Chapter 209 - Transportation and Travelling Expenses (Effective 1 April 2025)
This version of Chapter 209 is effective 1 April 2025. Members can continue to reference the current version of Chapter 209 until 31 March 2025.
Disclaimer: The Compensation Benefit Instructions (CBI) are provided electronically in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Portable Document Format (PDF) versions. HTML is provided solely for the convenience of readers. The only official version of the CBI made under the authority of the National Defence Act is in electronic PDF format found on this web site.
On this page
Section 1 – General
- 209.01 - Definitions
- 209.013 - Special Powers of the Minister
- 209.015 - Exceptions and Limitations to Entitlements under this CBI Chapter
- 209.02 - Unpaid Ranks
- 209.03 - Preparation and Submission of Claims
- 209.04 - Transportation when Processing to and Returning from Class "A" Reserve Service and Class "B" Reserve Service
- 209.045 - Transportation Assistance for Reserve Force Personnel on Class "A" Reserve Service
Section 2 – Transportation and Accommodation
Section 3 – Travelling Expenses
- 209.30 - Travelling Expenses – Conditions and Entitlements
- 209.31 - Reimbursement for Weekend Travel While on Temporary Duty
- 209.335 - Family Care Assistance
- 209.336 – Assistance for Military Duty Absence (AMDA)
- 209.35 - Expenses when a Ship is Temporarily Evacuated due to Disruptions in Essential Services
- 209.36 – Custodial Expence - has been moved to Chapter 208.998, effective 1 September 2018
- 209.37 – Senior Appointment and Key Leadership Position Travel – Reserve Force Personnel on Class “A” Reserve Service
Section 4 – Incidental Travelling Expenses
Section 5 – Transportation on Leave
Section 6 – Entitlement at Time of Enrolment
Section 7 – Relocation Benefits - Special Cases
Section 8 – [NOT ALLOCATED]
Section 9 – [NOT ALLOCATED]
Section 10 – Miscellaneous
- [209.99 to 209.9912 – NOT ALLOCATED]
- 209.9913 - Reimbursement for Transportation and Travelling Expenses of Service or Retired Officers and Non-Commissioned Members and Guests Attending Investitures
- 209.992 - Transportation of Dependants – Medical Care and Dental Treatment
- 209.9922 - Transportation of a Deceased Dependant or an Officer or Non-Commissioned Member whose Dependant has died or a Dependant of a Deceased Officer or Non-Commissioned Member
- [209.993 to 209.999 – NOT ALLOCATED]
- accommodation
means the berth, seat or other accommodation that may be provided to an officer or non-commissioned member in a railway train or other conveyance.
- transportation
means transportation provided at public expense under CBI 209.30 - Entitlement and Instruction, (see Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instructions) and does not include accommodation, meals, gratuities and similar incidentals.
- travelling expenses
means travelling expenses at the rates established Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction.
(effective 1 October 2002)
Amendment 2/03
209.013 - Special Powers of the Minister
209.013(1) (Definition) In this instruction, compensation means all expenses and all benefits, whether primarily of a financial nature or not, established in this chapter.
209.013(2) (Power of the Minister) Where in this chapter an officer or non-commissioned member or a member's dependants have not received compensation because the relevant circumstances, although not dissimilar to, were different from the circumstances established, the Minister may, if the Minister considers it would be equitable and consistent with the purpose of this chapter, approve the grant of all or part of that compensation.
209.015 - Exceptions and Limitations to Entitlements under this Chapter
209.015(1) (Limitations) Subject to paragraph (2) and despite sections 2 – Transportation and Accommodation, 3 – Travelling Expenses and 4 – Incidental Travelling Expenses, the entitlement of an officer or non-commissioned member to any of the expenses described in those sections may be limited in whole or in part, if:
(amended by TB, effective 1 March 2022)
- expenses in whole or in part, or any other remuneration, of the member who is sent on duty are paid by a third party; or
- prior to proceeding on duty, the member waives their entitlement in whole or in part to the expenses described in sections 2, 3 and 4.
209.015(2) (Cap) No limitation may be imposed under paragraph (1) that exceeds the expenses or other remuneration paid by the third party or the expenses waived by the officer or non-commissioned member.
209.015(3) (Expenses denied or paid by a third party) When a limitation is imposed under paragraph (1), any monies received as expenses or other remuneration by the officer or non-commissioned member from a third party may be retained by the member in lieu of any expenses under section 2, 3 or 4 that are denied the member under paragraph (1).
209.02 - Unpaid Ranks
This chapter applies to officers and non-commissioned members holding unpaid acting rank as though they held the equivalent paid rank.
209.03 - Preparation and Submission of Claims
209.03(1) (Submission of claim) Claims for transportation and travelling expenses shall be prepared and submitted in such manner and supported by such receipts and vouchers as may be required by the CBI and by any orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff.
209.03(2) (No subsequent adjustment) After a claim has been paid, no subsequent adjustment shall be made as a result of any antedated promotion, relinquishment of rank or appointment promulgated after the payment.
(TB 4 April 2022, has been moved to CBI 209.295 (Transportation Assistance for Reserve Force Personnel on Class "A" Reserve Service), Effective 1 March 2022)
209.27 - Hire of Private Motor Cars
Repealed by TB, effective 1 August 2023)
209.28 - Commuting Assistance
209.28(1) (Definitions) The definitions in this paragraph apply in this instruction.
- adequate public transportation
means public transportation that is scheduled at appropriate times to permit members to work their allotted schedule and return home within a reasonable time after work and that has the capacity to carry the work force.
- suitable residential community
means a location where most of the members at a worksite would be expected to reside and is:
- listed in Appendix B (Non-Exclusive List of Qualified Worksites and Designated Suitable Residential Communities) of the National Joint Council Commuting Assistance Directive; or
- if not so listed, designated by the Chief of the Defence Staff or their delegate. (centre domiciliaire convenable)
- worksite
means the actual building or other place to which an officer or non-commissioned member regularly reports for duty. (lieu de travail)
209.28(2) (Authorization) Commuting assistance may be authorized by the Chief of the Defence Staff or their delegate, in respect of
- a new worksite that is not served by adequate public transportation and is situated more than 16 road kilometres from the nearest suitable residential community;
- an existing worksite for which commuting assistance was, prior to the making of this instruction, authorized for public service employees, that is not now served by adequate public transportation and that is situated more than 16 road kilometres from the nearest suitable residential community; or
- an existing worksite when that location meets the established qualifications but was in existence prior to 1 January 1973, is not now served by adequate public transportation and is situated more than 16 road kilometres from the nearest suitable residential community.
Note The designation of a new worksite by the Chief of the Defence Staff may be requested by a Level 1 advisor through the Chief of Military Personnel.
