Agency governance and the Board of Management
Board of Management members are appointed by the Governor in Council; the Board's mandate is set out in the Canada Revenue Agency Act.
The Board of Management of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) consists of 15 members appointed by the Governor in Council. They include the Chair, the Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer, a director nominated by each province, one director nominated by the three territories in turn, and two directors nominated by the federal government. Members of the Board bring a diverse business and community perspective from the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors to the work of the CRA.
The Canada Revenue Agency Act states that the Board is responsible for overseeing the organization and administration of the CRA and the management of its resources, services, property, personnel, and contracts. It undertakes its oversight role in cooperation with CRA management to ensure the CRA fosters sound management and service delivery to Canadians.
Board priorities and accomplishments for 2016-2017
The Board fulfilled its statutory role and accomplished its objectives in priority areas for 2016-2017, as stated in the Corporate Business Plan 2016-2017 to 2018-2019.
In support of the CRA during this reporting period, the Board continued to provide oversight in all areas of its statutory responsibilities, in line with the Board priorities in the Corporate Business Plan 2016-2017 to 2018-2019. Details of the Board's accomplishments in priority areas are provided below. (Note: the 2016-2017 fourth quarter meeting was held in April 2017.)
In 2016-2017, the Board saw several members leave and welcomed their replacements. The Commissioner of Revenue, Mr. Andrew Treusch, who was both an ex officio member of the Board and the principal representative of the CRA on the Board, retired from the public service in June 2016. The new Commissioner of Revenue, Mr. Bob Hamilton, was appointed on August 1, 2016. Turnover was high for independent Board members: Mr. Todd McCarthy (Ontario) resigned April 7, 2016, and Ms. Fauzia Lalani (federal appointee), Mr. Robert Manning (New Brunswick), and Mr. Richard Daw (Newfoundland and Labrador) left after years of outstanding service. New members were appointed, and as of April 2017, the Board had a full complement. The following new members joined, in this order: Ms. Mireille Saulnier (New Brunswick), Ms. France-Élaine Duranceau (federal appointee), Ms. Kathryn Bouey (Ontario), and Ms. Dawn Dalley (Newfoundland and Labrador).
Strategic direction
The Board priorities in the Corporate Business Plan 2016-2017 to 2018-2019 provided continuity with previous corporate business plans and largely aligned with the CRA's overall priorities for the planning period. As in previous years, service to Canadians, integrity and security, people management, and resource optimization remained strategic goals. Innovation was added to the Board priorities.
The Board is committed to monitoring how the CRA implements the Minister's mandate, as well as how it achieves the Budget 2016 goals outlined at the time of the Corporate Business Plan. Budget 2016 allocated considerable resources for improving service to Canadians, increasing debt collections, and combatting tax evasion and avoidance. Throughout the year, the Board concentrated its energies on measuring results from these investments, in line with the emphasis on delivery promoted by the Government. The Board continued to refine how it measures performance, using its quarterly Board dashboard to ensure timely progress towards the CRA's goals.
Independent members of the Board worked in collaboration with two Commissioners in 2016-2017, as well as with the CRA's senior management team. The Board continues to encourage director development sessions with CRA management. The Board also invited teams to celebrate their accomplishments, and this year recognized employees involved in Phase I of the CRA's plain language initiative for external administrative correspondence.
The Board guided the development of the Corporate Business Plan 2017-2018 to 2019-2020, discussing main themes as early as June 2016 and providing detailed advice for the first strategic chapter, as well as the Board's strategic goals. These will remain closely aligned with the CRA's overall priorities and with government objectives. The Board considered and welcomed the new, more user friendly structure of the document.
Service to Canadians
The Board continued to support the CRA's efforts to improve service to Canadians. To this end, the Board carefully monitored the use of funds allocated in Budget 2016 to increase the Agency's focus on Canadians and Canadian businesses. The Board also closely followed the Serving You Better consultations with small and medium enterprises across Canada. Members especially appreciated hearing about the participation of major stakeholders and frontline CRA staff.
The Board ensured the Minister's mandate was followed for CRA service initiatives such as: communications with Canadians eligible for benefits and credits which they may not be receiving; greater outreach to Indigenous Peoples (with Employment and Social Development Canada); and the expansion of the Community Volunteer Income Tax program.
The Board encouraged and welcomed the continued increase in digital service offerings, including more information slips for Auto-fill my return, and additional features for the My Benefits mobile app. As mentioned previously, the Board also celebrated completing Phase I of the external administrative correspondence project to simplify correspondence to Canadians. The Board is satisfied with the continued increase in digital filing. The 2016 T1 online filing rate was 86.1%. This translates to 24.4 million out of 28.3 million returns being filed online, up from 84% in 2015. The online filing rate for corporation income tax returns was 89%, exceeding the 85% target. This translates to over 2.1 million out of almost 2.4 million returns being filed online. And, lastly, payments online were at 80%, meeting the CRA's 80% forecast. This translates to over 31 million out of almost 39 million payments being made online.
