member may be entitled to reimbursement in accordance with the terms and conditions under FSD 28 for the following:
- the lesser of:
- storage expenses, including the cost of packing, cartage, insurance and unpacking of the member's effects, and
- expenses for custodial services providing comparable protection; and
- storage expenses for the member's automobile.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.25.01 - Intent
The intent of the allowances and benefits in this section is to provide assistance to a member, if the member or the member's dependants or special dependants are subject to an emergency evacuation from the post.
10.25.02 - Eligible Members
10.25.02(1) (Eligible members) This section applies to a member who is posted, attach posted or attach posted (temporary) to a place of duty outside Canada.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.25.02(2) (Service couple) This section treats a service couple as a family unit, except if members are not evacuating to the same location for operational reasons. The AA is to ensure that members of a service couple do not receive double benefits.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.25.03 - Entitlement
10.25.03(1) (Authority to Evacuate) CDS approval for emergency benefits pursuant to 10.25.03(2) is contingent on a formal request from the member’s AA following a notification to evacuate. The Head of Mission (if applicable) or the member’s AA, or where insufficient time or inadequate communications exist, the Senior Officer at the post, may authorize an emergency evacuation.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.25.03(2) (Approval of Benefits) A member, their dependants and/or their special dependants whose emergency evacuation has been approved at paragraph (1), is entitled to reimbursement of expenses arising from the emergency evacuation under FSD 64 and this section which may be authorized only by the CDS upon request from the member’s AA.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.25.03(3) (Cessation of Benefits) The entitlement to benefits under this section ceases at the earliest of the following:
- the member’s arrival back at post immediately following:
- The HOM declaring an end to the emergency evacuation; or
- The CDS or their delegate declaring an end to the emergency; or
- it is confirmed by the AA that the member and their dependants (if applicable) will not be returned to the post as a result of the member receiving a posting message.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.25.03(3.1) (Limitation of entitlement) If a member or their dependants or special dependants occupies a residence owned by the member the benefits identified at FSD 64.2.1 (b-d) are suspended until travel back to the post starts.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.25.04 - Travelling expenses
In addition to the travelling expenses outlined in FSD 64, where PMV is the most practical mode of transportation, the AA may approve the PMV kilometric/mileage high rate in accordance with the NJC Travel Directive, between the post and the approved evacuation location.
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
10.25.05 - Claims
10.25.05 (Claims) The administrative procedures for submitting claims for loss and damage of HG&E are in accordance with CBI 10.26 and DAOD 7004-2, Compensation for Loss or Damage to Personal Property.
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
10.25.06 - Verification
10.25.06 (Verification) Each AA shall prepare and submit a report (as applicable) to the DCBA by 1 November annually outlining the following information:
- Emergency Evacuations requiring FSD 64 benefits in the previous year;
- For each Emergency Evacuation, the start date which the CDS or their delegate approved the commencement of benefits;
- For each Emergency Evacuation, the names of personnel receiving benefits and the amounts; and
- For each Emergency Evacuation, the cease date of benefits for each affected person in accordance with CBI 10.25.03(3).
(TB, effective 1 April 2024)
10.26.01 - General Provisions
10.26.01(1) (Intent) This section provides for compensation as a result of damage or loss of household goods and effects occurring during a move to or from locations outside Canada for a member whose move does not occur under the CAFRD. This section also applies to damage or loss of household goods and effects occurring during a move under CBI 10.5.24 - Local Move, CBI 10.10 - Relocation expenses for a person qualifying as a dependant or special dependant during posting), and CBI 10.25 - Emergency evacuation and loss.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.26.01(2) (Non application) This section does not apply to damage to or loss of baggage covered by CFAO 59-4 - Compensation for Loss of or Damage to Personal Baggage Accepted for Shipment.
10.26.02 - Eligible Members
10.26.02(1) (Eligible members) The following section applies to a member who is posted to a place of duty outside Canada.
10.26.02(2) (Service couple) For service couples posted to the same post, only one member of a service couple may claim the compensation under this section for each shipment of household goods and effects authorized.
(TB, modified 1 March 2022)
10.26.03 - Entitlement
A member who has been authorized shipment of household goods and effects under CBI 208.84 – Shipment of Household Goods and Effects to or from a location outside of Canada is entitled to:
- compensation for loss of or damage to Household Goods and effects in accordance with the terms and conditions of DAOD 7004-2 – Compensation for Loss of or Damage to Personal Property;
- reimbursement of the cost of obtaining estimates of repairs to items damaged in transit;
- reimbursement of the cost of obtaining professional appraisals of heirlooms, art objects, antiques and collections (other than stamp or coin) if such appraisals are required for in-transit insurance coverage.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.27.01 - Intent
The intent of the allowances and benefits in this section is to provide assistance to a member who inherits household goods and effects or a PMV during a posting.
10.27.02 - Eligible Members
10.27.02(1) (Eligible members) This section applies to a member who is posted to a place of duty outside Canada for a period of twelve months or more.
10.27.02(2) (Service couple) Each member of a service couple is entitled to the benefits under this section.
10.27.03 - Entitlement
10.27.03(1) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (2) or (3), a member who acquires household goods and effects as a result of an inheritance during a posting outside Canada is entitled to the payment of the storage costs incurred either in or outside Canada of such effects, until the member is assigned to a place of duty in Canada.