209.28(3) (Types of commuting assistance) Commuting assistance may be in the form of a kilometrage allowance, assisted transportation or free transportation as determined by the Chief of the Defence Staff or their delegate. Normally only one form of commuting assistance will be authorized in respect of each worksite except when it is more practical or economical to approve a second form.
Note When commuting assistance is authorized in respect of a worksite with an interdepartmental presence, the Director General Compensation and Benefits will act as the Canadian Forces Designated Departmental Commuting Assistance Coordinator to coordinate the type(s) of commuting assistance which are applicable.
209.28(4) (Method of commuting assistance) When commuting assistance is authorized in respect of a worksite and the Chief of the Defence Staff has determined the form of the commuting assistance, that assistance shall be provided as follows:
- if assistance in the form of free transportation is authorized, transportation shall be by publicly-owned or chartered vehicle between the worksite and the nearest public transportation system;
- if assistance in the form of assisted transportation is authorized, transportation shall be by publicly-owned or chartered vehicle
- between the worksite and a suitable residential community,
- for any officer or non-commissioned member serving at the worksite who enters or leaves the vehicle at any point on its normal direct route between the worksite and a suitable residential community, and
- at the cost established by Treasury Board for a public service employee for each one-way trip or the normal fare on the public transportation system within the designated community, whichever is greater; or
- if assistance in the form of an allowance per kilometre is authorized, then an officer or non-commissioned member is entitled — for each one way trip between the member’s worksite and the member’s residence that is necessarily made by the member in daily travel to or from work — to assistance determined by the formula
[ ( A − 16 − P ) × B ]
A is the direct road distance between the member’s worksite and their residence, or the centre of the suitable residential community, whichever is closer to the worksite;
B is the kilometric rate for the location of the worksite as set out in “Appendix A — Lower Kilometric Rates” of the National Joint Council Commuting Assistance Directive, as amended from time to time; and
P is the distance the member travels as a passenger with another person who is reimbursed at public expense for travelling that distance.
(amended by TB, effective 1 August 2023)
209.29 — Special Commuting Assistance (SCA)
209.29(1) (Purpose) The purpose of the Special Commuting Assistance (SCA) is to provide compensation to eligible members for some of the costs relating to a reasonable daily commute as an alternative to a move under the Canadian Armed Forces Relocation Directive (CAFRD).
209.29(2) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to receive SCA if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
- the member is posted after 31 March 2021 to a new permanent workplace and is eligible for relocation benefits under the CAFRD;
- if the member’s current residence is located outside the geographical boundaries established as the acceptable residency distance for the new permanent workplace, the member has received the required approval to reside outside those boundaries;
- in relation to the new posting, either:
- the direct road distance between the member’s current residence and the new permanent workplace is 100 kilometres or less, or
- paragraph (3) applies;
- in relation to the new posting, the member has not received:
- Separation Expense under CBI 208.997 (Separation Expense), or
- any relocation benefits under the CAFRD;
- in relation to the new posting, the member agrees to forfeit entitlement to any relocation benefits under the CAFRD and to Separation Expense under CBI 208.997 (Separation Expense) until the next posting for which the member is entitled to be moved at public expense;
- when travelling from the member’s current residence to their new permanent workplace, the member is the driver of their private motor vehicle; and
- in accordance with paragraphs (4) and (5), the Approval Authority is satisfied that SCA is more practical and economical than a short distance move.
209.29(3) (Entitlement – Routes) For the purposes of subparagraph (2)(c)(ii), the approving authority may approve SCA for a reasonable daily commute if the member is eligible for relocation benefits under the CAFRD for a posting between any of the following places of duty:
- between Winnipeg MB and Portage la Prairie MB;
- between Borden ON and Meaford ON;
- between Borden ON and Toronto ON;
- between Trenton ON and Kingston ON;
- between the National Capital Region (Ottawa ON / Gatineau QC) and Cornwall ON; or
- between Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu QC, Saint-Hubert QC, Mirabel QC and Montreal QC.
209.29(4) (Approval Authority) The following officers may approve the member to receive SCA, subject to the limitations at paragraphs (8) and (9):
- in relation to a Regular Force member, the gaining Commanding Officer; and
- n relation to a Reserve Force member on Class “B” or “C” Reserve service, the Director Compensation Benefits Administration (DCBA).
209.29(4.1) (Continuation of SCA – Reserve Force members) When a Reserve Force member who is in receipt of SCA commences a new period of Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service within the same place of duty, the continuation of SCA requires the approval of the approving authority. In determining whether to approve the continuation of SCA, the approving authority must consider the factors listed at paragraph (5).
209.29(5) (Approval Authority considerations) When determining whether SCA is more practical and economical than a short distance move, the approval authority will consider the following factors:
- the potential impact of the member’s daily commute on unit operations and efficiency;
- the estimated cost of payment of the SCA benefit over the expected length of the member’s posting;
- the hypothetical cost of payment of unaccompanied relocation benefits under the CAFRD;
- the average cost of a domestic relocation – as listed in the most recent Cost Factors Manual;
- the impact of a short distance move on the member and their dependants; and
- the member’s acknowledgement that the entitlement to SCA will cease in accordance with paragraph (8) or (9), as the case may be.
209.29(6) (Entitlement – Transitional) In relation to a member who on 31 March 2021 was in receipt of SCA as approved by the DCBA under the Canadian Forces Integrated Relocation Program Directive, and subject to the limitations at paragraphs (8) and (9):
- the Regular Force member’s entitlement to SCA continues under this instruction until the next posting in which the member is eligible for relocation benefits under the CAFRD; and
- the Reserve Force member’s entitlement to SCA continues under this instruction until the end of the period for which it was approved, unless an extension is approved under paragraph (4).
209.29(7) (Amount) The amount of SCA payable for each day travelled for duty purposes between the member’s residence and the member’s new permanent workplace is determined by the formula
[ ( A – B ) × C × D ) ]
A is the one-way direct road distance between the member’s residence and the member’s new permanent workplace;
B is the deductible distance and is equal to
- if paragraph (6) applies, 16 kilometres, or
- in any other case, 40 kilometres;
C is the number of one-way trips by the member between the member’s residence and the member’s new permanent workplace to a maximum of two trips; and
D is the kilometric rate payable to a member of the public service under Appendix A of the National Joint Council Commuting Assistance Directive, as amended from time to time, and that corresponds to the province or territory in which the member’s current residence is located.
209.29(8) (Duration of SCA – Regular Force) The entitlement under this instruction will cease on the later of:
- five years from the change of strength date for the posting to the member’s current permanent workplace for which SCA was initially approved; and
- 31 March 2026.
209.29(9) (Duration of SCA – Reserve Force) The entitlement under this instruction will cease on the date determined by DCBA, not to exceed later of:
- five years from the commencement date of the period of Class “B” or “C” Reserve Force service for which SCA was initially approved; and
- 31 March 2026.
