Assistance and complaint mechanisms

COVID-19 continues to affect our constituents.

Stay informed by visiting the Defence Team – COVID-19 website for the latest information pertinent to both public service employees and military Defence team members.

If you are a CAF member being posted, you and your family should consult the following pages for information related to postings and to COVID-19:

CANFORGENS are available on the Defence Team Intranet or by downloading the CAF mobile application.

For more information

If you believe you have been affected by a decision, act, or omission in the administration of CAF affairs and you can demonstrate your request was not processed fairly, you may file a grievance

However, the CAF redress of grievance process can only provide redress that is within the authority of the CAF to provide. That authority does not include changing Directives or interpretation by the Treasury B or other government agencies. For example, the CAF has no authority over the FSDs or their interpretation by the National Joint Council or its committees. The National Joint Council has a grievance process, but it is not available to CAF members. 

Consult with a Conflict and Complaint Management Services (CCMS) Centre agent for grievance support and guidance. Be aware that the grievance process is time sensitive, and may not correspond with the timeframe of your relocation. You can learn more by consulting our Complaint mechanism and oversight page.

Every member’s situation is unique. If there are exceptional reasons that prevent you from addressing your career concerns through regular channels such as time sensitivity, health, security, or financial concerns, for you or your family, you can contact our office by telephone or in writing. In cases where compelling reasons exist, our office can ensure that all relevant parties know about your circumstances, and that the proper process is being followed to assist the appropriate authority in taking an informed decision.

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