10.27.03(2) (Storage costs – approved facility) A member who chooses an approved storage facility for the storage of inherited household goods and effects is entitled to be reimbursed the storage costs to the extent that the weight of the stored household goods and effects does not exceed the maximum weight entitlement provided under the Shipment of Household Goods and Effects section in the CAFRD.
10.27.03(3) (Storage costs – non-approved facility) A member who chooses a non-approved storage facility for the storage of inherited household goods and effects is entitled to be reimbursed the actual amount not to exceed the average storage costs charged for the maximum weight entitlement referred to in paragraph (2) by the approved storage facilities located in the area.
10.27.03(4) (Member's responsibility) The cost of packing, crating and shipping the inherited household goods and effects to the storage facility is the responsibility of the member.
10.27.03(5) (Move of father or mother) With prior agreement of DCBA, inheritance may also include household goods and effects or PMV transferred from the member's father or mother who move from a family residence into an elder-care facility.
(TB, amended 1 March 2022)
10.27.03(6) (PMV storage) A member is only entitled, for a posting outside Canada including any cross-posting, to the storage of one inherited PMV, until the member is posted back to Canada.
10.27.03(7) (Shipment of PMV) A member who inherits a PMV during a posting outside Canada and was otherwise entitled to the shipment of a PMV under the CAFRD but had not previously shipped a PMV to the post, is entitled to the shipment of one inherited PMV in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the CAFRD.
10.28.01(1) (Intent) The intent of this instruction is to provide assistance for expenses associated with maintaining a vacant residence or storing a vehicle while on deployment, prohibited posting, attach posting or attach posting (temporary) outside Canada.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.28.01(2) (Arms Length Transaction) All transactions are to be Arms length transactions in accordance with the definition in CBI 10.5.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.28.02 - Custodial Expenses
10.28.02(1) (Eligibility) Eligibility for reimbursement for Custodial Expenses is in the case of a member who is prohibited posted, attach posted, or attach posted (temporary) to a post and who:
- has no dependants;
- is part of a service couple (SC), and
- both members of that SC are away from their principal residence for service reasons; and
- their dependants, if applicable, do not reside in the principal residence during the member’s absence and the principal residence remains vacant; or
- is a single parent, if their dependants are under 18 years of age and do not reside in the principal residence during the member’s absence and the principal residence remains vacant.
10.28.02(2) (Reimbursement) Subject to the remainder of this instruction, a member is entitled to actual and reasonable expenses from a commercial firm of up to $275 per month, supported by receipts.
10.28.02(3) (Commercial Services) Eligible commercial costs include those related to snow removal, lawn maintenance, security, minor maintenance and additional insurance costs.
10.28.02(4) (Limitation – Normal Expenses) Normal recurring expenses such as property taxes, electricity, telephone service, cable, internet, water, gas, sewer and other utility expenses that a member would have incurred had the residence been occupied are not reimbursable.
10.28.02(5) (Limitation – Long Term Storage) There is no entitlement to reimbursement of custodial expenses when a deployed member has placed their household goods and effects in long-term storage.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.28.02(6) (Limitation – Single Quarters) A member occupying single quarters at origin is not eligible for this benefit.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.28.02(7) (Calculation) Calculation of custodial expense shall be based on the actual days in each calendar month for partial months.
(TB, effective 1 January 2005)
10.28.03 Storage of private motor vehicle and related expenses
10.28.03(1) (Eligibility) A member is eligible for reimbursement for the storage of a Private Motor Vehicle (PMV) and Related Expenses where the member:
- is posted, attach posted or attach posted (temporary) from a place of duty in Canada to a place of duty outside Canada; and
- is prohibited, in accordance with orders or instructions issued by the Chief of Defence Staff, from moving the member’s dependants and household goods and effects.
(TB, amended 1 April 2024)
10.28.03(2) (Entitlement) A member to whom this instruction applies is entitled to:
- storage of one vehicle at public expense:
- at the nearest place where commercial storage facilities are available at actual and reasonable cost, supported by receipts; or
- when commercial storage is unavailable or not practical, the AA may authorize the use of a non-commercial storage facility, of which the member’s reimbursement is limited to $30 per month; and
- return travel to the location of storage, where such storage facilities are necessarily outside the place of duty, in accordance with CBI 209.30 – Entitlements and Instruction, (see Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction) in respect of that journey.
10.28.03(3) (Retrieval of stored vehicle) On re-deployment, the member is entitled to the most practical and economical of:
- shipment of the private motor vehicle to the new place of duty, under paragraph (5) of CBI 208.83 – Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants; or
- return travel to the storage facility in accordance with the Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction or CBI 208.83 in respect of that journey, and
- when it is necessary to prepare the stored vehicle for road operation, the member may be authorized a necessary one-day scheduled stopover and, in this case, shall receive the benefits under CBI 209.30 Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction or CBI 208.83.
(TB, amended 1 January 2025)
10.28.03(4) (Preparation of stored vehicle – roadworthiness) When a vehicle is stored in a commercial storage facility, the member may be reimbursed expenses that are required to restore the vehicle to roadworthiness up to $200. These expenses may include labour charges associated with a mandatory safety check, towing charges, brake cleaning/adjustments and labour and minor parts associated with a minor tune up.
(TB, effective 1 January 2006)
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