(amended by TB, effective 1 August 2023)
209.295 –Transportation Assistance for Reserve Force Personnel on Class "A" Reserve Service
209.295(1) (Definitions) The definitions in this paragraph apply in this instruction.
- adequate public transportation
- means public transportation that is scheduled at appropriate times to permit officers or non-commissioned members to work their allotted schedule and return to their residence within a reasonable time after work and that has the capacity to carry the work force.
- worksite
- means a building or other place where an officer or non-commissioned member reports for training or duty.
209.295(2) (Travel assistance) An officer or non-commissioned member on Class "A" Reserve Service is entitled to transportation assistance under this paragraph based on distance travelled when:
- the member lives a minimum of 16 kilometres from their worksite; and
- transportation cannot be provided from Government sources, or adequate public transport is not available.
209.295(3) (Amount of assistance) The amount of the assistance payable for each one way trip between the member’s worksite and the member’s residence is determined by the formula
[ ( A − 16 ) × B ]
A is, to a maximum of 100 kilometres, the direct road distance between the member’s residence and their worksite; and
B is the kilometric rate — for the location of the worksite — as set out in "Appendix A — Lower Kilometric Rates" of the National Joint Council Commuting Assistance Directive, as amended from time to time.
(TB 4 April 2022, moved from 209.045, effective 1 March 2022)
209.30 – Entitlement and Instruction
209.30(1) (Benefits) Section 35(2) of the National Defence Act authorizes the Treasury Board to determine and regulate the payments for the duty travel expenses of Canadian Forces members.
209.30(2) (Administrative Instructions)Under subsection 18(2) of the National Defence Act, the Chief of the Defence Staff may issue administrative instructions to the Canadian Forces in respect of duty travel.
209.31 - Reimbursement for Weekend Travel while on Temporary Duty
209.31(1) (Entitlement) Subject to the limitations at paragraphs (4) and (5), a member who proceeds on temporary duty in Canada is entitled to be reimbursed for transportation and travelling expenses as set out in the Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instructions for weekend travel to and from their normal place of duty or the place where their dependants are residing, if all the following conditions are satisfied:
- the member is away from their permanent workplace in Canada, for reasons other than attending a course of training or instruction;
- the member is authorized to travel on a weekend;
- the member is not travelling on any days for which leave has been granted under Section 2 – Long Leave or Section 3 – Short Leave of QR&O Chapter 16;
- before beginning the travel, the member has served at least eight days of duty at the temporary duty location;
- in respect of a Reserve Force member, they are not serving on Class “A” Reserve Service; and
- upon return from weekend travel, the member has
- at least three days remaining at the temporary duty location when the member is on temporary duty for the performance of tasks that are part of their normal duties, or
- at least eight days remaining at the temporary duty location when the member is on temporary duty for the performance of tasks that are outside of their normal duties.
209.31(2) (Interpretation – normal duties) For the purpose of this instruction, a member on temporary duty:
- is considered to be performing tasks that are part their normal duties if either
- they are performing duties that they typically perform at their permanent workplace, or
- they are a Reserve Force member who commences a new period Class B Reserve Service for the purpose of proceeding on the temporary duty; and
- in any other case, is considered to be performing tasks that are outside of their normal duties.
209.31(3) (Interpretation – weekend) For the purpose of this instruction, a weekend is:
- considered to be
- in the case of a shift worker, the member’s scheduled non-working days, or
- in any other case, a Saturday and Sunday; plus
- any statutory or designated holidays and any non-working days scheduled by the unit at which the member is on temporary duty that are adjacent to the days at subparagraph (a).
209.31(4) (Limitation – Reimbursement when performing tasks that are part of normal duties) Where the purpose of the temporary duty is the performance of tasks that are part of the member’s normal duties, the member’s entitlement under this instruction is limited to the cost of maintaining the member at the temporary duty location over the weekend, calculated as follows:
- where the member is being provided meals and accommodation at public expense, the hypothetical cost of providing those meals and accommodation for the weekend; plus
- any entitlements under the Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instructions at the temporary duty location.
209.31(5) (Limitation – Reimbursement when performing tasks that are outside of normal duties) Where the purpose of the temporary duty is the performance of tasks that are outside of the member’s normal duties, the member’s entitlement under this instruction is limited to one trip during each 30-day period of absence.
(amended by TB, effective 1 March 2022)
209.335 – Family Care Assistance [Repealed by TB, Effective 1 April 2025. Replaced by CBI 209.336]
209.336 – Assistance for Military Duty Absence (AMDA)
209.336(1) (Purpose) The purpose of the Assistance for Military Duty Absence (AMDA) benefit is to provide monetary assistance for members to offset some of the additional expenses related to the care of their dependants as a result of being absent from their home for service reasons. It is not meant to compensate a member's full dependant care expenses.
209.336(2) (Definitions) In this instruction:
“commercial dependant care” means dependant care services provided by:
- a company or organization that is in the business of providing dependant care services; or
- a person who does not reside with the member and who provides dependant care services in their own home as a regular source of income.
“dependant” has the same meaning as in CBI 208.80 (Application and Definitions), excluding a housekeeper cited at subparagraph (c) of that definition.
“home” means the place where the member normally resides with their dependants.
“other caregiver” means, in respect of the member’s dependant, a caregiver who is not the member and who is:
- the member's spouse or common-law partner;
- the member's former spouse or common-law partner and who shares custody of the dependant;
- another family member 18 years of age or older residing with the member who does not have a mental or physical limitation that would preclude them from providing dependant care or caring for themselves; or
- a legal guardian.
“regular working hours” means the regular hours of work as scheduled and approved by, or under the authority of, the member’s Commanding Officer.
Commanding Officers should schedule and approve regular work hours at least 14 days in advance to allow sufficient time for members to adjust their dependant care arrangements as required. This is especially important for shift workers and other members whose employment requires non-traditional work hours that may be prone to more frequent changes.
209.336(3) (Application) This instruction applies to a member of the Regular Force or of the Reserve Force on Class “B” or “C” Reserve Service, who has a dependant who is:
- less than 18 years of age; or
- 18 years of age or older but requires assistance due to a physical or mental disability and is not in receipt of a pension.
209.336(4) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (7) and approval by the Commanding Officer, a member who incurs additional expenses related to dependant care because the member is absent from their home for a service reason as described at paragraph (5) is entitled to be reimbursed the amount set out in paragraph (9) if:
- there is no other caregiver; or
- there is one or more other caregivers but none of them are available because:
- they are required to work or must attend scheduled medical appointments or must attend courses at a recognized learning institution, or
- the other caregiver is a former spouse, a former common-law partner, or a legal guardian, who is not scheduled to provide care.
