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Page 8 of 240 — Book of condolences for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

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Je présente mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille royale, le Royaume-Uni et le Canada, et aux peuples du Commonwealth , paix a son ame

Mohamed elhadi - alger
2022-09-20 07:45:17

My sincere condoleances to the Royal family. It has been an honour serving under her Majesty's reign.

Alain - Gatineau, Québec
2022-09-20 07:44:34

Extending sincere condolences to the Royal family on the passing of their mother, grandmother, and great grandmother.
Queen Elizabeth II will be remembered.

Isabel - Paradise NL
2022-09-20 07:43:20

My condolences to the Royal Family..

Melvin Lavallee - St Augustin Saguenay. QC
2022-09-20 07:39:50

Sincere condolences to the Royal Family… Queen Elizabeth was the most beautiful and extraordinary woman in history.. Your reign was long and successful… I surly will miss watching any news that comes on about you … My idol.. Rest In Peace … May you reign in heaven as you did on earth…

Maxine Gallibois - St Augustin Saguenay QC
2022-09-20 07:37:06

Rest In Peace. You have done a marvellous job to reign a country more than 70 years with a huge, active royal family. You are a good mother you are a good, accommodating wife and a patient mother. God save the queen.

Michael - North York, ON
2022-09-20 07:36:32

Thank you your majesty for showing women and girls around the world that you can lead as a woman, that you can be intelligent and inspiring. Thank you for your service, it won't be the same without you here.

Amanda - Whitby, Ontario, Canada
2022-09-20 07:32:16

Rest in peace mom

Saliou - Sénégal
2022-09-20 07:31:58

My condolences to Queen Elizabeth`'s family. She served with humility and dignity.

Michael - Ottawa, ON
2022-09-20 07:30:43

RIP We missed majesty QUEEN ELIZABETH ll . Rest in peace Her Royal MajestyWe love you very much and will never forget you.

Harsha Thakar - Ontario
2022-09-20 07:27:48

The whole world is deeply saddened for the loss of a great leader her majesty the queen Elizabeth II, may Her soul rest in peace. With sympathy and love, I extend my sincerest condolences to The Royal Family, to the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth realms and to the whole world.

Hamza - Morocco
2022-09-20 07:25:58

As part of the RCMP Musical Ride, I had the honor of meeting Her Majesty on several occasions including when we stayed at the Windsor Castle with the horses. I met her in the stables and during the Royal Windsor Horse Show. She was elegant and easily engaged in conversations. She even remembered meeting me a couple of times in Canada - she obviously cared for everyone she met. The world has lost a Majestic and truly Worldwide ambassador. She will forever be missed.

Daniel - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 07:25:34

Merci pour toutes ces années. Vous avez été un modèle de femme pour moi. Love you!

Francoise - Lachine, Québec
2022-09-20 07:24:40

J'ai été personnelle bouleversée en apprenant cette triste nouvelle, mes sincères condoléances et que donc âme repose en paix.

Akossiwa Camille - Québec
2022-09-20 07:23:50

The Queen has been a part of my understanding of the world since I first began to appreciate there WAS a world outside my home. I was born in Canada and spent the first half of my childhood there. My late mother and grandmother (a Briton) greatly admired Her Majesty. I remain very impressed by Her Majesty's fortitude and courage. I am saddened that her long reign has ended. I had secretly hoped I would meet her someday.

David - Tucson, USA
2022-09-20 07:23:05

With deepest sympathy we will forever remember you Queen Elizabeth II. Sending healing prayers and comforting hugs to the Royal family.

Growing Up Without Borders - Kingston
2022-09-20 07:21:54

Her Majesty the Queen, my husband, Walter Brooks and I would like to send our condolences from our families. Please Rest In Peace. You've lived a long life. Time to rest...
Sending our love, from the Brooks family!

Michelle - New Brunswick
2022-09-20 07:21:06

I am very saddened to hear of Queen Elizabeth II's passing. She was an icon of grace, class and stability in our chaotic world. Her service of 70 years was amazing and so incredibly selfless. I hope you find peace in remembering all the wonderful memories you have. My prayers are with your family.

Linda Stular - Tecumseh, Ontario
2022-09-20 07:19:55

Sympathies à toutes la famille Royale.

Denis - Trois Rivières, Québec, Canada
2022-09-20 07:14:39

Thank you for everything...
I will never forget each morning singing at school...God save our gracious Queen...long to reign over us...70 years

Caroline - Thunder Bay, Ontario
2022-09-20 07:13:47

The Queen was amazing.

Patricia - Oshawa Ontario
2022-09-20 07:10:10

Condolences from the Diocese of Pagadian

Pe Anthony - Philippines
2022-09-20 07:08:04

RIP, your lifelong dedication to service to your country and the commonwealth were greatly appreciated.

Giovanni - Mississauga
2022-09-20 07:07:36

Condoléances à la famille royale. Hommage pour le règne de 70 ans de la reine. Elle restera dans nos cœurs.

Richère - Magog, Québec
2022-09-20 07:06:45

love u Queen Elizabeth

vicky - Québec,Québec
2022-09-20 07:06:14

I am very sadden by the passing of our dear Queen. Sending Love and Support to her family.

Natasha Symes - Shediac, NB
2022-09-20 07:06:10

Rest In Peace Queen Elisabeth II
You made a good job.
We'll miss you.

MARIE-B. - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-20 07:06:08

C'est avec beaucoup de tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth ll.
Nous présentons nos vives condoléances à tous les membres de la famille ainsi qu'à toute la communauté de la couronne britannique.

Djilali - Algérie
2022-09-20 07:04:35

For every moment being self assured of duty to God, State and Home, your life has elevated every man and woman kind. I pray that we your children continue to uphold and pay forward this honor, duty and love. With deep and profound respect, thank you

Joan Elizabeth Bley - Lethbridge, Alberta
2022-09-20 07:02:49

So grateful the world benefited from the Queen’s enduring strength of character and remarkable sense of duty for so many years.

Julia Rusch - Ontario
2022-09-20 07:01:40

The Queen was very dear to me, I my self will miss her very much. She had a very full life and my heart goes out to the Royal Family. She was loved by so many.

Annetta - Northwest Territories, Canada
2022-09-20 07:00:51

De 1952 à aujourd'hui 2022, votre règne a su traverser les âges. Vous avez été témoin et vous avez contribué à écrire une bonne partie de l'histoire de votre pays et celle du monde.
Mais surtout vous avez su couvrir votre royaume et votre peuple d'un amour maternel exceptionnel. Votre renommée ne s'arrête pas seulement dans les frontières des Royaumes-Unis, mais elle va au delà. C'est pourquoi le monde entier vous pleure aujourd'hui.
Reposez en paix. Que la terre vous soit légère.

Bruny Surin - Montréal, Québec
2022-09-20 07:00:37

Sincere condolences in the loss of her Majesty.She was a true role model for women and for all.Debra Baker

2022-09-20 06:55:23

Rest In Peace, and thank you for your unwavering commitment and contribution to a better world.

