You are eligible for the CCR if all of the following conditions are met at the beginning of the payment month:

  • You are a resident of Canada in the month before the payment
  • You are a resident of an applicable CCR province on the first day of the payment month:
    • Alberta
    • Manitoba
    • New Brunswick
    • Newfoundland and Labrador
    • Nova Scotia
    • Ontario
    • Prince Edward Island
    • Saskatchewan
    The CCR is not available in the following provinces and territories
    • British Columbia
    • Northwest Territories
    • Nunavut
    • Quebec
    • Yukon
  • You are either:
    • At least 19 years old in the month before the CRA makes a payment

    • Under 19 and you meet at least one of the following conditions:

      • You have or had a spouse or common-law partner
      • You are or were a parent, and live(d) with your child

If you have children

If your child is already registered for the Canada child benefit (CCB), or the GST/HST credit, an amount for each eligible child will be included in the calculation of the CCR.

If your child is not already registered, visit How to get your payments for information on how to apply.

You have an eligible child if all the following conditions are met at the beginning of the payment month. The child:

  • Is your child or is dependent on you or your spouse or common-law partner for support
  • Is under 19 years of age
  • Has never had a spouse or common-law partner
  • Has never been the partner of a child they lived with
  • Lives with you

If you and your ex-spouse share custody of your child/children, if entitled, you will receive payments equal to 50% of the amount you would have received if the child resided with you full-time.

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