209.336(5) (Absent for service reasons) For the purposes of paragraph (4), a member is considered to be absent from their home for service reasons if the absence is due to:
- being ordered to report to or remain at their permanent workplace or at another physical location within their place of duty for 30 minutes or more outside of their regular working hours;
- being required, due to an unforeseen operational requirement, to immediately complete a military duty or task that requires the member to remain at their permanent workplace or at another physical location within their place of duty for 30 minutes or more beyond their regular working hours;
- being recalled to their permanent workplace or to another physical location within their place of duty to perform a military duty or task outside of their regular working hours;
- being involved in a military operation, exercise, training, or other military duty or task within their place of duty outside of regular working hours;
- being outside of their place of duty for duty travel, an attached posting, a military operation, exercise, training, or other military duty or task; or
- having proceeded on a posting for which the move of their dependants to the new place duty is prohibited.
For the purposes of subparagraph (b), examples of a military duty or task that must be immediately completed by reason of an unforeseen operational requirement include:
- a military police officer must remain at an accident scene beyond the end of their shift;
- a firefighter must continue to fight a fire beyond the end of their shift; and
- a member who is at a 24-hour monitoring site within their place of duty must remain there beyond the end of their shift because the arrival of their replacement has been delayed.
209.336(6) (Absent for service reasons within the place of duty – travel delays) When a member is delayed in returning to their home for reasons outside their control after having been absent as prescribed at subparagraphs (5)(a) through (5)(d), up to one additional day of AMDA may be authorized at the Commanding Officer’s discretion.
209.336(7) (No Entitlement) There is no entitlement to AMDA:
- if the member is absent from their home
- as a result of voluntarily returning to or remaining at their permanent workplace or at another physical location within their place of duty outside of their regular working hours when not ordered to do so or when there is no operational requirement to immediately complete a military duty or task,
- for the purpose of participating in an optional sporting event such as unit hockey or regional sports, or optional adventure training,
- for the purpose of attending an optional mess dinner or equivalent event or optional military social activity,
- because the member has proceeded unaccompanied on a posting for which the move of their dependants is not prohibited, or
- to serve a punishment imposed by a court martial or a civil court or to complete a sanction imposed at a summary hearing;
- for any period that the member
- is delayed in returning to their home for reasons which are within the member’s control after having been absent for service reasons described at paragraph (5), or
- is entitled to a dependant care assistance benefit under the Canadian Armed Forces Relocation Directive;
- in relation to dependant care for a person designated as a special dependant under CBI 10.9 (Special Dependants);
- for any amount for which the member receives third party compensation;
- for any day for which the member’s spouse or common-law partner is reimbursed for dependant care expenses under the National Joint Council Travel Directive; and
- for any day the member is reimbursed under CBI 211.05 (Caregiver Benefit).
209.336(8) (Service Couple) When two members – who are married or living in a common-law partnership – are both absent from their home for service reasons at the same time, only one member is entitled to be reimbursed under this instruction.
209.336(9) (Amount) Subject to paragraph (10), a member referred to in paragraph (4) is entitled to the difference between:
- the sum of all amounts paid by the member for expenses related to dependant care for the period the member is absent from their home for service reasons; and
- the sum of all amounts that would have normally been paid by the member for dependant care for that period had the member not been absent from their home for service reasons.
209.336(10) (Maximum) The maximum reimbursable amount is limited to either:
- with a declaration, $10 per hour per household to a maximum of $80 per day per household;
- with a receipt for commercial dependant care, $15 per hour per household to a maximum of $120 per day per household; or
- where both subparagraphs (a) and (b)apply for the same day, the hourly maximum at subparagraphs (a) or (b) as applicable, not to exceed a combined total of eight hours of dependant care per day per household.
Funds reimbursed based on a declaration may be used by the member to offset costs for a caregiver to travel to the dependants, or vice versa, or both.
(TB, effective 1 April 2025)
209.35 - Expenses when a Ship is Temporarily Evacuated due to Disruptions in Essential Services
209.35(1) (Entitlement to reimbursement)When it becomes necessary for a ship to be temporarily evacuated for the purpose of fumigation, refit or repairs or for other reasons, an officer or non-commissioned member serving on board the ship is entitled to be paid actual and reasonable expenses up to the maximum rates and in the manner set out in the Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction.
209.35(2) (Exceptional circumstances) An officer or non-commissioned member whose dependants were last moved at public expense to the area, or whose dependants were acquired in the area, where the ship is evacuated and have never been moved at public expense, is not entitled to payment of the expenses described in paragraph (1), unless otherwise authorized, in exceptional circumstances, by the Minister.
(effective 1 October 2002)
Amendment 2/03
209.36 – Custodial Expense
(has been moved to Chapter 208, effective 1 September 2018. See CBI 208.998 (Custodial Expense))
209.37 – Senior Appointment and Key Leadership Position Travel – Reserve Force Personnel on Class “A” Reserve Service
209.37(1) (Purpose) The purpose of this benefit is to provide reimbursement of transportation and travelling expenses to Primary Reserve members on Class “A” Reserve Service who, for employment in a senior appointment or key leadership position, are required to travel within Canada more than 100 kilometres directly between their residence and their duty location.
209.37(2) (Definition – duty location) For the purposes of this instruction, “duty location” means:
- the place of duty at which the member is employed in the senior appointment or key leadership position; or
- the alternate location to which the member must travel to fulfill their duties in respect of their employment at subparagraph (a).
209.37(3) (Entitlement) A Reserve Force member is entitled to be reimbursed transportation and travelling expenses in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instructions (CFTDTI) as though the member is travelling on temporary duty between their residence and their duty location, if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
- they are serving on Class “A” Reserve Service;
- they are the subject of a senior appointment or key leadership position designation instruction issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) or by an officer authorized by the CDS to issue that instruction;
- they are employed in that senior appointment or key leadership position under subparagraph (b);
- they are travelling more than 100 kilometres directly between their residence and their duty location under subparagraph (c), both of which are in Canada; and
- their travel under subparagraph (d) is authorized in advance by the approving authority in accordance with CFTDTI 4.03 (Duty Travel — Authorization).
(TB, effective 1 March 2022)
209.50 - Leave Travel Assistance (LTA)
209.50(1) (Purpose) The purpose of Leave Travel Assistance is to reimburse Canadian Forces members for some expenses paid because of travel on leave to meet a family member.
209.50(2) (Definitions) The following definitions apply in this instruction:
- commercial carrier
includes but not limited to:
- a commercial passenger aviation service;
- a commercial passenger railway service;
- a commercial inter-city bus service; or
- a ferry service,
i. between two locations within British Columbia, or
ii. between any two of the following provinces: New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.
1. Examples of a commercial passenger aviation service includes but not limited to Air Canada, Air France, British Airways, Buffalo Airways, Canadian North, Lufthansa, Porter and WestJet
2. Examples of a commercial passenger railway service includes but not limited to Amtrak, Deutsche Bahn, Ontario Northland, and Via Rail.
