Proposed Plan of Priorities

A proposed, multi-year, integrated plan for the assessment of substances in Canada, as well as other activities that support the management of substances.


Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada are seeking input on the proposed Plan of Priorities. This consultation was open from October 5, 2024 to December 4, 2024.

1 Introduction

On June 13, 2023, Bill S-5, Strengthening Environmental Protection for a Healthier Canada Act received Royal Assent. This Bill modernizes the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) by recognizing the right to a healthy environment as provided under the Act, strengthening Canada’s chemicals management regime and increasing transparency in the way it is administered. Substances are a part of everyday life, essential to our economy, our communities, and our homes. While they provide benefits, they may also have harmful effects on human health and the environment if not properly managed. The Government of Canada has developed a Plan of Priorities to outline upcoming priorities to manage substances to protect the health of people in Canada and the environment.

The Plan of Priorities sets out an approach describing planned activities for addressing substances in Canada over the next several years. The Plan outlines the substances prioritized for assessment and other activities to assess, control or manage the risks to the environment or human health as well as activities that promote the development and incorporation of alternative methods and strategies to replace, reduce or refine vertebrate animal testing.

The assessment priorities and activities described in the Plan are supported by the Government of Canada’s core environmental law, the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA). CEPA supports the delivery of many environmental and health protection programs for the wellbeing of people in Canada and the environment. CEPA provides the authorities for the Government of Canada to protect people in Canada and the environment from substances that may pose a risk to human health and the environment throughout their lifecycle. The Government is committed to developing chemicals risk management strategies in the pursuit of promoting principles of environmental justice and as we continue the work towards promoting a right to a healthy environment.

As per section 73 (1) of CEPA, this Plan specifies:  

  1. the substances to which the Ministers of Environment and Health (the Ministers) are satisfied priority should be given in assessing whether they are toxic or capable of becoming toxic
  2. activities or initiatives in relation to assessing, controlling or otherwise managing the risks to the environment or to human health posed by substances that are or will be undertaken under an Act of Parliament for whose administration either Minister is responsible and which the Ministers are of the opinion should be prioritized; and  
  3. activities or initiatives to promote the development and timely incorporation of scientifically justified alternative methods and strategies in the testing and assessment of substances to replace, reduce or refine the use of vertebrate animals

The Act requires that Ministers review and update the Plan within 8 years and every 8 years after that. In implementing the Plan, the Government aims to balance predictability with agility, responding to emerging priorities as needed. The Government’s progress on the Plan will be reported on annually as part of the CEPA Annual Report. 

This proposed Plan of Priorities was published on October 5, 2024. The public has an opportunity to provide comments on this proposed Plan and its accompanying proposed list of prioritized substances until December 4, 2024. The Government welcomes participation of all stakeholders, provinces, territories, Indigenous Peoples, industry and academia to ensure the process remains inclusive.

2 Substances prioritized for assessment under CEPA

Section 68 of CEPA provides the authority to, among other things, determine if a substance is toxic or capable of becoming toxic to human health or the environment according to section 64. Assessments may take into consideration available information on the inherent hazard, exposure, use, source, and fate of a substance. A weight of evidence approach and precaution are applied when conducting assessments. Assessments will also take into account, where information is available, populations who may be disproportionately impacted by exposures or more susceptible to substances and effects on human health and the environment from cumulative exposures to a range of substances. 

The approach for identification of chemicals and polymers as assessment priorities under Part 5 of CEPA was developed to systematically compile and review information on existing substances. This approach has been applied periodically to identify emerging priorities for assessment. Building on experience gained from these activities, key drivers for the selection of substances as priorities for assessment were identified, including:

Substances that are identified through multiple drivers are given higher priority for assessment. Where data is available to show that effects may be consistent within a class of substances, assessment of the class is prioritized. In addition to the drivers identified above, any person may request under section 76 that the Ministers assess a substance. When a request is received, the Ministers evaluate the request and decide whether to add the substance to the Plan.

