Working Income Tax Benefit Statistics – 2014 Tax Year

This publication provides statistics based on information that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) collected and processed for all recipients of the Working Income Tax benefit (WITB) for the 2014 tax year.

Explanatory notes

Confidentiality procedures

To ensure the protection of taxpayer information, data have been suppressed where warranted. As well, counts are rounded to the nearest multiple of 10. For example, 104 would be rounded to 100 and 105 would be rounded to 110. Dollar amounts have been rounded to the nearest thousand in all tables. Totals may not add up due to rounding or suppression.

Data source

Income data were taken from the T1 General Income Tax and Benefit Returns and related schedules filed by individuals for the 2014 tax year. To claim the WITB, an individual has to file an income tax and benefit return.

Description of WITB tables

Tables contain the number of recipients and their respective WITB amounts. In some cases, the total of the figures in the table may not match the total shown due to rounding or suppression for confidentiality purposes.

Table 1 – Number of WITB recipients and amount credited by Province/Territory, 2014

This table presents the number of WITB recipients and amount credited by the province or territory of residence as reported on the tax filer's income tax and benefit return. For details on the province of residence classification, please refer to: Province or territory of residence.

Table 2 – Number of WITB recipients and amount credited by Age, 2014

This table presents the number of WITB recipients and amount credited based on the recipients age and is grouped into thirteen age groups.

Table 3 – Number of WITB recipients and amount credited by Family Status, 2014

This table presents the number of WITB recipients and amount credited based on family status. Family status is defined by marital status and whether the recipient reported having children. For the purpose of this publication, marital statuses are grouped under two classifications: not married and married. Also, recipients are grouped under two further classifications: with children and without children.

Description of WITB items

Tax year: This refers to the tax year for which the WITB was claimed.

WITB recipients: This refers to the number of recipients who received the WITB during the taxation year.

Assessed WITB credit: This refers to the net WITB credit issued to a recipient, or the amount used to offset a recipient's debt to the CRA after taking into account adjustments.

Eligible recipient: The recipient was a resident of Canada for income tax and benefit purposes, and they met both of the following eligibility criteria:

Major classification variables

The following variables are used in one or more of the tables in this publication:

Province or territory of residence

In Table 1, the province or territory of residence refers to the province or territory in which the recipient lived on December 31 of the tax year, as indicated on their income tax and benefit return.


For Table 2, the age of the recipient was calculated by using the birth date on their income tax and benefit return.

Marital status

For Table 3, two categories of marital status were used. For the purposes of this publication, different categories of marital status have been combined as either "married" or "not married". "Not married" includes all single, separated, divorced, and widowed recipients. "Married" includes all married and common-law recipients.

With or without children

In table 3, with children or without children refers to whether the recipient or their spouse reported having children. The children must be under 18 to be included in the "with children" category.

Tables in PDF format

Please refer to the explanatory notes about these tables.

Tables in CSV format

Please refer to the explanatory notes about these tables.

Table 1: Number of WITB recipients and amount credited by Province/Territory, 2014


  1. All counts are rounded to the nearest ten and all amounts are rounded to the nearest thousand. The sum of the data may not add to the total, due to rounding.
  2. Data are as of June 30, 2016 and are subject to change.
  3. Outside Canada includes Canadians living abroad that are deemed residents for tax purposes.

Table 2: Number of WITB recipients and amount credited by Age, 2014


  1. All counts are rounded to the nearest ten and all amounts are rounded to the nearest thousand. The sum of the data may not add to the total, due to rounding.
  2. Data are as of June 30, 2016 and are subject to change.

Table 3: Number of WITB recipients and amount credited by Family Status, 2014


  1. All counts are rounded to the nearest ten and all amounts are rounded to the nearest thousand. The sum of the data may not add to the total, due to rounding.
  2. Data are as of June 30, 2016 and are subject to change.
  3. Not married includes all single, separated, divorced, and widowed recipients. Married includes all married and common-law recipients.
  4. With children or without children refers to whether the recipient or their spouse reported having children.
  5. This table has been revised.

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