3. Examples of a commercial inter-city bus company includes but not limited to Greyhound Lines, Greyhound Canada, Maritime Bus, and Voyageur Colonial Bus Lines.
- dependant
a dependant as defined in CBI 208.997 but excludes a child who normally resides separate from the member for other than service reasons.
- family member
- a dependant;
- in respect of a member who has no dependant, any of the following
- a member’s child, including a stepchild, legal ward, adopted child, or child adopted under a Canadian indigenous custom adoption practice;
- a parent, step-parent, or a person who stood, prior to the member's enrolment, in the place of the member's father or mother;
- a brother, stepbrother, sister, or stepsister; or
- a grandparent; or
- where neither subparagraph (a) nor (b) applies, a person designated by the member to be their next of kin in accordance with article 1.02 of the QR&O. (membre de la famille)
In order to determine if a person stood in place of a member’s father or mother, that person must have lived at the same residence with the member and made day-to-day decisions concerning the member's education, health and well-being.(C)
- Leave Travel Assistance
or LTA means the reimbursement of expenses identified in this instruction.
- place of duty
- a place of duty as defined in paragraph (3) of CBI 208.80 ( Application and Definitions); or
- the place where a member is performing duty.
- principal residence
- in respect of a member with a dependant, a principal residence as defined in CBI 208.997 (Separation Expense); and
- in respect of a member without a dependant, a residential property that a family member occupies for more than 183 days in a continuous 365 day period.
- service couple
means two members both of whom are the spouse or common-law partner of the other and one of whom is:
- a member of the Regular Force; or
- a member of the Reserve Force who is both on Class B or C Reserve Service and authorized to move household goods and effects at public expense for that Class B or C Reserve Service.
- spouse
in relation to a member, does not include a spouse who is living separate and apart, within the meaning of the Divorce Act, from the member.
(amended by TB, effective 1 August 2023)
209.50(2.1) (Limitation – commercial carrier) Expenses for travel by commercial carrier are limited to:
- a commercial passenger aviation service fare in the lowest available refundable economy class with bookings made as far in advance as possible, and includes the following expenses when not included in the ticket cost:
- airport improvement fees,
- airport departure tax, and
- fees for one carry on bag and one checked bag, not including any charges for overweight or oversized baggage;
- an undiscounted economy class rail service fare;
- a standard inter-city bus fare;
- a standard Vehicle Ferry Rate; and
- mandatory transportation service charges and fees not otherwise paid.
(TB, effective 1 August 2023)
Examples of mandatory transportation service charges and fees in accordance with sub-paragraph (2.1)(e) include, but are not limited to: docking fees, road/bridge tolls, ferries and other transportation service charges/fees. (C)
209.50(3) (Entitlement) A member of the Regular Force, of the Reserve Force who is on Class C Reserve Service for 60 or more continuous days, or of the Reserve Force who is on Class B Reserve Service and authorized to move their household goods and effects at public expense for that Class B Reserve Service, is entitled to LTA if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(amended by TB, effective 1 March 2022)
- the member is on leave under QR&O chapter 16 (Leave), except under article 16.18 (Retirement Leave), article 16.25 (Leave Without Pay and Allowances), article 16.26 (Maternity Leave) and article 16.27 (Parental Leave) of the QR&O;
- the member has a family member;
- during the approved leave period for which a member is entitled to LTA, either the member travels to see a family member or a family member travels to see the member;
(amended by TB, effective 1 August 2023) - the member provides proof of travel to an authorized destination;
- the member is not entitled to a payment for travel expenses under section 21 (Home Leave Travel Assistance) of the Military Foreign Service Instructions; and
- only in respect of a member with a dependant, the member is – for 60 continuous days – either entitled to Separation Expense under CBI 208.997 (Separation Expense) or absent – for service reasons – from their place of duty.
209.50(4) (Number – Persons) LTA is authorized in respect of the travel expenses of only one person.
209.50(5) (Number – Trips) LTA is authorized:
- for a member without a dependant, once every fiscal year, and leave travel that spans two fiscal years is deemed to have occurred in the fiscal year in which the travel commenced;
- for a member with a dependant, once during each discrete 365 day period following the commencement of their entitlement to Separation Expense under CBI 208.997 or, of their absence – for service reasons – from their place of duty. Leave travel that spans two discrete 365 day periods is deemed to have occurred in the 365 day period in which the travel commenced; or
(amended by TB, effective 1 March 2022) - despite subparagraphs (a) and (b), a member who is precluded from using their LTA entitlement in a fiscal year or discrete 365 day period, as the case may be, due to an imperative military requirement is entitled to use their LTA entitlement in the following fiscal year or discrete 365 day period, as the case may be, without any impact to their LTA entitlement for that following fiscal year or discrete 365 day period.
(TB, effective 1 August 2023)
209.50(6) (Authorized Destinations) LTA is authorized for travel:
- in respect of a member with a dependant,
- by the member to their principal residence, to a spouse's or common-law partner's place of duty, or to a third location where a dependant is; or
- by a dependant to the member's place of duty or to a third location where the member is; and
- in respect of a member without a dependant,
- by the member to a principal residence or to a third location where a family member is; or
- by a family member to the member's place of duty or to a third location where the member is.
209.50(7) (Amount – Travel Within Canada and the United States) Subject to paragraph (8), if all travel occurs within Canada and the United States of America (CANUS), the amount of LTA is the lesser of:
- the actual cost of return travel by commercial carrier, or by PMV at OLKR, or a combination of both,
(amended by TB, effective 1 March 2022)- in respect of a service couple who meet at a place of duty, from the member's place of duty to the other member's place of duty; and
- in any other case, from the member's place of duty to the authorized destination in accordance with paragraph (6); and
(amended by TB, effective 1 August 2023)
the amount determined by the formula,
[({Dx2} - 800) - P] x OLKR
D is the most direct kilometric road distance,- in respect of a service couple who meet at a place of duty, from the member's place of duty to the other member's place of duty, and
- in any other case, from the member's place of duty to the principal residence;
P is the distance the member travels as a passenger in a private motor vehicle with another person who is reimbursed at public expense for travelling that distance; and
OLKR is the Ontario lower kilometric rate in Appendix A of the National Joint Council Commuting Assistance Directive, as amended from time to time.
209.50(8) (Amount – CANUS Road Travel Impossible) Where paragraph (7) applies and if the authorized destination is inaccessible by road, the amount of LTA is the amount determined by the formula:
C - (OLKR x 800)
where C is the cost under subparagraph (7)(a) and OLKR is the Ontario lower kilometric rate in Appendix A of the National Joint Council Commuting Assistance Directive, as amended from time to time.
