Briefing for the Minister of National Revenue
Organizational structure and governance
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Agency governance overview
The Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) governance structure is more complex than most departments given its status as an Agency with unique authorities. It includes a minister, a commissioner and chief executive officer (i.e., deputy minister), and a deputy commissioner (i.e., associate deputy minister), similar to other government departments. In addition, the CRA also has a Board of Management (Board) and a Taxpayers' Ombudsperson.
Minister of National Revenue
- Accountable to Parliament and the Prime Minister for the operations of the CRA, matters relating to the collection of taxes and duties (set out in the Income Tax Act, the Excise Tax Act, and the Excise Act) and elements of the Employment Insurance Act and the Canada Pension Plan
- Powers related to regulation-making and reporting to Parliament and the Governor in Council
- Does not direct officials on interpreting tax law
- Member of Cabinet and Privy Councilor
Board of Management
- Accountable to the Minister of National Revenue
- Consists of 15 Directors:
- A Chair and two directors who are nominated by the federal government and appointed by the Governor in Council
- Eleven directors in total, 10 of whom are nominated by each province, and one who is nominated by the territories (on a rotating basis), and appointed by the Governor in Council
- The commissioner (ex-officio member)
- Oversees the organization, administration, and management of the CRA
- Provides oversight to the CRA's internal audit and program evaluation planning and reporting
- Responsible for the development of the CRA's Corporate Business Plan
- Not involved in CRA operational activities
- Has no authority in the administration or enforcement of legislation, for which the CRA remains fully accountable to the minister
Taxpayers' Ombudsperson
- Accountable directly to the minister and operates at arm's length from the CRA
- Mandated to improve service to taxpayers via service complaint mechanisms, systemic reporting, and outreach
- Upholds the 8 service-related rights outlined in the Taxpayer Bill of Rights
Taxpayers' Ombudsperson oversight
Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer
- Accountable to the minister, the Board, and the Clerk of the Privy Council
- Responsible for the authorities assigned to him or her by a person (e.g., the minister or the Prime Minister), a body (e.g., the Treasury Board), or by law, regulation, or policy (e.g., the Financial Administration Act)
- Responsible for the day-to-day management and direction of the CRA
- Ex-officio member of the Board
- Advises the minister on legislated authorities, duties, and functions
Deputy Commissioner
- Supports the commissioner in all duties
- Responsible for exercising specific duties/functions assigned by the commissioner
- Acts for the commissioner in case of absence, incapacity, or vacancy
- Not a member of the Board but normally attends Board meetings
Organizational structure
The CRA comprises 13 headquarters branches and 4 regions.
- 5 headquarters branches centrally organize and provide technical and policy support for the delivery of CRA programs
- 8 headquarters branches provide corporate services for the CRA
- 4 regions are responsible for program delivery via field offices in their respective areas of operation
Minister of National Revenue
Minister of National Revenue
Deputy Commissioner
- (vacant)
Program Branches
Corporate Branches
Minister of National Revenue
Deputy Commissioner
- (vacant)
Program Branches
Corporate Branches
Taxpayers' Ombudsperson
- Accountable directly to the minister and operates at arm's length from the CRA
- Mandated to improve service to taxpayers via service complaint mechanisms, systemic reporting and outreach
- Upholds the 8 service-related rights outlined in the Taxpayer Bill of Rights
Taxpayers' Ombudsperson

François Boileau, Taxpayers' Ombudsperson
Mr. François Boileau took office as Canada's Taxpayers' Ombudsperson on October 5, 2020, for a non-renewable term of five years. Prior to this nomination, Mr. Boileau was the French Language Services Commissioner as an independent Officer of the Ontario Legislative Assembly from 2007 to 2019. His role consisted mainly of receiving complaints from members of the public and making recommendations on matters pertaining to the implementation of the French Languages Services Act.
For nearly 30 years, as a senior executive, he has developed expertise as an ombudsperson, as well as in oversight, investigation, and governance.
Before his appointment as French Language Services Commissioner, Mr. Boileau served as legal counsel for the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages with responsibility for landmark cases, which went before the Supreme Court of Canada. Before this, he held pivotal positions with the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada (FCFA), at its Québec City and Ottawa offices, including director, political and legal liaison officer, and legal counsel. One of his most important achievements during that time was representing the FCFA before the Ontario Court of Appeal in the Montfort case. For this case, he devised strategies and played a pivotal role in legal coordination of the interveners, which included the Commissioner of Official Languages of Canada and the Association canadienne-française de l'Ontario (ACFO), now the Assemblée de la francophonie de l'Ontario (AFO).
Mr. Boileau became the first executive director of the Court Challenges Program of Canada in Winnipeg in 1995. During his tenure, he developed the organization's strategic priorities and operational plans and headed the language rights component of the program.
In addition to a Law Degree (LL.L.) from the University of Ottawa (1991), Mr. Boileau holds a Certificate in Alternate Dispute Resolution from York University (2020), a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science (1988) and a Certificate in History (1985) from the Université de Montréal.
He holds numerous distinctions including the prestigious Paulette-Gagnon Award, Assemblée de la Francophonie de l'Ontario, the title of Chevalier de l'Ordre de la Pléiade, Order of the Francophonie and Dialogue of Cultures, the Order of Merit, Civil Law Section, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa, the Order of Merit, Association des juristes d'expression française de l'Ontario and Communicator of the Year, Alliance des radios francophones du Canada.
Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer
- Accountable to the minister, the Board of Management (Board), and the Clerk of the Privy Council
- Responsible for the authorities assigned to him or her by a person (e.g., the minister or the Prime Minister), a body (e.g., the Treasury Board), or by law, regulation or policy (e.g., the Financial Administration Act)
- Responsible for the day-to-day management and direction of the CRA
- Ex-officio member of the Board
- Advises the minister on legislated authorities, duties, and functions
Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer

Bob Hamilton, Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer
Bob Hamilton was appointed Commissioner of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) effective August 1, 2016. He was reappointed to a second term of up to five years effective August 1, 2021.
Prior to joining the CRA, Mr. Hamilton served as Deputy Minister of Environment Canada (2012 – 2014), and Deputy Minister of Natural Resources Canada (2014 – 2016).
Mr. Hamilton was appointed Senior Associate Secretary of the Treasury Board in March 2011 and named by the Prime Minister as the lead Canadian on the Canada-United States Regulatory Cooperation Council.
Mr. Hamilton also held many senior positions in the Department of Finance, including Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Tax Policy, and Assistant Deputy Minister of Financial Sector Policy.
He received his honours BA and master's degrees in economics from the University of Western Ontario.
He was appointed the Chair of the OECD's Forum on Tax Administration (FTA) in August 2020, for a three-year term. The FTA brings together commissioners from 53 advanced and emerging tax administrations from across the globe.
Board of Management
- Accountable to the Minister of National Revenue
- Consists of 15 Directors:
- A Chair and two directors who are nominated by the federal government and appointed by the Governor in Council
- Eleven directors in total, 10 of whom are nominated by each province, and one who is nominated by the territories (on a rotating basis), and appointed by the Governor in Council
- The commissioner (ex-officio member)
- Oversees the organization, administration and management of the CRA
- Provides oversight to the CRA's internal audit and program evaluation planning and reporting
- Responsible for the development of the CRA's Corporate Business Plan
- Not involved in CRA operational activities
- Has no authority in the administration or enforcement of legislation, for which the CRA remains fully accountable to the minister
Board of Management

