A Performance Indicator Framework for Accessibility Data: Procurement of Goods, Services, and Facilities

American Sign Language (ASL) version of On this page, Alternate formats and list of acronyms (no audio, no captions)

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Alternate formats

Performance Indicator Framework for Accessibility Data: Procurement of Goods, Services, and Facilities [PDF - 311 KB]

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List of acronyms

Accessible Canada Act
Canadian Human Rights Commission
Commercial off-the-shelf
Public Services and Procurement Canada

List of definitions

American Sign Language (ASL) version of definitions of accessible, barrier, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS), and disability (no audio, no captions)

Refers to how easily something - including a device, service, physical environment and/or information - can be accessed and enjoyed on an equal basis.
Refers to anything - including anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice - that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation (as defined by the Accessible Canada Act).
Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
Ready-made hardware or software that is modified after purchase to meet the needs of the purchasing organization.
Refers to any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment - or a functional limitation - whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders a person's full and equal participation in society (as defined by the Accessible Canada Act).

American Sign Language (ASL) version of definitions of disability-inclusive suppliers, federally regulated entities, procurement, proportion, and solicitation (no audio, no captions)

Disability-inclusive suppliers
Suppliers who make a dedicated, consistent, and measurable effort to implement disability-inclusive practices. Examples include having an organizational policy on disability inclusion, recruiting and hiring persons with disabilities, offering reasonable accommodations to candidates and personnel with disabilities, providing accessible premises, ensuring that their supply chains are disability-inclusive and/or manufacturing accessible goods following universal design principles, etc.
Federally regulated entities
Organizations or businesses that fall under the Canada Labour Code and are subject to federal regulations. Examples include banks, national parks, telecommunications companies, national transportation companies, and federal government organizations.
The act of purchasing and/or arranging the leasing of goods, services, and facilities.
A measurement that describes a part, share, or number considered in comparison to the whole. It is always expressed between 0 and 1 or as a percentage.
The request sent to one or more potential suppliers seeking a bid or proposal in response to a purchasing need.

American Sign Language (ASL) version of definitions of supplier, Ambition for procurement of goods, services and facilities and Performance indicators (no audio, no captions)

A vendor of goods and services.

Ambition for procurement of goods, services and facilities

Barrier-free procurement processes for goods, services and facilities.

Performance indicators

Performance indicators are a specific, observable, and measurable characteristic. They are used to show progress (either positive, or negative) towards achieving a specific outcome.

Each performance indicator includes a description and data sources that will help inform progress against that indicator. In some instances, data sources are still being identified.

The following list only contains core indicators. Core indicators are high-level performance indicators that measure progress and trends over time. These measures identify the achievement of a specific outcome (either positive or negative). An example includes the proportion of federally regulated entities that consult persons with disabilities on the accessibility of the procurement process.

Core indicators

American Sign Language (ASL) version of Core indicators, Proportion of organizations that have a process for accessible procurement, Proportion of organizations that have accessible supplier-facing procurement systems, and Proportion of solicitations that include accessibility considerations (no audio, no captions)

1. Proportion of organizations that have a process for accessible procurement


This indicator refers to organizations, including federally regulated entities, that have an established process for incorporating accessibility into the procurement practices. For example, Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) has developed guidance for considering accessibility from the early stages of the procurement process.

Data source

  • Data sources are being explored

2. Proportion of organizations that have accessible supplier-facing procurement systems


This indicator refers to organizations, including federally regulated entities, that have accessible supplier-facing procurement systems.

Data source

  • Data sources are being explored

3. Proportion of solicitations that include accessibility considerations


This indicator refers to solicitations to suppliers for products and services which have accessibility consideration in their requirements.

The scope of this indicator excludes the procurement of goods and services where accessibility considerations are not applicable (for example, the purchase of fuel).

Data source

  • Data sources are being explored

American Sign Language (ASL) version of Proportion of awarded contracts that include accessibility requirements, Proportion of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products that are accessible, and Proportion of products tested for accessibility (no audio, no captions)

4. Proportion of awarded contracts that include accessibility requirements


The indicator refers to awarded contracts that do and do not contain accessibility requirements. Examples of contracts include a lease agreement, a purchase order, etc. The indicator also refers to the number of contracts awarded to disability-inclusive suppliers.

Data source

  • Data sources are being explored

5. Proportion of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products that are accessible


This indicator refers to commercial products that do not require additional modifications to meet the needs of users with disabilities. It also refers to commercial products that may require modifications to meet accessibility needs.

Data source

  • Data sources are being explored

6. Proportion of products tested for accessibility


This indicator refers to organizations that have a process in place to test the accessibility of products, including COTS products, either in-house or via a third party. It also refers to the frequency of this testing.

Data source

  • Data sources are being explored

American Sign Language (ASL) version of Proportion of organizations that engage persons with disabilities in the accessibility of the procurement process, Number of organizations that provide mandatory training on accessible procurement and Proportion of suppliers registered on canadabuys.canada.ca that are considered disability-inclusive (no audio, no captions)

7. Proportion of organizations that engage persons with disabilities in the accessibility of the procurement process


This indicator refers to organizations, including federally regulated entities, that engage persons with disabilities in one or more stages of the procurement process (for example, during usability testing).

Data source

  • Data sources are being explored

8. Number of organizations that provide mandatory training on accessible procurement


This indicator refers to the availability of training on accessible procurement and whether that training is mandatory for persons working in procurement. The indicator also refers to employees working in procurement who have completed training on accessible procurement (mandatory or optional).

Data source

  • Data sources are being explored

9. Proportion of suppliers registered on canadabuys.canada.ca that are considered disability-inclusive


This indicator refers to suppliers that are registered on canadabuys.canada.ca that are certified as inclusive and diverse by an organization such as the Inclusive Workplace and Supply Council of Canada.

Data source

  • Data sources are being explored

American Sign Language (ASL) version of Number of complaints received by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC), Find data on the procurement of goods, services and facilities, Find performance indicators on and Related links (no audio, no captions)

10. Number of complaints received by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC)


This indicator refers to complaints filed by an individual further to experiencing harm because a regulated entity has not complied with an aspect or element of a regulation made under the Accessible Canada Act (ACA) and resolved in favour of the applicant.

Data source

  • Data sources are being explored

Find data on the procurement of goods, services and facilities: Accessibility Statistics Hub.

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