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Page 14 of 240 — Book of condolences for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Canadians were invited to sign the online book of condolences. The book is now closed but you can view messages shared.


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Honour to Queen Elizabeth,

You're lovely and smiling!

Blessing & Love

Gwendolyn - Osoyoos,BC
2022-09-19 16:27:44

I wanted to make sure I signed this before it was too late, but it's hard to know what to say. You were always there. I suppose the power of your example has been such that, in a way, you always will be. We commit you to history. Thank you for your lifetime of service.

Alan - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:26:07

J’ai eu l’honneur de servir mon pays sous votre règne. Vous étiez un chef d’état hors norme et d’une très grande bonté. Vous serez toujours dans mes mémoires. Reposez-vous en paix maintenant.

Estelle - St Jean sur Richelieu
2022-09-19 16:25:54

Nous garderons un souvenir ému et reconnaissant d'une Reine qui a mis toutes ses qualités d'esprit et de cœur au service du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne, d'Irlande du Nord et des autres royaumes du Commonwealth. Son inébranlable sens du devoir, son dévouement, son charisme ont toujours été un exemple pour nous. Nos très sincères condoléances.

Annick - Québec
2022-09-19 16:25:45

My sincere condolences to the Royal family. Rest in Peace Queen Elizabeth!

Serg - St. Johns Newfoundland
2022-09-19 16:25:01

Your Majesty, Thank you! You will be sorely missed. Until we meet again.

Sonya Brault - Candiac, Québec
2022-09-19 16:24:44

My heartfelt condolence to the Royal family as they experience the life changing loss of their beloved Mother, Grandmother, Gan-Gan, and cherished family member. May you find peace in the many memories that you have shared. Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth II. Thank you for your steadfast service and care shown for us all. You will be missed more than words can express. King Charles, may God guide you and give you strength. As your Mother said to our Governor General… be kind to yourself.

Leslie - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-19 16:24:37

On behalf of the Selbie family I humbly offer our heartfelt condolences to His Majesty The King and all members of the Royal Family. As proud Canadians, Her Majesty personified for us all that is good about our Country and Commonwealth. To her we were faithful and bore true allegiance, as we do now to our new Sovereign Lord, Charles III. God Bless The Queen and Long Live The King! BGen (Ret'd) James Selbie (Late RCA)

James - Brandon, Manitoba
2022-09-19 16:24:09

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family for the profound loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II! Having lost 2 grandmothers within 1 year, I can relate to what the family is going through, and my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Stay strong! Thank you to the Royal Family for sharing Her Majesty with all of us.
I can’t thank Her Majesty enough for Her years of devotion to us all. May Her Majesty Rest In Peace! I pledge my allegiance to His Majesty King Charles III. God Save The King!

Saad - Georgetown, ON
2022-09-19 16:23:52

As a/PR. in Canada, On September 1st I tuck my Oath of Citizenship to Canada to you HER MAJSTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II Queen of Canada, then you were gone within a week. as the wind blows that white Angel's feather my way I know It was you. telling me Congratulations. This will stay with me forever.! All Hails The Queen. As a proud Jamaican/Canadian Citizen, I know God. rest your soul, Forever in our hearts, Forever Love.

Marva - Scarborough
2022-09-19 16:23:07

Your Majesty, I will miss your radiant smile and the sound of your voice. I will miss your gentle dignity and elegance. I will miss your love and care of animals. I will miss your fashion sense and all your wonderful hats. I have known your quiet presence and leadership all my life. You have made the world a better place. God Bless You.

Sandra Elizabeth - West Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-19 16:22:59

Our condolences to King Charles and all the members of the Royal family.
Queen Elizabeth's visit to Canada will always be remembered and her life service for numerous charitable organizations are appreciated by all the Commonwealth countries. Very proud of our Canadian delegation at her funeral.

Elizabeth - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:22:26

I hope memories of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, will comfort family and friends. Her Majesty's life and spirit, dedication to service and intelligence and humour have touched so many lives, including mine. I am grateful for the powerful legacy Her Majesty has given us, including contributions to peace, stability, positive change, common values, community, and service. I hope this legacy lives on through many lives touched by Her presence. Wishing Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, peace.

Julie - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-19 16:21:54

Great Woman !
Long Live the Queen
70 Years WOW!

Michelle - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-19 16:21:50

To the Queen, her family, and friends. Thank you for your steadfast guidance of these many years. You changed many lives. Rest in peace.

Sarah - Fort McMurray, AB
2022-09-19 16:21:39

Thank you for all the love and kindness throughout your life! You shall be missed! Rest In Peace your Majesty!

Sandeep - Vancouver BC
2022-09-19 16:21:36

Thank you for your 70 years of exemplary service to the Commonwealth and its realms. You set an extraordinary example for so many people in so many ways throughout your life. We were very blessed to witness your steady presence, grace, humanity and humour for so many years.
May you Rest in Peace Your Majesty Queen Elizabeth I I.
With gratitude,
Rebecca and Brenda Bates

Rebecca - Quispamsis, New Brunswick
2022-09-19 16:20:22

Thank you for your true dedication to public service, you will be sorely missed. My sincere condolences to the entire Royal Family.

Christine - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:20:19

You will never be forgotten.

Jenneth - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-19 16:19:38

Your Majesty. Thank you for your 70 years of dedicated and selfless service . We have loved you. Rest In Peace with your Lord.

Mary - St. Catharines, ontario
2022-09-19 16:18:55

Condoléances à la famille royale et bonne chance au Roi Charles III . Reine Elizabeth II était aimé . Elle restera toujours dans nos cœurs.

Jeanne d'Arc Gauthier - Ontario Canada
2022-09-19 16:18:37

World will learn many things from your life. A wise person can understand a good leadership.

Love - Rawalpindi, Pakistan
2022-09-19 16:18:27

Thank you our Queen for everything you have done for the world you made it a better place. We will miss your smiling face. R.I.P . Thank you again your majesty.

Tracey - Otterville, ontario
2022-09-19 16:18:04

May Lord rest her soul in peace

Mina - Mississauga, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:18:01

My sincere apologies for the people's of Canada's, England, Scotland, Ireland and the others countries part of the United Kingdom For tha lost of your beloved Queen Isabel II

Wilson Oswaldo Sosa Medina - HONDURAS
2022-09-19 16:18:00

Condolences to all members of the Royal family for the loss of such a beautiful person...the Queen...
Sending best wishes to King Charles III....