Suzanne Gouin, Chair
Ms. Suzanne Gouin was appointed Chair of the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) Board of Management (Board) effective August 2017 for a four-year term. She was re-appointed to a second, five-year term effective August 2021.
Ms. Gouin has the following roles with the Board:
- Chair, Board
- Member, Audit Committee
- Member, Governance and Social Responsibility Committee
- Member, Human Resources Committee
- Member, Resources Committee
- Member, Service Transformation Subcommittee
Ms. Gouin has experience dealing with business transformation, digital implementation, and governance and human capital issues. In addition to being Chair of the CRA's Board, she is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation of Greater Montreal, and Hydro-Québec, and sits on various advisory committees.
Ms. Gouin is an experienced media executive, and was the Chief Executive Officer of TV5 Québec Canada for more than 13 years. She has held various management positions in both the private and public sectors. A graduate of Concordia University, she holds an MBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business (University of Western Ontario) and holds the IAS accreditation of the Institute of Corporate Directors. Ms. Gouin is a recipient of the National Order of Merit of the French Republic.
Deputy Commissioner
- Supports the commissioner in all duties
- Responsible for exercising specific duties/functions assigned by the commissioner
- Acts for the commissioner in case of absence, incapacity, or vacancy
- Not a member of the Board of Management (Board) but normally attends Board meetings
Deputy Commissioner

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Four regional operations support the CRA's delivery of operational programs:
- Atlantic
- Quebec
- Ontario
- Western
Similar to the program and corporate branches at headquarters, each region is led by an assistant commissioner. Regional operations take place in:
- Tax Services Offices (TSOs)
- TSOs handle more complex audit, collection and related files, which generally involve more direct interactions with taxpayers or their representatives.
- Tax Centres (TCs)
- TCs are tax return processing centres.
- National Verification and Collections Centres (NVCCs)
- NVCCs handle non-complex, non-face-to-face files in the areas of collections, validation, and verification.
- Contact Centres (CC)
- CCs respond to either individual enquiries or business enquiries related to tax and benefits programs.
- Northern Service Centres (NSC)
- Three NSCs support individuals, community organizations and businesses in the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
Atlantic region
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 4,051
Expenditures: $334.8M
The Atlantic Region covers the provinces of:
- New Brunswick
- Nova Scotia
- Prince Edward Island
- Newfoundland and Labrador
Its operations include:
- 4 Tax Services Offices (TSOs)
- 2 Contact Centres (CCs)
- 1 Tax Centre (TC)
- 1 National Verification and Collections Centre (NVCC)
The Atlantic Region serves a population of approximately 2.3 million people, or 6% of the Canadian population.
Atlantic region

AC, Susan Chambers
Susan Chambers was appointed to the role of Regional Assistant Commissioner of the Atlantic Region in January 2019. Prior to joining the Canada Revenue Agency, she was the Director General of Transformation in the Chief Transformation Office at the Canada Border Services Agency.
Over the course of her career, Susan has held positions in various Federal and Provincial Departments and Agencies across Canada. Susan served as the Director of Professional Services for Public Services and Procurement Canada Pacific Region, Director General of Real Property Programs and Portfolio Management at the Department of National Defense, and completed assignments for the Privy Council Office and the Federal Development Agency of Southern Ontario. Susan's early career allowed her to work in Halifax, for the Province of British Columbia, and the City of Campbell River. Her years of public service have provided her extensive knowledge on Federal and Provincial policies and relations.
After graduating with a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) from the Royal Military College of Canada, Susan completed a Master's of Public Administration from Harvard University and a Master's of Business Administration from Simon Fraser University.
From a young age, Susan has had a vested interest in women pursuing non-traditional career choices. As an Engineering graduate, Susan is a strong advocate for the advancement of women in fields such as science and mathematics.
In her free time, Susan enjoys cycling and running. She is always on the hunt for scenic cycling routes and looks forward to participating in triathlons across the Atlantic Region.
Quebec region
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 4,745
Expenditures: $399.4M
The Quebec Region covers the province of Quebec. It is the only region in Canada where taxpayers must deal with two tax authorities.
Its operations include:
- 4 Tax Services Offices (TSOs)
- 1 Contact Centre (CC)
- 1 Tax Centre (TC)
- 1 National Verification and Collections Centre (NVCC)
The Quebec Region represents a population of approximately 8.4 million people, or 23% of the Canadian population.
Quebec region

AC, Mark Quinlan
Mr. Mark Quinlan was appointed to the position of Assistant Commissioner, Quebec Region, on May 18, 2020.
Mr. Quinlan was previously Vice-President of Operations at Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED-Q). Prior to his appointment at CED-Q, he held several executive positions in both the Quebec Region and the National Capital Region within the Government of Canada, including Regional Director General for the Quebec Region at Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), Director General of Real Property and Service Integration for the Canada Revenue Agency at PSPC, Executive Director for Strategic Reviews reporting to the Associate Deputy Minister of PSPC, as well as Senior Director, Internal Services within the Administrative Services Review Sector at the Privy Council Office.
Mark holds a Bachelor in Commerce from the John Molson School of Business (Concordia University), a Bachelor of Law from the Université du Québec à Montréal and a graduate degree in notarial law from the Université de Sherbrooke.
Ontario region
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 11,192
Expenditures: $971.1M
The Ontario Region covers the province of Ontario as well as the territory of Nunavut.
Its operations include:
- 10 Tax Services Offices (TSOs)
- 2 Contact Centres (CCs)
- 1 Tax Centre (TC)
- 1 Northern Service Centre (NSC)
The region represents a population of almost 15 million people, or 39% of the Canadian population.
Ontario region

AC, Maria Mavroyannis
Maria Mavroyannis joined the Canada Revenue Agency in 2017 from the Ontario Ministry of Finance, Tax Benefits and Administration, where she has held the position of Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategy, Stewardship and Program Policy. Maria has more than 25 years of experience in the field of business planning, law, corporate governance, tax and finance compliance as well as audit and risk management in both the private and public sectors. She is a respected leader appreciated for her collaborative approach.
Maria holds Bachelor degrees in Social Sciences and Arts from the University of Ottawa (Economics and Psychology), a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law as well as a Master of Laws in Tax and Corporate Finance from Osgoode Hall Law School.
Western region
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 10,271
Expenditures: $877.4M
The Western Region covers the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, as well the Yukon and the Northwest Territories.
Its operations include:
- 8 Tax Services Offices (TSOs)
- 3 Contact Centres (CCs)
- 1 Tax Centre (TC)
- 1 National Verification and Collections Centre (NVCC)
- 2 Northern Service Centres (NSCs)
The Western Region represents a population of approximately 12 million people, or 32% of the Canadian population.
Western region

