Commissioner's directive 022: Media relations



Applies to all staff



  1. The Assistant Commissioner, Public Affairs, Culture and Engagement, will ensure:
    1. media relations activities respect the requirements of the Government of Canada Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and Directive on the Management of Communications, as well as section 4 of the CCRA
    2. best efforts are made across regions to respect reporters’ deadlines based on the circumstances of each request
    3. the Commissioner is informed of media events and activities in all CSC facilities
    4. all designated spokespersons are provided media training prior to giving an interview
    5. for media interviews, CSC accommodates requests in both official languages
    6. for technical briefings and press conferences, CSC has officials that can answer questions in both official languages and considers the needs of official language minority communities in its outreach efforts
    7. an updated national list of trained CSC designated spokespersons is maintained by Media Relations at National Headquarters (NHQ).
  2. The Assistant Commissioner, Public Affairs, Culture and Engagement, has the authority to:
    1. develop guidelines to provide operational direction, in consultation with the Regional Deputy Commissioners and sector heads (as applicable). This includes guidelines designed to:
      1. meet service standards stipulated in this Directive
      2. establish informal service standards that further improve delivery on CSC’s commitments to openness and transparency
      3. clarify approval processes between Regional Headquarters (RHQ) and NHQ
      4. establish, improve or clarify internal reporting metrics
    2. determine if the Emergency Communications Plan will be activated in the case of a crisis or an emergency
    3. designate spokespersons to speak to the media in accordance with the Government of Canada Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and Directive on the Management of Communications.
  3. NHQ sector heads will identify national subject matter experts that can act as designated spokespersons, on an as-needed basis, to speak to the media.
  4. The Regional Deputy Commissioner will:
    1. ensure regional media relations activities comply with the Government of Canada Policy on Communications and Federal Identity
    2. ensure best efforts are made to respect reporters’ deadlines based on the circumstances of each request
    3. identify regional subject matter experts that can act as designated spokespersons, on an as‑needed basis, to speak to the media
    4. ensure the region can develop and issue news releases related to escapes and emergencies, including outside of regular business hours, as needed
    5. consult the Assistant Commissioner, Public Affairs, Culture and Engagement, prior to approving, denying or suspending inmate interview requests, through the Manager, Issues Management and Media Relations.
  5. The Institutional Head will:
    1. approve interview requests with inmates from the media (by telephone, on site, by videoconference, or by mail), in consultation with the Regional Deputy Commissioner
    2. consult the Regional Deputy Commissioner prior to denying or suspending inmate interview requests
    3. determine whether it is safe for a media representative to have access to the institution
    4. review all operational news releases related to institutions.
  6. The Manager, Issues Management and Media Relations, at NHQ will ensure:
    1. media relations advice, support, and coaching are provided to staff, as needed
    2. the training of designated spokespersons is coordinated across CSC with the support of RHQ Communications staff
    3. the appropriate staff, sectors, and regions are consulted in the development of media relations activities and given opportunities for input and feedback
    4. a staff member on standby is designated to respond to emergencies after regular work hours, on weekends, and on statutory holidays.
  7. The Regional Manager, Communications, will ensure:
    1. all regional media-related activities are brought to the attention of the Manager, Issues Management and Media Relations, at NHQ
    2. media relations advice and support are provided to regional staff, as needed
    3. Regional Victim Services Managers are notified of all known interview requests with an inmate or an offender with an active Victim Notification Required flag.


Designated Spokespersons

  1. The Assistant Commissioner, Public Affairs, Culture and Engagement, in consultation with the Regional Deputy Commissioners and sector heads, can designate staff members as CSC spokespersons. This includes, but is not limited to: sector heads, the Senior Deputy Commissioner, Regional Deputy Commissioners, subject matter experts, Institutional Heads, Assistant Wardens, District Directors, and Regional Managers, Communications.
  2. Designated spokespersons must:
    1. be prepared to describe or explain, in a factual manner, policies, programs, or operations in their area of expertise that have been announced or implemented by CSC as per the Government of Canada Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and Directive on the Management of Communications
    2. respect applicable legislation, including but not limited to the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act
    3. not discuss any details of specific cases related to matters that are currently before the courts
    4. not discuss the details of cases under investigation
    5. not discuss matters that could jeopardize the safety and security of any institution, staff or offenders, or the security classification of information
    6. make themselves available to accommodate reporters’ deadlines as best as possible and within reason.