Madeleine - Peterborough
2022-09-19 16:17:56

Thank you for your service. Thank you for being a beacon of light and stability for the world. Your unwavering love and devotion are truly an example of what it means to not only be a queen but an amazing person. Canada will never forget you,the world will never forget you. You are part of what makes us Canadian. Sending our love


Ron,Tara,Ashley,Noël,Garrett and Raven Verbaas

Noel - Scarborough,Ontario
2022-09-19 16:17:47

Thank you for your years of faithful service. May you Rest in Peace.
Condolences to the Royal Family.

Kristin - Lethbridge, Alberta
2022-09-19 16:17:21

Sincères condoléances!

Ginette & Luc - Québec
2022-09-19 16:17:12

Thanks for being our Queen and doing everything that you could do as a person. You have a good soul, King Charles III will do amazing trying to fill your shoes and I know in my heart Prince William and Princess Cathrine will do fine when the time comes May you rest in peace with the love of your life Philp

Amanda and Shamus Chafe-Jobson - Brockville Ontario
2022-09-19 16:17:09

It is with heartfelt sadness that I extend my deepest sympathy to His Majesty King Charles III and all the Royal Families for the loss of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
She has been such an amazing Queen, who held steadfast to the promise she made over 70 years ago.
God rest you Queen Elizabeth

Marnie - Strathroy, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:16:56

Dear royal family

Sorry for your loss sad to hear about the Queen she had a wonderful life. I follow your family history. I feel sad that this is the end of her life. Welcome Your Majesty King Charles III.

Alexandra - Stratford Ontario
2022-09-19 16:16:47

Your Majesty, you were and always will be a symbol of peace, decency, and a beloved ‘Honorary Canadian’.

Candice Gale - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-19 16:16:39

I am sending my condolences from Istanbul Turkey for the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada

Deniz - Istanbul, Turkey
2022-09-19 16:16:30

The Queen is the great woman in the world. The last time she fly over the country she loved and lie down forever in the land. Her Majesty! I will come to see you there.

Ding - Victoria, BC
2022-09-19 16:16:19

Thank you, your Majesty, for 70 years of dedicated service to our country. You left such a large mark on Canada and we will all miss you terribly. My condolences to His Majesty the King, the Prince of Wales, and the entire Royal family. My prayers are with you at this sad time. May God bless your late Majesty, and may God save our new King.

Erik Carey - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
2022-09-19 16:16:03

I never had the honor of meeting you in person but, I feel in my heart that you were MY Queen. You will be GREATLY MISSED. You were always a beautiful and Gracious lady. You will remain in our hearts forever.
Donna Henson

Donna - America (Camby, Indiana)
2022-09-19 16:15:49

Thank you your majesty. You were marvellous, full of grace and dutiful. You were a great female leader across many years and decades.

Sophia - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:15:12

Rest in Peace! Queen!

Srujan - Windsor ON
2022-09-19 16:15:05

Mes plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille de Sa Majesté. En 1951, lors de sa visite au pays, le train qui la transportait s'est arrêté à Montmagny. À chaque fois que je traverse cette voie ferrée, je pense à cet instant. Peut-être a-t-elle vu la maison où je suis née? Justement en 1951.

Marielle - Montmagny, Québec
2022-09-19 16:14:39

Will be sadly missed

Diane - Wasaga Beach Ontario
2022-09-19 16:14:39

Reposer en paix auprès de votre conjoint vous le mérité bien.

Jocelyn - Québec Québec
2022-09-19 16:14:36

My deepest sympathy to the Royal family.

Bertha weller - Okotoks AB
2022-09-19 16:14:35

Allez maintenant vous reposez auprès de votre époux. Après toutes ces longues années de loyaux services et de sacrifices. Notre Reine pour toujours.

Annie Samson - Québec
2022-09-19 16:14:23

Mes plus sincères sympathies à la Famille Royale. Je garderai toujours un excellent souvenir de la Reine Elizabeth, c’est quelqu’un d’admirable qui a toujours été là pour ses sujets et ce, jusqu’à même deux jours avant son décès alors qu’elle accueillait la Première Ministre d’Angleterre. Une grande Dame, à tous points de vue. R.I.P. chère Dame !

Patricia O’Leary - Delson, Québec
2022-09-19 16:14:23

Rest in peace, Her Queen the Majesty

Priscilla - Chilliwack, BC
2022-09-19 16:14:20

My mom was a fan of your Majesty. The Queen died on my mom funeral day. A day to remember

Chantal Berube Larocque - Plantagenet,Ontario
2022-09-19 16:14:04

Bon repos Votre Majesté et Merci pour tout

Diane francoeur - Edmundston NB
2022-09-19 16:13:57

Mes sympathies les plus sincères à la famille Royale.
Merci votre Majesté pour votre dévouement et rigueur au cours de toutes ces années.

Christiane Granger - Montréal
2022-09-19 16:13:55

To Queen Elizabeth II, may you rest in peace. God bless.

- Curline Harris

Curline - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:13:45

Une Icône de ce monde nous a quittée.Après 70ans de reigne vous nous laissez sans voix votre Majesté.vous nous avez pourtant fait croire le temps d’un instant à l’immortalité.Vous avez vécue dignement et avec beaucoup d’élégance et vous avez su faire rayonné la Monarchie de toute sa splendeur à travers le monde et nous vous en remercions.Allez vous reposer auprès de votre bien aimé...nous vous garderons à tout jamais dans nos cœurs #LAREINEESTMORTEVIVELEROI...!!

Ibrahima - Yaoundé/Cameroun
2022-09-19 16:13:43

Thank you so much for everything that you have done for Canada. And may your soul rest in heaven.

Theera - Repentigny, QC
2022-09-19 16:13:37

I thank you for your service and dedication to the United Kingdom and all other countries included in the Commonwealth. Canada has grown and thrived under your unwavering leadership, affection and exemplary example of what a leader should be. There will be no other like you. Godspeed your Majesty.

Donna - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:13:35

Comme c'est triste , une si grande dame et une si belle grand mère, qui me rappelle physiquement la mienne, qu elle nous aie quittée. C'est la fin d une époque. Bon retour avec votre époux.

RAYMONDE - Matane, Québec
2022-09-19 16:13:11

Thank you your majesty for your lifetime of devotion. Our family has a cherished picture of you with our grandfather from one of your visits to Canada. You will be missed.