A proposed list of substances prioritized for assessment is provided below. Substances proposed to be added to the list through the public request mechanism under section 76 of CEPA are marked with an asterisk (*). Each item on the list may include multiple chemicals or subgroups, and assessment of each of these priorities may result in one or more publications. The list of prioritized substances may be amended from time to time using a public consultation process. Amendments could include the addition of new priorities identified through the public request mechanism or the emergence of new science. 

2.1 Substances prioritized for assessment

Specific substances

Certain substances within the following groups

More details on these priorities, including rationales for their selection and a list identifying the specific substances being considered for inclusion in the various assessments, along with proposed timelines for initiating these assessments, are available in the work plan  on the Proposed Plan of Priorities: substances prioritized for assessment under CEPA webpage.

The work plan will be updated periodically to update expected timelines, reflect completed priorities, and refine the substances considered within a subgroup in cases where information collected through the assessment process impacts the scope of the assessment.

Additional information on the identification and prioritization of substances for assessment under CEPA is provided on the Identification of chemicals and polymers as risk assessment priorities webpage.

3 Prioritized activities or initiatives that support the assessment, control or other management of risks to the environment or to human health posed by substances

3.1 Activities to inform assessment approaches and inform future prioritization and risk management activities

Activities to inform assessment approaches and future prioritization

Assessments are becoming more complex, for example with increasing global production rates of substances and complex product supply chains. Assessments will continue to incrementally move, where the information is available, towards further consideration in the prioritization and assessment of chemicals or classes of chemicals of a broader range of populations that may be disproportionately impacted, including cumulative effects (from combined exposures to multiple chemicals), a broader range of risks (e.g., endocrine disruption, carcinogenic impacts), implementation of new approach methods, and use of non-animal test data. For more information on assessment approaches, see the Risk assessment of chemical substances webpage.

To support future prioritization of substances and assessment activities, additional scoping may be conducted on various substances or topics of potential concern. This can involve the development of an approach or action plan which may be published for consultation. 

Additional information on prioritized activities or initiatives related to topics of concern for assessing risks to the environment or human health posed by substances is available here.

Risk management activities

The Government of Canada administers over 200 risk management instruments already in place on many substances determined to be ‘toxic’ (according to section 64 of CEPA) such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), asbestos, mercury, perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), volatile organic compounds (e.g., formaldehyde, benzene), flame retardants and others. New risk management priorities are added every time a substance is added to Schedule 1. The Government conducts risk management activities, which includes the decision-making process to identify, evaluate, select and implement actions to reduce risk to human health and the environment from toxic substances. These activities include:

The list of risk management activities and initiatives in progress or planned can be found here.

Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada are undertaking new and expanded risk management activities and initiatives such as:

Substances of highest risk regime

The substances of highest risk regime is for the management of certain substances found to be toxic under CEPA that pose the highest risk to human health or the environment, by giving priority to prohibition. As per section 77 of CEPA, the criteria for substances of highest risk are or will be set out in regulations. They include those in the Persistence and Bioaccumulation Regulations as well as criteria for carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, and reproductive toxicity. Additional criteria may also be considered. These regulations will be developed in consultation with stakeholders. 

In some cases, giving priority to prohibition will involve requiring the substances to be phased-out entirely. In others, it means activities or releases of concern will be prohibited, and in others it may mean that all new uses will be prohibited unless it can be shown that there are no safer alternatives, and the use can be undertaken safely.

Permitting regime for existing substances

Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada intend to develop regulations to outline a new permitting regime for toxic substances. These regulations will support CEPA’s strengthened chemicals management regime and will enable the federal government to issue a permit to allow the use of a toxic substance if it is demonstrated that a restricted activity can be undertaken safely and that there are no feasible alternatives.

Labelling of substances in products

Following the Notice of Intent published in 2022 to support increased protection and safety along the supply chain and to inform government, business and consumer decisions, Environment and Climate Change Canada with support from Health Canada, is developing a strategy on labelling in 2024. The strategy will outline considerations for improving supply chain transparency and labelling instruments for priority substances in products along with accompanying policy and compliance promotion guidance documents.