Responding to Media Requests

  1. When media representatives contact an NHQ or regional staff member, the staff member will:
    1. refer them to NHQ Media Relations or, if in the region, to RHQ Communications
    2. report all requests to both NHQ Media Relations and RHQ Communications.
  2. NHQ Media Relations and RHQ Communications only extend after-hours services for media queries pertaining to emergencies. Other types of queries will be addressed during the regular business hours of NHQ or the RHQ where the request is being made.
  3. Staff involved in responding to media requests will:
    1. consult, as needed, with the Access to Information and Privacy Division on matters relating to privacy
    2. make best efforts to respect reporters’ deadlines.
  4. For media requests for which the initial deadline cannot be met, NHQ Media Relations and/or RHQ Communications will work with the reporter to identify an alternate plan as needed.

Official Languages

  1. Media requests will be answered in the requestor’s official language of choice (except where otherwise requested by the requestor).
  2. For interviews, CSC will ensure designated spokespersons are available in both official languages.
  3. For technical briefings and press conferences, CSC will ensure it designates officials that can answer questions in both official languages and will consider the needs of official language minority communities in its media outreach efforts.
  4. News releases and statements will be issued simultaneously in both official languages.

Inmate Media Interviews

  1. The Institutional Head or designate will ensure the Offender Media Consent Form (CSC/SCC 0297) is signed, witnessed, and dated for every new media request to communicate with an offender. The completed consent form will be placed in the offender’s file and a copy will be sent to the Regional Manager, Communications.
  2. Staff members receiving a request from a media representative to speak with an inmate by phone, in person, or via written communications to conduct media activities, such as interviews, will advise them to submit a written request to RHQ Communications.
  3. The Regional Manager, Communications, will ensure media representatives are informed of CSC’s decision regarding the inmate’s media interview within 10 business days. The 10-business day period may be extended depending on circumstances and based on communication with the media representative.
  4. The inmate is responsible for informing their Parole Officer if approached by a media representative for an interview.

Process to Grant or Deny Inmate Media Interviews

  1. The Institutional Head or designate may grant or deny an offender media interview. The decision will be documented using the Offender Interview Assessment Form and will consider:
    1. any safety or security concern for any person or the institution
    2. whether the interview could infringe or deny a victim’s rights under the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights
    3. any documented concerns or information in the Correctional Plan regarding the offender’s participation in a media interview.
  2. The Institutional Head may refuse or suspend an in-person media interview if there are reasonable grounds to suspect that, during the interview, the inmate or media representative would jeopardize the security of the penitentiary or the safety of any person, including the victims, or would plan or commit a criminal offence and that restrictions on the manner in which the visit takes place would not be adequate to control the risk.
  3. Inmates will have a reasonable opportunity to meet with a media representative in person without a physical barrier. A physical barrier may be used when the Institutional Head suspects, on reasonable grounds, that the barrier is necessary for the security of the penitentiary or the safety of any person, including victims, and no less restrictive measure is available.
  4. Where an in-person interview cannot take place, best efforts will be made to assess other forms of interviews, such as telephone or videoconference.
  5. The Institutional Head may prevent a media interview by mail or telephone when there are reasonable grounds to believe that the safety of any person would be jeopardized.
  6. Inmates will be provided reasonable access to media representatives to arrange and prepare for interviews as authorized by the Institutional Head, in consultation with the Regional Manager, Communications.

Measures in Place for Inmate Media Interviews

  1. Provisions in Commissioner’s Directive (CD) 559 – Visits and CD 085 – Correspondence and Telephone Communication apply to media representatives when conducting interviews with inmates.
  2. The Institutional Head will take measures to ensure the interview is conducted in a location that will:
    1. ensure the safety of the media representative and the inmate
    2. provide privacy to the media representative and the inmate, if requested
    3. cause minimal disruption to the operational unit.
  3. For approved telephone or videoconference interviews, inmates will be provided reasonable access to a telephone or computer to participate in the interview.
  4. Telephone costs associated with the interview will normally be paid either by the inmate or the media outlet/representative, as predetermined and as set out in CD 085 – Correspondence and Telephone Communication.

Victim Services

  1. The Regional Manager, Communications, will advise the Regional Victim Services Manager of all known media interviews with inmates with a Victim Notification Required flag.
  2. Victim Services Officers will advise registered victims, if deemed necessary, of approved media interviews with inmates, including but not limited to:
    1. the date and time of the interview
    2. the name of the media conducting the interview
    3. the topic of the interview.