Sean - Japan
2022-09-20 06:52:57

thank you Her Majesty. You are in our heart forever.

Candy Leung - Hong Kong
2022-09-20 06:52:45

Long live the Queen in peace

Claudia - Kingston
2022-09-20 06:51:18

Forever in my heart. Thank you for 70 years of service

Irene - Bracebridge Ontario
2022-09-20 06:50:34

Your Majesty, joining the military i swore my allegiance to you in 1990. i had the honour of speaking to you at Rideau Hall in '92 after our Changing of the Guard. we met and chatted briefly abut me playing in the band. I will never forget your kind words to me...RIP Dear Queen you will be deeply missed...

lesley - toronto ontario
2022-09-20 06:48:46

Condolences to all the family god bless 

Patricia - Harbour Breton nl
2022-09-20 06:47:32

Our hearts are broken for the passing of Queen Elizabeth. She was such a remarkable lady. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of the family and we hope you have comfort knowing she is with her true love once again. She's left quite a story to tell in this world.......

Dan and Patty Meloche - Amherstburg, Ontario
2022-09-20 06:46:26

Je viens par ce mail souhaiter mes condoléances a toute la famille, au peuple de UK, mon coeur est attristé et Dieu a décidé autrement;la Reine est rentrée à la maison est que Dieu le reçois.
Gob Bless UK

Joachim Marius - Pointe noire Congo republic of
2022-09-20 06:46:01

mes sincere condoléance pour toute personne anglophone

ISMAIL - Tinghir, Maroc
2022-09-20 06:42:40

It is with profound sorrow our family sends deepest condolences to, King Charles III, his family, the People of Britain, Canada & the Commonwealth, for the loss of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Our entire lives she has been as constant as the North Star, guiding us & providing exemplary displays of moral compass. Her absence has & will continue to leave a void in our lives even as we move into a new era, with a new Monarch. May she be blessed in eternal rest & may God Save the King.

Lynne - Markdale, Ontario
2022-09-20 06:41:00

nous tenons a exprimer nos plus sincère condoléance a la famille royale et au peuple britannique

chikhaoui karim - Tizi-ouzou Algerie
2022-09-20 06:40:55

Rest in peace. You did great things behind the scenes and you will truly be missed by everyone around the world.

Daniel - Toronto
2022-09-20 06:39:25

Praying for you all as you grieve the loss of your beloved mother , grandmother and Queen.

Jane - Ontario
2022-09-20 06:34:12

Rest Easy Your Majesty. 

Michelle - Bedford, Nova Scotia
2022-09-20 06:33:46

I am deeply saddened to see you go. It is really hard to imagine a world without you. Thank you for your smiles and all you had done. May you rest in peace. I am going to miss you, your Majesty. Miss you already.

Leo CK - Japan
2022-09-20 06:32:27

Thank you for your service Ma'am.

Diana Amaro - South Africa
2022-09-20 06:24:52

I was deeply saddened to hear of Her Majesty's passing; her life was an example and inspiration to all of us and a lesson in grace, dignity, and service. She was a rare and beloved world leader during her incredible reign and brought us all into the modern age while keeping us connected to our history. I feel very honoured to have lived under her rule.

Diana Jula - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-20 06:23:27

Mes vœux les plus sincères.
Reine Elizabeth II
Le passez,les projet, économique.
Dessus,je comptais sur votre ,sagesse.
Attristés,de réaction.
Coordialement votre meilleur.

Sylvain Flansberry Fortin - Maniwaki/Gatineau
2022-09-20 06:18:44

My condolences to the Royal Family for the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Thank you for being a constant and enduring symbol of duty, dedication, and grace, which will continue to live on. May you Rest In Peace.

Georges - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 06:11:25

mes sympathies à la famille royale et proches.

mona - Port-Daniel
2022-09-20 06:02:53

My deepest condolences to all of the royal family. Her magisty the queen was a amazing and beautiful woman and strong leader. She was and will always be a strong role model for many people let alone woman and girls everywhere.

Katherine - Halifax nova scotia
2022-09-20 06:02:04

What an amazing role model you were for women around the world. Thank you for inviting us to your garden party when we lived in England. You will be forever missed!

Louella - Manotick, Ontario
2022-09-20 06:00:31

Thank you for your 70 years of service. God bless.

Margherita Nicoletta - Ottawa Ontario
2022-09-20 05:59:24

Merci Votre Majesté pour vos loyaux services envers la nation et ses concitoyens
God Save The Queen

Abdenour - Montréal/Québec
2022-09-20 05:59:13

Sorry for your losses, may her majesty Queen Elizabeth ii live in our hearts forever.

Romeo - Edmonton
2022-09-20 05:57:20

The Queen defined the time that many of us live through.

david - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 05:51:02

We were so sad to hear of the passing of our Queen. She was one amazing lady and one time will not forget. Our condolences to King Charles and the Royal Family.
Lorraine & Bernd Zorn

Lorraine & Bernd - Shawnigan Lake, B.C.
2022-09-20 05:50:36

My deepest condolences and sympathy on the passing of Her Majesty. It was an honour and privilege to have served her in the Canadian Armed Forces and as a public servant.

James - St. Catharines, Ontario
2022-09-20 05:49:43

My family and I wish to give you our deepest sympathy at the loss of your mother and grandmother. She will be greatly missed by many.

Joanne - Dacre,on
2022-09-20 05:45:40

The Queen was almost the same age as my own Mum, who was an avid royal watcher so naturally I became one too! Always admired her grasp of the situation and her wisdom and quiet dignity.
May that be passed on for the next generations !

Daphne - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-20 05:44:48

Rest in Paradise my Queen

Leila - Drumheller, Alberta
2022-09-20 05:38:56

God save the Queen

George - Vancouver,BC
2022-09-20 05:38:53

May you rest in peace, Your Majesty, your courage shall never be forgotten.

Megumi - Surrey, BC
2022-09-20 05:38:05

Condolences to the Royal family, and a profound thanks to Her Majesty the Queen for her service and grace.

Linda - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 05:27:08

Paix à son âme et sincères condoléances à toute la famille royale et peuple britannique

djillali A - Bejaia Algérie
2022-09-20 05:25:57

A la Famille Royale d'Angleterre,

Nous pensons beaucoup à vous en ces moments difficiles.
Nous tenons à vous dire combien nous partageons votre peine.
Nous vous embrassons tous et sommes avec vous par la pensée et les prières pour traverser cette épreuve qui touche votre famille, votre nation et le monde entier.

Très affectueusement.

Semliko Fulbert DOSSOU - Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
2022-09-20 05:19:48

Mes sincères condoléances a la famille royale

Vivine Domingue - Montréal QC
2022-09-20 05:18:30

I was sad on the day of Her Majesty The Queens passing, I have never met the Queen but I felt as if I knew her. I admired the Queens Faith, Devotion & Loyalty to her Nation. The Queen lived a life of class, she was a true lady, non can compare. God Save The Queen!

