Workplace harassment and violence prevention program

Important note

If you believe that your life/physical safety, or that of someone you know in the workplace, is at immediate risk, please contact the Military Police if you are on a base, wing, or in a DND building. If not on DND property, call 911.

Report harassment and violence: Notice of Occurrence form – Harassment and Violence in the Workplace.

5. WHVP assessments

Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention (WHVP) assessments are mandatory for all DND and CAF workplaces. The goal is to assess a workplace for hazards that risk exposing personnel to workplace harassment and violence and then to mitigate those risks in the aid of preventing occurrences. The WHVP assessment should form part of a workplace’s Hazard Prevention Program.

Health and Safety Committees (or the health and safety representatives as applicable) and a Chain of Command (CoC)/manager representative must collaboratively complete an assessment of harassment and violence risk factors within their workplaces. Together, they must review the assessment once every three years and recommend modifying preventive measures as required. In addition, the assessment must be reviewed whenever:

For more information on what these assessments entail, please consult the Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Assessment Guide (accessible only via the DWAN).

Note: CoC/manager representatives should have decision making authority in financial, operational, personnel, and policy matters.

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