209.50(9) (Amount – Travel Between CANUS and Another Country) If any travel occurs between CANUS and another country, the amount of LTA is the lesser of:
- the actual cost of return travel by commercial carrier from the member's place of duty to the authorized destination in accordance with paragraph (6); and
(amended by TB, effective 1 August 2023) - the amount of 13092 × OLKR, where OLKR is the Ontario lower kilometric rate in Appendix A of the National Joint Council Commuting Assistance Directive, as amended from time to time.
209.51 - Compassionate Travel Assistance
209.51(1) (Application) This instruction applies to an officer or non-commissioned member to whom section 23 of the Military Foreign Service Instructions does not apply.
209.51(2) (Definitions) The definitions in this paragraph apply in this instruction.
- commercial carrier
has the same meaning as in CBI 209.50 (Leave Travel Assistance (LTA)).
- Compassionate Travel Assistance or CTA
means the reimbursement of expenses identified in this instruction.
- eligible child
means a member's, their spouse's, or their common-law partner's child – including a stepchild, legal ward, adopted child or child adopted under a Canadian aboriginal custom adoption practice – who is dependent on the member because the child either is under 18 years of age or is mentally or physically disabled.
- immediate family member
- a member's spouse or common-law partner;
- a member’s, their spouse’s, or their common-law partner’s child — including a stepchild, legal ward, adopted child or child adopted under a Canadian indigenous custom adoption practice;
- a member's, their spouse's or their common-law partner's father, mother, step father, step mother, brother, step brother, sister or step sister; or
- in lieu of a parent, a person who stood in the place of the member's, their spouse's or their common-law partner's father or mother. (membre de la famille immédiate)
(amended by TB, effective 1 August 2023)
In order to determine if a person stood in place of a mother or father, that person must have lived at the same residence with the member, their spouse or their common-law partner as the case may be, and made day-to-day decisions concerning that individual’s education, health and well-being.(C)
- point of departure
- in relation to a member who is on leave under article 16.17 (Compassionate Leave) of the QR&O, the place where the member performed duty immediately prior to that leave; and
- in relation to any other person, a principal residence as defined in CBI 208.997 (Separation Expense).
- serious illness or injury
- means a medical condition that may or may not be life-threatening but can negatively impact quality of life and daily function, as confirmed by a Canadian Forces Medical Officer or civilian physician. It may or may not require the person to have immediate in-patient or out-patient treatment at a medical facility. (maladie ou blessure très grave)
(amended by TB, effective 1 August 2023) - spouse
in relation to a member, does not include a spouse who is living separate and apart, within the meaning of the Divorce Act, from the member.
209.51(3) (Entitlement) A member of the Regular Force, or a member of the Reserve Force who is on Class C Reserve Service for 60 or more continuous days, or a member of the Reserve Force who is on Class B Reserve Service and authorized to move their household goods and effects at public expense for that Class B Reserve Service, is entitled to CTA if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
- an immediate family member:
- is permanently moving into a long-term care facility, has no surviving spouse or common-law partner, and has no other family member who can facilitate that move; or
- dies or is seriously ill or injured;
- the member:
- is on leave under article 16.16 (Sick Leave), article 16.17 (Compassionate Leave), article 16.26 (Maternity Leave), or article 16.27 (Parental Leave) of the QR&O; or
- cannot travel – for service reasons – to the immediate family member or their funeral or similar service;
- the member, their spouse, their common-law partner or an eligible child travels to that immediate family member or their funeral or other similar service;
- the member provides, as applicable:
- a copy of the immediate family member's death certificate, funeral home director death certification or any other official document that proves the death of the immediate family member; or
- a certificate from a qualified medical practitioner stating that the immediate family member is permanently moving into a long-term care facility; or
- a certificate from a qualified medical practitioner stating that the immediate family member is seriously ill or injured and the attendance of the member is required or recommended; and
- the member is not entitled to a payment for travel expenses under section 23 (Compassionate Travel) of the Military Foreign Service Instructions.
(amended by TB, effective 1 August 2023)
209.51(4) (Number – Persons) CTA is authorized in respect of two of the following persons:
- a member;
- the member's spouse or common-law partner; and
- an eligible child, but only when the member has no spouse or common-law partner or when for military reasons the member cannot travel to the immediate family member or their funeral.
209.51(5) (Number – Trips) CTA may be authorized only twice in respect of the same immediate family member for the same serious illness or injury and only once in respect of an immediate family member’s death.
(amended by TB, effective 1 August 2023)
209.51(6) (Amount) Subject to paragraphs (7) and (8), the amount of CTA reimbursable is:
- the actual and reasonable expense of one night's accommodation at a hotel if:
- it is impractical to make a connecting flight;
- the distance traveled by private motor vehicle (PMV) is in excess of 500 kilometers; or
- for demonstrated medical reasons, the person must travel by PMV; and
- the cost of the fastest return travel from the point of departure to the location of the immediate family member or, in the case of the death of an immediate family member, to the location of that deceased person or to the location of the resulting funeral or other similar service:
- by commercial carrier in economy class; or
- by PMV or motorcycle at the lower kilometric rate in Appendix A of the National Joint Council (NJC) Commuting Assistance Directive for travel in Canada or the lower kilometric rate in the Foreign Service Directives for travel commencing outside Canada, not exceeding the cost by commercial carrier.
(amended by TB, effective 1 August 2023)
209.51(7) (Limitation – Travel from Canada to another country) If a person travels from Canada to another country by commercial carrier, the amount of CTA for that person’s travel is limited to the lesser of:
(amended by TB, effective 1 March 2022)
- the cost of the fastest, economy-class return travel by commercial carrier from the point of departure in Canada to the location of the immediate family member; and
- the cost of the fastest, economy-class return travel by commercial carrier from the point of departure in Canada to the city – Victoria, BC or St. John's, NL – furthest from that point.
209.51(8) (Limitation – Member on Temporary Duty Outside Canada) If a member is on temporary duty outside Canada, the amount of CTA for that member’s travel on compassionate leave is limited to:
(amended by TB, effective 1 March 2022)
- in respect of a member who also travels – on temporary duty – between the place of temporary duty outside Canada and their unit in Canada, the cost of the fastest, economy-class return travel by commercial carrier from their unit in Canada to the location of the immediate family member; and
- in any other case, the cost of the fastest, economy-class travel by commercial carrier:
- from the place of temporary duty outside Canada to the location of the immediate family member; and
- from the location of the immediate family member to either the place of temporary duty or the member's principal residence, as the case may be.
209.51(9) (Amount – Certificates) The amount of CTA in respect of medical and death certificates is limited to the actual and reasonable expense or $50, whichever is the lesser, to obtain a medical or death certificate required under this instruction.
209.52 - Transportation on Special Leave
209.52(1) (Definitions) The definitions in this paragraph apply in this instruction.