Brad - Steinbach, Manitoba
2022-09-19 16:13:02

Réponse en paix sa majesté

Vladimir simon - Montreal Québec
2022-09-19 16:12:58

Je souhaite offrir mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille royale britannique. Sa Majesté la reine était une femme extraordinaire. Désormais, elle est en paix et elle a rejoint son cher Philip.

Marie-Pier - Montréal
2022-09-19 16:12:46

Thank you for your gracious service and support for 70 years!

Annie - Gatineau, Quebec
2022-09-19 16:12:44

My condolences on the passing of our beloved Queen. Today watching her coffin slowly lowered at Windsor signals the end of an era, and also so many great chapters in my own life. It was my honour to have been her overnight guest at Windsor Castle and to have conversed and played my guitar for her three times. I was also honoured to have been HRH Prince Philip's pen for over 35 years. I shall never forget either of these gracious, generous and remarkable people whom I know are now together again.

Liona Boyd O.C. O. Ont. B. Mus., LLD - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:12:42

May Queen Elizabeth II rest in eternal peace. Long live King Charles III.

I am filled with gratitude and admiration for her life of service to Canada and the Commonwealth. I offer my condolences to the entire Royal Family as they grieve a great lady - a mom, grandma, and great-grandma.

Andrew - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:12:40

A fantastic lady and excellent role model. She will be missed.

David Simmonds - Calgary Alberta Canada
2022-09-19 16:12:18

Our deepest condolences to the Entire family on the passing of the Queen Elizabeth ll, will be forever missed, May Her Majesty the Queen rest in peace..

K & N

Kirk & Nallely - Prescott Ontario
2022-09-19 16:11:59

Our deepest sympathies

Andre, Alison and Isaac Proulx - CORNWALL, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:11:51

My condolences to the royal family! I remember when the queen's father, King George VI, was king, and her mother was Queen Elizabeth. I even remember when her grandmother, Queen Mary, was the queen mother. Long live the king!

Frieda - Waterloo, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:11:40

Thank you, my Queen, for your many years of Service to our Country, you will be missed, My condolences to your family. We shall meet again, Rest in peace!

Dency - Surrey, BC
2022-09-19 16:11:37

Mes sympathies à la famille Royale

Marie-France - Longueuil
2022-09-19 16:11:24

Mes sympathies à toutes la famille.

Carole - Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Québec
2022-09-19 16:11:11

Mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille royale.

Janique - Montréal, Québec
2022-09-19 16:11:04

Mes condoléances à tous. Ce fut avec grande tristesse que nous avons dit adieu à la reine qui reigna pour plus de 70 ans. Elle à su traverser de dure moment et continuer à vivre au-delà de ces moment périlleux. Elle fut une femme forte. Qu'elle se repose en paix.

Jacob - Baie-Comeau, Québec
2022-09-19 16:10:56

—Deepest Condolences to The Royal Family and the British people on the Loss of their greatest sovereign and Our most Beloved Queen. She was a Light to the whole world and the world will not be the same ever again…sleep in Peace now until we all shall Meet again ….

June Penney - Paradise, Newfoundland
2022-09-19 16:10:37

Rest In Peace. You were an inspiration to many. You will be missed. Now you can spend eternity with your beloved Prince Philip.

Diana - Brampton, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:10:26

Sympathies a la famille Royale

Carmen St-Amand - St-Andre, NB
2022-09-19 16:10:03

Nous exprimons nos très sincères condoléances à la famille royale. Merci pour vos 70 ans de service et dévouement.

Nicolas & Laura - Ville de Québec, Québec
2022-09-19 16:09:44

You will live on in our memories.

Julie - Québec, Québec
2022-09-19 16:09:37

Thank you, your majesty, for your devotion to the people and for the kindness you brought to this world. Your legacy will live on. Rest in peace and long love the King.

Claire - Ontario
2022-09-19 16:09:11

Our thoughts and prayers go out for the Royal family in this time of grief.

Susan - Winnipeg
2022-09-19 16:08:23

Thank you for your strength, your grace, your leadership, your life of service and your kindness to Canada. You will be dearly missed. May you Rest In Peace.

SM - Waterloo, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:08:08

The role of the Sovereign has great historical importance in our constitutional monarchy. Queen Elizabeth II served in this role with unstinting discipline, decorum, and common sense. She was the keystone in an arch: All went well so her role might not have been salient in people's minds, but if her service had not gone well, the structure would have suffered damage. My deepest condolences to the Royal Family. My heartfelt thanks to Queen Elizabeth for her faithful service in a difficult role.

2022-09-19 16:08:07

Thank you so much for your life of service. You were truly inspirational. I feel sad that you worked until you died - you never got to retire and focus on family and hobbies. Rest in Peace Your Majesty. xo

Kelly - Toronto, ON
2022-09-19 16:08:03

Sincères condoléances à tous les membres de la famille royale du Royaume-Uni en ces temps de deuil et de tristesse. Né dans une ancienne colonie britannique et ayant émigré vers le Canada, fière nation tant de la Francophonie que du Commonwealth, j’ai eu le privilège de vivre sous le règne tout en douceur de Sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth II tandis qu’elle s’adaptait avec sagesse à un monde postcolonial en évolution perpétuelle. Respect et admiration.

Armand - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:07:33

Thank you for the wonderful years of service and guidance you have graciously and selflessly given to Canada and the world.
Rest in peace.

wayne - St. Catharines, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:07:26

Thank you for everything, Your Majesty! Thank you for being our Queen!

Evelin - Estonia
2022-09-19 16:07:02

Thank you for all your sacrifices and dedication to us all.

Heather - Oakville, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:06:55

Your long service to us has been one that is so long that many including myself couldn't imagine a world without you. Thank you.

Jackson - Burnaby, British Columbia
2022-09-19 16:06:48

Thank you, Your Majesty, for your prayers for our country, Canada, for your love of your people throughout the world and for your faithfulness through so many years. May your faith in Jesus be rewarded forever more. With gratitude, Brendan Caldwell, Toronto, Canada ... Psalm 8

Brendan - Toronto, Canada
2022-09-19 16:06:45


2022-09-19 16:06:05

Comme plusieurs l'ont déjà mentionné, vous avez été présente dans nos vies depuis notre naissance et, par votre régularité et la longue durée de votre règne, vous avez été pour nous un élément de stabilité et de continuité. Vous avez exercé votre fonction de manière exemplaire et nous vous remercions sincèrement de l'avoir fait avec autant de grâce et de magnitude. Merci d'avoir su porter la couronne avec dignité, vous méritez maintenant la paix et le respect éternel. Philippe

Philippe Dubé - Rivière-Ouelle, Québec
2022-09-19 16:06:05

I pledged my aligence to Her Majesty now I am doing the same to His Majesty The King. Rest in peace your majesty. Long live the King

David Ciocoiu - Missisauga Ontario
2022-09-19 16:05:52

My sincere condolences to the many family members, friends and to the countries where Queen Elizabeth was monarchy. She will be missed. May she rest in Peace and dance with her Prince.

