ARCHIVED - Electing under section 217

5013-G - General Guide for Non-Residents - 2009 - Electing under section 217

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What is a section 217 election?

Canadian payers have to withhold non-resident tax on certain types of income, including the types of income listed in the next section, which they paid or credited to you as a non-resident of Canada. The tax withheld is usually your final tax obligation to Canada on this income.

Under section 217 of the Income Tax Act, you can choose to file a Canadian return and report the types of Canadian-source income listed in the next section. By doing this, you will pay tax on this income using an alternative taxing method and may receive a refund of some or all of the non-resident tax withheld.

Choosing to report these types of income on a Canadian return is called "electing under section 217 of the Income Tax Act." The return on which you report the income is referred to as a "section 217 return".

Does section 217 apply to you?

You have to send us a section 217 return for 2009 if you submitted Form NR5, Application by a Non-Resident of Canada for a Reduction in the Amount of Non-Resident Tax Required to be Withheld, for 2009 and we approved it.

You have the option of sending us a section 217 return for 2009 if you did not submit Form NR5 to us for 2009 and you received any of the following types of Canadian source income (referred to as eligible section 217 income) in 2009 while you were a non-resident of Canada:

Interest and other investments, rental income, and workers' compensation benefits are not eligible section 217 income and are not reported on this return; however, they must be included in your world income when you complete Schedule A, Statement of World Income.

When is your section 217 return due?

Your 2009 section 217 return has to be filed on or before June 30, 2010.

If you are late in sending us your section 217 return, your election is not valid. If the correct amount of non-resident tax was not withheld, we will send you a non-resident tax assessment.

If you are reporting Canadian-source income, other than eligible section 217 income, on the return, such as a taxable capital gain from disposing of taxable Canadian property, or if you have to pay tax on employment income you are reporting, you have to file your return by April 30, 2010.

If you are reporting business income and you have to pay tax on that income, you have to file the return on or before June 15, 2010.

If you have a balance owing for 2009, you have to pay it on or before April 30, 2010. If you owe tax for 2009 and do not file your return for 2009 within the dates we specify, we will charge you a late-filing penalty. We will also charge compound daily interest starting May 1, 2010, on any unpaid amounts owing for 2009.

Completing your section 217 return

Before you start, gather all the documents you will need to complete your return. This includes your information slips (such as your NR4 slips), receipts for any deductions or credits you plan to claim, and the following:

Step 1 - Write "Section 217" at the top of page 1 of your return.

Step 2 - Complete the Identification area of the return.

Step 3 - Include the following income on your return:

▮Complete Part 1 and Part 2 of Schedule C, Electing Under Section 217 of the Income Tax Act.

Step 4 - Claim only those deductions on lines 207 to 256 that apply to you.

Step 5 - Complete Schedule A, Statement of World Income, and attach it to your return.

Step 6 - Complete Schedule 1, Federal Tax, and attach it to your return. On Schedule 1:

Step 7  - Complete lines 420 to 435 on the return, if they apply to you.

Step 8 - On line 437 of the return, enter the non-resident tax withheld on your eligible section 217 income (from your NR4 information slips) plus any other amounts withheld on your information slips for any other Canadian source income that you are reporting on this return. Complete the remainder of the return.

Make sure you attach your information slips, and a completed Schedule 1, Schedule A, and Schedule C, to your return. If you make a claim without the required receipt, certificate, schedule, or form, it could delay the processing of your return.

As long as you file your section 217 return on time, we will refund any taxes withheld that are more than the amounts you owe.

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