Rockie Gomez - United States Of America
2022-09-20 05:17:47


Charles - Toronto
2022-09-20 05:17:24

As your reign in now complete, I think of the fact that you were a woman before Queen and shows that women are capable of doing and providing inspiration to all that we are able to be accountable.

Anita - Newfoundland
2022-09-20 05:15:56

I am deeply touched and was in tears about what a beautiful life she lived. God chose her to enjoy all the luxuries of this physical world and be loved by millions of people across the globe. Her life is an inspiration. I am so touched by the love showered on her and the respect she received all her life. May her soul rest in peace.

Ridhima - vancouver,British columbia
2022-09-20 05:07:47

mes plus sinceresympathie a la famille royal ce fut une triste nouvelle que jai recu ce matin la que la rein etais deceder mes ya toujour de lespoir que est partie pour gouverner encore dans un monde meilleur et long succes a ellizabeth dans son prochain acomplissement de lhau de la et que le king charles fasse honneur a précedente

azael duclos - tracadie
2022-09-20 05:01:31

You are always in my heart, your majesty.
It is lucky that I grown up under your leading in Hong Kong.
Rest In Peace.


Ho Yee - British Columbia
2022-09-20 04:56:04

With deepest sympathy to your family. Thank you for your service, humility, humanity and kindness. RIP Queen Elizabeth

Yvonne - Georgetown, Ontario
2022-09-20 04:54:16

Paix à son âme sa majesté reine Élisabeth II.
Grand merci...

Yekaterina - Châteauguay, Québec
2022-09-20 04:50:21

Her life was extraordinary and remarkable for her devotion to service, her sense of duty and her ability to unite us. An example to us all indeed.

Ian - Kelowna, British Columbia
2022-09-20 04:49:09

My deepest sympathy to the Royal family on the passing of HRM Queen Elizabeth II — R.I.P.

Susan - Sackville, NB
2022-09-20 04:48:35

Sincere affection to the family and community. We have been inspired by your courage, commitment and divinity. Aum Shanthi , May the monarchy become stronger in honour of the pillars you have established.

Nina - Coquitlam
2022-09-20 04:46:32

May you rest in peace Your Majesty.

Nathaniel - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-20 04:43:59

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family. May all your wonderful memories help you heal. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was a wonderful lady and her time has come to Rest In Peace. We did get to meet her briefly and my young son kissed her hand while she was visiting Bonavista, NL. He call her Princess and said oops I mean Queen. This is a memory we will never forget. God Bless

Patricia - Fort Saskatchewan, AB
2022-09-20 04:29:35

Thank you for your long and dedicated service to the people of United Kingdom and the Commonwealth Realms. I remember seeing you during your visit to Singapore in 1972. Again in Vancouver, BC Canada for Expo’86. Loved your smile and giggles. My daughter saw your grandson, Prince William with his wife, Katherine in Vancouver. God Bless Your Majesty. May you, Queen Elizabeth II Rest In Peace beside your husband, Prince Phillips forever..

Karen & Dominique - West Vancouver, BC CANADA
2022-09-20 04:28:09


BFraser - Toronto
2022-09-20 04:26:25

Deepest condolences to your family for your loss.The Queen will forever remain in our hearts and memories.

2022-09-20 04:20:09

My most profound condolences to the Royal Family. May love and cherished memories console you at this time of immeasurable loss.
Thank you, Your Majesty for your life of extraordinary dedication, compassion, strength, leadership, love and grace. Your dignity and diplomacy were an inspiration. May your new journey, reunited with your beloved Philip bring you eternal peace and joy. You will be remembered always.

Tessa Senecal - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 04:16:02

Queen Elizabeth II shall always be remembered for her grace, dignity, and service. RIP.

Diane - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 04:13:22

When I was a little kid I had no idea who the queen was or how important she was. She has brought joy and kindness to every Christmas through her joyful broadcasts. She has been the Queen of the people.

God Save the King.

Quesnel, British Columbia

Cole Symington - Quesnel, British Columbia
2022-09-20 04:12:29

Sorry for your death but you did bring the oyals into the modern age

Fiona - North York Ontario
2022-09-20 04:07:56

death is inevitable for all humans, but one thing is sure and certain, eternity!! (Hell or heaven). We should get prepared to be in the good book of God. The Queen has finished her race. May we finish well

Emmanuel - Lagos, Nigeria
2022-09-20 04:05:24

My condolences to Queen Elizabeth. My she Rest In Peace

Howard - Thornhill, Ontario
2022-09-20 04:04:11

I have always respected the long standing traditions and links Her Majesty kept with Canada both good and bad have always help ensure the strength of the commonwealth. My Unit being honoured only a few Months ago with the title of "The Queens Bty "for the first time in the 151 year History of Royal Canadian Artillery. I have always felt proud having her as our sovereign and the close ties the RCA maintains with the Crown. I Salute her, She was an amazing women.

Ryan Houston - Shilo, Manitoba
2022-09-20 04:02:27

It is very sad news. But she sleeps in Jesus Christ. My faith is i will see my Queen in heaven. May God gives strength in sorrowful circumstances to Royal family and to my family as well.
God bless Canada, Queen and Royal family.
Micheal John

Micheal - Kitchener, Ontario
2022-09-20 03:53:50

Your highness,

As a first generation Canadian, of British citizens, I grew up with you as our Queen. Every Christmas we watched your address, and when learning how to eat, we were taught properly; what if we were to have dinner with the Queen?
It is so surreal that you are gone, we will miss you during every family get together.

With devotion,

The Reeds

Apryl - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-20 03:49:49

We all thought you would live forever, but God had other plans for you Queen Elizabeth II he saw you were tired and called you home.
Thank you for your endless hard work and love for Canadians. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family, Queen Elizabeth will be missed dearly. May you rest in peace beside your beloved husband.

Debra - Saskatoon Saskatchewan
2022-09-20 03:46:24

The Memory of HM Queen Elizabeth || will forever remain apart of millions accross Canada for as long as this great land stands! The time spent in rule of the monarchy was enormous, and she has left with not only millions of saddened souls, but also many billions of dollars in currencies yet to be exchanged for valuable goods.
She will be missed by many.
generations to come will learn why.

Eric - Nanaimo B.C.
2022-09-20 03:42:07

The queen has been such an influential person all towards Canada as she said that was her second home. I am honoured that she served Canada and I am glad that I still have her $20 bills with me and I will keep that as a memory. I wish her all the best up there with her husband. The queen will truly be missed and she actually came to London, Ontario many times and I am sad I didn't get the opportunity since I was not born during those times. Rest In Peace.

Shivika - London, Ontario
2022-09-20 03:40:38

She has been the only Sovereign in my lifetime and has set a solid and stable example of love, loyalty, tact, compassion, wisdom and commitment to her family and citizens of the Commonwealth. She will be greatly missed by many.

