Download the Passport
Create a Passport
Before initiating a conversation with your manager, think about what accommodation tools and support measures might best support you to succeed in the workplace.
Download will open in a new window as an accessible .docx file.
How to create the GC Workplace Accessibility Passport
The first three sections of the Passport contain general information, identify your barriers and proposed solutions, and provide additional information.
Section 1: general information
This section contains your contact information and PRI and your manager's contact information.
Section 2: barriers and solutions
Describe the barriers you face and any adaptive tools or support measures that might help you succeed in your job.
Example A: organization of work
- concentrating when there are distractions around me in the workplace
- completing tasks on time when I have too many priorities
- build focus time into my schedule to complete my tasks
- have access to quiet space when I am working on certain tasks
- update and clearly define my priorities every week
Example B: communication
- typing and using the computer for long periods of time
- having my camera on during hybrid meetings makes it hard for me to concentrate
- text‑to‑speech software
- turning the camera off during hybrid meetings to help me focus
Example C: built environments
- noise in the office is distracting
- strong scents in the workplace have a severe negative effect on my health
- noise‑cancelling headphones while in the office
- a scent-free workplace
Section 3: additional information
In this section, list any documentation you have or recommendations you’ve been given that you want your manager to be aware of.
You don’t need to give your manager proof of any of the solutions in your plan and they can’t share any information without your consent.
If you received an assessment from an occupational therapist, you don’t have to provide a copy, but you might want to summarize the therapist’s recommendations (for example, text-to-speech software, a flexible work schedule, shorter meeting times).
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