Integrated strategy for human resources and pay

The Government of Canada is developing and putting in place an integrated strategy to manage human resources (HR) and pay for public servants. The project will evolve over time as work progresses and solutions are refined. We’ll provide ongoing updates to Canadians on the details of the work.

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Tracking our progress against 2024 to 2025 commitments

In 2024-2025, we’re tracking our progress against the 11 key commitments below, addressing both the current operations and transformation initiatives for HR and pay.

Current operations

What we’re doing to improve the way we deliver HR and pay services within our current systems, until we have a replacement.

Current operations progress. Long description below.
Current operations progress (as of December 31, 2024)

Our continued efforts in maintaining and improving our current pay system and operations are required for the administration of pay and to reduce the number of outstanding transactions.

  • Reduce net backlog by 49,000 cases (27%)
    In April 2024, the Pay Centre estimated that 112,000 transactions will be processed this fiscal year as part of the dedicated backlog commitment, in preparation for the Dayforce pilot and as part of the normal course of pay processing. To ensure we meet this goal, as we work towards resolving all outstanding transactions over a year old, we have assigned more than 200 compensation advisors on backlog reduction efforts specifically. However, we do not have control over intake which has historically increased year over year. In 2023, intake was 16% higher than in 2022, 38% higher than in 2021, and 66% higher than in 2020. Because of this, there is a risk that additional transactions may enter the backlog. Therefore, we are forecasting a net backlog reduction of approximately 49,000 transactions in 2024-2025. Consult our Public Service Pay Centre dashboard for the overall number of transactions ready to be processed at the Pay Centre.
  • Process 19,000 backlog cases with financial impact (68%)
    A total of nearly 19,000 backlog transactions deemed likely to have an important financial impact on employees will be prioritized for processing. These older transactions include high-complexity work types that require more time to process.
  • Eliminate Shared Services Canada (SSC)’s 12,000 priority and backlog cases (77%)
    Shared Services Canada (SSC) will be further testing the Dayforce HR and pay solution. To support this testing, Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) committed to process the 12,000 outstanding pay transactions that Shared Services Canada employees had on April 11, 2024. As a result, SSC will have no pay transactions older than 1 year old as of April 2025. Our goal is to process all of these transactions by March 2025.
  • Process 81,000 backlog cases during routine processing (62%)
    In addition to the backlog reduction commitment, the Pay Centre estimated that an additional 81,000 backlog cases will be processed as part of associated transactions for the backlog commitment or as part of normal course of business.
  • Introduce 7 new HR and pay measures (Unified Actions for Pay) (57%)
    The Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer (TBS-OCHRO) and PSPC have introduced new mandatory measures to reinforce the best HR & pay practices, including increasing the reliability and consistency of HR data. These measures are intended to improve pay outcomes for employees and help prepare for the future of HR and pay. The 7 measures include:
    1. Requiring Pay Centre client departments (including agencies) to maximize the use of Phoenix self-serve functions
    2. Aligning core employee information in departmental HR systems to pre-defined standards
    3. Hiring new term employees for at least seven months, if an extension is anticipated
    4. Having predetermined HR actions take effect the day after a pay day
    5. Applying TBS-OCHRO guidance of what constitutes substantially performing the duties of an EX position for non-EX employees
    6. Updating and maintaining employee email address and home address in departmental systems
    7. Implementing notifications in HR and pay applications
  • Onboard 9 new departments to MyGCHR as the interim Government of Canada HR system (100%)
    There are currently 30 different HR systems used across the Government of Canada. In July 2024, TBS-OCHRO declared MyGCHR the interim enterprise standard for core HR management systems until a next generation HR and pay solution is ready for adoption by departments and agencies. In 2024-25, we will onboard 9 new departments to MyGCHR, with more committed to be onboarded over the next few years.


Exploring a replacement for the current Phoenix pay system and most of the 30 HR systems in use across the Government of Canada.

Transformation progress. Long description below.
Transformation progress (as of December 31, 2024)

We’re exploring options to leverage data, including the use of artificial intelligence (AI), to modernize the way we deliver HR and pay services. This will identify how we can use new technology for the current systems and for a future solution.

  • Vendor recommended for the Data Hub procurement (64%)
    We will create a new, centralized place to store all employee data. This video explains the initiative: A central data hub to transform human resources and pay services. A key benefit for employees will be that when they change departments, their files will move with them and not require a manual transfer, which can be slow. This year, we will start the procurement process with the aim of getting to the vendor recommendation by April 2025.
  • Data Hub pilot environment is ready (100%)
    Before procuring the final Data Hub solution, we must also test and pilot a Data Hub environment to work through requirements and ensure the best possible solution moving forward. This year, we will stand up a Data Hub pilot environment which will allow us to test moving forward. A big focus for us will be building the critical building blocks needed to make sure this environment is protected and secure.
  • 3 case types have been tested and implemented within the AI virtual assistant (64%)
    We will test and implement an AI virtual assistant tool to improve data management and address cases more efficiently. This tool uses advanced AI technology to enable human-like conversations and retrieve relevant information from organizational data to assist compensation advisors. The goal of the AI virtual assistant is to help compensation advisors quickly sort, filter, and manage large volumes of information, ultimately speeding up case processing. As the tool proves its effectiveness, we will continue to refine and enhance its capabilities. This year, we will test and implement 3 case types: actings, leave without pay, and actings for executive groups.
  • Dayforce feasibility report is complete (72%)
    Dayforce is the human capital management platform provided by Dayforce Inc. (formerly known as Ceridian). It’s a cloud-based software solution that users can log into over the internet. We’ve previously tested common pay scenarios and collective agreement requirements. We’re now expanding testing to more complex scenarios and configuring the system to our specific needs while addressing gaps discovered as part of our initial testing. By April 2025, and as part of year 1 of building and validating Dayforce, a feasibility report will be prepared to showcase how realistic this solution is for the Government of Canada and whether it is worth pursuing.
  • PSPC and SSC data migration pilot to Dayforce is complete (62%)
    To further test the Dayforce HR and pay solution, PSPC and SSC will pilot the migration of their organizational HR data into the system. In 2024-25, we will conduct multiple data migration tests to ensure the data remains intact, accurate, and of high quality. Before the migration, it's essential to verify that the data is in good condition, which involves thorough testing, analysis, and data cleansing. These steps will ensure the accuracy and integrity of the data throughout the transfer process.

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