Members reviewed the initial Appeals Comprehensive Business Plan. The plan set ambitious goals in response to the Office of the Auditor General's audit of the objections program. The Board has indicated its interest in quarterly updates to ensure taxpayer objections are handled in a timely manner. Another topic the Board considered in depth is Canadians' perception of the fairness of the tax system and of the service they receive from the CRA. Over the last year, the Board started a discussion about defining “fairness,” including descriptions of fairness by the Taxpayers' Ombudsman, and encouraged public opinion research on fairness in developing a client-centric service culture.
Once again, the focus of the annual Board Planning Meeting in June 2016 was on service to Canadians. Members welcomed the Clerk of the Privy Council, who spoke at the Board dinner about achieving results and delivering on plans, as well as about culture change in a high-performing public service.
Integrity and security
The Board receives regular updates on the CRA's Security Program, notably on information security, personal security, internal investigations, physical security, emergency management and identity access management. It is also informed about employees' awareness of the Agency's security policy. The CRA Identity Access Management initiative is progressing well and the Board is continuing its oversight of this major project. The Board is also briefed regularly on IT security and the relationship between the CRA and Shared Services Canada. Topics covered by these briefings include the prioritization, timeliness, and delivery of CRA projects. Members asked for greater information on cyber-security, and were pleased when Government of Canada experts told them that the measures taken by the CRA were in line with the highest standards of the industry. The Board also approved the CRA IT Strategic Plan 2016-2017 to 2018-2019, underlining the quality of the document presented.
The Board received the latest version of the CRA Integrity Framework in 2016-2017, and continues to focus on values and ethics regarding CRA employees. An area of particular interest to the Board is the issue of post-employment, which it studied in detail, recommending and approving updates to policy instruments and practices in the CRA.
People management
As foreseen in the Corporate Business Plan 2016-2017 to 2018-2019, the Board again reviewed and approved a three-year Agency Workforce Plan for the CRA, as well as reviewing human resources performance through the annual human resources report. The Board received quarterly thematic updates on people management: on the CRA workforce; features of the CRA workplace; succession planning and recruitment in the Agency; and human resources modernization initiatives.
The Board continues to support recruitment efforts to ensure the CRA has the workforce it needs to deliver timely client-centered service. These efforts are particularly important in light of the staff increases budgeted in 2016 for specialists (such as behavioural economists, data analysts, forensic accountants, project managers, and auditors) to crack down on tax evasion and tax avoidance and to improve collections. The Board has also closely followed the progress of the Service Renewal Initiative. This initiative consolidated processing in National Verification and Collections Centres to modernize compliance, collections, and verification.
On behalf of the Board, the Human Resources Committee recommended two revised collective bargaining mandates with the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada - Audit, Financial and Scientific for approval by the President of the Treasury Board.
The Board also monitored emerging issues in people management, most notably the resolution of employee concerns about the Phoenix pay system. The Board was active in directing the CRA to address issues fairly and communicate actions taken to personnel in a timely manner.
The Board follows progress on innovation in the Agency with great interest. This year, members received an update on the Accelerated Business Solutions Lab focusing on "nudge" initiatives. The Lab led these initiatives in collaboration with different branches of the CRA. They involved using different techniques to communicate with individual and corporate taxpayers, and therefore influence behaviour, deter non-compliance, and decrease participation in the underground economy. Best practices are evolving from other nudge exercises as well, such as one encouraging taxpayers to use My Account.
Resource optimization
The Board continues to provide fiscal oversight as a major fiduciary responsibility. When the Minister visited the Board (during the Audit Committee meeting on December 15, 2016), she underlined the importance of this aspect of the Board's role. Members examined the year's Strategic Investment Plan, which was very well received. They also examined quarterly dashboards on all major projects over $20 million, quarterly resource management reports on the Agency's financial position, and the CRA's annual financial statements. The Board considers resource management to be one of the CRA's areas of strength.
As part of its fiduciary responsibilities, the Board also considered the Corporate Risk Profile risk action plan in June 2016, as well as a new Corporate Risk Profile for the new fiscal year in April 2017. The Board's Audit Committee regularly reviewed internal audits and evaluations, and focused on the external audit of the CRA's internal audit program, which happens every five years: the CRA obtained the highest possible rating.
The Board accomplished its strategic objectives for 2016-2017. The Board is committed to fulfilling its fiduciary oversight responsibilities as well as providing strategic advice and guidance to the Agency's senior management. The Board thanks Mr. Andrew Treusch for his public service, and already enjoys a constructive collaboration with Mr. Hamilton. As always, the Board is grateful for the excellent cooperation and support received from senior management and employees of the CRA.
Board membership
The following are the Board members as of September 1, 2017.