AC, Ross Ermel
Ross Ermel oversees the Western Region as Assistant Commissioner. Ross joined the Agency as Assistant Commissioner, Prairie Region on April 9, 2018. Subsequently, he was appointed to the additional role of Assistant Commissioner of the Pacific Region in April 2019 where he oversaw the consolidation of the two former regions.
Prior to joining the CRA, Ross spent almost 34 years as an army officer in the Canadian Armed Forces commanding at the squadron, unit and brigade group levels. Just prior to his retirement from the Forces, he held the position of Director General, Capability and Structure Integration, at the rank of Brigadier-General. Over the years in uniform, Ross gained experience both at the tactical and strategic levels through his responsibilities for operations, training delivery, and strategic change delivery. Ross also has extensive international experience, serving in both Germany and Afghanistan as well as being responsible for key allied interaction at an executive level.
In 2018, Ross received the prestigious Meritorious Service Medal, presented by the Governor General of Canada, in recognition of his leadership and professionalism during the development of the Defence Policy – Strong, Secured and Engaged, issued in June 2017.
Ross holds a Bachelor of Arts in Commerce and a Master of Defence Studies from The Royal Military College of Canada, as well as a Master of Business Administration from Athabasca University. He is also a graduate of the Canada School of Public Service ADM Executive Leadership Programme and the US Navy Postgraduate School Senior International Defence Resources Management Programme.
Ross is married to his very understanding wife Angie, a recently retired senior officer of the Canadian Armed Forces. Together they have four adult sons.
Appeals Branch
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 328
Expenditures: $85.6M
Delivers high-quality, timely, and impartial recourse services for disputes and relief requests, and promotes the prevention and earliest resolution of tax/benefit issues in the client experience.
Core responsibilities
Objections and Appeals
- Offers an impartial review process for taxpayers who wish to file a formal dispute relating to assessments or determinations made by the CRA
- Works with the Department of Justice on appeals before the courts
CPP and EI Appeals
- Issues decisions on appeals related to rulings and assessments on the pensionability and insurability of a worker's employment under the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Act and the Employment Insurance (EI) Act
- Works with the Department of Justice on subsequent appeals to the courts
Taxpayer Relief
- Administers legislation that enables the CRA to assist taxpayers by relieving interest and penalties where they have been unable to meet their tax obligations because of circumstances beyond their control
Risk Management
- Manages high risk and complex referrals on objections, assists the Department of Justice in the conduct of high-risk and complex appeals that are before the courts, and conducts the risk management of the law at the objection and litigation stages
Appeals Branch
DAC, Tammy Branch
Prior to her appointment as Assistant Commissioner, Appeals Branch at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), Tammy was Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Collections and Verification Branch, CRA, from April 2019 to October 12, 2021, and joined the CRA in August 2016 as the Director General of Collections Directorate.
Recruited into the Government of Canada through the Management Trainee Program, Ms. Tammy Branch initially worked in the Department of National Defence where she held various positions in the areas of communications, policy, human resources and in the Deputy Minister's office. In 2005, she joined Public Safety Canada where she headed up the Cabinet Affairs group.
Ms. Branch joined the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) in 2007 as the Strategic Advisor to the President. She was also Chief of Staff and Director, International Policy. In the fall of 2011, Ms. Branch took on the role of Director General of the Recourse Directorate at the CBSA, where she lead a significant Modernization of the Recourse Program, with an emphasis on improved client service.
She holds a Master of Arts Degree in Development Studies from the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom and a Masters of Business Administration from Queen's University. She also studied Political Science at the University of Toronto.
Assessment, Benefit, and Service Branch
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 1,600
Expenditures: $269.6M
Provides a key service interface with Canadians, responding to calls, processing tax returns and payments for individuals, businesses and trusts, and administering benefit and credit programs.
Core responsibilities
Processing Returns and Payments
- Creates, maintains, and processes individual, trust, and corporation income tax returns as well as information returns, Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) returns and Specialty Business returns (Other Levies and Partnerships)
- Receives and processes millions of payments
- Supports the use of the Business Number through all levels of government
- Administers COVID-19 related income support programs
Benefit Programs
- Issues billions of dollars in credit and benefit payments (e.g., Canada child benefit [CCB], GST/HST credit) each year to millions of Canadians: CCB young child supplement and young child supplement equivalent; federal benefit and credit programs (e.g., Disability Tax Credit); and provincial/territorial benefit and credit programs
- Provides income verification data via data exchanges with partner federal departments
- Provides secretariat support to the minister's Disability Advisory Committee
Contact Centre Services
- Responded to almost 29M calls from Canadians and Canadian businesses related to income tax, business tax, and benefit administration in 2020-2021(by agents and automated services)
Digital Services
- Improves service delivery to meet the rising service expectations of Canadians and Canadian businesses for more convenient, user-friendly and secure electronic services
- Responsible for the secure portals (My Account, My Business Account, and Represent a Client), the authentication and registration for CRA's digital services, and the Agency's email notifications and Submit documents services
- Continues to expand secure digital services in certified tax software
- Works with stakeholders to develop effective and innovative tax filing methods
Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP) and Outreach for Vulnerable Canadians
- Collaborates with community organizations as part of the CVITP to support tax preparation clinics and arrange for volunteers to prepare income tax and benefit returns
- In Quebec, the CVITP is known as the Income Tax Assistance – Volunteer Program, which is jointly administered by the CRA and Revenu Québec
- Coordinates benefits outreach efforts to provide vulnerable segments of populations with information about the benefits and credits to which they are entitled, and ensure they are aware of the support available to help to file their tax returns
Assessment, Benefit, and Service Branch

AC, Frank Vermaeten
Frank Vermaeten became Assistant Commissioner, Assessment, Benefit and Service Branch in May 2014. His branch is responsible for the assessment of taxes, processing a wide range of federal and provincial credits and benefits including the Canada Child Benefit, and providing service to Canadians both electronically and through the CRA call centres.
Prior to joining the CRA, he was the Senior ADM of the Skills and Employment Branch at ESDC for over five years. He has also occupied a number of senior positions including the position of Director General, Federal-Provincial Relations and Social Policy Branch at the Department of Finance, Director of Research on the Independent Expert Panel on Equalization; Director General, International and Intergovernmental Affairs at Industry Canada; and Senior Advisor for the International Monetary Fund in Washington, D.C. Frank holds a master's degree in Economics from Carleton University.
Assessment, Benefit, and Service Branch