Carol - South Surrey BC
2022-09-20 03:37:16

I am so sorry for the great loss of the Queen I can't believe she left us. I give my condolences to the Royal Family.

Lindsay - Monastery, Nova Scotia
2022-09-20 03:34:24

Her Majesty... You have been loved all the years that you been Queen. A figure one and all have always looked up to... Grace, Charm, Friendliness and Authority all rolled into one. Deepest respects to you Your Majesty. May the Good Lord Give your Soul Eternal Peace in his House

2022-09-20 03:29:45

We will miss you queen Elizabeth! May you rest in peace

Ola Ghrawi - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-20 03:28:55

Nous sommes extrêmement peinés de perdre une grande Dame qui nous a fait honneur et qui a veillé sur nous pendant tout son règne.
Nos sincères condoléances à sa famille.
Nous garderons un souvenir indélébile de sa Majesté notre reine bien aimée.
Reposez en paix Madame.

Cécile - Drummondville, Québec
2022-09-20 03:26:37

Thank you for your service. well done goodand faithful servant of God. q

Aiza Madrid - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-20 03:25:59

My deepest condolences to the family. May her Majesty be at peace.
RIP Queen

Sonja - Kelowna BC Canada
2022-09-20 03:23:09

My deepest condolences for HM Queen Elizabeth II.
Your Majesty, thank you for your service. You have outperformed your responsibilities as you carried out your duties.
May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.
We miss you and God save the Queen and the new King.

TY - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-20 03:17:43

Your Majesty, thank you for your dedicated service all along the 70 years. Your Majesty, you have been a constant for many of us amid this ever changing world. Your majesty will always be part of the Canadian identity as we transition into the next sovereign. God rest Your Majesty's soul and thank you for everything.

Josh - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-20 03:10:26

Dear My Queen,
I will miss you forever.
I will love you forever.
Thank you for everything.
Always and Forever,

Maddalena Acconci - Vancouver, B.C.
2022-09-20 03:10:22

With heartfelt thanks for the service of our dearly beloved and departed Queen Elizabeth II, for generations you have seen and help empower Canada to grow into the country that we are. Thank you for marking your footsteps upon the ground of one of your homes. I will never forget the joy it your face as we, my family and so many others performed for your Commonwealth Games in Victoria. We will miss you, but will see you again in paradise. May you be ever at peace.

Andrew - St. Albert, Alberta
2022-09-20 03:09:01

God bless Queen Elizabeth II. We love her deeply.

2022-09-20 03:06:18

For King and Country

Aaron - Vernon, British Columbia
2022-09-20 03:05:52

It's sad to lose such a great woman who was full of commitment and love. My sincere condoleance!

Rabii - Maroc
2022-09-20 03:05:46

My condolences to the Royal Family for the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II. To Her Majesty, thank you for being a constant and enduring symbol of duty, dedication, and grace, which will continue to live on. May you Rest In Peace.

Jennifer - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-20 03:05:07

Thank you for all that you have done for Canada, for the Commonwealth, and for the world. We have lost a monarch who dedicated her entire life to help and serve others. Rest in peace.

Larry - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-20 02:55:04

Thank you for everything

Kin - Hong Kong
2022-09-20 02:51:25

I am so appreciative for all the queen did for my family, me and my kids, and many other people. She showed so many people what great leadership, dedicated hard work, and such consideration for others looks like. I hope to be as good as a person she was, and that others will now too, she inspired me and my 4 girls to be better people, and has deffinately inspired many others to be better people and leaders.

Jessica Trudeau - Dawson Creek BC
2022-09-20 02:46:19

Thank you. For everything. Ma’am

Raymond - Toronto
2022-09-20 02:42:03

Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth II, you're always remembered in my heart.

Phyllis - Vancouver, B.C.
2022-09-20 02:41:47

King Charles III, as a First Nations woman, I would like to send my heartfelt condolences on the passing of your beloved Mother. Her Majesty was the constant in millions of lives. She was a strong, beautiful, kind and steadfast in her duty. I love and miss her. Know, we are here for you, and your family in these difficult times. You are a human, son, parent, and grandfather long before Monarch. 

Sharna - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-20 02:33:03

You're my favorite people in the world!

Fung - Vancouver,B.C.
2022-09-20 02:32:02

My sincerest condolences to the Royal family and to dear friends of Queen Elizabeth II. She was a Monarch who was always admired and loved by her people because of her kindness, willingness to help others and strength in running the state. Her name will go down in history and she will be talked about for decades to come. She will be missed by many and will forever be remembered. May She Rest In Peace.

Christine - Ontario
2022-09-20 02:31:02

My sincere condolences to the Royal Family for the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II. To Her Majesty, thank you. May you Rest In Peace. God bless and save King Charles.

Xavier P. - Montréal (Qc)
2022-09-20 02:31:01

I am saddened by the passing of our Queen. My condolences go to her family and friends, and all those who are grieving. What an amazing and historic reign!

Jerome - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 02:29:53

I was born in Luton England in 1961, you are the only qween I know, my while my heart is heavy and drowning in tears, I know you are going to a place where I can meet you. I will miss you

Kevin - Woodstock / Ontario
2022-09-20 02:18:38

RIP your majesty

Fardoowsa - Alberta
2022-09-20 02:16:35

Rest In Peace, Your Majesty
I am so honored to live in same time and knowing you for all my life. I appreciate your kindness, your support, your humor and your generosity. Dear Queen Elizabeth II, may your soul fly to the Gods Hands

Olga Furman - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-20 02:14:56

My eyes swell with tears when I think upon the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She has been the only sovereign I have ever known, and the world seems so empty without her.

Your Majesty, it has been an honour to live during your reign.

Rest in everlasting peace.

Gordon E. - Victoria, B.C.
2022-09-20 02:13:29

Thank-you for your lifetime of committed and noble service to Canada, the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth, and the entire world. Godspeed and rest peacefully, your Majesty.

Connor - Toronto Ontario
2022-09-20 02:12:34

its such a privilege to be in the UK when you died and see the much love for you from everywhere in the world. Continue to rest in Peace and Grace.

Omobolanle - sudbury ontario
2022-09-20 02:12:03

My condolences to the royal family. You will always be in our hearts.
Thank you for everything you have done. May you Rest In Peace.

Denny - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-20 02:11:22

Your Majesty, you know better than most the Queen you succeed. You have had a lifetime of her training, and yet I know you would give anything to delay this moment longer yet.
In life and death she was able to unite people, bridge differences, and promote healing. I hope this legacy helps you find comfort.
While gratitude and fond memories will have their season, it will take time to fully absorb this loss. My deepest condolences to you and your family.
Most faithfully yours,

Aaron - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
2022-09-20 02:11:18

Thank you for your many years of service

Patrick Street - Ottawa
2022-09-20 02:07:39

My sincere condolences to the Royal Family. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was an inspiring woman and someone who I always admired. When she was in Victoria, BC for the 1994 Commonwealth Games, I will never forget the time when she waved to my family and I from a car as she drove past a street that I lived on as a child. That moment has always stuck with me and been one of my fondest memories of her. She will be missed.