Kerri - Athens, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:05:50

Your Majesty,

Thank you for your unwavering service to your country, the Commonwealth, and to the world. You did indeed make, as you pledged in a radio broadcast in 1940, "To help make the world of tomorrow a better and happier place."

We will miss you beyond words.
Rest in peace.

Robert - Burlington, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:05:49

You have served us well. Your faith carried you through some hard times and made you a much beloved Queen. Thank you for your service. Well done, thou good and faithful servant! Take your rest in Christ.

Shirley - Spruce Grove, Alberta, CANADA
2022-09-19 16:05:35

Dearest Queen Elizabeth, Your reign began a few years before my birth, and you have more than honoured the commitment you made so long ago, to serve the people. You now deserve to be with your beloved Philip as you join together again in eternal love. Thank you for your dedication and great service. Words cannot express how much you were loved and how much you were appreciated! May you rest in peace.

Chiara - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:05:28

Especially thinking of you just now.

Joan - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-19 16:05:21

May Her Majesty Rest In Peace. God save the Queen.

Deanna - Pickering, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:05:10

Our Queen has been in our lives since our birth. We have albums of her coronation and have followed her through the many years with great pride and joy. She has been someone to look up to with great affection and strength. God bless her!

Sharon and Ron - Burlington, Ontario CANADA
2022-09-19 16:05:04

Condolences to the citizens of the commonwealth at the passing of a monarch who faithfully and graciously represented our nations starting from the Modern era and extending well into the Information Age in which we are now living. May she and her family be at peace, and all the best to King Charles III in the coming years.

Baldwin - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:04:46

Her Majesty QEII has directly or indirectly touched all of our lives for the better and she will be missed.

BC - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-19 16:04:36

~ Rest In Peace Dear Queen Elizabeth ~ you are and always will be the epitomy of strength, grace, resilience and compassion ~ you will always be in our hearts ~

Jennifer Grosskleg - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:04:23

Dear Queen Elizabeth, Thank you for everything and leaving a beautiful legacy. May you rest in Peace.

Mary - Montreal, Quebec
2022-09-19 16:04:09

Growing up in Sussex, England the Queen was part of my childhood, representing a strong, graceful and constant female leader. She was a part of me, part of my history and heart. She was always there, and in some magical way I felt she would never leave. She brought calmness, dignity, love of family, humour and the ability to seem humble while being regal at the same time. She will be sorely missed, although will always remain in my heart and memory.

Kim - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:03:59

Queen Elizabeth-2 of Canada, I, like many, thought you'd be here forever. And we all miss you terribly. You were our loving Queen and You taught us so much and we will cherish those lessons and memories forever.
- Chaen Vardhan

2022-09-19 16:03:34

May "The Queen" rest in peace.

Satheesh - New Westminster, British Columbia
2022-09-19 16:03:12

Growing up, the Queen was alway a prominent figure in our family. My Grandmother had all the plates, cups, bells, spoons, anything with the Queen's image on it and was a proud UEL descendent. Canada greave's for the loss of their gracious Queen, she served and did her duty for 70 years, she deserves her rest. God Love the Queen.

Lisa - Amaranth, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:02:52

With utmost gratitude for a life unparalleled. Thank you, Your Majesty.

Mimi - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:02:42

Condolences to the entire family. Thank you for your service and may you rest in peace.

Alex - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:01:57

It was with deep sadness that I learned of the passport of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. On behalf of my family, to the Royal Family, to the people of the United Kingdom and Northern Island, the Commonwealth, I wish to express my deepest condolences. May Her Majesty rest in eternal peace.

Rafael - Stouffville, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:01:54

My deepest condolences to the entire Royal Family. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll a lovely lady in every way. May your soul Rest In Peace your Majesty. May God Bless you as you are reunited with your Prince.

Wendy - Keswick Ontario
2022-09-19 16:01:26

Thank you for your 70 year service Your Majesty.
Condolences to the Royal Family.
Rest In Peace Queen Elizabeth II

Kimberley - Ebb and Flow First Nation, Manitoba
2022-09-19 16:01:04

My deepest sympathy to the Royal Family. She was a wonderful Queen.

Tanya - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:00:51

Peace be Upon You, Queen Elizabeth

Mia Hagar Mangal - Markham, Ontario
2022-09-19 16:00:29

In an ever changing world, thank you for your steadfast service. There were perhaps some mistakes along the way, or decisions that don't age well, but your resiliency in the face of difficulty is an example to us all. Thank you for all that you have done.

Hope G - Calgary
2022-09-19 16:00:26

Rest in peace, Your Majesty. We will never forget what your life meant for women in general. Thank you,

THARINA - Brandon, Manitoba
2022-09-19 16:00:16

Much love and respect, she is the ONLY person in the public eye in my 64 years that I have never had issue with. God Speed.

Michael - St. Catharines, ontario
2022-09-19 15:59:45

Please accept my sincere condolences to the Royal Family and the United Kingdom for the loss of Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen has been an inspiration to many far and wide and I thank her for her service.

Lisa - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:59:34

My sincerest condolences for the Royal Family.

Ryan - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:59:30

My condolences the queen was an amazing ladie she will be missed, my preyers go out to her family.

Pamela - Kitchener Ontario
2022-09-19 15:59:28

She was the Greatest Queen.

Ankur - Barrie , Ontario
2022-09-19 15:59:07

Farewell and Godspeed. My deepest sympathies to the family.

Chantell - Oshawa, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:59:05

My condolences to the Royal Family. Queen Elizabeth was an example to us all with her commitment to service and handling herself with grace and dignity in so many circumstances. May she rest in peace.

Colleen O'Brien - Toronto, ON
2022-09-19 15:58:09

My condolences to the royal family on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II. I remember seeing her during her visit to Fort Steele, BC, Canada with I was just a school boy, the memory still holds.