DAC, Gillian Pranke
In September 2018, Ms. Gillian Pranke was appointed to the positon of Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Assessment, Benefit and Service Branch (ABSB) in the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Ms. Pranke began her career in the federal public service as a summer student in the CRA. Her career has led her through both Headquarters and Field operations where she has worked in many of the Agency's business and program lines, holding positions of increased responsibility. Some of the positions she has held included, Director, International Tax Services Office, Director, Ottawa Tax Services Office, and Director, Ottawa Technology Centre, Ontario Region. In 2016, she returned to Headquarters and was appointed to the position of Director General, Call Centre Services Directorate, ABSB.
Ms. Pranke is a graduate of the Public Service Commission's Dirextion program, holds a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Ottawa and is a graduate of the University of Ottawa, Public Service Leadership and Governance Certificate Program. She also studied political science and public administration at Carleton University.
Ms. Pranke thrives on the challenges and opportunities around service delivery, derives great satisfaction in seeing tangible results and likes working to bring out the best in others. She is married, has twin sons, enjoys the outdoors and likes to be active.
Collections and Verification Branch
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 1,105
Expenditures: $133.2M
Protects the integrity and fairness of Canada's tax system for all Canadians by delivering national validation, compliance, and collections programs that promote voluntary registration, accurate and timely filing, and payment remittance.
Core responsibilities
- Collects debts owed for all taxes, levies, duties, and other accounts administered by the CRA, including amounts withheld in trust on behalf of the Crown, and those owed to the federal government on behalf of other departments, such as Employment and Social Development Canada (e.g., EI overpayments, CPP overpayments, and defaulted Canada student loans)
- Collects on overpayments of new emergency and recovery benefit and subsidy programs
- Aims to prevent and/or deter non-compliance and ensure payment of debts owed through the use of automated operations and remittance strategies
Individual and Business Compliance
- Promotes, identifies, and enforces filing compliance for individuals, corporations and trusts, and the withholding and remittance of source deduction obligations for payroll and non-residents
- Verifies information contained in returns and reassessment requests for validity and accuracy, performs post-assessment and benefit reviews, fosters compliance through the use of third party information, conducts reviews of all goods and services tax (GST) and harmonized sales tax (HST) registrations, and updates business identification information
- Delivers national and regional projects to address non-compliance and the underground economy
- Supports the administration of the suite of COVID-19 relief measures for individuals by:
- Leading the Agency's pre- and post-payment compliance efforts; and
- Managing suspected cases of identity theft and fraud through analysis, working with victims of identity fraud to resolve their situations, as well as identifying and addressing suspicious activity and trends to protect Canadians and the Crown
- Performs validation reviews of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy and the Canada Recovery Hiring Program, ensuring Canadian businesses receive subsidies to support workers and the economy, and to secure its recovery post-pandemic, while maintaining public confidence in Canada's tax and benefits system
Technology and Business Intelligence
- Ensures the technology, business and artificial intelligence (B&AI), and analytics environments are robust, respond to changing requirements, are forward-looking and innovative, and allow for the achievement of program goals and outcomes with respect to CVB
- Modernizes CVB business functions with the design, development and maintenance of systems and telephony for program operations and data solutions for fact-based decision-making
- Centre of expertise in research, predictive analytics, B&AI, analytics and product management for CVB
Collections and Verification Branch

AC, Marc Lemieux
Marc was appointed to the position of Assistant Commissioner, Collections and Verification Branch in April 2020. He is now leading this branch successfully through its mission, which is to protect the integrity and fairness of Canada's tax system for all Canadians by delivering national validation, compliance, and collections programs. Within his actual team, Marc cultivated a motivated, innovative, and highly skilled workforce that fosters its relationships with the other branches in the Agency and other tax administrations through excellence in developing and managing effective and innovative strategies, systems, tools, and processes.
Over the years, Marc has held positions with increasing responsibilities and acquired a wealth of experience in various senior positions. He began his career in the public sector as a Senior Economist on Climate Change Policy before joining the internal functions in the regional development agencies in Atlantic Canada and Quebec. During these years in regions, Marc has led the functions of evaluation, performance management, audit, finance, human resources and IM/IT. He has led many of these functions at the most senior level, and that gave him the opportunity to make an impact on many cultural aspects of these organisations while also honing his leadership skills.
In 2016, Marc was asked to join Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) to contribute to resolving the issues related to the implementation of Phoenix pay system. During the following 3 years, he has lead the restructuring of the Pay Centre, grown the pay operations significantly, and reversed the trend in operations. All his actions led to a significant reduction in the inventory of cases. Marc was a key player in building a coalition to align resources between PSPC and the client departments toward adopting an HR-to-Pay approach.
Marc has also worked in the private sector for over 10 years at Gaz Métropolitain in the field of pricing, regulation, and environment.
Marc holds one Master's degree in Business Administration from HEC Montréal and one in Economy from the University of Laval, and he is also a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA-CMA).
Compliance Programs Branch
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 1,240
Expenditures: $164.6M
Ensures tax reporting compliance by businesses operating in Canada through a risk-based and educational approach. Supports voluntary compliance through education, identifies and addresses aggressive non-compliance through audits, and combats the most egregious cases of criminal tax evasion through investigations.
Core responsibilities
Domestic and GST/HST Compliance
- Focuses on small and medium businesses in Canada, of which over 3 million are unincorporated, and over 2.5 million are incorporated
- Uses risk assessment to identify and match the appropriate compliance approach to the nature and risk of potential non-compliance
- Assists and educates taxpayers about common and unintentional errors through services like the Liaison Officer program
- Allows taxpayers to correct a return they previously filed or to file a return they should have filed through the Voluntary Disclosures Program
- Uses audit and examination activities in situations of more significant non-compliance
International and Large Business, High Net Worth Compliance and Aggressive Tax Planning
- Focuses on the 28,000 legal entities associated with large businesses and multinational enterprises operating in Canada and high-net-worth networks
- Non-compliance issues for large businesses and multinationals often centre on international tax and abusive tax avoidance through tax planning
- Non-compliance issues for high-net-worth networks centre on unreported foreign income and assets, offshore jurisdictions of concern, and aggressive tax planning
- Increasingly uses non-traditional data sources, such as international electronic funds transfers, offshore tax informants, foreign reporting forms and third-party data received from treaty partners to select cases for potential non-compliance
Criminal Investigations
- Ensures that the most egregious cases of tax evasion are investigated and, where appropriate, referred to the Public Prosecution Service of Canada for criminal prosecution
Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED)
- Administers the SR&ED program, a federal tax incentive providing over $2.5 billion in refunds and credits annually to Canadian businesses conducting research and development in Canada
- Administers film and media tax credits for the federal and some provincial governments
Compliance Programs Branch
AC, Cathy Hawara
Prior to her appointment as Assistant Commissioner, Compliance Programs Branch at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), Cathy was Assistant Commissioner of the Appeals Branch, CRA, from September 2018 to October 12, 2021.
Cathy joined the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in September 2009, when she became the Director General of the Charities Directorate. In that role, she was responsible for the overall management of the federal regulation of registered charities under the Income Tax Act. In June 2016, Cathy was appointed as the Deputy Assistant Commissioner of the Legislative Policy and Regulatory Affairs Branch (LPRAB). During that time, Cathy was active in the development and implementation of a number of priority files for the CRA, including the cannabis and pollution recycling programs and the clarification of the rules governing the political activities of charities. Cathy also took on a lead role to coordinate the CRA's response to the tax implications resulting from the implementation of the Phoenix pay system.
From 2006 to 2009, prior to joining the CRA, Cathy served as the Director of Appointments with the Senior Personnel Secretariat at the Privy Council Office, where she was responsible for providing advice and support to the Clerk of the Privy Council, the Prime Minister and his Office on all matters related to selection processes and appointments to Governor in Council positions, including deputy ministers and heads of agencies.
Previous to that, from 2004 to 2006, Cathy was Executive Assistant to the Deputy Minister of Social Development, where she supported and advised the Deputy on all issues related to the portfolio and acted as the principal liaison with the minister's office. Cathy also worked as an officer in the Machinery of Government Secretariat at the Privy Council Office.
Cathy holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Bachelor of Law, both from the University of Ottawa. Cathy clerked for Mr. Justice Ian Binnie at the Supreme Court of Canada and was called to the Ontario bar in 2000. Cathy carried on a general litigation practice with McCarthy Tétrault in Toronto, specializing primarily in medical malpractice, before joining the public service in 2002.
Compliance Programs Branch