Denying an Inmate Media Interview Request

  1. In the case where the Institutional Head or the staff member designated does not authorize the inmate’s participation in an interview with a media representative, the inmate must be provided with:
    1. the information that was considered in the decision to deny the interview or a summary of that information, pursuant to section 27 of the CCRA
    2. the written reasons for the decision, in accordance with paragraph 91(2)(b) of the CCRR for an in‑person interview and subsection 95(2) of the CCRR for a mail or telephone interview
    3. an opportunity to make representations (make their case) with respect to the Institutional Head’s decision.
  2. The Institutional Head will provide a response to the representations in writing to the inmate. In the event the inmate does not agree with the decision following the representations, the inmate may grieve the decision to not grant or suspend the media request in accordance with CD 081 – Offender Complaints and Grievances.
  3. Where it is determined that a request for an in-person inmate media interview will be refused, the media representative will be informed of the reasons for the refusal, and the Regional Manager, Communications, will ensure the media representative is given an opportunity to make representations (make their case) with respect to the Institutional Head’s decision pursuant to paragraph 91(2)(b) of the CCRR.
  4. Media representatives will be given 14 business days to make representations in response to a decision, which will be reviewed by the Institutional Head, in consultation with the Regional Deputy Commissioner and NHQ Communications.
  5. The Institutional Head will provide the media representative with a written response within 14 business days containing the considerations that were assessed for the denial of the interview.

Inmate’s Authorized Call List

  1. The Institutional Head will assess, on a case-by-case basis, requests made by an inmate to include a media representative as a contact on their authorized call list, in accordance with CD 559 – Visits and CD 085 – Correspondence and Telephone Communication.
  2. The Institutional Head will consult with the Regional Manager, Communications, when assessing requests to include a media representative as a contact on an inmate’s authorized call list.
  3. When authorizing the inclusion of a media representative on an inmate’s authorized call list, the Institutional Head will notify the media representative of the process to interview the inmate, as per the Inmate Media Interviews section of this directive.

Offender Media Interviews in the Community

  1. The Parole Officer will inform offenders that they should report any media activity while under supervision in the community, such as an interview.
  2. The Parole Officer will inform RHQ Communications of all known media interview requests with offenders in the community.
  3. The Regional Manager, Communications, will advise the Regional Victim Services Manager of all known media interviews with offenders in the community with a Victim Notification Required flag.
  4. Victim Services Officers will advise registered victims, if deemed necessary, of all known media interviews with offenders, including but not limited to:
    1. the date and time of the interview
    2. the name of the media conducting the interview
    3. the topic of the interview.

Media Access to CSC Institutions and Other Correctional Facilities

  1. Media representatives are required to contact NHQ Media Relations or RHQ Communications to request access to CSC’s institutions and correctional facilities and/or their grounds. The request must be made in advance.
  2. The Regional Manager, Communications, will:
    1. assess visit requests by media representatives on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with the Regional Administrator, Communications and Executive Services, the Institutional Head or District Director, the Regional Deputy Commissioner, and the Manager, Issues Management and Media Relations, at NHQ
    2. coordinate reasonable media access to institutions and other CSC facilities, where operationally feasible.

Media Access During a Disturbance or Crisis

  1. Access of media representatives to a CSC institution or correctional facility may be denied or limited during a disturbance or crisis situation. Media representatives will be allowed access to the institution and/or correctional facility when the Institutional Head/District Director or designate has determined it is safe to do so. When operations have returned to normal, the standard policies regarding access will apply.
  2. When operationally feasible, a site representative and/or subject matter expert will be designated as spokespersons and be made available for media interviews during a crisis or an emergency.
  3. RHQ Communications staff will, with the support of the Manager, Issues Management and Media Relations, at NHQ, provide guidance to designated spokespersons on all media activities during an emergency or a crisis that is regional in scope, as required.

Filming, Photography and Project Requests

  1. The photographing or filming of offenders and employees is not permitted without their prior written consent.
  2. The photographing or filming of unlocked CSC computers, data centres or telecom closets is not permitted.
  3. Media representatives interested in creating a media project must complete the Media Project Request Form (CSC/SCC 1521E) and submit it to NHQ Media Relations or RHQ Communications.
  4. The Regional Managers, Communications, will:
    1. assess the requests on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with the Regional Administrator, Communications and Executive Services, the Institutional Head or District Director, and the Regional Deputy Commissioner
    2. send the completed assessment to the Manager, Issues Management and Media Relations, at NHQ, who will seek approval from the Assistant Commissioner, Public Affairs, Culture and Engagement
    3. coordinate media representative access to institutions and other CSC facilities for approved filming, photography, and project requests.
  5. Filming, photography, and project requests may be granted provided that the Institutional Head or District Director has determined that the request:
    1. can be conducted with minimal disruption to the functioning of the operational unit and not place an undue burden on the operational unit (e.g., through financial and/or staffing requirements)
    2. will not jeopardize the security or safety of the operational unit or present a risk to the safety of any person, including but not limited to staff, other offenders, or visitors
    3. supports CSC’s mission, priorities and/or mandate, or enables CSC to be open and transparent with Canadians.

