Cannabis regulations for licensed producers
Import and export, production and safety, medical documents, ethical conduct and advertising rules.
Services and information
Apply for a cultivation, processing or sale for medical purposes licence
Overview of the process, what you need to know before applying, prepare your information and documents, apply for a licence, after submitting your application.
Warnings and precautions for cannabis use
Consumer information, including serious warnings and precautions.
Good production practices
Product quality, sanitation program, standard operating procedures, creating a recall system.
Medical document requirement and submission
Electronic submission, transfer, registration refusal, return of medical documents, record keeping and compliance.
Ethical conduct
Information on the expectation of ethical conduct for licensed producers.
What to expect during a cannabis inspection
Information to help licensed producers prepare for an inspection by Health Canada.
Promotion prohibitions
Advertising restrictions, consequences of non-compliance.
Reporting requirements: Overview
Overview of reporting requirements for licence holders, with information on how to submit and deadlines.
Import and export of cannabis by licence holders under the Cannabis Regulations
Outlines the limited circumstances under which Health Canada would consider the import or export of cannabis.
Pest Control Products for Use on Cannabis
Licence holders' obligations in the use of pest control products (PCPs) in cannabis production, registered PCPs, testing information.
Compliance and enforcement policy
Help for regulated parties to comply with Cannabis Act, regulations, policies.
Cannabis tracking system resources
Resources and guidance documents on reporting requirements and procedures
Administrative monetary penalties under the Cannabis Act
Administrative monetary penalties (AMPs), how AMPs are calculated, AMP monetary ranges, Notice of Violations (NoVs), Ministerial Orders.
Avoid appealing to youth
Restrictions on cannabis product packaging and promotion, restrictions on how it looks, smells or tastes.
Packaging and labelling guide
All packaging, labelling requirements for all cannabis product types including contents, expiry, warnings, branding.
Reporting loss or theft of cannabis
Who needs to report a loss or theft of cannabis, and how to fill out the Loss or theft of cannabis form
Adverse reaction reporting
Mandatory reporting requirements, adverse reaction, side effects, health and safety issues.
Classification of edible cannabis
Difference between extracts and edibles, factors to determine difference, what licence holders should do.
Cannabis fees order: Compliance and enforcement actions
What licence holders must do, consequences of not paying fees on time.
Preventive control plan for cannabis extracts and edible cannabis
Hazard analysis for cannabis extracts and edibles, control measures, critical points in process, implementation.
Guidance on cannabis products with intoxicating cannabinoids other than delta-9-THC
Products deliberately made with intoxicating cannabinoids other than delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC).
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