DAC, Marc LeBrun
Marc was appointed to the position of Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Compliance Programs Branch on December 16, 2019. He joined the CRA in May 2017, as Director, Montreal Tax Services Office, Quebec Region and more recently since July 2, 2019, held the position of Director, Sudbury Tax Centre.
Marc began his career in the federal public service as a customs border services officer in 1992, and later worked with Employment and Social Development Canada from 2000 to 2014 in a number of leadership positions in both the Canada Education Savings and the Canada Student Loans programs. He was also the Director General of Integrity Operations at Service Canada from May 2014 to May 2017.
Marc holds a Bachelors degree from McGill University and an MBA from Queen's University.
Legislative Policy and Regulatory Affairs Branch
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 966
Expenditures: $109M
Acts as ultimate authority for interpreting tax and recommends legislative amendments to the Department of Finance on behalf of the CRA. Regulates the charitable sector and is responsible for all program activities relating to the provisions of the Income Tax Act that pertain to the registration and monitoring of pension and other deferred income plans.
Core responsibilities
Legislative/Policy Program
- Coordinates legislative and regulatory changes on behalf of the CRA
- Acts as the main point of contact with central agencies, including the Department of Finance, in respect of legislative and regulatory changes to various acts administered by the CRA
- Manages the regulatory amendment process in respect of regulations sponsored by the Minister of National Revenue
- Manages CRA's Income Tax and GST/HST Remission Program
- Manages the journalism program, including designation of organizations as qualified Canadian journalism organizations and confirmation that digital subscriptions are eligible for the digital news subscription tax credit
Rulings and Interpretations
- Provides income tax rulings, pensionability and insurability of a worker's employment rulings, interpretations, and technical publications on income tax, GST/HST, commodity tax (Excise Duty, Excise Tax, Air Travellers Security Charge, Fuel Charge), CPP, EI legislation, regulations, and international treaties
- Provides assistance to internal stakeholders where clarification on the interpretation of tax legislation is requested
Excise Licensing, Registration, and Compliance
- Oversees a national licensing and registration program for entities carrying on business in excise commodities (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, fuel), ensures compliance with excise tax laws (Excise Act, Excise Act, 2001, Air Travellers Security Charge Act, Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act, non GST portions of the ETA) and provides support to federal and provincial policing agencies
Registered Plans
- Provides a national registration program, actuarial services, audit program, and outreach to ensure compliance with the ITA, the Income Tax Regulations, and administrative rules for ten types of deferred income and savings plans
Charities and Other Qualified Donees (including journalism organizations and foreign charities)
- Reviews and renders decisions on applications for registration, provides information and tools to promote voluntary compliance, and ensures compliance with statutory and common law requirements through monitoring and responsible enforcement
International engagement
- Focal point to the CRA's international engagement activities
Legislative Policy and Regulatory Affairs Branch

AC, Geoff Trueman
Geoff Trueman was named Assistant Commissioner of the Legislative Policy and Regulatory Affairs Branch in October 2015.
Prior to his appointment at the Canada Revenue Agency, Geoff was General Director of the Tax Policy Branch at the Department of Finance since 2013. Geoff began his career with the Government of Canada in 1992 when he joined the Department of Finance. Since that time he has held a number of increasingly senior positions at the Department, as an economist and as an executive, in the areas of personal, sales and business taxation, including a two-year deployment to the European Commission in Brussels.
Geoff was born in Winnipeg and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics, with Distinction, and a Bachelor of Laws, both from the University of Manitoba. He also received a Masters of Business Administration from Queen's University at Kingston, Ontario.
Geoff has greatly enjoyed working with many dedicated professionals throughout his career in the Public Service. One of his key objectives is to continue building strong working relationships with colleagues, based on mutual respect and clear communication. Learning opportunities, 360 degree feedback and mentorship are some of the important leadership competencies that Geoff strives to include as an integral part of his approach to management.
Audit, Evaluation, and Risk Branch
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 122
Expenditures: $12.8M
Enables the achievement of the CRA's strategic goals by providing independent and objective information, advice, and assurance on the soundness of the CRA management framework and on the effectiveness, efficiency, and economy of its strategies, programs, and practices. Ensures the CRA has successfully embedded a holistic approach to managing risk and fosters a working culture that values responsible risk taking and continuous improvement.
Core responsibilities
Internal Audit – Assurance
- Conducts internal audits of CRA programs and corporate functions, focusing on improving the overall efficiency, effectiveness and risk management of the CRA's operations
Program Evaluation
- Provides senior management with periodic, independent, and in-depth assessments of CRA program effectiveness and administration
Enterprise Risk Management
- Provides a sound framework for the management of risk at the enterprise level and supports the development of risk management capacity and capabilities throughout the CRA
Professional Practices and Data Analysis
- Develops policies, procedures and data analytics reports to guide AERB activities and ensures a high level of quality and adherence to professional standards in the delivery of the internal audit, evaluation, and enterprise risk management functions
External Audit Liaison
- Works with CRA senior management and external assurance providers to ensure that the CRA's performance in delivering its mandate is reported fairly and accurately in reports and that the CRA responds fully and appropriately to recommendations for improvement
Internal Disclosures
- Provides CRA employees a secure and confidential process for disclosing serious wrongdoing in the workplace, as well as protection from acts of reprisal in respect of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act
Advisory Services
- Provides a wide range of advisory services to CRA management and the Board of Management to support transformation, decision-making, and ultimately improve operations
Audit, Evaluation, and Risk Branch

