The first 60 days

This section identifies decisions that will require your early attention.

On this page

The first month

Proposed briefing schedule

Day 1 suggested activities

Swearing-in ceremony for new ministers / meet the commissioner
  • Receive pocket book of key messages
  • Office orientation and administrative decisions, including establishing staff and other logistics
Welcome to the Agency
  • Meeting with the commissioner and deputy commissioner
  • Receive transition briefing material
  • Discuss priorities
  • Discuss briefing plan – overview of proposed plan for the coming week/month

Week 1 suggested activities

Briefing, Introduction to the CRA
  • Presentation of overview deck and discussion with the commissioner and deputy commissioner
Settling in
  • Email to all CRA staff from the minister
  • Approval of biography and photograph
  • Approval of signature and letter templates
  • Finalizing office logistics
  • Other demands on minister's time (e.g., cabinet business, parliamentary affairs, and constituency office)
Administrative briefings
  • Protection of taxpayer information - Section 241, Income Tax Act
  • Security briefing
  • Ministerial authorities and delegations
  • Technical briefing on the expenditure management cycle and CRA budget
Transition briefings
  • Briefings on first 60 days decisions
  • Briefings on important issues

Week 2 suggested activities

  • Corporate and thematic briefings, including branch overviews
  • Briefings on important issues
  • Briefings on first 60 days decisions
  • Chair of the Board of Management (briefing/arranged call)
  • Taxpayers' Ombudsperson (briefing/arranged call)
  • Meet and greet with the Corporate Management Committee members
  • Briefing on the litigation forecast

Week 3 suggested activities

  • Agency briefing on ministerial advisory bodies
    1. Advisory Committee on the Charitable Sector
    2. Disability Advisory Committee
    3. Independent Advisory Board on Eligibility for Journalism Tax Measures
  • Question Period preparation
  • Spokesperson training
  • Communications briefing

Preliminary list of key Decisions – first 60 days

Preliminary list of key Decisions
Subject Description Timing

Delegation of Ministerial

Financial Authorities (the delegation instrument)


The Minister of National Revenue is empowered by the Finance Administration Act for the delegation of spending, financial and other authorities to positions in the CRA for Agency Activities and the delegation of financial and other authorities to positions in the CRA for Administered Activities. Upon the appointment of a new Minister, the Delegation of Spending and Financial Authorities and associated matrix must be submitted for signature within 90 calendar days of the appointment date. The appointment of a new Minister does not nullify existing delegation of spending, financial and other authorities.

At the earliest opportunity – no later than October 2023

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Order Paper Questions (OPQs)

All of OPQs submitted over the summer would be returned to the CRA for review and signature by the newly appointed Minister. This will also apply to any submitted Senate Questions and Senate Delayed Answers.

September 18, 2023 (when House of Commons resumes)

[Redacted] [Redacted] [Redacted]
[Redacted] [Redacted] [Redacted]

Approval of Annual Reports on the Administration of the Access to Information and Privacy Programs

The Annual Report to Parliament on the Administration of the Access to Information Act and the Annual Report to Parliament on the Administration of the Privacy Act need to be tabled in Parliament.

To be tabled on or before October 6, 2023

Approval of the 2022-2023 Departmental Results Report

The Departmental Results Report (DRR) is a public report detailing the results the CRA achieved in the 2022-2023 fiscal year.

October 2023

Approval of the Taxpayers' Ombudsperson's Annual Report 2022-23

The Office of the Taxpayers' Ombudsperson (OTO) will require the minister to table its Annual Report 2022-23. The report outlines progress against the Ombudsperson's mandate and provides related statistics.

October 2023

Approval of qualified recipients for the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) (2023 applications)

Ministerial approval will be sought for the payments of qualified CVITP organizations who applied during the 2023 grant application period.

October 2023

Approval of the 2023-2027 Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy (DSDS)

The DSDS puts forward how the CRA will drive sustainable development at the CRA and support the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy. Approval is requested in October in order to table the report in November 2023.

October 2023


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