Suzanne Gouin
Chair, Board of Management
Hampstead, Quebec
(Appointed August 2017 for 4 years)
Nominated by the federal government, Suzanne Gouin is an accomplished media and telecommunications senior executive. From 2002 to 2015, she served as President and Chief Executive Officer of TV5 Québec Canada (TV5), a Canadian broadcaster responsible for operating TV5's signal in Canada, and possesses a range of expertise in the implementation of digital processes and solutions. She represented the company on regulatory issues and government relations, both in Canada and internationally. Prior to her position at TV5, she was the Vice President, Business Publications, at Transcontinental Media, and Director General for the Montreal television station CJNT, a division of CF Television Inc.
Ms. Gouin is currently the Chair of the Board of Le Printemps numérique (Montreal Digital Spring), a not-for-profit organization with a mission to promote creativity of the digital industry in Montreal. She has been a member of the Board of Fonds numérique Bell (Bell Fund) since 2015, and is currently the Chair of its Human Resources and Governance Committee. She has served on the Board of Hydro Québec since 2008, and is a currently a member of its Human Resources Committee, Governance Committee, and Pension Plan Financial Management Committee.
A graduate in Political Science from Concordia University, Ms. Gouin holds an MBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario. She is a graduate of the Institute of Corporate Directors' (ICD) Directors Education Program, and holds the ICD.D Designation, reflecting a lifelong commitment to boardroom excellence.