Addressing Hotspots

As a first step towards addressing pollution hotspots, work is underway to define what constitutes an air pollution hotspot and to articulate the federal role in addressing air pollution in these locations. This work will help identify where geographically targeted regulatory instruments may be needed, using new authorities under CEPA, to address local pollution issues and to further protect the environment, communities, and populations that are disproportionately impacted by pollution.

3.2 Research, monitoring and surveillance activities

Research, monitoring and surveillance provide essential information about chemicals, including how we may be exposed and their potential effects on human health and the environment. This knowledge informs decision-making on risk assessment and risk management priorities and helps keep pace with emerging scientific methods and information (e.g., research activities undertaken by government scientists and academic partners). These activities also support the identification and selection of these priorities.

Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada scientists actively collaborate with domestic and international partners, and support chemical-related programs, such as the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement and the Global Atmospheric Passive Sampling Network, as well as reporting obligations to fulfill international agreements on transboundary pollution. Researchers in both Departments also play an active role in international chemicals management initiatives (e.g., Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the World Health Organization (WHO)). This helps Canada keep pace with understanding the changes in the global chemicals landscape and ensures the strategic advancement of research, monitoring and surveillance priorities to protect the health of people living in Canada and the environment.

Research activities can help identify the hazardous properties of a substance, better understand its fate in the environment, how humans and the environment may be exposed and how they may be affected.

Priority areas for research include:

Spotlight: Integrated Chemical Mixtures Project

The Integrated Chemical Mixtures Project (ICMP) is a research and monitoring project established as part of the implementation of the amended CEPA. Over a period of 4 years, commencing in 2023-24, research and monitoring activities will be conducted to generate knowledge on real-world exposure to, and effects from, chemical mixtures in the environment.

The goal of the ICMP is to develop an innovative approach to evaluate and address exposure to multiple substances and their cumulative impacts on multiple environmental media including air, biota, water, sediment, and soil. The ICMP will focus on 2 site case studies as a proof of concept. Engagement - with impacted Indigenous communities, industries, municipalities, and provincial partners - is a pillar of the project.

Monitoring and surveillance activities measure and track chemicals in various environmental media, humans, food-sources as well as in wastewater. These activities inform risk assessment and risk management program priorities and decisions and, to the extent possible, verify if risk management measures are meeting their intended objectives.

Health Canada’s human biomonitoring program is dedicated to advancing the understanding of environmental chemical exposures in people living in Canada and supporting informed decision-making. The framework which guides program activities includes the following key components:

Examples of planned and ongoing activities for Health Canada’s monitoring and surveillance program include the biomonitoring component of the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS). This survey has collected nationally representative biomonitoring data since 2007, and reports on the levels of environmental chemicals for the Canadian population, disaggregated by age and sex. These data enable the establishment of baseline levels of chemicals to help assess changes in exposure over time. The program also supports human health research and biomonitoring under the Northern Contaminants Program (NCP) to support informed decision making with respect to traditional/country foods. In addition, the program leads the Maternal-Infant Research on Environmental Chemicals (MIREC) study which collects data overtime from the same parents and children to examine the effects of prenatal exposure to environmental chemicals on health outcomes at several critical life stages, including pregnancy, infancy, childhood, puberty and menopause. Other activities that may support the identification of disproportionately impacted populations include site-specific analysis of existing CHMS data, leveraging existing Canadian biobanks, and using novel tools such as artificial intelligence to support our understanding of real-world chemical exposures. Information on human biomonitoring activities under Canada’s Chemicals Management Plan (CMP) is available on this Government of Canada webpage.

Health Canada also conducts surveillance of chemical contaminants in foods through the Canadian Total Diet Study. In addition, Health Canada performs targeted surveys when trends of concern are identified and leverages other surveillance programs such as the Great Lakes Fish Monitoring Program.

Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Environmental Monitoring and Surveillance Program enables the regular collection of data on the concentration of chemical substances and monitoring of trends in various environmental media across Canada. Environmental media include surface water, sediment, air, aquatic biota and wildlife. Sampling sites are selected based on data needs for decision-making, while leveraging existing monitoring programs in place. In addition, as many chemical substances are found in consumption products, the wastewater sector is also of interest for the monitoring of chemical substances. Through the Chemicals Management Plan Wastewater Monitoring Program, Environment and Climate Change Canada scientists can determine the levels of selected chemical substances entering wastewater treatment plants, the fate of these substances through typical wastewater and sludge treatment processes, and the levels of these substances being discharged in wastewater treatment plant effluents and solids residuals.

Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada have a governance process for research and monitoring to ensure related efforts support risk assessment and risk management priorities. These priorities guide competitive internal calls for research proposals as well as external calls for research proposals funded through grants and contributions. Results and findings from these research and monitoring projects are shared with regulatory communities on an ongoing basis and can inform the identification of new priorities and emerging issues for risk assessment and risk management. Results are also shared more broadly and reported on through various means of knowledge transfer, including publications, presentations, workshops, and publications on the Government of Canada open data portal. Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada scientists are uniquely positioned to communicate expert-driven, evidence-informed, and impartial science that is responsive to the needs of people in Canada and shared in formats that are accessible, usable, nimble and adaptive.  

Progress made on research, monitoring and surveillance activities to address risk assessment and risk management needs and priorities have been and will continue to be reported in the CEPA annual report.

3.3 Information gathering

Activities and initiatives to collect information from stakeholders

Information to support the prioritization, assessment and risk management of substances can be collected from a variety of published and unpublished sources, stakeholder submissions, and various databases, either through mandatory or voluntary means.

Mandatory information gathering initiatives (e.g., section 46 or 71 notices under CEPA) provide authority for the collection of scientific data (for example, toxicological studies) and commercial activity information (for example, substance uses and quantities) from stakeholders such as importers, manufacturers, and users of chemicals who meet the reporting requirements. 

Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada will develop information gathering initiatives on substances that may be related to their import, manufacture, product concentration and uses.

The plan describing upcoming information gathering priorities as well as past efforts is available here.

The National Pollutant Release Inventory

The National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) is Canada’s public inventory of releases, disposals and transfers. It tracks over 300 pollutants from over 7,000 facilities across Canada. Under the authority of CEPA, the NPRI tracks pollutants from facilities across Canada subject to the reporting requirements by collecting information about substances that may pose a risk to the environment and health. 

The list of substances subject to reporting has been and will continue to be reviewed to ensure that it remains up-to-date and relevant, and that reporting thresholds are appropriate for gathering pollutant release data in Canada to meet the needs of internal government programs and other data users. This will continue to involve reviewing activities such as risk assessment and risk management to inform possible changes to the NPRI substance list. The program will continue to leverage the regular feedback provided by stakeholders through its external multi-stakeholder advisory working group. Changes may include the addition of substances that meet the definition of toxic as set out in CEPA, the deletion of substances for which an NPRI listing is no longer warranted, and threshold changes where current reporting on a substance is not adequate to meet needs. Important collaborations with neighbouring jurisdictions will also continue to inform data collection and analysis for the benefit of Canadians.

3.4 The Watch List

Section 75.1 of the amended CEPA states that “the Minister of the Environment shall compile and may amend from time to time a list that specifies substances that the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Health have reason to suspect are capable of becoming toxic or that have been determined to be capable of becoming toxic” (the “Watch List”). The Watch List only applies to substances that do not meet the criteria of toxic as defined by section 64 of CEPA.

A substance could be a candidate for the Watch List if a potential concern has been identified for the substance, for example, evidence of hazardous properties, there is reason to suspect that an increase in use, change in exposure (route), or additional evidence may increase the risk profile of the substance such that it could have the potential to cause harm to human health and the environment. 

A proposed Watch List Approach outlining how Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada will meet the legislated requirement of compiling and amending the Watch List was published on published on October 5, 2024, followed by a 60-day public comment period. The Approach describes the considerations and processes by which the Watch List will be administered.  

The Watch List will be published in the CEPA Registry by 2025, and will be updated periodically, as required.