David - Victoria, BC
2022-09-20 02:02:02

I have huge respect and high regard for her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second. Thank you for your life of service. May you Rest In Peace. Say hi to my Dad up there !

Jasjit - Langley,B.C.
2022-09-20 02:00:21

Sending my deepest condolences to all of the family of Queen Elizabeth and to all of those who are mourning her loss. Thank you Queen Elizabeth for your 70 years of service and devotion to the people. It was so wonderful to see a woman reign for so long with grace, beauty, strength, kindness and steadfastness. You will be greatly missed. Rest in peace with your beloved Phillip. With much respect and love, Zita.

Zita - Kelowna, BC
2022-09-20 02:00:04

Tous mes condoléances

Monika - Schönholzerswilen, TG Suisse
2022-09-20 01:59:28

My sincere condolences to his Majesty King Charles III and family members of our great Queen Elizabeth II. Heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to you all at this time of sorrow. She has served us very well and will be greatly missed. God save our King.

Maria - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-20 01:58:36

My condolences to the Royal Family for the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II. We will miss her.

Umesh Singh Clement
Dehradun India

Umesh Clement - Dehradun India
2022-09-20 01:58:03

May God's peace and wisdom be passed from one great ruler to the next.

Joshua - Port Moody British Columbia
2022-09-20 01:56:03

Thank you for your service, Your Majesty.

Brenda - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 01:55:44

Sa Majesté, Ma Reine, with utmost respect and love, RIP.
Our deepest sympathy to the Royal family. XOXOXO - Roz and family

Roz - North York, ON
2022-09-20 01:52:57

What a great Queen. Your stay on earth was worth more. You are indeed a grear leader.

Dansu - Nigeria
2022-09-20 01:51:11

May you rest in peace Queen Elizabeth II. You will be greatly missed. My deepest condolences to the Royal Family.

Carol - Richmond, British Columbia
2022-09-20 01:48:46


2022-09-20 01:45:55

Thank you for your service ma’am. We know you are reunited with your family and all your doggies and horses at the rainbow bridge.

Viviene - Hong Kong
2022-09-20 01:44:34

Condolences from our family

kenneth - Burnaby BC
2022-09-20 01:43:03

Farewell to Queen Elizabeth, rest in piece

Jade & Ufuk - Alberta / Calgary
2022-09-20 01:41:48

I will miss your steadfastness in leadership and all matters of the world . You have been a comet of vision in all that is good and lighting our way threw some of our darkest time . It is also with great hope that King Charles has paid close attention to lead the world threw these present war times and find a way to negotiate the peace that preceded him with mom. God bless and keep our King safe in light through our Lord Jesus Christ Amen

John - Qu’Appelle,Sk.Canada
2022-09-20 01:40:35

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family. I am wishing you comfort and courage during this time of loss and change. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has touched the world with her unwavering servant leadership, setting a brilliant example for all public servants. May she rest in peace.

Cassie McCaffrey - Langley, BC
2022-09-20 01:35:09

Your Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II, you were a magnificent and gracious queens. May you fly high with the angels. Thank you for your years of service. Rest In Peace.

Darlene - Bahrain, born in Newfoundland and Labrador
2022-09-20 01:34:06

Dear Ma'am, you've been my Queen since the day I was born. I want to thank you for giving my parents hope in immigrating to Canada back in 1977, and it stays close to our family to all of us. As I now look at opportunities to relocate my family back to Canada, the doors you have opened for all of us in the Commonwealth we will never forget. Hopefully your boys will be able to bring home another World Cup this year in December. Thank you for everything Ma'am. Sincerely, Lawrence Chee and Family

Lawrence Chee and Family - Hong Kong
2022-09-20 01:34:01

Our deepest condolences to the Royal family and friends of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We grew up in Hong Kong and later live in Canada where both places are under her reign. We shall not forget Her service, dedication, and compassion to the world. You have been a great leader of this century. May your inspiration and Christian faith pass to generations and generations.

Grace and David - Vancouver BC
2022-09-20 01:33:51

A remarkable woman who will be sadly missed.

Lori - Maple Ridge, BC
2022-09-20 01:33:33

Our condolences on the death of Her Majesty the Queen.

Katherine - Victoria, British Columbia
2022-09-20 01:32:06

For the last ten days, there has been so much remembrance and reflection on Queen Elizabeth II’s life. If only we can lead lives so full of impact and accomplishment. Condolences to your family at this challenging time, and warm wishes from Vancouver, Canada.

John - Vancouver, Canada
2022-09-20 01:27:17

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family and to the Royal Households. Thank you for sharing her Majesty with the rest of the world.
Thank your Majesty for your service and the example to Love others. I will never forget your smile your blue eyes and your beautiful colors you always wore.
Thank you your Majesty
God Bless. Rest in peace 

Michelle Mc - Victoria BC
2022-09-20 01:24:46

Thank you, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, for decades of dedication and service. May you Rest in Peace.

Joyce - Richmond, BC
2022-09-20 01:24:17


Billy - Calgary AB
2022-09-20 01:24:15

Thank you, Queen Elizabeth, for giving women a voice. Rest In Peace.

Christina - Langley, British Columbia
2022-09-20 01:20:18

Rest in Peace your Majesty. Thankyou for all you done

John - East St. Paul, Manitoba
2022-09-20 01:20:08

Your Majesty,

Thank you for your steadfastness in your faith in Christ and have it as the foundation of your service to the nations. The examples you have set, we shall carry on to the next generations by serving each other with love and for the common goods and peace to all.

Rest well, and as you said, we shall meet again.


Samuel - Waterloo, Ontario
2022-09-20 01:19:27

Thank you! You will be missed very much. Rest In Peace.

Sumiran Rajput - Calgary Alberta
2022-09-20 01:19:22

Very sad for her passing, even though I expected since she already 96 years old. Personally, I thought she's very genius, kind, and good queen/leader. She made Hong Kong a prosperous city when Hong Kong was still under British colony (esp. in 80s and 90s). Overall, she always respectful and adorable, and everybody will always remember her. One last message for Queen Elizabeth II: "Rest in Peace your majesty!"

Vincent Sun - Richmond, British Columbia
2022-09-20 01:14:31

We as Canadians are blessed and grateful to have you as our dear servant leader. We cherish your deep devotion to the greater good of the common wealth. Indeed, parting is such sweet sorrow, on one hand we will deeply miss our Beloved Queen, on the other hand, we are at peace that you are now with the eternal loving warmth of our Lord. Thank you for your Grace's Love and here we are loving you back.

Milner A. A. - Ontario
2022-09-20 01:13:41

My condolences to the family. She will be forever missed.