AC and Chief Audit Executive, Nathalie Meilleur
Nathalie Meilleur was appointed to the position of Assistant Commissioner and Chief Audit Executive on October 18, 2021. She is responsible for providing strategic advice and executive oversight with respect to horizontal and integrated enterprise risk management. She also leads a robust independent internal audit and program evaluation function that is supported by a strong Professional Practices and Data Analysis team, and she plays a key role in supporting major strategic and change management initiatives within the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Prior to joining the CRA as Director General, in the Financial Management Advisory Services Directorate, in the Financial Administration Branch, on June 18, 2018, Nathalie occupied the position of Executive Director of the Financial Policy and Community Development Division with the Office of the Comptroller General of Canada, of the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. Nathalie has more than 20 years of financial management and internal audit experience, including 10 years with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Prior to joining the federal government, she worked for a private accounting firm providing financial management services to several departments.
Nathalie strives to establish strong partnerships and trust at all levels and engage all of those involved, as well as support employee and community development and work collaboratively to sustain a strong workforce.
Nathalie holds a Bachelor's degree in Commerce with a specialization in Accounting from the University of Ottawa and is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA).Finance and Administration Branch
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 961
Expenditures: $429.4M
Leads financial administration and resource management, security, administration, and real property.
Core responsibilities
Financial Administration
- Responsible for the accounting and reporting of CRA's operational revenues and expenses as well as tax-related revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities administered on behalf of federal, provincial, and territorial governments, which includes the preparation of audited financial statements
- Administers certain financial management policy instruments, practices, systems, and control assessments
- Issues payments to suppliers and taxpayers
Resource Management
- Establishes and manages the framework for stewardship of CRA financial resources
Financial Management Advisory Services
- Provides strategic support to CRA branches, executive offices, and regional operations in the management of their allocated financial resources to help them make informed decisions in the effective delivery of CRA programs and services
- Responsible for Agency policies, programs and services, and transformation initiatives related to security and the Agency's capacity to address events that could compromise the security and safety of the information, employees and clients, assets, and/or services it delivers
- Provides functional leadership on IT (cyber) security
Real Property
- Functional authority for the CRA real property portfolio and programs, including the provision of accommodation services for the CRA
- Works in partnership with Public Services and Procurement Canada, delivering real property services nationwide
- Responsible for procurement, material management, logistics, and administrative services, including knowledge and research programs, asset management, mail services, records management, and forms distribution across the CRA
Workplace of the Future
- Leads the Workplace of the Future initiative, to ensure the Agency is well positioned to support employees, deliver world class service to Canadians and capitalize on benefits of a post-pandemic hybrid work environment
Regional Operations
- Delivers services and provides advice and guidance with respect to finance and administration to CRA employees from coast to coast
Finance and Administration Branch
AC and Chief Financial Officer, Janique Caron
Janique Caron was appointed to the position of Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Commissioner of the Finance and Administration Branch at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) effective April 2, 2019.
Prior to rejoining the CRA, Janique joined the Treasury Board Secretariat in April 2018 as the Assistant Comptroller General for the Financial Management Sector where she successfully managed many key files, particularly the Report on the Cost Estimate of Phoenix Pay System.
Janique graduated from the Université de Moncton in 1987 in business administration and is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA). She contributed to the accounting profession as a volunteer with the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants of Canada (now CPA Canada) on their education activities. More specifically, she served as a member of the Board of Evaluation responsible for the examination of candidates to the accounting profession, chairing the board in 2011 and 2012.
Prior to entering the public service, Janique worked at the Office of the Auditor General, Québec provincial Auditor General and in a private sector accounting firm. She began at CRA in 2002 as Director, Internal Audit. She moved to a financial management role in 2009 and Director, Strategic Investment Planning and Oversight.
Finance and Administration Branch
DAC and Agency Comptroller, Claude Corbin
Claude Corbin was appointed to the position of Deputy Assistant Commissioner and Agency Comptroller of the Finance and Administration Branch at the Canada Revenue Agency effective June 29, 2020.
Claude joined the public service in 1993 at Transport Canada and, until 2011, occupied a variety of positions of increasing responsibility within the department's Programs Group, including Director General of Airport and Port Programs.
From 2011 to 2017, he worked for the Corporate Services Branch as the Director General of the Financial Planning and Resource Management section.
In 2017, Claude joined Transport Canada's Oceans Protection Plan task team as the Director General, Engagement and Policy Development.
Finally, in late 2019, he joined Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada in a corporate finance role as the Director General of the Financial Partnership Branch before starting yet again a new chapter of his career with the Canada Revenue Agency.
Claude is a certified general accountant, chartered professional accountant since 1996.
Finance and Administration Branch

A/DAC and Agency Security Officer, Harry Gill
Harry began his career in the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as an Income Tax and GST auditor in 1998 at the Ottawa Tax Services Office. Harry moved to CRA headquarters in 2004, and has since held various positions with increasing levels of responsibility, most recently as acting Deputy Assistant Commissioner and Agency Security Officer. Harry holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) from the University of Ottawa and is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CMA).
Human Resources Branch
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 1,356
Expenditures: $133.1M
Enables effective people management by providing programs and services that support workforce and workplace excellence while sustaining a culture of integrity.
Core responsibilities
Legislative Accountabilities
- Legislative guardian of those portions of the Canada Revenue Agency Act and other federal statutes that have implications for employees and human resource management, including: Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act, Canada Labour Code Part II, Public Service Employee Act Part VII, Official Languages Act, Employment Equity Act, and Accessible Canada Act
Workforce Management
- Supports strategic workforce planning through the development of the annual Agency Workforce Plan to ensure that the CRA has the workforce it needs to meet current and future business deliverables
Acquiring and Developing Talent
- Develops and implements new or revised classification standards, policies, systems, monitoring, training, and redress mechanisms related to classification
- Maintains a modern staffing and recruitment program, as well as develops learning strategies and solutions to provide opportunities for growth within the organization
- Develops and implements strategies to sustain CRA's executive community; the policies regarding CRA's executive community generally align with those in the core public administration, with a few differences due to CRA's separate employer status
Retaining and Mobilizing Talent
- Develops and implements inclusive programs that support workplace well-being and contribute to CRA's goal of a healthy and respectful workplace (e.g., onboarding, recognition, informal conflict resolution, occupational health and safety, early intervention and return to work, Employee Assistance Program, discrimination and harassment-free workplace, and preventing workplace violence)
Administering Collective Agreements
- Administers collective agreements, including compensation, collective bargaining, labour relations policy instruments, union-management relations, strike contingency planning and reporting, and workforce adjustment
Human Resources Branch

AC and Chief Human Resources Officer, Dan Couture
On December 29, 2016, Mr. Dan Couture was appointed to the position of Assistant Commissioner, Human Resources Branch (HRB) and Chief Human Resources Officer at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). He previously held the position of Deputy Assistant Commissioner for HRB since 2013.
Mr. Couture began his career in the federal public service in 1990 with the CRA. He spent the earlier part of his career in various operational positions in client services, revenue collections and field investigations. From 1997 to 2000, he was the Executive Assistant to the Commissioner. Since then, he has accumulated well over 20 years of experience as an executive in Operations, Corporate and Program areas.
Mr. Couture is the recipient of the Michelle C. Comeau HR Leadership Award (2019) in the Head of Human Resources category. He was also the recipient of the Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada (APEX) Award of Excellence for Leadership (2016).
Mr. Couture holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Industrial Relations from McGill University and is a graduate of the University of Ottawa, Public Service Leadership and Governance Certificate Program. He is also a graduate of the Canada School of Public Service's Living Leadership: The Executive Excellence Program, and has completed the Management Trainee program (MTP).
Human Resources Branch

DAC, Sonia Côté
Prior to her appointment as Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Human Resources Branch (HRB) at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), Sonia was the Director General of Leadership and Learning Directorate, HRB, from October 2015 to October 12, 2021.
Prior to her arrival at the CRA in October 2015, Sonia had held executive human resources positions at Global Affairs Canada and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. Over the course of her career, she has developed a keen interest in executive talent management, leadership development and recruitment. She also teaches in the field of behavioural science including organizational development and change management.
Sonia holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication as well as a Master's degree in Project Management.
Information Technology Branch
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 4,330
Expenditures: $642.8M
Operates, maintains, develops, and evolves the CRA's information technology (IT) at the core of Canada's tax and benefit administration. ITB also provides client computing and corporate IT solutions to the Canada Border Services Agency.
Core responsibilities
National Application Systems
- Delivers a world class IT operation supporting a world class tax and benefits administration
- Meets the IT expectations of Canadians who want seamless access to government services tailored to their needs
- Provides IT infrastructure to and develops, integrates and maintains IT security solution for the Canadian tax and benefits delivery systems in partnership with the FAB
- Supports CRA employees with the tools they need to deliver programs to Canadians
- Operates, acquires, maintains and advances the CRA's national technology infrastructure and network, as well as oversees the delivery of CRA IT infrastructure services provided by Shared Services Canada
IT Strategy
- Researches and develops strategic directions in information and network technologies, communicates those directions, and enables innovation to drive continuous improvement
- Provides clear and consistent direction, guidance and authority over information technology initiatives and activities across the Agency
- Updates and advances the CRA's IT Strategic Framework
Information Technology Branch

