Types of cannabis and industrial hemp licences
Important: Effective March 12, 2025, Health Canada announced the coming into force of the Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Concerning Cannabis (Streamlining of Requirements). This web page will be updated in the coming months to reflect the amended regulations. You can refer to Summary of changes following the streamlining of regulations for how the changes may impact you.
On this page
- Grow cannabis
- Process cannabis
- Sell cannabis for medical purposes
- Test cannabis
- Research with cannabis
- Produce and sell drugs containing cannabis
- Grow, produce and sell industrial hemp
- Combining licences at a single site
- Apply for a licence or manage your licence
- Import and export
- Contact information
- Related links
You need a licence from Health Canada to do activities with cannabis and industrial hemp. This page describes the different types and combinations of licences, and provides links for applying for or managing your licence, and import and export permits.
Disclaimer: You need to read this page along with the Cannabis Act and the Cannabis Regulations. If there are differences between this page and the Cannabis Act and the Cannabis Regulations, the Act and the Regulations are correct.
Grow cannabis
A cultivation (micro, nursery, standard) licence allows you to grow cannabis indoors and outdoors by cultivating, propagating and harvesting.
This licence also allows you to:
- possess cannabis
- do limited processing activities indoors, if necessary, such as:
- drying, trimming and milling for micro and standard cultivation licences
- drying for nursery licences
- do analytical testing of cannabis
- do research and development within your authorized activities, such as developing new growing procedures (tissue culture, cloning techniques, trying different nutrients)
If you want to do research outside of your authorized activities, you need to apply for a research licence. This includes research such as sensory testing (organoleptic) of cannabis. For example, taste testing dried cannabis to assess its flavour profile.
Outdoor cultivation
You can grow cannabis outdoors. You can also do trimming and harvesting activities outdoors during harvest periods. However, you need to do all other processing activities (for example, drying, milling, trimming, storing and testing cannabis) inside a licensed building at a site.
Cultivation licences
Micro-cultivation licence
A micro cultivation licence allows you to produce cannabis plants and seeds, and fresh and dried cannabis. With this licence, you can use a grow surface area (plant canopy) of up to 200 m2. There’s no size limit for areas used for non-cultivation activities and storage. For more information about calculating the grow surface areas, refer to Micro-cultivation, nursery and micro-processing.
Nursery licence
A nursery licence allows you to produce cannabis plants and seeds for starting materials. With this licence, you can:
- use a grow surface area (plant canopy) of up to 50 m2 for budding and flowering plants. There’s no size limit for non-budding and non-flowering plants, such as cannabis in their vegetative stage (mother plants, plant cuttings or clones)
- have up to 5 kg of harvested flowering heads at any given time (except seeds). You must destroy flowering heads (except seeds), leaves and branches within 30 days of harvesting them
For more information about determining the grow surface areas, refer to Micro-cultivation, nursery and micro-processing.
Standard cultivation licence
A standard cultivation licence allows you to produce cannabis plants and seeds, and fresh and dried cannabis with no size limit on grow surface areas (plant canopies).
Selling cannabis with a cultivation licence
Tables 1 and 2 provide a summary of the types of cannabis that cultivation licence holders can sell and distribute.
Stage of cannabis | Type of cannabis | Who you can sell to |
Bulk or wholesale |
Packaged and labelled |
Note: This table shows the most common scenarios; refer to subsection 11(5) of the Cannabis Regulations for more information. |
Stage of cannabis | Type of cannabis | Who you can sell to |
Bulk or wholesale |
Packaged and labelled |
Note: This table shows the most common scenarios; refer to subsection 14(5) of the Cannabis Regulations for more information. |
Process cannabis
A processing (micro and standard) licence allows you to process harvested cannabis and industrial hemp. Industrial hemp is a cannabis plant that has a low concentration of THC (0.3% or less) in flowering heads and leaves. This licence doesn’t allow you to grow cannabis.
This licence also allows you to:
- possess all types of cannabis
- process cannabis into bulk or wholesale and packaged and labelled products
- do analytical testing of cannabis
- do research and development within your authorized activities, such as developing new processing procedures (formulation, extraction methods)
- produce, distribute, and sell reference standards, and manufacture or assemble test kits
Post-harvesting activities you have to do indoors with a processing licence include:
- drying
- trimming
- milling
- packaging and labelling
- extracting THC and CBD from cannabis to make cannabis extracts, such as by:
- chemical processes. For example, using ethanol or carbon dioxide solvents to make concentrates, isolates, resin, shatter and wax
- physical processes. For example, sifting, beating, rubbing or other mechanical actions to separate trichomes from fresh or dried cannabis to make kief or hashish
- heating or pressurized processes. For example, cooking to make rosin
- processing cannabis into:
- cannabis topicals, such as lotions, oils and soaps for hair, skin or nails
- edible cannabis, such as chocolates, baked goods or beverages
- cannabis extracts, such as THC oil and isolates, and capsules containing CBD oil
Tip: How to determine your cannabis product type: You’ll have consider both the definition of each type of cannabis and its intended use of your cannabis product.