- dependant
- has the same meaning as in CBI 209.50 (Leave Travel Assistance).
- family member
- has the same meaning as in CBI 209.50 (Leave Travel Assistance).
- principal residence
- has the same meaning as in CBI 209.50 (Leave Travel Assistance).
209.52(2) (Entitlement) A member is entitled to payment of TSLR if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
- immediately prior to embarkation for, or immediately following disembarkation from, service with a unit outside of Canada and the continental United States of America:
- the member is on leave under QR&O article 16.20 (Special Leave), and
- paragraphs 5.10.08 (Third element –embarkation), or 5.10.09 (Fourth element –disembarkation) of the Canadian Forces Leave Policy Manual apply;
- in respect of leave immediately prior to embarkation,
- that service outside of Canada and the continental United States of America is scheduled to be for a period of 60 continuous days or more, and
- neither the member nor the family member has travelled under CBI 209.50 (Leave Travel Assistance (LTA)) within the three months prior to that leave;
- in respect of leave immediately following disembarkation, the member was — for 60 or more continuous days — separated for service reasons from a family member; and
- during that Special Leave (Relocation), the member travels to see a family member.
209.52(3) (Authorized Travel) TSLR is authorized:
- in respect of travel immediately prior to embarkation, from their current place of duty to their principal residence, and from the principal residence to their point of embarkation within Canada or the continental United States; and
- in respect of travel immediately following disembarkation, from their point of disembarkation within Canada or the continental United States to their principal residence, and from the principal residence to their place of duty.
209.52(4) (Amount) Subject to paragraph (5), the amount of the TSLR payable is limited to the transportation, accommodation and meal expenses, as if they are travelling on duty under the CFTDTI.
209.52(5) (Limitation of Benefits) For greater certainty, under this instruction there is no entitlement to:
- the incidental expense allowance; and
- reimbursement of any expenses while the member is at the principal residence.
(amended by TB, effective 1 March 2022)
209.53 - Assisted Leave Transportation Expense
209.53(1) (Entitlement) An officer or non-commissioned member is entitled to be reimbursed once during each 12-month period for transportation from the member's place of duty to the assisted leave centre, if the following circumstances exist:
- the Chief of the Defence Staff has designated an assisted leave centre for the member's place of duty; and
- the member is receiving a Foreign Service Premium under the Military Foreign Service Instructions.
209.53(2) (Rate of reimbursement) The officer or non-commissioned member shall be reimbursed the lesser of:
- the actual transportation expenses incurred, and
- the return economy airfare between the member's place of duty and the assisted leave centre.
209.53(3) (Recovery of reimbursement) The expenses reimbursed to the officer or non-commissioned member shall be recovered from the pay and allowances of the member, if the following circumstances exist:
- the member does not complete the period of service for which the expenses were reimbursed; and
- in the opinion of the Chief of Defence Staff, the reason for non-completion was not beyond the control of the member.
209.54 - Reimbursement of Expenses when Recalled from Leave or when on Leave is Cancelled
209.54(1) (Application) SSubject to paragraph (2), an officer or non-commissioned member who is recalled to duty from leave in accordance with QR&O 16.01 (Withholding of and Recall From Leave) or whose approved leave has been cancelled for service reasons may be reimbursed for:
- transportation and travelling expenses in accordance with CBI 209.83 - Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants for the member and, where applicable, their dependants to the place of duty from the place from which the member was recalled and for the return journey if the member resumes leave immediately after completion of the duty for which the member was recalled; and
- additional expenses resulting either from the cost of breaking contractual arrangements or cancellation fees that were made specifically for the purpose of an approved leave period.
209.54(2) (Submission of claims for reimbursement) Claims for reimbursement under paragraph (1) shall be submitted in accordance with the applicable National Defence instructions for claims submission.
209.54(3) (Conditions for reimbursement of expenses) A member is entitled to be reimbursed for expenses when all of the following conditions are satisfied:
- the expenses are non-refundable;
- the member demonstrates that the expenses cannot be claimed through insurance; and
- the member has not accepted or been offered compensation in the form of a credit or voucher by the service provider or any other third party for any portion of the expenses for which reimbursement is being requested.
(amended by TB, effective 1 August 2023)
209.60 - Definition
In this section, ordinary place of residence means the place at which a person ordinarily resides at the time of the person's application for enrolment in or transfer to the Regular Force.
- applicant
- a person who has applied for enrolment in the Canadian Forces; or
- a member of the Reserve Force who is not on Class B or C Reserve Service and who has applied for transfer to the Regular Force.
209.61(2) (Application) Subject to paragraph (6), an applicant who has been instructed in accordance with orders or instructions issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff to report for interview or to travel between one place of interview and another, and also where the applicant has so reported but is subsequently rejected for any reason, is, in respect of the journey from and to the applicant's ordinary place of residence or between places of interview, entitled to transportation and travelling expenses at the rates and under the conditions established in CBI 209.30 - Entitlements and Instruction, (see Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction).
209.61(3) (Quarters and rations) An applicant to whom paragraph (1) applies shall, for the period the applicant is required to remain or attend at the place of interview, be provided with quarters and rations in kind or, if quarters and rations are not available, the applicant shall be paid
- if the applicant resides in the vicinity of the place of interview, and is required to remain over a meal hour, an amount equal to the applicant's actual expenses for one meal per day not exceeding the amount described in CBI 209.30 - Entitlements and Instruction, (see Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction), for a lunch; or
- if the applicant resides elsewhere than in the vicinity of the place of interview, travelling expenses as established in CBI 209.30 - Entitlements and Instruction, (see Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction).
209.61(4) (Return to place of residence) When the estimated cost is less than that of maintaining the applicant under paragraph (3), an applicant awaiting acceptance shall be returned to the applicant's ordinary place of residence and paid the expenses described in paragraph (2) for their journey.
209.61(5) (Deferral of enrolment) When an applicant who has reported to a recruiting centre has been found acceptable but is required to return to the applicant's ordinary place of residence because the applicant's enrolment has been deferred for a definite period, the applicant shall, in respect of the journey, be entitled to the expenses described in paragraph (2).
209.61(6) (Applicant outside Canada) When the ordinary place of residence of an applicant is outside Canada, and the applicant has been instructed to report for interview to a place within Canada, the applicant is not entitled, except when authorized by the Minister, to reimbursement in respect of any portion of the journey that takes place outside Canada.