Steve - Calgary Alberta
2022-09-19 15:57:40

our deepest sympathy on the passing of a great queen God bless her soul

majida kakish and wally kakish - maple ontario
2022-09-19 15:57:40

RIP your majesty

Amy - Toronto Ontario
2022-09-19 15:57:36

Thank you for your exemplary service, dedication, and steadfastness through so many years. Rest in peace your Majesty. You will be very much missed.

Andrew - Thunder Bay, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:57:33

Rest in eternal peace. My condolences to your family.

DEBORAH - Port Colborne, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:57:24

The end of an era. You have been my Queen for all if my life and I have been proud of all you represented. Rest in peace ElizabethII, job well done.

Beverley - Collingwood Ontario
2022-09-19 15:57:21

Her commitment to all her people was unwavering. She is the only person I believe anyone could truly look up to and consider an actual hero. Beyond my own parents, she was my hero. She dedicated her entire life to the service of others, and she did it with grace and respect every step of the way. She will be missed. Long live the King and long mourn the Queen.

Crystal - Barrie, ON
2022-09-19 15:57:14

I express my condolences to the family of Elizabeth II. a great woman who is the personification of masculinity and femininity. and thank her for supporting Ukraine in the Russian war against the Ukrainian people. what a pity.

Roman - Ukraine
2022-09-19 15:56:42

Rest in peace our beautiful and sovereign Queen.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has been such a steadfast role model in our lives, demonstrating dignity and grace in a frequently troubled world. The Queen was one of the best examples of propriety & selfless duty through her life of public service as well as demonstrating civility and dignity throughout the most challenging situations. We hope many will honour her memory by following her example. Our deepest condolences to her family.

Rhonda & Curtis - Red Deer, Alberta
2022-09-19 15:56:38

Thank you for your incredible service and duty to the UK, Canada, and all your fellow countries. You will be dearly missed.

Daniel - Canmore, Alberta
2022-09-19 15:56:03

We will always appreciate your service for so many years. Thank you

Felicity - Mississauga Ontario
2022-09-19 15:55:53

My husband and I send our heartfelt condolences to Queen Elizabeth's family on the loss of their mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother.

Shirley - Ottawa, ON
2022-09-19 15:55:29

Thank you for your many years of service. Thank you for your love of Canada. You will be GREATLY missed.

David - London, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:55:24

Toutes mes condoléances

Youcef - Algérie
2022-09-19 15:55:16

God Bless You, and Rest In Peace.

Cathy - Victoria, B.C
2022-09-19 15:54:39

Elizabeth 11, we give thanks for your life of service to Britons and to so many others around the World. You have left a model for us to follow in terms of your deep spiritual faith and belief in things better to come. In earlier years you bestowed on my late father from Jamaica, an M.B.E. for his services to retired R.A.F servicemen who fought bravely in WW11. Thank you for your life, dedication and love, Majesty. May your Spirit rest in Peace!

Rosalie - Ottawa ON
2022-09-19 15:54:29

God bless Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She will be greatly missed.

Paul - London, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:54:20

Sending my sincerest condolences on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She was respected by everyone around the world and her dignity and grace were unmatched. May she rest in peace.

Angela Clements - Estevan, Saskatchewan
2022-09-19 15:54:09

My family wishes to express our deepest condolences on the loss of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. She was an inspiration to us through her complete dedication to service. We will miss her.

Marcy, Tony, Erik, Wilhem - Stratford, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:53:52

Our deepest sympathies to the family. All the pleasant memories that filled our lives, From Sherry, Kyrsten, Quentin, Kelsey and Axel Bishop

Sherry - Red Deer, Alberta
2022-09-19 15:53:40

Thank you so very much for being our Queen for 70 years. May you have eternal peace.

Carolyn - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-19 15:53:33

Up until a few years ago, you were still very much loved and respected by many First Nation, Canadians. It is very sad to see you go like this, so soon after, still with so much confusion, and unanswered questions. Only God can judge us. God bless, and may He rest Her Majesty’s Soul peacefully. All hail The Queen. RIP Queen Elizabeth II

Julia - British Columbia
2022-09-19 15:53:29

Dear Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Thank you for your dedication and years of service. You have been a guiding light and positive inspiration. Rest in Peace, Amen.
- My Condolences to the Royal Family and Friends

Linda - Kingston, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:53:22

rest in peace

stella - vancouver,british columbia
2022-09-19 15:53:00

Mere words cannot convey the admiration I have felt for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, my entire life. She embodied unwavering dedication to her duties, and did them with respect, dignity and humour. It was evident that people loved her - as did I. My sincere condolences to her family. Thank you, Ma’am, for your steadfast service to the world. We need more leaders like you. Rest In Peace.

Linda - Courtenay BC
2022-09-19 15:52:54

You Served right up to your last breath. May God Bless You.

William - Ontario
2022-09-19 15:52:43

RIP Your Majesty.
When I gave my Oath of Allegiance on joining the Military I was given a choice of doing it to you or the Prime Minister. I chose to give it to you. With much respect.

Jim - Stratford, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:52:34

My deepest condolences on your loss from the Tait family.

Stuart - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
2022-09-19 15:52:30

Thank you for your service!!

Audrey - Toronto
2022-09-19 15:52:12

Good bye Queen Elizabeth. RIP

Caroline - Timmins, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:52:11

My sincere condolences to the Royal Family.

Courtney - Abbotsford, BC
2022-09-19 15:51:38

Thank you Your Majesty for your service and dedication. Merci pour tout Majesté. May you rest in eternal peace.

Kim - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:51:06

My deepest condolences to King Charles III and the Royal family for the loss of your mother, grandmother, aunt, cousin and friend. Also thinking of all the many household and personal staff members who worked closely with the Queen who will be grieving her loss as well. Thank you, Your Majesty, for being a constant positive light for all of us, for so many years. Rest easy.

Pamela Swan - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-19 15:50:58

Thank you Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for everything that you have done for the people of Canada and the world. You will be missed not just by your loved ones but all those affected by your lose. Let the angels guide you to your husband and your family. thank you Majesty!!

Christopher Fowler - Barrie, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:50:19

Thank you for everything you've done for everyone Queen Elizabeth. You are deeply missed and I hope that you are enjoying your time in heaven with your husband and Princess Diana. Love you and thank you

Thushanth - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:49:02

I was born 8 years after Queen Elizabeth II ascended the throne. My father and grandparents emigrated from the UK so I’m first generation Canadian. Our Christmas tradition was watching the Queens Christmas address every year!
I learned God Save the Queen in public school in respect of our monarch. The Queen has been a part of every aspect of my life.
I will miss her continuity, her steadfastness, her extensive knowledge and her calm in our crazy world.
May she Rest In Peace.