Dianne Richey - Brighton, Ontario
2022-09-20 01:11:41

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II A Greatest Monarch of Britain and Brilliant Leader in the World. Thank you for the 70 services. Deeply respect HM the graceful woman with love.
May the God Bless the QEII. God save the queen. Rest in peace.

Sulia C - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-20 01:10:54

Our family is deeply saddened about the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. Farewell to our Queen.
With love,
Michele, Doug, Victoria and James Fowler
British Columbia, Canada

Michele - BC
2022-09-20 01:10:48

God Speed Queen Elizabeth II and God Bless all of your family and friends. You’ve done all Canadians proud Ma’am and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you Queen Elizabeth II for 70 years of service. 

Janice - Brampton, Ontario
2022-09-20 01:10:47

'May flights of Angels sing thee to thy rest.' Words meant for a woman who embodied such grace, dignity and strength in her service.

In loving memory of Her Majesty The Queen.

Robyn - Kelowna, British Columbia
2022-09-20 01:10:25

Thank you so much for bringing prosperity to both Canada and Hongkong. You are always our queen. Goodbye. Rest in peace.

Hebu Chan - Richmond
2022-09-20 01:10:02

R.I.P My Queen!

Michael - Vancouver BC
2022-09-20 01:08:09

Deeply saddened by the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. She was a gracious, kind, and dedicated monarch. Words cannot express the tremendous loss we all feel. She meant so much to so many. Thank you for all you have done. Heartfelt condolences to the Queen's entire family.

Kevin - North Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-20 01:06:44

My daughter is named Elizabeth and I pray she will always be the woman of integrity, fortitude, and faith that our dear Queen has been. Some Queens are born great, others have greatness thrust upon them, but Queen Elizabeth II put others first, she was a dutiful steward to the countries "under" her, and her greatness was to be like Christ in her attitudes and servant life. That is the "greatness" that we mourn and remember and give thanks for.

Susan - Vancouver, B.C.
2022-09-20 01:05:57

Thank you for a lifetime of service.
May you rest in peace.

Sherri - Port Coquitlam, BC
2022-09-20 01:05:28

Sympathies à toute la famille dans le deuil de cette grande perte!

Lincey - Gaspésie, Québec, canada
2022-09-20 01:04:53

Thank you your majesty-Queen Elizabeth II for your never ending love, strength, dedication, and faith. Rest In Peace now with God and the angels. Prayers are being said for your family for comfort & healing. May they continue to uphold your values and stay loyal to the Royal way of life. xo

Sharon - Nanaimo, BC
2022-09-20 01:04:49

My Majesty, may you rest in peace with dear God. Thank you for being kind to the people in your kingdom and the territory that you own. I am from Hong Kong and we miss you because you had built a beautiful Hong Kong and give us a wonderful nation, Canada.

Vincy - Calgary
2022-09-20 01:03:16

My condolences to the Royal Family. Long live the beautiful queen

Laura - Arnprior, ON
2022-09-20 01:02:48

May you rest in peace our Gracious Queen.

Mary - Campodimele (LT) Italy
2022-09-20 01:01:54

May you rest in peace our Gracious Queen.

Mary - Campodimele (LT) Italy
2022-09-20 01:01:24

I met the Queen at the age of seven when she visited my very small town during the British Columbia Centennial. Since then I have learned to see Her Majesty as the personification of quiet diplomacy. She will be missed.

Karen - Victoria, BC
2022-09-20 01:00:22

Thank you, your parents, and your subjects for providing refuge for family members and for ways you facilitated peace and were a link, a sturdy bridge, for so many. Join, now, with the fuller Universe and be free. RIP Queen Elizabeth II

Julie - United States of America
2022-09-20 01:00:06

I want to thank you for your long and honourable service. In a world where politicians come and go, you were a source of calming influence that no politician could ever provide. I hope the tradition of calming service will continue for the whole commonwealth.

Noel - Victoria, BC
2022-09-20 00:59:29

You served us all Your Majesty. I give you my thanks for your life that you spent for your people. Now rest in peace which you so deserve.

Sim Kaur - Ottawa and Ontario
2022-09-20 00:58:00

Thank you for all your services and deepest condolences to the royal family

Enji - Québec, Canada
2022-09-20 00:54:53

Our deepest condolences to The Royal Family with the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She was an amazing person and her spirit will live on. R.I.P.

Rick & Shabana Khan - Surrey, British Columbia
2022-09-20 00:54:47

Repose en paix, tu as tu as tout fait pour nous

Jean-Claude - Anjou, Québec
2022-09-20 00:52:38

Reposer en paix chère Reine. Gardez sur nous un oeil espiègle, et un sourir en coin.

Lorraine Cleroux - Victoria, Colombie-Britannique
2022-09-20 00:51:17

On behalf of all my family and myself I send the deepest of condolences and prayers. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was the finest Monarch, a most beautiful lady, so very elegant. Thank you for a lifetime of caring, service and dedication. You will be greatly missed. Rest in Peace. God bless.

Carol Ann - Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
2022-09-20 00:46:45

I moved from London, UK to Vernon in 1982, I missed home terribly. I could not believe it when Her Majesty visited our small town in 1983. It felt like my Mother had come to see me, it was a very emotional moment. I have never forgotten my British heritage and never forfeited my treasured citizenship. Today I feel like I have lost a precious family member and cannot contain my grief.
Farewell Your Majesty, may your soul rest in peace.

Sheela - Vernon, BC
2022-09-20 00:46:43

I would like to give my condolences to the Royal family. Queen Elizabeth had so many good qualities that I find it hard picking one that stands out, as she had so many. She represented the Monarch with such eloquence and showed such genuine love for her country and the world and we loved her back. My heart is a bit heavy today as I think of her legacy and what she has left for us to cherish and learn from. You will be missed our dear Queen Elizabeth. From Canada with love.

Carole Ann - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:46:15

Farewell our Queen, you are the best!! Dear Queen, thank you for delicate almost your whole life time to serve the country, a long excellent service of 70 years hard working under stress in this complicated new age and you never laid back even after your passed away, the show must still go on until you elevated to six foot under. For now it’s time to say goodbye to you respectfully.
Thank you our Queen Elizabeth the second Rest In Peace
God Bless our Queen to your new journey

Dennis Aroozoo - Markham, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:46:13

Mes condoléances à sa majesté. Notre reine a tous.

Honore - Côte d’Ivoire
2022-09-20 00:45:57

Please accept my deepest heartfelt condolences on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Her passing has affected me far more than I expected. She was exemplary in performing her duties as the head of the monarchy. May her successors in the future honer and respect her example. RIP your Majesty.

Sean - Prince Rupert, British Columbia
2022-09-20 00:45:20

Words cannot even begin to express our sorrow.
Our thoughts and wishes are with the Royal Family.
Please accept my deepest condolences for the unrepairable big loss of the Royal Family on the demise of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Zainab - Etobicko, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:43:33

A fond farewell to Queen Elizabeth 11 who served with grace and dignity. God bless King Charles 111 and his family.