3.5 Engagement activities

The Government of Canada will continue to engage with the public, civil-society organizations, academics, Indigenous partners, industry, and other jurisdictions that represent a breadth of perspectives, sectors, and interests spanning across the lifecycle of substances. 

This engagement will leverage the knowledge and expertise of these parties and diverse voices through targeted and tailored mechanisms to provide input and advice on program implementation and decision-making. Such mechanisms may include:

Engagement activities will continue to focus on a shift towards the participation and perspectives of populations who may be disproportionately impacted by chemicals, as well as on efforts to advance the right of every individual in Canada to a healthy environment under CEPA.  

Participation in international chemicals management activities

International collaboration will help drive change globally (with other governments, industry, intergovernmental organizations) for sound chemicals and waste management. In addition to implementing obligations under Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), the Government will continue to play a leading role in bilateral and multilateral fora where there are linkages to chemicals management and environmental and human health protection.

To foster public awareness and knowledge of substances throughout the risk management process, work is ongoing to explore the establishment of a tri-national center for informed substitution, under the Commission for Environmental Cooperation operated under the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement. Policy levers to advance and support the identification, development, and use of safer or more sustainable alternatives for substances already in commerce that are associated with substitution challenges are being considered and identified with key trading partners. 

The Government of Canada will continue to implement its obligations under MEAs. Canada will continue to participate actively in MEAs such as the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm, and Minamata Conventions and the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). In addition, Canada will continue to participate in international frameworks such as the Global Framework on Chemicals, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Group of Seven (G7) and enhance efforts to address impacts of chemicals and wastes on biodiversity, internationally and domestically, as described in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

Additional information on substances and risks

For further information on substances and risk communication, we invite you to consult the following websites:

4 Activities or initiatives that promote the development and incorporation of alternative methods and strategies to replace, reduce or refine vertebrate animal testing

A strategy is being developed to guide Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada efforts to replace, reduce or refine the use of vertebrate animals for the purposes of assessing substances under CEPA. A Notice of Intent regarding the development of this strategy was published on November 30, 2023. Comments were invited on this notice, including the proposed key elements to be addressed under the strategy, to help inform the development of the strategy. Stakeholders, Indigenous partners and other interested parties will have the opportunity to provide input on the proposed strategy through a public consultation. Publication of the strategy is expected by June 13, 2025, and will be available on the CEPA Registry.

5 Amendments to the Plan

To ensure predictability, transparency and flexibility to accommodate emerging priorities, updates to the Plan will be communicated publicly through supporting web pages and/or other resources to ensure stakeholders are kept abreast.

6 How to provide feedback and input

Interested parties may, within 60 days after publication of the proposed Plan, file with the Minister of the Environment written comments on the proposed Plan via the methods below.

Please include “Comments on the Proposed Plan of Priorities” in the subject line of your email or document.

By E-mail:

By Mail:

Plan of Priorities Team, Chemicals Management Division
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Place Vincent Massey, 351 St. Joseph Blvd
Gatineau, QC  K1A 0H3

Telephone: 1-800-567-1999 (within Canada) or 819-938-3232 (outside of Canada)

Any person who provides information to the Minister of the Environment may request that it be treated as confidential under section 313 of CEPA. The request for confidentiality must be accompanied by reasons taking into account the criteria set out in paragraphs 20(1)(a) to (d) of the Access to Information Act.

Comments received on this proposed Plan will be considered for the development of the Plan, which will be published by June 13, 2025, as per legislative requirements. Consultation and engagement with stakeholders and partners are also required when any updates are made to the Plan.

6.1 Stay updated on the latest news

Stakeholders, partners and members of the public who are interested in being notified of actions being taken by the Government of Canada to assess and manage substances are invited to subscribe for the latest news on the Chemicals Management Plan - In addition, the CMP produces a quarterly mail-out to stakeholders and partners listing risk management publications for the coming year. For additional details, refer to Engaging in risk management and Making information available. Stakeholders, partners and members of the public who would like to receive CMP Publication Plans by email can contact:

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