Lynn Brennan - Alberta
2022-09-19 15:48:55

Sending love and condolences
Rest In Peace Queen Elizabeth

Paige Fleming - Ontario
2022-09-19 15:48:23

Rest in peace queen

Sidharth - Brampton, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:48:11

Love and prayers and condolences to the Royal family. Junie Omand-Penner and family

Junie - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-19 15:48:08

Thank you Ma'am...for everything.

Matthew - Cornwall, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:47:51

God bless and RIP Queen Elizabeth II. Thank you for a lifetime of steadfast leadership, service and duty. You are the ultimate example for others to emulate in public service. Condolences to the Royal Family, relatives, friends and all who mourn your passing. God bless you all. God save the King.

John - North Bay, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:47:20

My dearest Sympathy goes to all members of the Royal Family we share your loss and send love to you all as we Loved our Most hard working Beautiful Queen Elizabeth
Love from Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada. May her soul guide us always God save the King

Kimberley - Saskatoon Saskatchewan
2022-09-19 15:46:20


YUN CHAO - Surrey, BC
2022-09-19 15:45:10

Your Royal Highness, King Charles III.
I have immense sympathy for your loss and the untold sorrow you must be feeling. For almost three quarters of a century, your parents were your guiding lights and comfort, but they were both ripped from this earth in less than two years.
Dad died 2 weeks before your Mum just days after his 102nd birthday. Mom died 2 years ago, as well.
My grief for them is compounded by your loss and I cry for them all.
God Save The King

Richard Edward Page - Ladysmith, BC
2022-09-19 15:45:05

Thank you for being a powerful Women's role model, in a time of male dominance. Bless you & Godspeed.

Deborah - Sundre, Alberta
2022-09-19 15:45:03

We offer you our greatest sympathy on the passing of your Mother and our Queen. Little did we realize exactly how big a presence She was in our lives. Right now, it seems unthinkable to imagine our lives without Her. But we do know how much we shall miss Her. Our love and our blessings for all of Her family. And all of our love and remembrance for our Queen. God Bless Her. God Bless all Her family.
Lori Marianicz

Lori - Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta
2022-09-19 15:45:02

Thank you for your 70 years service!

Mykhailo - Kiev
2022-09-19 15:44:00

Merci votre Majesté pour votre dévouement, votre passion envers votre peuple et ceux du Commonwealth. Vous m'avez été très inspirant en tant que personnalité publique. Toute votre vie a été mise en lumière, vous avez fait preuve de courage envers toute ca, et toute les épreuves de votre vie personnelle. Vous pouvez vous reposer en paix maintenant. Merci pour votre devoir de souveraine. Vous allez me manquer. Thanks you Ma'am

Fabrice - Montréal, Québec
2022-09-19 15:43:57

Thank you for providing unity and leadership.

Jabin - Richmond, BC
2022-09-19 15:43:52

Rest In Peace and Love. xo

Anastasia - Calgary, Alberta
2022-09-19 15:43:49

Your Majesty, thank you for your service to the world. You will be sorely missed. May you rest in peace.

John - Toronto, Canada
2022-09-19 15:43:38

Condolence to the family and may the Queen Rest In Peace!

Jen - Yukon
2022-09-19 15:43:28

As for so many, the Queen reminded me of my mother, they were about the same age and both lived through the war in London and so many other world events and experiences. They were both strong women of a remarkable generation. I will always think of the Queen with great affection. Sending my condolences and love to the family through this challenging time.

Jennifer - Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-19 15:42:30

Rest In Peace, Queen Elizabeth.
Your inspiration will be my guide.

Shauna - Winnipeg, Manitoba
2022-09-19 15:42:08

My father was Knighted by the Queen and over 20 years later my daughter was selected to meet the Queen while at Goodenough House as a Chevening Scholar. I was only fortunate to attend service with her at St James Cathedral.
The Royal Family can take pride, privilege and comfort from Her Majesty's service, and promise to the world kept. HMQ as a public servant held the Crown with grace and honor till her last moments on earth.
Rest in Peace ER II.

2022-09-19 15:41:51

Thank you for being a pillar of grace and strength throughout my life

Sarah - Tumbler Ridge, British Columbia
2022-09-19 15:41:23

The most memorable Queen and woman role model of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, my Mom gave me the name Sharon Elizabeth and I am most honored to say I was named after her. May she rest in peace. Long live Queen Elizabeth 11.

Sharon - New Amsterdam, Berbice, Guyana
2022-09-19 15:41:13

Her Majesty the Queen has been part of my life for as long as I've ever known, and as such she will be deeply missed.

God Save the Queen. May she rest in peace.

Ansel - Vancouver, BC / Calgary, AB
2022-09-19 15:40:42

Thank you Your Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for 70 years of service. Forever at peace with your love, Prince Phillip.
Sending love and thoughts to HM King Charles III and the entire Royal family.
Long Live the King!

Tallie - Davidson, Saskatchewan
2022-09-19 15:40:35

RIP her majesty

Laith - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-19 15:40:20

Condolences the queens family and friends may she Rest In Peace may her legacy continue for many years Rest In Peace your majesty

Kim - Lloydminster,sask
2022-09-19 15:40:05

You are an inspiration to generations. Thank you for your service and for setting an example of how life can be respectful and inclusive of others. Godspeed on your next journey.
You will be missed.

Anita - Australia (previously of Calgary, Alberta)
2022-09-19 15:40:00

Thank you for sharing your grace and humility with the rest of the world. Your dedication to the public service was exemplary. Your finesse and grace will be missed dearly by millions around the world. Thank you, Your Majesty. May your soul rest in peace.

Anton - Ottawa, ON
2022-09-19 15:39:55

My family and I were greatly saddened to hear of Queen Elizabeth's passing. Her contributions to the UK and the World are beyond measure. May she rest in peace for all eternity. God save the King!