Kathryn A. Bouey
B.A., M.A., CMC, ICD.D Toronto, Ontario
(Appointed: December 2016 for 3 years)
Nominated by the Province of Ontario, Kathryn Bouey is the Founding President of TBG Strategic Services, a boutique management consulting firm providing a variety of services to support public sector executives and boards. Having worked for the federal and Ontario governments for many years she has a deep understanding of the public sector environment. In particular, she served as Deputy Minister of Ontario's Management Board Secretariat where she advised the Management Board of Cabinet on all ministries' business plans along with their risk, expense and performance measurement issues.
Previously, she served on the Board of Hydro One, where she chaired the Business Transformation Committee, and the Boards of St. Joseph's Health Centre (Toronto), Sheridan College, Ontario Power Generation, Ontario Pension Board, and the Canadian Comprehensive Auditing Foundation. She is currently on the Board of SPRINT Senior Care in Toronto where she chairs the Quality and Program Evaluation Committee.
Ms. Bouey holds a Master of Arts degree in Economics, as well as an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics with an Economics minor, both from Carleton University. She is a graduate of the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) Directors Education Program, and has been an Institute-Certified Director since 2006. Additionally, she is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC) and a member of the Institute of Public Administration of Canada.

Myles Bourke
B.Comm., FCPA, FCA;
Lethbridge, Alberta
(Re-appointed October 2012 for 3 years)
Nominated by the Province of Alberta, Myles Bourke is a chartered accountant who worked for KPMG and predecessor firms for over 30 years before his retirement in 2001. Mr. Bourke's experience spans a range of functional areas within the assurance field, including audit and review engagements, training and program development, special provider to larger institutions, and confidant and advisor to owner-managers. He served as a member of the Not-for-Profit Organizations Advisory Committee of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. From 2004 to 2005, Mr. Bourke held the position of President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta. He has been a member of the Board of Governors of the University of Lethbridge, where he has also been a lecturer and a member of the Senate. Mr. Bourke has served as well as President of the Rotary Club of Lethbridge and as a Rotary District Committee Chair. He has also served as a Director of the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce and as Chair of the City of Lethbridge's Economic Development Committee. Mr. Bourke holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Toronto, as well as his Chartered Accountant and FCA designations.

Rossana Buonpensiere
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(Appointed December 2014 for 3 years)
Nominated by the Province of Manitoba, Rossana Buonpensiere is Vice President of organizational development at Wawanesa Insurance, with a portfolio consisting of learning and development, organizational change management, organization design, succession planning and employee engagement. Prior to her current role, Ms. Buonpensiere was a partner in MNP's national consulting services practice responsible for leading all aspects of the firm's organization and people services practice in the Manitoba region. Ms. Buonpensiere has extensive experience working with clients to improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness in the areas of human resources, organizational development, performance, strategy and managing change.
Ms. Buonpensiere has worked with a broad range of clients, with a strong emphasis on crown corporations and the public sector, and has a proven track record of delivering high quality professional services. She has also worked with public sector clients on many planning and human resource management initiatives that have included developing an executive development program and talent pool assessment process for senior level positions.
Ms. Buonpensiere is certified in the Prosci Change Management methodology, which provides her with a wide range of tools for assessing change readiness and promoting effective staff transition and leadership engagement during significant workplace changes. Ms. Buonpensiere is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC), a Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CRHR), and holds a Bachelor of Law degree from the University of Manitoba and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Winnipeg. Ms. Buonpensiere was called to the Manitoba bar in June of 1998.

Dawn S. Dalley
Conception Bay South, Newfoundland and Labrador
(Appointed April 2017 for 3 years)
Nominated by the province of Newfoundland and Labrador (NL), Dawn S. Dalley is the Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Corporate Services, of NL Hydro. She is accountable for a broad range of corporate services including regulatory affairs, customer service, energy efficiency, human resources and labour relations, health and safety, environmental services and corporate communication.
At Nalcor Energy, Ms. Dalley served as Vice-President, Corporate Relations and Customer Service from 2011 to 2016, and Manager, Corporate Communication and Shareholder Relations from 2003 to 2011. While at Nalcor, she was also accountable for corporate reputation and key stakeholder relationships.
Ms. Dalley is currently the Chair of the International Women's Forum, NL Sub-Chapter. She is a member of the Board of Ronald McDonald House in NL, where she serves on the Development/Communications, Human Resources, and Governance Committees. Previously, she was the Governance and Strategy Chair on the Board of the Manuel's River Heritage Society, and Chair of the Board of the Conservation Corp of NL. Her prior Board experiences include: Board member of Avalon Dragon Boating, North Coast Community Health Council of British Columbia and the Prince Rupert Transition House Society.
A Certified Professional Facilitator, Ms. Dalley holds a Master of Business Administration from Royal Roads University, and a Bachelor of Public Relations from Mount Saint Vincent University. She also has a Certificate in Public Participation from the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2).