AC and Chief Information Officer, Santo Scarfo
Prior to his appointment as Assistant Commissioner and Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Branch (ITB) at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), Mr. Scarfo was Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Corporate Systems and Support, ITB, CRA, from November 2019 to October 18, 2021.
Mr. Scarfo began his career at the CRA as a Systems Analyst in 1994 and has held progressively challenging positions from management to executive level positions supporting numerous CRA systems including individual tax processing, business processing, business intelligence, IT security, architecture and information management. Mr. Scarfo has held several senior executive roles including Director General of the Data and Business Intelligence Directorate, Director General of the Systems Integrity Directorate and Director General for the Business and Enterprise Solutions Directorate.
Mr. Scarfo holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree with a specialization in Management Information Systems from Lakehead University.
Information Technology Branch

A/DAC, Martin Landry
Martin started his career in the public service with the Canada Revenue Agency in 1992, and has held a variety of leadership positions with increasing responsibilities in the Information Technology Branch. Martin holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Ottawa and a Bachelor’s of Computer Science from the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
Legal Services Branch
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 28
Expenditures: $2.4M
Advises the CRA is on legal and legal policy issues arising in the delivery of its programs and in its interactions with stakeholders and clients.
Core responsibilities
- Provides legal advice through the Legal Services Unit and the regional litigation offices, including specialized teams in the areas related to collections, income and commodity taxes, and corporate matters concerning the CRA, the Board of Management, and the Taxpayers' Ombudsperson
- Provides advice on a broad range of topics including access to information and privacy, human resources, contracting, income and commodity tax assessment, information gathering through regular audit powers, collections, and tax evasion investigations
- The Department of Justice, through its regional offices across the country, has conduct of all litigation involving the CRA, including income and commodity tax (including GST/HST), EI and CPP appeals, collections, tort or civil law liability claims, taxpayer compliance order applications, and judicial review of administrative decisions
- There are also 35 Justice Canada FTEs in the Legal Services Branch providing advisory services to the CRA, as well as, Justice Canada employees provide litigation services to the Agency across the country
Legal Services Branch

Acting Assistant Deputy Minister, Tax Law Services Portfolio, Department of Justice Canada, Catherine Letellier de St-Just
Catherine Letellier de St-Just has been the Executive Director and Senior General Counsel of the Legal Services Branch since February 2020 and is currently acting as Assistant Deputy Minister, Tax Law Services Portfolio, Department of Justice Canada since September 1, 2021
Catherine began her career with the federal public service in 1996 as counsel for the Department of Justice, Tax Law Services Portfolio, Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa offices, and litigated tax cases before the Tax Court of Canada and the Federal Courts. She progressively held positions with increasing responsibilities within the Tax Law Services Portfolio, from counsel, senior counsel, to Deputy Director-Litigator and Acting Director. In January 2011, she joined the Canada Revenue Agency on an exchange program as Director of the GST, International and Financial Division, at the Tax and Charities Appeals Directorate of the Appeals Branch. From October 2012 to February 2020, she was the Director General of the Tax & Charities Appeals Directorate.
Catherine is a graduate of the Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section, and of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Political Science and Public Management of the University of Ottawa and is a member of the Quebec bar.
Legal Services Branch
Acting Executive Director/Senior General Counsel, Duaine Simms
Duaine Simms has been the Deputy Executive Director and General Counsel of the Legal Services Branch since October 2018 and is currently acting as Executive Director and Senior General Counsel.
Duaine has been in the Federal Public Service for over 20 years, almost entirely with the Department of Justice. After a short period in the Legal Services Unit of the National Capital Commission, Duaine joined the Department of Justice in the Aboriginal Affairs Portfolio in 2001 as Legal Counsel where he advised on issues related to treaties with First Nations, economic activities on reserves, Indian registration, and band membership. From October 2007 to January 2009, Duaine was Special Advisor and Legal Counsel to Canada’s Chief Legislative Counsel. Duaine returned to the Aboriginal Affairs Portfolio as Senior Counsel in January 2009, advising on modern land claims agreements, self-government agreements, and activities in Canada’s North. From June 2015 to June 2017, Duaine acted as General Counsel/Director in the Portfolio’s Aboriginal Children’s Issues Section, advising on legal and policy questions related to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement. In July 2017, Duaine became the General Counsel/Director of the Portfolio’s Specific Claims Section, advising on claims by First Nations against Canada regarding the administration of First Nations’ assets and the failure to satisfy terms of historic treaties.
Duaine is a graduate of the Faculty of Law at Dalhousie University. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology and a Bachelor of Business Administration from Acadia University. Duaine is a member of the Law Society of Ontario.
Public Affairs Branch
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 594
Expenditures: $80.9M
Provides public affairs leadership to the CRA and its clients, including external and internal communications, issues management, brand management, digital communications, ministerial services, cabinet and parliamentary affairs, public opinion research, consultation and stakeholder engagement, access to information and privacy, user-centred research and design services, digital content design services, and forms and publications. Champions the personal privacy rights of individuals in accordance with legislative and policy requirements, including managing internal privacy breaches. Oversees the privacy program within the PAB, which serves as the strategic advisor to enable the branches and regions to meet their objectives while maintaining privacy and drives forward the privacy mandate.
Core responsibilities
Access to Information and Privacy
- Administers and ensures CRA compliance with the Access to Information Act, the Privacy Act, and related regulations and policies
- Supports the Chief Privacy Officer in the broad mandate of privacy oversight at the Agency, as set out in the Privacy Management Framework
Communications Services and Products
- Provides strategic communications advice and services for both internal and external audiences, at headquarters and in the regions, including marketing and advertising services, creative services, advisory services related to public and stakeholder engagement and consultation, as well as the management of CRA's social media channels
Ministerial Services and Operations
- Provides strategic advice and support services to the minister related to cabinet and parliamentary affairs, the management and co-ordination of ministerial events and speeches, ministerial and executive correspondence, and media relations and media monitoring, as well as issues management and coordination
Digital Design and Production
- Provides strategic direction and oversight for the research, planning, design, development, testing, quality assurance, delivery, and performance of the web presence, intranet and digital workspace, forms and publications, correspondence, and multiple formats
- Ensures that information services are user-centric, accessible, cost-effective, efficient, and meet CRA and Government of Canada standards
Public Affairs Branch