Albert - Ancaster, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:39:48

Your radiance and stoic strength in this most tumultuous time is missed. Your presence though quiet rang an affirmation that whatever stood before us, though daunting, could be withstood. Your absence shakes that assuredness somewhat but i am comforted by the fact that the PM has paid such homage to your reign indicating his commitment to a free, peaceful and orderly Kingdom shall carry on in your stead.Rest in Peace Loyal disciple of Christ,Your loyal Canadian and Jamaican Subject,

Matthew - Newmarket, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:39:34

You were an inspiration to myself and so many other women. You showed how to lead with style and grace without compromising the duties at hand. Gives us a standard to try to live up to. Rest in Peace, Your Majesty.

Lorna - Estevan Sk
2022-09-19 15:39:04

Thank you for your 70 years of service. You carried out your duties with grace, commitment and loyalty. You will be missed by millions.

Ellen - Mississauga
2022-09-19 15:38:32

I had the pleasure of attending a luncheon with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 2002 during the Golden Jubilee. It was an experience I will never forget.
Queen Elizabeth II made the world a better place through her tireless commitment to public service. She balanced being a devoted wife and mother, raising a family while being a role model on the global stage by adapting to a rapidly changing world. Her life will continue to inspire millions of people around the world for generations to come.

G. Quinn Newcomb - North Vancouver, British Columbia
2022-09-19 15:38:07

Queen Elizabeth II was the only sovereign most of us have ever known, and her passing marks the end of an era. An era of incredible change, of history which she bore witness to. I would not describe myself as a royalist, yet I found myself deeply saddened to learn of her passing. Her Majesty was well liked and well respected by near everyone for good reason. Thank you for seventy years of steadfast service. God save the King.

Chris - Burnaby, British Columbia
2022-09-19 15:37:53

May the Queen rest in peace. You will always be remembered.

Ma - London Ontario
2022-09-19 15:37:16

May you Rest in Queen Peace Elizabeth II

Andrew - Brooklin
2022-09-19 15:37:14

Thank you for your services. Condolence to the family. Your lost is also the lost of the whole world. Peace be with you.

Enrique Castellvi - Toronto, Ontario Canada
2022-09-19 15:36:49

I first saw you after your coronation in Glasgow in 1953.
Thank you for your dedication and service for more than 70 years.
You will be greatly missed Your Majesty.
Rest In Peace.

Anne Marie - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:36:43

Rest In Peace our Queen .

Minab Aregay Zeratsion - Edmonton, Alberta , Canada
2022-09-19 15:36:37

My mother and father were married on the weekend Elizabeth II was crowned. A year and a half I was born. I never knew my grandmother but I felt I knew the queen. To me she was a granny. I will miss her terribly.

Pamela - Shelburne, Nova Scotia
2022-09-19 15:36:30

Thank you for your dedication and service in doing God’s work! You will never be forgotten.

Linda - Pickering Ontario Canada
2022-09-19 15:36:24

You will be dearly missed your majesty.

Jody - Sandy Beach Alberta
2022-09-19 15:36:22

Her work is done. May she Rest In Peace. Condolences to her family and other loved ones.

Dilys - Edmonton, Alberta
2022-09-19 15:36:21

Thank you for your great service of 70 years and redefining the word Royal and Grace

Rajdeep - Barrie
2022-09-19 15:36:08

May her soul rest in peace!

Abiel - Kitchener, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:36:02

My deepest condolences to The Royal Family. The world has lost a wonderful human being and the UK an outstanding Queen. RIP Your Majesty, you will be missed.

Lydia Knowles - Hamilton, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:36:01

With deep gratitude for the blessing of Queen Elizabeth II and her life of devotion, care, and love. Peace be with you.

Carolyn - Lethbridge, Alberta
2022-09-19 15:35:29

Thank you for showing the world that women are equal to men. Thank you for this example of loyalty to the faith. Your devotion is now part of our best memories.

Merci d'avoir montrer au monde que la femme est égale a l'homme. Merci pour cette exemple de loyauté envers la foi. Votre dévotion fait maintenant parti de nos meilleure souvenirs

Alain Vigneault - Québec
2022-09-19 15:35:19

It’s saddening to know the hardship your family is going through, and I want to offer my condolences and support. May the Queen’s soul rest in peace.

Renita Coutinho - India
2022-09-19 15:34:46

A remarkable 96 years on this Earth! Thank you for your many decades of service. Rest In Peace Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Nicole Deleskie - Sydney, Nova Scotia
2022-09-19 15:34:02

To the royal family,I am sorry for your loss. I saw the Queen when I was in England.

Douglas - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:33:47

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family.

Sabrina - North Bay, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:33:36

Thank you for all you have done. You will be deeply missed.

Jeremy - Vancouver, BC
2022-09-19 15:33:18

Mes condoléances à la famille royale.
Soyez les bienvenus au Québec .

Lévis, QUÉBEC - Lévis. Québec
2022-09-19 15:33:15

My deepest condolences to the Royal Family and the people of the United Kingdom on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Jenny Sljoka - Toronto, ON
2022-09-19 15:33:08

Rest in peace and thank you for everything... would of been great to meet you in person.

Adam - Valleyview,Alberta
2022-09-19 15:33:07


2022-09-19 15:32:53

Thank You for your service for the past 70 years. You have served with honor,dignity, humor and grace. An example to us all. May you now rest in peace.

Nora - New Brunswick
2022-09-19 15:32:27

God bless Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll. She was such a respectful, joyful, caring and much loved Queen. She will be so very missed.

Many blessings and condolences first and foremost to her family, the United Kingdom, and all the Commonwealth counties who loved, honoured and supported her.

Joyce - Alberta
2022-09-19 15:32:19

Thank you for being such a good Queen and 70 years of service

Tanya - Coquitlam B.C.
2022-09-19 15:32:06

My sincere condolences to the royal family. The Queen did many great things for the works and an steady inspiration to the world. She was the only Queen I have know. May you Rest In Peace.

Heidi - Port Moody, British Columbia
2022-09-19 15:32:03

Memories live forever

Radhika - Quebec
2022-09-19 15:31:36

Elle était un exemple pour nombreux d’entre nous.Merci pour tout votre majesté. Qu’elle repose en paix.

Djénéba - Côte d’Ivoire
2022-09-19 15:31:11

My family immigrated from England to Canada in 1960.
The Queen has always held a special place in our hearts and our English roots brought great pride to us.
My deepest sympathy to the Royal Family.
Rest in peace Your Majesty.

Linda - Jackson's Point, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:30:56

Rest in Peace Queen Elizabeth !!! Repose en paix reine Elizabeth !!