France-Élaine Duranceau
Montreal, Quebec
(Appointed: November 2016 for 3 years)
Nominated by the federal government, France-Élaine Duranceau is an accomplished bilingual professional and entrepreneur with 15 years of taxation experience in an accounting firm and a public corporation in Montreal. Over the course of her career, Ms. Duranceau has acquired a global understanding of financial, accounting, tax and legal issues and risks of a business. As an entrepreneur, she has gained experience and a practical perspective on operational issues and challenges that small and medium-sized enterprises face.
Ms. Duranceau is currently Vice-President, private capital group, at Colliers International (Quebec) Inc., and is co-founder and investor at DIGAMMA, a private commercial real estate development firm.
Ms. Duranceau is a Certified Corporate Director (ICD.D), and holds a CPA, CA designation, and a Masters in Taxation from HEC Montréal. She has been actively involved in the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation and its Board of Directors for over 15 years.

Mark S. Dwor
B.A., LL.B
Vancouver, British Columbia
(Appointed May 2015 for 3 years)
Mr. Mark S. Dwor, from the Province of British Columbia, is a retired member of the Law Society of British Columbia. He is a member and leader of many professional, arts, and other community organizations, with a strong emphasis on charity and not-for-profit governance. Mr. Dwor is the co-founder and chairman of the Canadian Academy of Independent Scholars. He has been a member and sat on the executive of boards including Variety, the Children's Charity, where he was the inaugural Chair of the Board Development Committee; Osteoporosis Canada, where he chaired the investment committee; and the Vancouver Children's Festival.
Mr. Dwor has presented and published papers on varied subjects in the cultural and legal arenas, including art law and franchising and distribution. He holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree from the University of British Columbia, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Glendon College, York University.

Gerard J. Fitzpatrick
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
(Re-appointed June 2015 for 3 years)
Nominated by the Province of Prince Edward Island, Gerard J. Fitzpatrick has more than 30 years of experience in public accounting, primarily specializing in income tax for professionals and owner-managed businesses. He is a past President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Prince Edward Island, past Chairperson of the Atlantic School of Chartered Accountancy, and a past Board member of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. He is currently a member of the Future Directions Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Prince Edward Island. Mr. Fitzpatrick began his career as founding partner of a firm of chartered accountants in 1977. In 2008, he established Fitzpatrick & Company, Prince Edward Island's first father and son firm of chartered accountants. Throughout his career, Mr. Fitzpatrick has provided professional services to a diverse clientele and his practice today includes management consulting, business plans and feasibility studies. He is also a regular speaker on farm and other tax matters.
Mr. Fitzpatrick has served on a number of boards as both director and chair. From 2002 to 2008, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Atlantic Pilotage Authority where he served as both vice-chair of the Board and chair of the Audit Committee. Mr. Fitzpatrick received a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of PEI, and holds designations as a Chartered Accountant, Fellow of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Registered Trust and Estate Practitioner.

Norman G. Halldorson
B.Comm., FCPA, FCA
Clavet, Saskatchewan
(Re-appointed December 2014 for 3 years)
Nominated by the Province of Saskatchewan, Norman G. Halldorson has extensive private sector experience, having retired in 2008 from a 40-year career with KPMG Chartered Accountants, where he held several senior leadership positions. Mr. Halldorson is a member of the Board of a private company, which operates several full service hotels, and chairs their Acquisition Committee. He also served as a member of the Institute of Chartered of Accountants of Saskatchewan Council, chaired a number of their committees, and represented the University of Saskatchewan Senate. As well, he chaired the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce ABEX Awards, which honour outstanding achievements in business excellence. Mr. Halldorson was a founding director of the Saskatchewan chapter of the Canadian Association of Family Enterprise. Mr. Halldorson holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) degree with Distinction from the University of Saskatchewan and a Chartered Accountant designation. He was awarded a Fellow of the Order of Chartered Accountants designation for distinguished service.