Ruth - Montreal, Quebec
2022-09-20 00:43:26

My deepest sympathy to the entire Royal Family for their loss. Please take time to mourn your love one as the world is mourn with you. We lost the world most Amazing leader as she has made history for 70 years as our Queen. Rest in eternal peace.

Sew A - Ontario
2022-09-20 00:43:14

Deepest sympathy to the Royal family, United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries on the loss of Queen Elizabeth ll. She was a Queen, wife, mum, grandmother, and great grandmother- so many roles to play and she did them all with grace, love and honour (and sometimes a sense of humour!). And she loved her corgis and horses too.
Rest In Peace Your Majesty. You lived a life well lived.

Kim - Regina, Saskatchewan
2022-09-20 00:42:07

The only Queen I have ever known through my life time and she will be missed.

Heather - Okotoks, Alberta
2022-09-20 00:40:24

She served Canada for more than half of its existence with humility and grace with passion to making a change. Her life was dedicated towards making this world a better place on the principles of equality, resilience and respect.

Arsalan - Karachi, Pakistan
2022-09-20 00:39:29

Our sincere condolences to the Royal family and Thank-you to the Queen who meant so much to Canada and to people all over the world. Rest In Peace with your beloved husband and family.We will miss you.

Elizabeth and Margaret Sweeney - Etobicoke, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:38:58

We are grateful to have lived at a time with a Queen who was a woman of integrity and honour. We have lost a great leader and role model. Our heart felt condolences to the Royal family - you have lost your mother, Grandmother & Grandmother. May you know God's presence and peace in this time of great loss.

Ralf & Donna - Langley, BC
2022-09-20 00:36:26

Our deepest condolences to the Royal Family of Her Majestry Queen Elizabeth II. Thank you for your service, ma'am and rest in peace.

Raymond, Doris and Denise - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-20 00:34:17

Rest In Peace, Queen Elizabeth II. Thank you for your service.

Natalie L - Langley, BC
2022-09-20 00:34:16

To HM The Queen,

Thank You for all you have done in your years of service. May you Rest In Peace and be welcomed into Heaven with open arms.

To HM The King and The Royal family,

My sincerest condolences for the loss of your Mother and head of your family. May she watch over you all from above and guild you in your new roles.

Kaitlyn - Cranbrook, British Columbia
2022-09-20 00:33:57

Merci votre Majesté pour ces 70 ans de précieux services envers votre pays. Votre dévouement et votre éthique de travail serviront d'exemple pour les générations futures. Le monde se souviendra pour toujours de votre force alors que votre départ laisse un immense vide dans la société.
Mes condoléances à votre famille, particulièrement à vos quatre enfants, à toutes les personnes qui ont eu l'occasion de vous côtoyer pendant votre règne ainsi qu'à l'ensemble des citoyens du Royaume-Uni.

Sarah-Maude - Québec city, QC
2022-09-20 00:33:56

Heartfelt condolences to HM the King, HRH the Princess Royal, HRH the Duke of York, HRH the Earl of Wessex and all of Her late Majesty's family.
Today's service was beautiful, truly fitting the remarkable, long and great reign of a one of a kind monarch. Forever grateful and proud to be an Elizabethan.

Your Majesty,
may You rest in peace and rise in eternal glory. Thank you Ma'am, for everything.

Gaston César Banna - Montreal, Quebec
2022-09-20 00:33:33

Condolences to the Queen's family. As we grieve for our international monarch, you grieve for a family member. Her light & leadership inspired many. She lead the way on many fronts. May her memory be eternal. 

Kathy - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-20 00:33:18

Your Majesty King Charles III, Canada’s oldest veteran’s association The Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans in Canada offers our sincere condolences to you and the Royal Family for the loss of your mother Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen’s 70 year reign as the Queen of Canada which included 22 visits has warmly inspired the love and respect from all our members. Your Majesty it is with condolences as you enter your reign with the inspiration of your beloved mother Queen Elizabeth II.

Paul - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:32:51

My condolences to the royal family at this time, bereavement. She was a wonderful queen we need

Danielle - Oshawa
2022-09-20 00:32:30

Mes sympathies.

Justin - Lacolle
2022-09-20 00:32:14

The queen was a wonderful being, she was beautiful, she did an excellent job and indeed left a great mark in peoples hearts. My family is sending love from El Salvador and for Hamilton Ontario, we will always remember you May god bless you. sending love to all the royal family.

Sindy - Hamilton
2022-09-20 00:30:56

Condolences to the family, she will fondly be remembered.

Leslie - Golden B.C
2022-09-20 00:30:49

After 70 years of remarkable service and duty, Her Majesty can finally rest. May the Royal Family be united and feel a sense of great strength at this time. Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth II alongside your beloved Prince Philip. Your memory will live on.

Cindy - New Westminster, British Columbia
2022-09-20 00:30:24

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Rest In Peace to our gracious and much loved queen from a grateful Canadian.

Karen - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-20 00:30:18

Mes condoléances à notre Premier Ministre, Justin Trudeau, qui était très proche de Sa Majesté, ainsi que de toute la famille de cette dernière. Le décès de notre Reine, qui était une dame et une reine exceptionnelles, est une grande perte pour l'humanité, et marquera notre histoire. Elle fut non seulement une grande Reine, mais également une grande source d'inspiration pour toutes les femmes de cette Terre.

Isabelle - Chicoutimi, Québec
2022-09-20 00:29:03

My deepest condolences to the family. May she rest in peace.

Rashwinder - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-20 00:28:05

Thank you for dedicating your life to the crown. Duty above all else. Now, rest easy and enjoy your eternal life living the life you both wanted with your husband Philip. - Zarah

ZARAH GRACE - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:26:26

An incredible reign. God save the queen.

Nicholas - Surrey-BC
2022-09-20 00:26:04

I was inspired by the Queen’s service and she inspired my family. My Grandmother received a service medal from the Queen around the centennial for her volunteer work, my Father received a service medal as mayor. I volunteer on committees following in their footsteps. It seemed like the Queen would go on forever but death comes eventually. I give my sympathy and prayers to the Royal family and support King Charles III. Long May he reign in Canada.

Mary - Smithers,BC, Canada
2022-09-20 00:25:50

My condoleances to the Royal Family ! Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II was and will remain a model for all of us!

Teodora Marovic - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:25:29

As a Young Canadian, the Crown has always been my most cherished Canadian Symbol. It truly represents the Canadian ideal and is the cornerstone of one of the most remarkable constitutions in the world. I give thanks to the Almighty God for giving our Country Elizabeth II. May she rest in peace.

Brett Strutynski - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-20 00:25:13

I'm proud to be a Canadian

Dariush - Ontario
2022-09-20 00:25:01

Our most heartfelt condolences to the Queens Family. We feel a profound sense of loss, she was our queen for over 60 years. May Angels guide her to her rest. God save the King.