Nelly ZAMOR - Ottawa
2022-09-19 15:30:46

It has been a privilege and an honour to have grown up knowing you as my Queen. May you rest in peace. Thank you, Queen Elizabeth II

Holly Keyowski - Fort Saint James BC
2022-09-19 15:30:15

Deepest sympathy to the Royal Family.
The Queen was very special - and I thank her for the years of service!
My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Rest in Peace my Queen - I love you forever.

Patricia Rahaman - Mississauga, Ontario Canada
2022-09-19 15:29:53

Great Queen.

Americho - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:29:04

Thankyou for your service.
You would be so proud of how beautiful it was..
RIP Queen E

Janine - British Columbia
2022-09-19 15:28:48

nos plus sincères condoléances a toute la famille Royal suite au décès de madame Sa Majesté la reine Elizabeth II
(paix et amour que Dieu vous protège)
merci pour tout le dévouement et le beau travail accomplie durant tout votre règne ont vous oublieras jamais

Rachelle Mercier - salaberry de valleyfield province Quebec
2022-09-19 15:28:32

Rest In Peace Her Majesty

Urvashi - Brampton ON
2022-09-19 15:28:20

Thank you for your many years of service. You will forever be remembered.

Tracy - Red Deer, Alberta
2022-09-19 15:28:18

Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth.

Julie - St. Catharines, ON
2022-09-19 15:28:13

As my fingers page through historic facts lingering on the iconic oath “my whole life whether it be long or short”, images of nobility, castles and the Royal Family, embossed with equestrian carriages, jumpers and little dogs; I hear the bells toll and the marchers march to the sorrow that the Queen is gone. The heralds at the funeral and solemn act of Committal lift my heart to feel her faith reunited in the divine on angels wings. God Bless the Queen.

Diana - Fort Saskatchewan, AB
2022-09-19 15:28:11

Rest in peace your Majesty. Your legacy shall be your unwavering devotion to all. Your presence shall be deeply missed

Catherine Bates - Glencoe, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:28:09

Thank you for your dedication to all of your subjects across the commonwealth. Your steadfast presence will be sorely missed. May you now enjoy the well-deserved rest of one who served so long and so exceptionally.

Andrew - Ottawa, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:27:28

You have been an example for me my whole life. Your hard work and comment to service has been an example for me and the whole world to follow. "keep smiling through like I know you always do..." Your loyal subject.

Sandra Mackey - Seattle WA
2022-09-19 15:27:18

My condolences go out to King Charles III, Camilla, Prince William, Princess Kate, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Prince Louis, Harry, Meghan, Archie, Lilibet, Prince Andrew, Sarah Ferguson, Princess Beatrice and her family, Princess Eugenie and her family. Don't ever forget that Queen Elizabeth will always be in your hearts. God will also be watching over her, Prince Philip and all of you forever. May she rest in Peace.

Cathrine - Kitchener, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:26:30

Thank you for your service

Nicholas - Burnaby, British Columbia
2022-09-19 15:26:21

I remember your visit to Nanaimo in 1983. Such great memories! May you rest in peace and God bless you.

David - Nanaimo, BC
2022-09-19 15:26:03

Thank you for your service.

Sandy - Richmond Hill
2022-09-19 15:25:52

Thank you for all you have done. May you rest in peace forever.

Marie - Montreal, Quebec
2022-09-19 15:24:54

There are no words, yet too many words to express my feelings about Her Majesty. She was admired and adored. Rest in Peace Dear Lady. God Bless the Queen and God Save the King.

Rita - Victoria British Columbia
2022-09-19 15:24:51

Condolences on the loss of our wonderful Queen.

Beverley - Ontario
2022-09-19 15:24:42

We Remember
Queen Elizabeth to be the best queen in the world.
She was kind-hearted and nice.

Gavin - Seaforth ON
2022-09-19 15:24:37

Rest in peace your Majesty. You were all I ever knew and grew up with.

Megan S - Abbotsford BC
2022-09-19 15:24:05

Your pose and stoicism will leave an impression for all generations to come.

Lindsay - Abbotsford, British Columbia
2022-09-19 15:23:41

Your majesty will be missed by the Cameron’s and Macleod’s much love to the queen from Corey,Dallas and baby Chanel. We love you all !!! Xoxoxo

Coreycameron - Saskatchewan
2022-09-19 15:23:13

I would like to express my condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. She was a wonderful person and a true example of leadership,devoted her life to service and dedication until the end of her long life.
Queen Elizabeth 11 will be missed by us all here in Toronto Ontario .Thank you , Your Royal Highness.
Our prayers are with your family

Silvia D - Toronto ON
2022-09-19 15:22:45

Thank you for your unwavering commitment and dedication to a life of service. You have been a steadfast figure for multiple generations - the like of which we may never know again. You helped shape Canada into the country it is today - not perfect, but a model of peace and stability that is respected around the world.

Kelly - Toronto
2022-09-19 15:22:34

We were honoured to have met Her Majesty The Queen in 2005 in Edmonton, Alberta. We are grateful for the example of service, duty & dedication she demonstrated to all. We send our sincere condolences to The Royal Family at this time.

Gail - Okotoks, Alberta
2022-09-19 15:22:32

Mes plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille. Je partage ma peine pour cette grande dame qui a su régner avec dignité. Elle a été une présence constante pour le Canada, dans les périodes de réjouissances comme dans les situations difficiles. Qu’elle repose en paix car c’est bien mérité

Maryse - Québec
2022-09-19 15:22:31

The SERVICE you rendered to your people throughout your reign is amazing.
You have a beautiful SMILE wherever you meet people
REST IN PEACE your Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11
You are so dearly missed by our family. Our deepest sympathy to King Charles 111 & family

With prayers,

Angelina - Toronto, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:22:11

My deepest sympathies to his majesty King Charles III and the rest of the royal family. Though far away her majesty the Queen was such an important figure to me as like many I have grown up listening to her Christmas messages. I will miss her beautiful smile, but after a long life of loyal servitude to her people may she finally rest. All my love from Canada.

Dayna - Manitou, Manitoba
2022-09-19 15:21:44

I don’t know what to say except I am proud to of served HM the Queen in her Canadian Armed Forces and my thoughts are with the Royal Family, especially at this time.
I never could have guessed her passing would affect myself and others as much as it has. May she finally rest.

Patrick - Owen Sound, ON
2022-09-19 15:21:31

Thank you for your life time of royal service. Condolences to the family.

Diane Maceira - St. Catharines, Ontario
2022-09-19 15:21:30


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