209.61(7) (Refusal of enrolment) When an applicant refuses to be enrolled, the entitlement described in paragraph (3) ceases on the date of the applicant's refusal and no transportation and travelling expenses may be provided for the applicant's return journey
(effective 1 October 2002)
Amendment 2/03
209.63 - Leave Without Pay and Allowances on Enrolment
209.63(1) (Entitlement) Subject to paragraph (2), when an officer or non-commissioned member is, on enrolment, granted leave without pay and allowances the member is entitled to the expenses described in paragraph (2) of CBI 209.61 - Applicants for Enrolment:
- for the journey from the recruiting centre to the member's ordinary place of residence; and
- if required to report at the expiration of that leave to the recruiting centre at which the member was enrolled, for the journey from the member's ordinary place of residence to that recruiting centre.
209.63(2) (Travel from place of residence to base or other unit or element) Subject to paragraph (3), if an officer or non-commissioned member who was granted leave without pay and allowances on enrolment is required to report on the expiration of that leave to a base or other unit or element other than the recruiting centre at which the member was enrolled, the member is entitled to the transportation and travelling expenses (see CBI 209.01 – Definitions) established for the member's rank, for the journey from the member's ordinary place of residence to that base or other unit or element.
209.63(3) (Travel outside Canada) Except when authorized by the Minister, an officer or non-commissioned member who has been enrolled at a place within Canada and is granted leave without pay and allowances on enrolment is not entitled to the expenses described in this instruction for any portion of the journey that takes place outside Canada.
209.715 - Transportation and Travelling Entitlements on Termination of Class C Reserve Service for Misconduct – Reserve Force
209.715(1) (Entitlement to expenses) An officer or non-commissioned member of the Reserve Force on Class C Reserve Service whose period of service is terminated by reason of misconduct may be provided at public expense with transportation by the most economical means and paid necessary meal expenses at the rates described in CBI 209.30 - Entitlements and Instruction, (see Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction), for the journey to the place in Canada at which the member resided at the time the Class C Reserve Service commenced.
209.715(2) (Application for reimbursement) The entitlements established in paragraph (1) shall be granted only when the officer or non-commissioned member applies within 30 days from the termination of the member's Class C Reserve Service, or the member's release from incarceration, whichever is later.
(effective 1 October 2002)
Amendment 2/03
209.72 - Transportation and Travelling Entitlements on Release for Misconduct - Regular Force
209.72(1) (Entitlement to expenses) Subject to CBI 208.73 (Transportation and Travelling Entitlements on Release – Alien Members – Regular Force), an officer or non-commissioned member of the Regular Force who is released under Item 1 - Misconduct of the table to QR&O 15.01 (Release of Officers and Non-commissioned Members) may be provided at public expense with tickets covering transportation at the least expensive rate by rail or ship and paid necessary meal expenses at the rates described in the Canadian Forces Temporary Duty Travel Instruction for the journey to:
- if enrolled in Canada, the place in Canada that the member specified as the member's residence on enrolment in the Regular Force;
- if enrolled outside Canada, the nearest port of embarkation in Canada on the direct route to the country in which the member was enrolled; or
- any place in Canada, when the cost of the journey does not exceed the cost of the journey under subparagraph (a) or (b).
209.72(2) (Application for reimbursement) The entitlements described in paragraph (1) shall be granted only when the officer or non-commissioned member applies within 30 days of the member's release from the Regular Force, or from incarceration, whichever is later.
(effective 1 October 2002)
Amendment 2/03
209.9913 - Reimbursement for Transportation and Travelling Expenses of Serving or Retired Officers and Non-Commissioned Members and Guests Attending Investitures
209.9913(1) (Person accompanying member) Subject to paragraph (2), where a serving or retired officer or non-commissioned member is required to attend an investiture and in the interest of protocol it is deemed necessary for the member to be accompanied by another person, the following shall apply:
- for an investiture to the Order of Military Merit, the appointee and one guest shall be entitled to transportation using military transport and reimbursement of accommodation, meal and incidental expenses at the daily rate established under CBI 209.83 -Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants; and
- for the presentation by the Governor General of a General Officer's Script to an officer recently promoted to the rank of brigadier-general, the spouse or common-law partner of the officer shall be entitled to transportation only, using military transport, but there is no entitlement for reimbursement of accommodation, meal and incidental expenses.
209.9913(2) (Commercial transportation) When transportation by military transport is not practicable, the Minister may authorize the use of commercial transportation at public expense by the most practical and economical means.
209.992 - Transportation of Dependants – Medical Care and Dental Treatment
209.992(1) (Entitlement to benefits) When, under article 34.25 - Provision of Medical Care at Isolated Units or 35.11 - Dental Treatment of Dependants – Isolated Units of the QR&O, an officer commanding a command or formation authorizes a dependant to travel to and from the nearest appropriate medical or dental facility
- the benefits under CBI 209.83 - Transportation and Travelling Expenses – Move of Officers and Non-commissioned Members on Posting or of Dependants may be granted for the mode of transportation authorized for the journey from and to an isolated post including reimbursement for lodgings, meals and incidental expenses; or
- the benefits under CBI 209.83 may be granted for the mode of transportation authorized for the journey from and to an isolated unit that is not an isolated post but shall not include reimbursement for lodgings, meals or incidental expenses.
209.992(2) (Delay in transportation) When, because of a delay in normal return transportation, a dependant is unavoidably delayed following treatment either at the treatment centre or at terminal points en route, where no other provision to pay such expenses exists, reimbursement may, with the approval of the officer commanding the command or formation, be made for lodgings and meal expenses at the rates described in CBI 209.83.
209.992(3) (Necessary accompaniment) When the appropriate medical or dental authority deems it necessary for another person to accompany a dependant proceeding in accordance with paragraph (1), that other person shall, with the approval of the officer commanding the command or formation, be provided with the same benefits as the patient.
209.9922 - Transportation of a Deceased Dependant or an Officer or Non-Commissioned Member whose Dependant has Died or a Dependant of a Deceased Officer or Non-Commissioned Member
209.9922(1) (Transportation of the body) When a dependant dies while accompanying an officer or non-commissioned member serving outside Canada and the remains are returned to Canada at the request of the next of kin, the actual cost of transportation of the body may be paid from public funds.
209.9922(2) (Return transportation for member) Subject to paragraph (4), an officer or non-commissioned member who is serving outside Canada and, as applicable, the spouse or common-law partner and dependent child, as defined in CBI 205.015 - Interpretation, accompanying such member, may be authorized return transportation at public expense from the place of duty to the place of burial in Canada for the purpose of attending the burial of a deceased dependant referred to in paragraph (1).
209.9922(3) (Death of member) Subject to paragraph (4), the spouse or common-law partner and dependent child, as defined in CBI 205.015, accompanying an officer or non-commissioned member who dies while serving outside Canada may be authorized return transportation at public expense from the place of duty to the place of burial in Canada for the purpose of attending the burial of the deceased member.
209.9922(4) (Method of transportation) Transportation shall be by military air or ground transport to the maximum extent possible. However, when transportation by military means is not practicable, commercial transportation by the most practical and economical mode may be authorized by an officer commanding a command.
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