James & Julie Brown - Leduc, Alberta
2022-09-20 00:24:48

Deepest condolences to the family of the queen.May the queen rest in eternal peace.Thank you for your dedication and service

Alison - Toronto/ontario
2022-09-20 00:23:18

Dear Queen, thank you for sacrifice almost your whole life time to serve the country, long excellent service of 70 years hard working under stress that never laid back. For now it’s time to say goodbye. Thank you our Queen Elizabeth the second Rest In Peace
God Bless our Queen to her new journey

Dennis A. - Markham, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:22:45

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has been part of my world for all of my 70 years. I saw her as she passed by my small town of Bowsman in a car during Manitoba's centennial in 1970. I am realizing what a gem she has been to the world. She was a woman of integrity, class, hard working with a work ethic we may never see again, kind, compassionate, a lover of her family and they will miss her and her wisdom. May memories of a life well lived be of comfort to all of you at this very sad time. 

Valerie - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-20 00:22:18

Example of the excellency. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your exemplary. Now you can live in peace with your beloved and long-gone family members and true friends. May God save you in your journey forever and ever. — From a China man in Canada.

Steven Gao - Sainte-Anne-De-Bellevue, Quebec
2022-09-20 00:20:43

It is with deepest sadness, but even greater admiration and respect, that I send my heartfelt thanks to Her Royal Majesty for her steadfast dedication and service. Hers was a life lived with intention and in so has been the most glowing role model to women and girls the world over. Brave, kind, compassionate and graceful, Her Majesty has been a beacon of quiet calm in an all too often turbulent sea. My sincerest condolences to all her family. May she rest in the most deserved peace.

Melanie Chapple - West Vancouver, BC
2022-09-20 00:20:36

Queen Elizabeth II, Forever Grateful to you, 70 years of Gracious Dedicated Service.
An Honour, Commander in Chief, of the Canadian Armed Forces, Navy, Army & Air Force. My Family & I; Three Generations from WWII to Afghanistan. A privilege my Daughter & I both shared, to be a part of your Honour Guard when you visited Canada.
God's Blessings on your Family.
God Save the King.

Deborah - Aylmer, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:20:27

Mes plus sincères condoléances à SM le Roi, SAR la Princesse Royale, SAR le Duc d'York, SAR le Comte de Wessex et toute la Famille Royale.
Les obsèques de la Reine aujourd'hui étaient parfaitement dignes du long règne remarquable d'une souveraine distinguée. À jamais reconnaissant et fière d'être Elisabéthain.

Votre Majesté,
Puissiez-vous reposer en paix et ressusciter dans la gloire éternelle. Merci Madame, pour tout.

Gaston - Montréal, Québec
2022-09-20 00:19:58

God save the Queen! Missed and appreciated and someone to admire for all our lives.

Sandra - Victoria BC
2022-09-20 00:17:39

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, a true testament to public service. She served the nation with dignity, respect and honor. She will be greatly missed by everyone. Born in the UK, we as a family looked forward to the Queen's Christmas Day speech every christmas. She was our constant in a trying world. Thank you for your service, may your rest in peace.

Sukhie - Penticton, BC
2022-09-20 00:17:15

My dear majestic Queen Elizabeth II is a honor for me living in this beautiful country and learned about you and how good you were. The country and me will have your memories in our hearts . Rest in peace my Queen.

Harol - Thorold ontario
2022-09-20 00:17:02

I will miss your inspirational Christmas message. You were a stabilizing force for my family and the World.
I did see you in Edmonton when I was 4 yr old. The images are so clear.
Thanks for your dedication to Canada, the World, and your family.
You will be missed and I will cherish the memories of your life.

Ardell - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-20 00:16:19

Canada mourns the loss of our Queen. The matriarch not only of the Royal Family, but of the Commonwealth family of nations, and the world.

There are no truer words than “Grief is the price of love”

Through changing times the Queen offered comfort, stability, and hope.

The Queen’s legacy lives on, and her sense of duty is an inspiration to us all.

We hope that our condolences help you through your private period of mourning.


Basil - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:15:31

Rest in peace your majesty queen Elizabeth II

Stephen - Zambia
2022-09-20 00:14:54

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family and the United Kingdom for the huge loss of a very much beloved woman who dedicated steadily with her whole life to serve as a Queen for 70 years. She will be sorely missed and will be forever remembered by everyone in this World.

Wendy - Belleville, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:14:33

Que Dieu protégé la reine, paix a son âme

Claudet lalanne - Québec
2022-09-20 00:13:40

I was so sad to hear of Queen Elizabeth’s passing. She was a strong and steadfast presence in the world, and has left a legacy of exemplary service. Her qualities of grace, dignity, warmth, and humour let her connect with others and make them feel at ease. She will be remembered with love as a remarkable Queen and Human Being. The world is less bright without her here. I pray for comfort and healing for her family at this time.

Kate-Lynn - Etobicoke, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:12:25

You will be deeply missed and always remembered 

Gwen Campbell - Redcliff, Alberta
2022-09-20 00:11:15

Thank you for being our Queen and Thank you for your service

Jaswant - Surrey, British Columbia
2022-09-20 00:10:10

You were a true defender of the faith to the very end. You were an unwavering example of servant-leadership. Thank you, your Majesty. May you hear the blessed words we all look forward to - "well done thou good and faithful servant."

Carolle - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:09:58

Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth II, you're always remembered in our hearts.

Shafiul Alam - Saskatchewan
2022-09-20 00:09:31

Reine Elizabeth II, vous êtes comme une partie de la famille ou une amie proche de tous.
Quelle longue et belle vie que vous avez eu. Vous êtes un symbole de dévouement, de persévérence et de classe. Vous êtes une personne qui vraiment avez tout vu et vécu.
Votre repos pour l'haut-delà est bien mérité! Que la terre vous soit légère, Reine Elizabeth II.

Claudine Mésidor - Montréal, Qc.
2022-09-20 00:07:58

I humbly express my condolences to King Charles the III, and the Royal Family of England and UK for the passing of Our Beloved Queen Elizabeth II. It is humanity's loss for all the devotion and service that she has done for the world in all her life. May God Bless and keep Her in heaven. I pray for her Eternal repose, Amen.

Henry - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:07:26

She will be dearly missed and I will miss writing letters to Her in UK. Hope She's in a better place, and may Lord Almighty be with Her. Thoughts and prayers are with The Royal Family.

Axer - Hamilton, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:06:08

Queen Elizabeth II was THE icon of the 20th & 21st centuries. She personified duty and gave every little girl a role model to behold. The Queen used her charm, wit and grace to lead above the fray as only she could do. Yet she retained a sense of humility and empathy. She loved and was beloved. She led by example from beginning to end. Dear Lillibet, you will be missed.

Heather - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:05:43

We will miss your smile … Eternal rest grant to you … we love you 

Araceli - Surrey, BC
2022-09-20 00:04:02

We will miss you. May your soul rest in peace

Keke - Windsor, Ontario
2022-09-20 00:03:57


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