About cannabis, process of legalization, health effects, addiction, medical use, applying for industry licenses, consumer information, market data, travelling with cannabis, talk about cannabis, cannabis research
Services and information
About cannabis
Learn about cannabis (marijuana), its uses, and forms
Cannabis laws and regulations
Cannabis laws, process of legalization, cannabis in provinces and territories
Cannabis health effects and risks
Health effects, long-term, short-term, mental health, impairment, safety, addiction
Medical use of cannabis
Accessing cannabis for medical purposes, applying to be a licensed producer
Producing and selling cannabis
Apply for a cannabis licence, guidelines, requirements, cost recovery, testing
Personal use of cannabis
Growing cannabis at home, safety, storage, possession limits
Cannabis research and data
Survey, market data, statistic hub
Producing and selling hemp
About hemp, apply for an industrial hemp licence, permits
Cannabis recalls, adverse reactions and reporting
Submit a report about a cannabis product, recall form and guide, adverse reaction guidance
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