Susan Hayes
Halifax, Nova Scotia
(Appointed February 2015 for 3 years)
Nominated by the Province of Nova Scotia, Susan Hayes is the current Chief Professional Resources Officer at the law firm of Stewart McKelvey, part of the executive team responsible for the overall operations of the firm. Ms. Hayes' community involvement includes being a Professional Development Committee member for the Canadian Bar Association, Nova Scotia Branch, and Board Member of the Halifax Visiting Dispensary. She holds a Bachelor of Laws Degree from the Dalhousie University Law School, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Acadia University.

Francine Martel-Vaillancourt
Saint-Laurent-de-l'île-d'Orléans, Québec
(Appointed March 2015 for 3 years)
Nominated by the Province of Quebec, Francine Martel-Vaillancourt is currently Chair of Shared Services Canada's Audit and Evaluation Committee. She is also the vice-president of the Board of Directors of Desjardins Financial Security, and teaches at the Collège des administrateurs de sociétés of Université Laval, a leader in governance education. Ms. Martel-Vaillancourt's public service career has been exceptional. She was twice deputy minister at Revenu Québec (from 2000 to 2003, and 2007 to 2011), and chief executive officer and chair of the Board of Directors at the Commission des normes du travail. She was also chief executive officer of Services Québec. Ms. Martel-Vaillancourt has been recognized by her peers. In 1997, she received both the CA Émérite award and the title of Fellow from the Ordre des comptables agréés du Québec. She was also awarded the "Public Service" grand prize at the YWCA Women of Distinction Awards in 2006, the Hermès de carrière 2007-2008 from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at Université Laval, and the "Prix hommage 2011" from the Institut d'administration publique du Québec. Ms. Martel-Vaillancourt has a bachelor's degree in actuarial sciences and a licence in accounting from Université Laval in Québec. She also completed the "programme de certification universitaire en gouvernance de sociétés" of the Collège des administrateurs de sociétés at Université Laval. She is a Fellow of the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec.

Mireille A. Saulnier
B.Ps., LL.B
Tracadie-Sheila, New Brunswick
(Appointed June 2016 for 3 years)
Nominated by the Province of New Brunswick, Mireille A. Saulnier is the owner of the law firm Mireille A. Saulnier C.P. Inc. Prior to her current role, Ms. Saulnier was a partner with the lawyer-notary firm Lebouthillier Boudreau Saulnier where she began as an articling student before being made partner.
She is an active leader in her community, participating in various initiatives including being a member of the Board of Directors at Service New Brunswick since October 2015. Ms. Saulnier is also the outgoing chairman of the Chambre de Commerce du Grand Tracadie-Sheila, Inc. Since 2010, she has been the regional representative of the Association des juristes d'expression française du Nouveau-Brunswick. Prior to that, she was a student advisor at the Université de Moncton, in the administrative tribunals.
Ms. Saulnier holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from the Faculty of Law and a Bachelor of Psychology degree, both from the Université de Moncton. She was called to the New Brunswick bar in 2008.

Joyce Sumara
Haliburton, Ontario
(Appointed December 2014 for 3 years)
Nominated by the federal government, Ms. Joyce Sumara is an accomplished information technology (IT) executive with over 30 years of experience in large multi-national organizations. Ms. Sumara has broad experience in systems delivery and IT strategic planning in the automotive, healthcare and telecommunications industries. From 2009 to 2011, Ms. Sumara was the Vice President, IT and Information Security Officer, with Rogers Communications, where she was responsible for the security of corporate information and IT governance. She previously held the positions of Chief Information Officer of GM Canada, and Chief Information Officer of OnStar at General Motors Corporation. Throughout her career, she has occupied various consulting positions, and served on the boards of the Grandview Children's Centre for six years, and Medic-Alert Canada for two years. Ms. Sumara holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics from Wayne State University, in Detroit, Michigan, as well as an Industrial Engineering Certificate from General Motors Institute (now Kettering University), in Flint, Michigan. She was recognized as a "Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada," both in 2003, and 2004.