- A body soap bar containing CBD isolates (a topical with cannabis extract) may be a cannabis topical. This is because it’s exclusively intended to be applied on hair, skin or nails, directly or indirectly
- A chocolate containing cannabis oil (an edible with cannabis extract) may be an edible cannabis. This is because it’s intended to be consumed in the same manner as food
- A pre-roll mixed with kief (dried cannabis with cannabis extract) is a cannabis extract. This is because it’s:
- made from extracting THC and CBD from cannabis
- made from extracted cannabis
Important: Depending on your cannabis type, you’ll have to meet the applicable testing requirements and the product requirements in Part 5 and Part 6 of the Cannabis Regulations.
If you want to do research outside of your authorized activities, you need to apply for a research licence. This includes research such as sensory testing (organoleptic) of cannabis. For example, taste testing edible cannabis (chocolates) to assess its flavour profile.
Processing licences
Micro-processing licence
A micro-processing licence allows you to produce all types of cannabis. However, you can’t produce cannabis synthetically, such as through chemical reactions or recombinant bacteria. You can only possess up to 600 kg of dried cannabis each calendar year, or its equivalent amount. This doesn’t apply to you if the only cannabis you possess is grown from your own micro-cultivation licence at the same site. For more information about the possession of cannabis limit, refer to Micro-cultivation, nursery and micro-processing.
Standard processing licence
A standard processing licence allows you to produce all types of cannabis with no limit on cannabis possession.
Selling cannabis with a processing licence
When you first get a new processing licence, there are restrictions on what you can sell.
The tables below provide a summary of the stages and types of cannabis that processing licence holders can sell and distribute at initial licensing and after a licence amendment. For packaged and labelled cannabis topical, extracts and edibles, you’re restricted to who you can sell to at initial licensing. You’ll need to add sale activities for new cannabis class to your licence if you want to remove this restriction.
Stage of cannabis | Type of cannabis | Who you can sell to |
Bulk or wholesale |
Packaged and labelled |
With additional sales |
Note: This table shows the most common scenarios; refer to subsection 17(5) of the Cannabis Regulations for more information. |
Sell cannabis for medical purposes
A sale for medical purposes licence allows you to sell or distribute packaged and labelled cannabis to registered clients for medical purpose.
Sale for medical purposes with possession licences
This licence also allows you to:
- possess packaged and labelled cannabis
- sell and distribute packaged and labelled cannabis
- register clients and do sales transactions
You can have this licence alone or combine it with others at the same site. If you combine this licence with a micro-cultivation, nursery or micro-processing licence, you’ll need to have in place the physical security requirements of a standard licence.
Sale for medical purposes without possession licences
For a licence without possession of cannabis, you can have this licence either alone, or you can combine it with a micro-cultivation, nursery or micro-processing licence at the same site. You can’t have a licence for sale for medical purpose with possession and without possession at the same time.
On its own
On its own, this licence allows you to:
- sell another licence holder’s packaged and labelled cannabis without possessing it on your site
- register clients and do sales transactions
This licence doesn’t allow you to have cannabis on your site. You’d coordinate the sale with a holder of a licence with a cultivation, nursery or processing licence. That other licence holder would fulfill the order and distribute directly to your registered client. This licence also doesn’t allow you to sell directly to provincial and territorial authorized retailers (non-medical sale).
If you only want this licence, you‘ll only need to meet the requirements for a sale for medical purposes without possession licence.
Combined with another licence
You can combine a sale for medical purposes without possession licence with a:
- micro-cultivation licence
- nursery licence
- micro-processing licence
You’ll have to meet the physical security measures for all of the licences on your site. Combined with another licence, the sale for medical purposes without possession licence allows you to:
- sell and distribute cannabis from your micro-cultivation, nursery, or micro-processing licence directly to registered clients on behalf of your sale for medical purposes without possession licence
- micro-cultivation licences are allowed to distribute cannabis plants and seeds, and fresh and dried cannabis
- nursery licences are allowed to distribute cannabis plants and seeds
- micro-processing licences are allowed to distribute all types of packaged and labelled cannabis products on your site (with amendment, where applicable)
- sell another licence holder’s packaged and labelled cannabis without possessing it on your site. You’d coordinate the sale with the other licence holder. That other licence holder will fulfill the order and distribute directly to your registered client
- register clients and do sales transactions
You’ll have the same authorizations to sell and distribute non-medical cannabis as your combined micro-cultivation, nursery or micro-processing licence.