News Releases

  1. All news releases issued by staff members at NHQ Media Relations or RHQ Communications will be made available to media and the public in both official languages simultaneously, in accordance with the Government of Canada Policy on Communications and Federal Identity and the Official Languages Act.
  2. The Regional Manager, Communications, will ensure the issued news release is immediately sent to the NHQ Media Relations Advisor for posting on the Government of Canada’s website.
  3. Staff members at NHQ Media Relations and RHQ Communications will collaborate with law enforcement authorities and other CSC partners in issuing joint news releases.

National News Releases

  1. The Assistant Commissioner, Public Affairs, Culture and Engagement, in consultation with the relevant sector head(s), Regional Deputy Commissioner(s), and the Commissioner, will approve nationally distributed news releases.
  2. The NHQ Media Relations Advisor will issue a national news release on operational matters only when the National Crisis Information Centre has been opened as a result of one of the following incidents:
    1. a hostage-taking
    2. any major disturbance or disruption causing the institution to modify its routine for the inmate population or day-to-day activities
    3. an escape that requires national or multi-provincial notification.
  3. National and regional news releases may also be used to provide updates during health and safety emergencies, such as pandemics.

Regional News Releases

  1. The Regional Deputy Commissioner, in consultation with the Associate Assistant Commissioner, Public Affairs, Culture and Engagement, will be the decision maker on whether or not to issue regional news releases that do not pertain to a security incident.
  2. The Regional Deputy Commissioner, in consultation with the Assistant Commissioner, Public Affairs, Culture and Engagement, will be the decision maker on whether or not to issue regionally distributed news releases dealing with security incidents.
  3. A news release will not be issued if it is determined that it could jeopardize the safety and security of any institution or person, or impact an investigation.
  4. The Regional Manager, Communications, will ensure a news release/public communication is issued should one of the following incidents occur, as determined by the Regional Deputy Commissioner:
    1. a major assault on staff or inmates
    2. a major seizure of contraband or unauthorized items (over $50,000 in institutional value or as determined by the Regional Deputy Commissioner)
    3. any major disturbance, major disruption, or lockdown causing the institution to modify its day‑to‑day activities
    4. a failure to return from an unescorted temporary absence (UTA) or a work release, or a recapture after a failure to return from a UTA or a work release
    5. the beginning and end of a lockdown
    6. a hostage-taking.
  5. The Regional Manager, Communications, will ensure a news release is issued should one of the following incidents occur:
    1. the death of an inmate in an institution
    2. the escape of an inmate from an institution
    3. the recapture of an escaped inmate.

Death of an Inmate

  1. In all cases of an inmate’s death in an institution (excluding Community Correctional Centres), the Regional Manager, Communications, will:
    1. inform NHQ Communications
    2. ensure a news release is issued within two days (48 hours) and only after the inmate’s next of kin has been notified, pursuant to CD 530 – Death of an Inmate: Notifications and Funeral Arrangements. This timeframe allows CSC to notify any identified next of kin of the death
    3. ensure registered victims are notified before the news release is issued, when possible
    4. state in the news release the name of the inmate, their age, and the institution where the death occurred, in accordance with the Privacy Act, unless there is a publication ban or a dissent from the next of kin.

Note: The two days (48 hours) timeframe to issue the news release may be exceeded if the listed emergency contact, personal representative or next of kin identified in the contact list cannot be reached.

