Contact the CRA

Call the CRA if you have any questions about electing under section 217 of the Income Tax Act.

By phone

Before you call

To confirm your identity, you will need your:

  • social insurance number (SIN)
  • full name and date of birth
  • complete address
  • assessed tax return, notice of assessment or reassessment, other tax document, or be signed in to CRA My Account
If you are calling on behalf of someone else

The person you're calling on behalf of must be present on the call to give their consent, or you must be authorized to call on their behalf.

For details: Authorize a representative

Telephone numbers

Within Canada and the United States:

Outside Canada and the United States:

The CRA only accepts collect calls made through a telephone operator. After your call is accepted by an automated response, you may hear a beep and notice a normal connection delay.

TTY and VRS numbers

If you use a teletypewriter:

If you use Canada Video Relay Service:  1-800-561-6393

Hours of service

  Hours of service
Day Hours
Monday to Friday 6:30 am to 11 pm (Eastern Standard time)
Saturday 7:30 am to 8 pm (Eastern Standard time)
Sunday Closed
Public holidays Closed

Page details

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