D. Stanley Thompson
Whitehorse, Yukon
(Appointed: August 2017 for 3 years)
Nominated by the Yukon Territory, Stan is a skilled business leader and change agent with senior executive experience in marketing and resource oriented companies. He is currently the Chief Financial Officer and Vice President, Corporate Services at Northwestel responsible for finance, corporate services, and carrier services. He has previously served in senior Executive roles notably as President of Novartis Consumer Health Canada Inc. from 1998 to 2005, where he was responsible for the manufacturing, marketing, and selling of several top-selling brands in Canada.
Stan is currently a member of Financial Executives International (FEI), a leadership forum for financial executives, Chair of the Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce Board, a Board and audit committee member of the Opimian Society, Canada's largest private wine club and was a former Board member at Novartis Canada.
A designated CPA/CA, Mr. Thompson also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from the University of Western Ontario.

Bob Hamilton
Commissioner of Revenue and Chief Executive Officer of the CRA
(Appointed August 2016)
Bob Hamilton was appointed as the Commissioner of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) effective August 1, 2016. Prior to joining the Canada Revenue Agency, Mr. Hamilton served as Deputy Minister of Environment Canada, and Deputy Minister of Natural Resources Canada. Mr. Hamilton was appointed Senior Associate Secretary of the Treasury Board in March 2011 and named by the Prime Minister as the lead Canadian on the Canada-United States Regulatory Cooperation Council. Mr. Hamilton has held many senior positions in the Department of Finance, including Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Tax Policy, and Assistant Deputy Minister of Financial Sector Policy. He received his Honours BA and Master's degrees in Economics from the University of Western Ontario.
Committee membership and director participation
The Board of Management is supported by four committees: they undertake much of the detailed review of items brought before the Board for its consideration. The following table shows the membership of each committee as well as directors' committee attendance over the 2016-2017 fiscal year.
Board Members | Board of Management (7 meetings)Footnote 1 |
Audit Committee (3 meetings)Footnote 2 |
Governance Committee (3 meetings)Footnote 3 |
Human Resources Committee (3 meetings) |
Resources Committee (3 meetings) |
Board members present throughout the fiscal year | |||||
Myles Bourke | 5/6 | 3/3 | 3/3 | 3/3 | |
Rossana Buonpensiere | 7/7 | 3/3 | 3/3 | ||
Mark Dwor | 6/6 | 3/3 | 3/3 | ||
Gerard J. Fitzpatrick | 6/6 | 3/3 | 3/3 | ||
Norman G. Halldorson | 7/7 | 3/3 | 3/3 | ||
Susan Hayes | 6/7 | 1/1 | 1/1 | 3/3 | |
Francine Martel-Vaillancourt | 5/6 | 3/3 | 3/3 | ||
Margaret Melhorn | 6/6 | 3/3 | 3/3 | ||
Joyce Sumara | 7/7 | 3/3 | 3/3 | ||
Richard (Rick) Thorpe | 7/7 | 3/3 | 3/3 | 3/3 | 3/3 |
Board members who joined during the fiscal year | |||||
Bob Hamilton | 4/4Footnote 4 | 1/1 | 2/2 | 2/2 | |
Mireille A. Saulnier | 4/4 | 2/2 | 1/1 | ||
France-Élaine Duranceau | 1/1 | 0/0Footnote 5 | 1/1 | ||
Kathryn A. Bouey | 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | ||
Board members who left during the fiscal year | |||||
Andrew Treusch | 2/2 | 1/1 | 1/1 | ||
Fauzia Lalani | 4/4 | 1/1 | 1/1 | ||
Richard J. Daw | 6/6 | 3/3 | 3/3 | ||
Average attendance per meeting | 84/87=96% | 22/22=100% | 21/21=100% | 23/23=100% | 23/23=100% |
Member Capacity | Per Annum Retainer | Per Dien |
Board chair | $14,500 - $17,100 | $565 - $665 |
Committee chair | $11,100 - $13,000 | $565 - $665 |
Director | $7,300 - $8,600 | $475 - $550 |
Page details
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