Help with using your CRA account

Find help with using My Account, My Business Account and Represent a Client. Learn about registering for and managing your account, updating your personal and business information, and getting and giving authorization.

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CRA account registration

Registration instructions, sign-in options

Register, Registration, Sign, Set up, Create, Enroll, Get, Account, Access, Need, New, make

Verify your identity

The document verification service, CRA security code

Verify, Validate, Identity, Interac, Document, Verification, Validation, DVS, code, Security , Lost, limited, notification, email, delivery, expired

About the CRA account portals

About your CRA account

What you can access, availability, privacy commitments

About My Account

What's new, available services

About My Business Account

What's new, available services

About Represent a Client

What's new, available services

About My Trust Account

Register for access as a primary trustee, available services

Review and update your information

Update your personal information

Change your address, phone number, direct deposit and other personal information

update, updating, direct , deposit, change, changing, address, phone , number, home, cell, email, marital , status, names, language, correspondence, modify, multi, factor , authentication, MFA, personal

Update your business information

Change your business information, add more businesses to your account

Update, Updating, Change, Changing, Modify, Business, Operating, Names, Owners, Partners, Directors, Corporate, Corporation, Add, Program, Account, Retire, Operations, Bankruptcy, Address, Number, Phone

Represent a Client: Update your information

Review and update information about yourself, your business, and your clients

Client, Information, Review, Update, Updating, Change, Changing, Modify, view, RepID, BN, GroupID, View, Transactions, List, Authorize, Authorization, Manage, Delete, Notices, Employees, Representatives, Suspend, Cancel, Information, Delete, Mail, Online, business, name, administrators, ID, number

Direct Deposit

Sign up for or change your direct deposit information

direct, deposit, account, payment, banking, information, financial, institution, credit, union, trust, update, old, new, benefit, cheque, form, DD, T1-DD, Change, Closed, Open, Refund, Return

Access your CRA account

services availability

Hours of service, browser requirements

Available, Availability, Error, Access, Sign-in, Time, hours, Unable, Login, Browser, Java, Cache, Service, Site, Working, Maintenance, Open, Closed, Security, Operation, Website, Down, Today, Loading, Err.028, Troubleshooting, cookies

About CRA user ID and password

How to use or recover a CRA user ID and password, change your sign-in option

CRA, ID, userID, password, create, credential, sign-in, login, forgotten, recover, revoked, options, security, questions, answers, account, get, access, registration, register, set, change, new, information, locked, canada[.ca]/cra-revoked-userid

About Sign-In Partners

When to use a Sign-In Partner, your privacy, switching Sign-In Partners

Sign-in, Partners, Interac, Banking, Financial, Institution, Information, Credential, userID, ID, Password, Card, Number, Switch, Credit, New, Old, Login, Link, Government, See, Share, Safe, Security, Privacy, Gckey, key

About provincial partners

When to use a provincial partner

Provincial, Partners, ID, Government, Identification, Sign-in, Login, British, BC, Services, Card,, Account, Register, Access, Information, Digital, myalberta

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

MFA options, what to do if you can't receive your one-time passcode

MFA, Multi, factor, Authentication, Enroll, One-time, Passcodes, Authenticator, Locked , out, Wrong, Call, Text, Bingo, QR, Codes, Number, Phone, Grid, New, Telephone, Old, Changed, Changes, Update, Unlocked

Locked account

Recover a locked account, avoid getting locked out

Locked, Out, Unlocked, Wrong, Information, Can’t, Sign-in, Login, userID, ID, Password, Passcodes, Codes, MFA, Multi, Factor, Authentication, Security, Questions, Answers, Verification, Validation, Verify, Validate, Account, Change, Phone, Number, Grid, blocked

Manage your CRA account

Keep your CRA account secure

Manage security options, monitor for suspicious activity

manage, security, option, change, ID, userID, password, question, revoked, secure, cache, scams, frauds, codes, cookies, suspicious, identity, theft

Representatives: Request authorization

How to request authorization to access someone else's information

client, request, authorization, authorized, receive, access, repID, ID, RAC, Identifier, Representative, Business number, BN, Group, groupID, AUT-01, Aut-1, Aut01, Deceased, Dead, Estate, Trustee, Form, Add, Poa, Power, Attorney, Certification, Signature, page

Authorize a representative

Who can be a representative, your responsibilities, levels of access you can give, ways to authorize

client, request, authorization, authorized, receive, access, repID, ID, RAC, Identifier, Representative, Business number, BN, Group, groupID, AUT-01, Aut-1, Aut01, Deceased, Dead, Estate, Trustee, Form, Add, Poa, Power, Attorney, Certification, Signature, page

Confirm an authorization request

How to verify authorization requests submitted by representatives in a CRA account

Authorization, Authorized, Representative, Confirm, Request, access

Cancel a representative's authorization

How to cancel your representative's authorization

Authorization, Authorized, Representative, Cancel, Access

Manage how your business uses Represent a Client

Register your business, create a BN Group, associate employees, assign taxpayers

Register, Registration, Business, Representative, Client, Associate, Employees, Access, Manage, Authorized, authorization, Associations, Roles, Privileges, Administrators, Senior, Junior, Create, Jr., Number, BN , Groups, Assign, Taxpayers, repID, identifier, rac

Create and manage a GroupID in Represent a Client

Create a GroupID, associate representatives

Group, ID, GroupID, Authorize, Create, Associations, Assigning, Roles, Privileges, Administrators, Information, Access, Representative, Remove, Add, Associate, Employees, Modify, Delete, Rac, Register

If you cannot find what you are looking for, contact the CRA for assistance.

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