Note: When micro-processing licences are combined with a sale for medical purposes without possession licence, you are only allowed to possess up to 600 kg of dried cannabis, or its equivalent amount, on your site per calendar year. For more information about calculating the possession of cannabis limit, refer to Micro-cultivation, nursery and micro-processing.
Selling cannabis with a sale for medical purposes licence
This table provides a summary of the types of packaged and labelled cannabis that sale for medical purposes licence holders can sell and distribute.
Stage of cannabis | Type of cannabis | Who you can sell to |
Packaged and labelled |
Note: This table shows the most common scenarios; refer to subsection 27(1) of the Cannabis Regulations for more information. |
Test cannabis
Analytical testing licence
An analytical testing licence allows you to do analytical testing of cannabis, including for other licence holders. This includes the required testing before cannabis can be sold to sale for medical purposes licence holders, registered clients, and provincial and territorial authorized retailers (non-medical sale). You must destroy the cannabis sample and all cannabis obtained from that sample within 90 days of completing the test. If you don’t start the test within 120 days of receiving the cannabis sample, then you must, by the end of this period, either destroy it or distribute it to:
- another analytical testing licence holder
- individuals referred to in section 4 of the Cannabis Regulations
This licence also allows you to:
- possess cannabis for analytical testing
- obtain cannabis by altering its chemical or physical properties
- distribute cannabis to another analytical testing licence holder for the purpose of testing
- do research and development within your authorized activities, such as development and validation of testing methodologies
- produce, distribute, and sell reference standards, and manufacture and assemble test kits
Analytical testing activities you can do with an analytical testing licence include testing for:
- cannabinoid content
- microbial and chemical (including pesticides) contaminants
- dissolution or disintegration
- sterility or stability
If you want to do research outside of your authorized activities, you need to apply for a research licence. This includes research such as sensory testing (organoleptic) of cannabis. For example, taste testing edible cannabis (chocolates) to assess its flavour profile.
Research with cannabis
Research licence
A research licence allows you to do research and development with cannabis, including research outside the authorized activities for other cannabis licences.
This licence also allows you to, for the purpose of research:
- possess cannabis
- grow cannabis
- produce cannabis
- transport, send or deliver cannabis between your licensed sites
- administer and distribute any types of cannabis to a human participant, for example:
- conduct sensory testing with individuals by ingestion, inhalation, or applied on hair, skin or nails, indirectly or directly. For example, taste testing edible cannabis (chocolates) to assess its flavour profile
- do research activities, such as:
- in vivo and in vitro studies, cultivation (including plant genetics), cannabis product development, non-cannabis product development and other research (for example, educational programs)
- administer and distribute cannabis to a human participant as part of a non-therapeutic research on cannabis (NTRC) study, such as:
- asking participants to assess the smell of dried cannabis after a single puff
- assessing participants in a driving simulation test to find out how long they’re impaired after researchers have administered cannabis
Depending on your research activities with cannabis, you may need to submit more information. If it’s part of a clinical trial, you need to get a No Objection Letter (NOL). If it involves animals (in vivo), you may need to get a Veterinary Drug Experimental Studies Certificate (ESC).
For more information on research licences, refer to the Types of research with cannabis web page.
Selling or distributing cannabis with a research licence
Research licences generally do not authorize the sale of cannabis, except in specific circumstances where a researcher may be permitted by Health Canada to sell the physical product of their research (plants or seeds only). Distribution to other licence holders and selected individuals is permitted and is not considered sale. Distribution would include, for example, sending cannabis to another research licence holder who is a partner in a research project, or sending cannabis to an analytical testing licence holder for testing.
The tables below provide a summary of the stages and types of cannabis that research licence holders can sell (only if authorized by Health Canada) or distribute.
Stage of cannabis | Type of cannabis | Who you can sell to |
Bulk or wholesale |
Note: This table shows the most common scenarios; refer to section 28 of the Cannabis Regulations for more information. |
Stage of cannabis | Type of cannabis | Who you can distribute to |
Bulk or wholesale |
Note: This table shows the most common scenarios; refer to section 28 of the Cannabis Regulations for more information. |
Produce and sell drugs containing cannabis
Cannabis drug licence
A cannabis drug licence allows you to work with drugs containing cannabis.