  1. The local person designated by the Institutional Head for the notification of next of kin will explain that, as per policy, a news release will be issued and will convey any concerns to Regional Communications.
  2. In the case where the next of kin requests that a news release not be issued for the death of an inmate or that some information not be published, the Commissioner, or delegate, will be consulted to determine whether the information should be made public in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Escape of an Inmate

  1. The Regional Deputy Commissioner will ensure RHQ Communications staff is advised as soon as an escape is suspected.
  2. In all cases in which an inmate has escaped from an institution or a section 81 facility, the RHQ Communications and NHQ Media Relations will implement a two-tiered approach to seek the community’s assistance in locating the escapee by issuing:
    1. a social media post as soon as possible
    2. a news release within three hours of the confirmed escape.
  3. The RHQ Communications will issue a news release and the NHQ Media Relations will issue social media posts to provide information, in accordance with the Privacy Act, including:
    1. the name and age of the inmate
    2. the physical description of the inmate (e.g., height, weight, colour of hair and colour of eyes)
    3. a description of identifying features, including but not limited to visible tattoos, scars, markings
    4. a photo of the inmate
    5. the institution from which the inmate escaped
    6. the current offence for which the offender was convicted
    7. the name of the police force, as appropriate, where the public may report tips.

Recapture/Return of an Inmate

  1. Once the Regional Deputy Commissioner has confirmed the recapture/return:
    1. RHQ Communications will ensure a news release is issued as soon as possible
    2. NHQ Media Relations will issue a social media message with a link to the news release as soon as possible.
  2. The language in the news release and social media message will reflect the context of the recapture. For instance, if the inmate returned to the institution without resistance and/or intervention, “return of inmate” can be used instead of “recapture of inmate”.

Disclosure of Information

Information That May Not Be Disclosed

  1. Information regarding offenders under the age of 18 will not be disclosed unless in accordance with section 110 of the Youth Criminal Justice Act.
  2. Information subject to a publication ban will not be disclosed.
  3. If an offender has received a record suspension for an offence, information about the particular offence will not be disclosed.

Information That May Be Disclosed

  1. Designated spokespersons may only release to the media the following information concerning offenders currently under CSC’s jurisdiction in accordance with the Privacy Act:
    1. the fact that the offender is under CSC’s jurisdiction
    2. the offender's legal name (excluding aliases or preferred name). In the case of a name change during incarceration, both the former and current names can be disclosed only if the name change is publicly recorded in an official government publication/gazette
    3. the offender’s current offence(s) for which they are convicted of and the court that convicted them
    4. the date of commencement and length of the sentence that the offender is serving
    5. the offender's warrant expiry and eligibility dates applicable under the CCRA for temporary absences, day parole, full parole and statutory release
    6. whether the offender holds a dangerous offender designation
    7. in the case of offenders who have escaped, please refer to the Escape of an Inmate section of this directive for information that can be released
    8. the long-term supervision order expiry date.
  2. If information requested by media falls outside the scope of this directive, NHQ and/or RHQ Communications will consult with the Access to Information and Privacy Division to confirm that personal information can be disclosed under the Privacy Act.

Contact for NHQ Media Relations and RHQ Communications

  1. NHQ Media Relations’ phone number and generic email address are as follows:
    1. Media telephone line: 613-992-7711
    2. Media email address:
  2. RHQ Communications’ generic email address are as follows:
    1. Atlantic:
    2. Quebec:
    3. Ontario and Nunavut:
    4. Prairies and Northwest Territories:
    5. Pacific and Yukon:

Media Inquiries

  1. Media Relations
    National Headquarters
    Telephone: 613-992-7711

General Enquiries

  1. Strategic Policy Division
    National Headquarters
  2. Commissioner,
    Anne Kelly

Annex A

Cross References and Definitions


National Crisis Information Centrea centre located at NHQ, and equipped and staffed in order to support the Crisis Manager. The National Crisis Information Centre is designated as a “think tank” to review contingency plans, advise the Crisis Manager and pass accurate information to those who need to know.

Designated spokesperson/subject matter expert : a person authorized to discuss, be interviewed, and/or conduct background briefings on CSC policies, programs, or operations with representatives of the media. A specific list of individuals that received training and are designated spokespersons is kept by Media Relations at NHQ.

Emergency : a present or imminent event (including information technology incidents) that requires prompt coordination of actions to protect the health, safety or welfare of people, or to limit damage to assets or the environment.

Filming : all types of videography, including footage captured by an unmanned aerial vehicle.

Major disturbance : inmate-initiated violence or behavior which causes the disruption of routine for the whole or a significant portion of the inmate population.

Media projects : these projects include, but are not limited to:

Media representative : any individual, group, institution, or organization engaged in the business of gathering or transmitting investigative reports, analysis, commentary, and/or general information for publication or broadcast, including print, radio, television broadcasting, electronic/webcasting, and/or events.

Social media : on-line platforms that allow for participants with distinct social/user profiles to create, share, and interact with user-generated content, which can include text, images, video, and audio.


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