A Performance Indicator Framework for Accessibility Data: Design and Delivery of Programs and Services
American Sign Language (ASL) version of On this page, Alternate formats and List of acronyms (no audio, no captions)
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Alternate formats
Performance Indicator Framework for Accessibility Data: Design and Delivery of Programs and Services [PDF - 311 KB]
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List of acronyms
- Accessible Canada Act
- Canadian Human Rights Commission
- Canadian Survey on Disability
List of definitions
American Sign Language (ASL) version of definitions of accessibility support, accessible, barrier, client, and discrimination (no audio, no captions)
- Accessibility support
- An accommodation, aid or assistive device used by persons with disabilities to fully access a program or service. Examples include a large print form.
- Accessible
- Refers to how easily something - including a device, service, physical environment and/or information - can be accessed, used and enjoyed on an equal basis.
- Barrier
- Refers to anything - including anything physical, architectural, technological or attitudinal, anything that is based on information or communications or anything that is the result of a policy or a practice - that hinders the full and equal participation in society of persons with an impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment or a functional limitation (as defined by the Accessible Canada Act).
- Client
- The direct user or recipient of a program or service.
- Discrimination
- Discrimination is an action or a decision that treats a person or a group badly for reasons such as their race, age or disability (as defined by the Canadian Human Rights Act).
American Sign Language (ASL) version of definitions of disability, federally regulated entities, program, and proportion (no audio, no captions)
- Disability
- Refers to any impairment, including a physical, mental, intellectual, cognitive, learning, communication or sensory impairment - or a functional limitation - whether permanent, temporary or episodic in nature, or evident or not, that, in interaction with a barrier, hinders a person's full and equal participation in society (as defined by the Accessible Canada Act).
- Federally regulated entities
- Organizations or businesses that fall under the Canada Labour Code and are subject to federal regulations. Examples include banks, national parks, telecommunications companies, national transportation companies, and federal government organizations.
- Program
- A group of related activities that are designed and managed to meet a specific public need and delivered through a collection of services (adapted from Treasury Board Secretariat). Examples of programs administered by the federal government include the Employment Insurance Program, the Canada Pension Plan, the Disability Tax Credit Program, etc.
- Proportion
- A measurement that describes a part, share, or number considered in comparison to the whole. It is always expressed between 0 and 1 or as a percentage.
American Sign Language (ASL) version of definitions of service and service channel, Ambition for design and delivery of programs and services, and Performance Indicators (no audio, no captions)
- Service
- The process of addressing the needs of the public or specific groups. Examples of services administered by federally regulated entities include direct deposit for automatic transfer of payments from a government program to a bank account and online accounts that enable secure submission of documents.
- Service Channel
- The mode of service where interactions between a client and an organization occur. Examples of service channels include in-person, online, phone, mail, fax, etc.
Ambition for Design and Delivery of Programs and Services
Barrier-free programs and services for persons with disabilities.
Performance indicators
Performance indicators are a specific, observable, and measurable characteristic. They are used to show progress (either positive, or negative) towards achieving a specific outcome.
Each performance indicator includes a description and data sources that will help inform progress against that indicator. In some instances, data sources are still being identified.
The following list contains only core indicators. Core indicators are high-level performance indicators that measure progress and trends over time. These measures identify the achievement of a specific outcome (either positive or negative). An example includes the proportion of organizations including federally regulated entities that provide training on accessible program and service delivery.
Core indicators
American Sign Language (ASL) version of Core indicators, Proportion of persons with disabilities who experience barriers when accessing programs and services, Proportion of persons with disabilities with unmet needs related to programs and services, and Proportion of persons with disabilities who receive required assistance to navigate programs and services (no audio, no captions)
1. Proportion of persons with disabilities who experience barriers when accessing programs and services
This indicator refers to barriers to accessibility encountered when accessing and interacting with a program or service. Examples of barriers include a lack of clear instructions, a lack of accessibility supports, or features that are not compatible with assistive devices.
Data source
2. Proportion of persons with disabilities with unmet needs related to programs and services
This indicator refers to instances when persons with disabilities are unable to access a program or a service or cannot complete an enquiry or application due one or more barriers to accessibility. Examples of barriers include a lack of accessibility supports, a lack of available assistance, a lack of information on how to request assistance, or incompatibility with an assistive device.
Data source
- Data sources are being explored
3. Proportion of persons with disabilities who receive required assistance to navigate programs and services
This indicator refers to assistance provided to persons with disabilities to access programs and services. Examples include assistance provided over the phone or in person to complete an application form or submit a document.
Data source
- Data sources are being explored
American Sign Language (ASL) version of Proportion of persons with disabilities who experience barriers due to a lack of service channels offered, Proportion of programs and services that have a navigator function, and Proportion of organizations that provide training on accessible program and service delivery (no audio, no captions)
4. Proportion of persons with disabilities who experience barriers due to a lack of service channels offered
This indicator refers to the modes of communication available when accessing a program or service. Examples of service channels include in-person, online, phone, e-mail, mail, fax or by text.
Data source
- Data sources are being explored
5. Proportion of programs and services that have a navigator function
This indicator refers to the provision of in-person or online assistance to support persons with disabilities through each step of a given part of a program or service.
Data source
- Data sources are being explored
6. Proportion of organizations that provide training on accessible program and service delivery
This indicator refers to training offered by organizations, including federally regulated entities, that aims to equip employees with the skills to better serve and work alongside persons with disabilities. This indicator also refers to the completion rates of employee training on accessible program and service delivery.
Data source
- Data sources are being explored
American Sign Language (ASL) version of Number of complaints received by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC), Proportion of persons with disabilities who experience discrimination when interacting with a program or service and Proportion of persons with disabilities who report satisfaction with programs and services (no audio, no captions)
7. Number of complaints received by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC)
This indicator refers to complaints filed by an individual further to experiencing harm because a regulated entity has not complied with an aspect or element of a regulation made under the Accessible Canada Act (ACA) and resolved in favour of the applicant.
Data source
- Data sources are being explored
8. Proportion of persons with disabilities who experience discrimination when interacting with a program or service
This indicator refers to persons with disabilities who experience discrimination when accessing a program or interacting with a service.
Data source
9. Proportion of persons with disabilities who report satisfaction with programs and services
This indicator refers to persons with disabilities who report having a satisfactory experience when accessing a program or interacting with a service.
Data source
- Data sources are being explored
American Sign Language (ASL) version of Find data on the design and delivery of programs and services, Find performance indicators on and Related links (no audio, no captions)
Find data on the design and delivery of programs and services: Accessibility Statistics Hub.
Find performance indicators on
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