Recourse for career issues

Note that Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) official policies take precedence over any information provided in this document.

Some information is only available on the Defence Team Intranet. 

Every member’s situation is unique. If there are exceptional reasons that prevent you from addressing your career concerns through regular channels such as time sensitivity, health, security, or financial concerns, for you or your family, you can contact our office by telephone or in writing. In cases where compelling reasons exist, our office can ensure that all relevant parties know about your circumstances, and that the proper process is being followed to assist the appropriate authority in taking an informed decision.

As a CAF member, you may encounter career challenges during your service. This information can help you better understand recourse options specific to career issues that can result in grievances. Refer to other information sources as well as this webpage. For information on career questions and for policy clarification, consult your chain of command and career manager.

Note: If you are a member of the Reserve Force, your unit and formation chain of command share career management functions.

In certain circumstances, such as health and safety, your chain of command and support networks—such as chaplains, social workers, medical staff, and local CAF Transition Units—may have to disclose relevant information about your situation to your career manager. If you have information about your situation that you do not want disclosed, discuss this with your chain of command or support network.

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