AC and Chief Privacy Officer, Maxime Guénette
Maxime Guénette is continuing to assume the duties of Assistant Commissioner of the Public Affairs Branch and Chief Privacy Officer until a replacement is appointed, a position he has held since August 2016. He joined the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) from Finance Canada, where he held the position of Director General, Communications and Consultations, serving as the senior communications and consultations advisor to the assistant deputy minister, the deputy ministers, the minister and departmental officials on financial policy issues, including the development, tabling and implementation of the annual Federal Budget.
Previously, Max was Director General of Communications at Environment and Climate Change Canada, where he spent 3 years. As the departmental Head of Communications, he was responsible for all aspects of delivering strategic communications planning and advice for both internal and external audiences, as well as for managing public affairs and issues management, and ensuring departmental compliance with Government of Canada policy requirements. He was also the Senior Departmental Official for Web Renewal and Lead for's Environment and Natural Resources Theme, and Departmental Champion for the 2014 edition of the Public Service Employee Survey.
From 2005 to 2013, Max was at the Treasury Board Secretariat, where he was Chief of Strategic Communications before being appointed Director of Corporate Communications, a position he held for 6 years.
Max has held several senior positions at Communication Canada and the Privy Council Office, including Chief of Staff to Communication Canada's Deputy Head from 2003 to 2004.
He holds a Bachelors of Social Sciences, with a Specialization in Political Science, from the University of Ottawa, and is a graduate of the Canada School of Public Service's Living Leadership: The Executive Excellence Program.
Service, Innovation, and Integration Branch
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 360
Expenditures: $181.1M
Plays a key role in shaping the CRA's transformation and corporate agenda, integrates cross-cutting Agency activities, fosters a service culture, encourages innovation, and drives the effective use of data.
Core responsibilities
Strategic Planning, Relationship Management, and Agency Reporting
- Leads CRA strategic planning at corporate committees and the Board of Management
- Prepares corporate reports on behalf of the CRA
- Serves as the centres of expertise for gender-based analysis plus (GBA+), accessibility and sustainable development
- Manages the relationship with federal, provincial, territorial, and Indigenous governments
Data, Information, and Analytics
- Provides tax and benefit statistics to the CRA, Parliament, general public, and other federal/provincial/territorial government agencies and departments
- Publishes disaggregated tax statistics on
- Provides strategic direction on the use of data and information management in the Agency
Innovation and Performance Measurement
- Enables innovation through the use of research, experimentation, and advanced analytics, including machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI)
- Tests new approaches to existing business problems
- Provides strategic direction on performance measurement indicators, outcomes, and external service standards
- Drives implementation of the CRA's multi-year AI Roadmap
- Leads management of the CRA's Innovation Plan and associated governance, including a three-year $10M Innovation Fund
- Leads centres of expertise for analytics, information and data governance and stewardship
Service Feedback, Design, and Transformation
- Promotes a culture of service across the CRA and a People-First philosophy
- Plays a key role in the CRA's service transformation journey (i.e., transforming the client experience [CX], and integrating CX across the Agency)
- Administers the CRA's service feedback process to improve the service experience
- Serves as the Agency's official liaison with the Office of the Taxpayers' Ombudsperson and facilitates the resolution of complex taxpayer issues
- Guides CRA transformation initiatives and change management
- Provides Agency and branch internal administrative services
- Serves as the Agency's centre of expertise on corporate policy and governance
Service, Innovation, and Integration Branch

AC, Chief Data Officer, and Chief Service Officer, Maxime Guénette
Max was appointed Assistant Commissioner, Service, Innovation and Integration Branch, Chief Data Officer, and Chief Service Officer at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on October 12, 2021. Prior to this he was the Assistant Commissioner, Public Affairs Branch and Chief Privacy Officer for the CRA, a position he has held since August 2016 and will continue to assume until a replacement is appointed. He joined the CRA from Finance Canada, where he held the position of Director General, Communications and Consultations, serving as the senior communications and consultations advisor to the assistant deputy minister, the deputy ministers, the minister and departmental officials on financial policy issues, including the development, tabling and implementation of the annual Federal Budget.
Previously, Max was Director General of Communications at Environment and Climate Change Canada, where he spent 3 years. As the departmental Head of Communications, he was responsible for all aspects of delivering strategic communications planning and advice for both internal and external audiences, as well as for managing public affairs and issues management, and ensuring departmental compliance with Government of Canada policy requirements. He was also the Senior Departmental Official for Web Renewal and Lead for's Environment and Natural Resources Theme, and Departmental Champion for the 2014 edition of the Public Service Employee Survey.
From 2005 to 2013, Max was at the Treasury Board Secretariat, where he was Chief of Strategic Communications before being appointed Director of Corporate Communications, a position he held for 6 years.
Max has held several senior positions at Communication Canada and the Privy Council Office, including Chief of Staff to Communication Canada's Deputy Head from 2003 to 2004.
He holds a Bachelors of Social Sciences, with a Specialization in Political Science, from the University of Ottawa, and is a graduate of the Canada School of Public Service's Living Leadership: The Executive Excellence Program.
Service, Innovation, and Integration Branch

DAC, Ann Marie Hume
Prior to her appointment as Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Service, Innovation and Integration Branch at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), Ann Marie was Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Human Resources Branch (HRB), CRA, from January 2017 to October 12, 2021.
Ms. Hume began her career in the federal public service in 1994. She has held positions of increasing responsibilities in various departments covering policy, program and corporate areas. In 2011, Ms. Hume joined the Canada Revenue Agency as Director General, Strategic Business Integration Directorate, Human Resources Branch. In 2015, she moved to the Strategy and Integration Branch and held the position of Director General, Agency Strategy and Reporting.
Ms. Hume holds Honours Bachelor degrees in Journalism and Science from Carleton University as well as a Master of Arts degree, Geography and Environmental Studies, from the University of Toronto. She is a graduate of the Management Trainee Program and the Accelerated Executive Development Program.
Digital Transformation Program
Full-time equivalents (FTEs): 9
Expenditures: $1.143M
The Digital Transformation Program (DTP) is newly formed and is projecting to grow over the next few years.
Advances the CRA's digital transformation by better integrating strategic planning of digital transformation activities, processes and technologies, and increasing digital capacity.
Core responsibilities
To guide the CRA's unified journey to digital transformation by reconceiving the potential of technologies, transforming our practices and processes, and nurturing a digital mindset.
Strategic planning, management and reporting
- Manages the funds allocated to digital advancement, promotes and increases awareness around funding, leads the governance and related reporting to support digital advancements and provides strategic advice for investment opportunities
- Maintains and develops the digital transformation strategies and plans for the CRA, integrates digital transformation into corporate plans, and reports against the objectives and outcomes
Partnerships and communications
- Advises the Digital Transformation Officer and supports their attendance at committees related to digital transformation, whether internal, interjurisdictional or international, and shares the findings internally
Insights and analysis
- Researches and informs on ways to identify and actively reduce barriers to digital transformation, and identifies trends in data that will increase the organization's ability to deliver on its mandate and remain relevant with its clients
Digital products development
- Leads the development of a centralized event processor (CEP) in support of the CRA's Service Strategy and the OneGC Vision, ensuring interoperability and exchange of information between different systems and supports the integration of current and future business lines into the CEP
Digitalization Centre of Expertise
- Applies a user-centric, agile approach to building digital web forms and optimizing end-to-end processes
Digital initiatives support
- Supports partners in digital transformation projects by lending specialized skills to support project development in alignment with the Agency's digital transformation
Business architecture
- Develops and maintains an enterprise architectural model and approach through collaboration with colleagues and supports ongoing digital transformation efforts of internal stakeholders
Digital Transformation Program

Digital Transformation Officer, Silvano Tocchi
As of summer 2020, Silvano started his role as the Digital Transformation Officer of the CRA – no small feat! The goal of the Digital Transformation team is not only to enhance the services that are delivered to Canadians, but also the mindsets, tools and business processes that support these services.
Silvano joined the Agency in the fall of 2014, having spent the previous decade and a half at ESDC. During this time, he led the Digital Services Directorate – the team responsible for managing the Agency's digital services. This includes everything from helping Canadians get their digital ID, to enabling correspondence within the digital portals, to delivering on a series of relief measures during the COVID-19 crisis. If you have not set up your CRA My Account yet, you should – it will improve your day immeasurably.
Silvano (likes to think he) embraces new ideas, thrives on the collaboration required to turn them into real change and enjoys bragging about the CRA's digital capabilities, and where they might go next.
These days, Silvano is adapting to working virtually – juggling his senior management duties between the mountains of Legos that seem to multiply before his very eyes.
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