This licence also allows you to:
- possess cannabis
- produce a drug containing cannabis
- sell or distribute drugs containing cannabis
You need to follow the Food and Drug Regulations, such as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) requirements, to produce a drug containing cannabis. In certain cases, you’ll also need a drug establishment licence (DEL) with your cannabis drug licence.
This licence doesn’t allow you to administer cannabis or cannabis drugs to a human participant. If you want to do this, you need to apply for a research licence.
Selling, distributing or receiving drugs containing cannabis
The table below provides a summary of the drugs containing cannabis a holder of a cannabis drug licence can sell, distribute or receive.
Activities with drugs containing cannabis | Who you can sell or distribute to, or return from |
Note: This table shows the most common scenarios; refer to section 143 of the Cannabis Regulations for more information. |
Grow, produce and sell industrial hemp
Industrial hemp licence
An industrial hemp licence allows you to work with industrial hemp. Industrial hemp is a cannabis plant – or any part of that plant- that has a concentration of THC (0.3% or less) in flowering heads and leaves.
This licence also allows you to:
- grow industrial hemp (including propagation as a plant breeder)
- possess industrial hemp, including:
- rendering grain non-viable
- preparing (conditioning) seed
- processing or making products from the grain (such as hemp seed oil)
- sell industrial hemp. You can only sell flowering heads, leaves or branches of the industrial hemp to an industrial hemp or cannabis licence holder
If you want to make products from the flowering heads, leaves or branches of industrial hemp, you need a cannabis processing licence. This includes extracting CBD from flowering heads, leaves or branches of the industrial hemp.
Combining licences at a single site
You can combine certain cultivation, processing and sale for medical purposes licences at the same site. You can also add to your site:
- an analytical testing licence
- a research licence
- a cannabis drug licence
- an industrial hemp licence
Note: You can combine cultivation, processing and sale for medical purposes licences into one Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS) application. You’ll need to submit a separate licence application for each of these other licences (research, analytical testing, cannabis drug licence or industrial hemp).
Type of licence | Micro-cultivation | Nursery | Standard cultivation | Micro-processing | Standard processing | Sale for medical purposes with possession | Sale for medical purposes without possession |
Micro-cultivation | n/a | No | No | Yes | No | YesFootnote 1Footnote 2 | YesFootnote 1 |
Nursery | No | n/a | No | No | No | YesFootnote 1Footnote 2 | YesFootnote 1 |
Standard cultivation | No | No | n/a | No | Yes | Yes | No |
Micro-processing | Yes | No | No | n/a | No | YesFootnote 1Footnote 2 | YesFootnote 1 |
Standard processing | No | No | Yes | No | n/a | Yes | No |
Sale for medical purposes with possession | YesFootnote 1Footnote 2 | YesFootnote 1Footnote 2 | Yes | YesFootnote 1Footnote 2 | Yes | n/a | No |
Sale for medical purposes without possession | YesFootnote 1 | YesFootnote 1 | No | YesFootnote 1 | No | No | n/a |
n/a: Not applicable |
Apply for a licence or manage your licence
If you want to apply for a cannabis or an industrial hemp licence, or if you already have one of these licences and would like to modify or renew it, refer to the table below for the applicable references for each licence type.
Licence type | To apply | To manage or renew |
Cannabis licensing application: Cultivation, processing and sale for medical purposes |
Analytical testing licence
Research licence
Cannabis drug licence
Industrial hemp licence
Email hemp-chanvre@hc-sc.gc.ca |
Important: You may need to apply for a cannabis licence from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). You should submit the CRA licence application at the same time as Health Canada’s cannabis licence application. For general questions, email cannabis@cra-arc.gc.ca.
Import and export
You need a cannabis licence to import or export cannabis. You can only import or export cannabis for medical or scientific purposes. You’re strictly prohibited from importing and exporting cannabis for any other purpose (such as distributing for non-medical purposes). You’ll also need to apply for an import or export permit (for each shipment) to import cannabis into Canada or export cannabis to other countries.
Industrial hemp
You need an industrial hemp licence to import or export industrial hemp (grains and seeds). You’ll also need to apply for an import or export permit (for each shipment) to import industrial hemp into Canada or export industrial hemp to other countries.
Contact information
Contact us if you have any questions about:
- cultivation, processing or sale for medical purposes licences: licensing-cannabis-licences@hc-sc.gc.ca
- analytical testing, research or cannabis drug licences: sp-licensing-cannabis-licences-sp@hc-sc.gc.ca
- industrial hemp licences: hemp-chanvre@hc-sc.gc.ca
- import and export permits: import-export-cannabis-importation-exportation@hc-sc.gc.ca
Related links
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