Discuss solutions with your manager

Discuss solutions with your manager

Start a conversation with your manager about barriers and solutions and record the agreement in the GC Workplace Accessibility Passport (the Passport).

Start a conversation

One-on-one conversations, whether in person, on the phone or by videoconference, are usually the best way to start a discussion with your manager about adaptive tools and support measures; you can also send your manager an email.

Sample conversations starters in person, on the phone or by videoconference
  • “I was hoping we could chat about some challenges I’m having with regard to my [computer, desk, chair, and so on].”
  • “I’d like to suggest some tools and measures that could help me [be more productive / better meet your expectations / address some challenges I’ve been encountering in doing my job.”

    Examples of tools and measures:

    • the opportunity to work remotely from time to time
    • moving to a quieter workspace
    • noise‑cancelling headphones
    • written instructions for tasks
  • “I’ve documented in the GC Workplace Accessibility Passport some barriers I’m facing at work and proposed some solutions. Could we please take some time to review the Passport together and discuss solutions that will help me succeed at work?”
  • “Is our team using the GC Workplace Accessibility Passport? I was hoping to review it with you, as a basis for discussing and resolving the challenges I am facing at work.”
  • “When we discuss my performance expectations and learning plan, I would like to share with you my GC Workplace Accessibility Passport and talk with you about how some of the barriers I am facing at work can be addressed.”
Sample email for starting a conversation

Dear [insert manager’s name],

The Government of Canada Workplace Accessibility Passport is a tool that documents barriers that employees with disabilities face in the workplace and the tools and support measures they need to address these barriers. I am sharing my Passport with you because I would benefit from having solutions in place to succeed in my job. Could we please schedule time to chat so that we can discuss the workplace accommodation measures to be implemented?


The Canada School of Public Service also offers guidance on how to facilitate conversations between managers and employees.

Record an agreement

Sign the Passport once you reach an agreement with your manager.  If you completed any previous agreements, it would be helpful to save them as a record so you can refer to them in future agreements.

You own your Passport, so your manager doesn’t need to approve it.

Section 4: workplace accommodation agreement

Record a list of the adaptive tools, services or measures that your manager has agreed to provide based on your previous conversation about barriers and solutions.

From: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

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