Part 3 - Special Circumstances
Chapter 13. Moves of Reservists
On this page
- 13.01 Introduction
- 13.02 Meaning of "Period of employment"
- 13.03 Timing – DCBA authorization
- Section 13.1 Moves for Reserve Service
- 13.1.01 Eligibility
- 13.1.02 Limitation of benefits
- 13.1.03 Time limit
- 13.1.04 Return to assist
- 13.1.05 Funding and authority for HHT/DIT and TNL – Class A
- 13.1.06 Sale and purchase of a residence
- 13.1.07 Reserve Relocation Allowance (RRA)
- 13.1.08 Reserve Relocation Allowance (RRA) – administration
- 13.1.09 Service couples – Regular and Reserve Force
- 13.1.10 Voluntary early termination of employment
- Section 13.2 Return Moves
13.01 Introduction
This chapter sets out the relocation entitlements specific to a Reserve Force member where DCBA has authorized:
- a move for Reserve service; or
- a Return Move at the completion of that service.
13.02 Meaning of "Period of employment"
- For the purposes of this chapter, a "period of employment" means the continuous period that includes:
- the initial period of Class "B" or "C" Reserve service as indicated on the DCBA relocation authority message;
- any extensions to that initial period of Class "B" or "C" Reserve service (i.e. same unit/position);
- any new period of Class "B" or "C" Reserve service resulting from a move to a different position within the same place of duty and within the same organization, where that move is initiated by the same Command, hiring authority, or employing unit; and
- any subsequent period at that same place of duty that the member is receiving a benefit under CBI 210.72 (Reserve Force – Compensation During A Period Of Injury, Disease Or Illness).
- For the purposes of determining the "continuous" period at paragraph (1), any periods of maternity or parental Leave Without Pay (LWOP) and any annuitant breaks shall not reduce the period of continuous service.
13.03 Timing – DCBA authorization
DCBA will not authorize any move under this chapter more than six months before:
- the commencement date of a period of employment (for a move for Reserve service under Section 13.1; and
- the end date of a period of employment (for a Return Move under Section 13.2).
Section 13.1 Moves for Reserve Service
13.1.01 Eligibility
A Reserve Force member is eligible to benefits under the CAFRD for a move for Reserve service if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
- the initial period of Class "B" or "C" Reserve service is for one year or more;
- that service,
- is for succession planning purposes as confirmed by the appropriate Command,
- is for Naval Reserve service, or
- in any other case, has been nationally advertised and that advertisement specified that a move of (D)HG&E may be authorized;
- the relocation is recommended by the appropriate Command or Hiring Authority; and
- the relocation is approved by DCBA.
13.1.02 Limitation of benefits
- The entitlements for a Reserve Force member authorized to move under this section are generally the same as those contained in Parts 1 and 2, except for the following:
- time limit;
- funding and authority for HHT/DIT/TNL;
- purchase and sale of a residence;
- Reserve Relocation Allowance;
- service couples; and
- early termination of employment.
- In accordance with CBI 208.997 (Separation Expense), a Reserve Force member serving on Class "B" Reserve service is not entitled to receive any benefits under that CBI.
13.1.03 Time limit
- Subject to paragraph (2), a Reserve Force member must move (D)HG&E within two years of the commencement date of the period of employment, provided there is at least one year remaining in the period of employment. For the purposes of determining the move date, the HG&E load date shall be used.
- Where an IR status has been authorized for a Reserve Force member on Class "C" Reserve service, the two year period will commence once the IR status has been lifted. However, the one-year-remaining rule at paragraph (1) continues to apply.
- Failure to meet this deadline, for other than service reasons, will result in forfeiture of unused relocation benefits.
13.1.04 Return to assist
When the move of HG&E occurs after the commencement of the period of employment, Reserve Force members are entitled to return to their primary residence to assist with the move. They will be reimbursed in accordance with CAFRD 11.2.14 (Return to assist).
13.1.05 Funding and authority for HHT/DIT and TNL – Class A
When authorized by the gaining employing unit, a Reserve Force member may proceed on HHT/DIT and TNL on Class "A" Reserve service prior to the commencement of the period of employment.
13.1.06 Sale and purchase of a residence
Despite the conditions and time limits contained elsewhere in this directive, the conditions and time limits related to the sale and purchase of a residence for a move under this section are governed by CAFRD subsections and
(T) Sale at origin – move for service
For a move for Reserve service, a Reserve Force member is entitled to claim benefits in Chapter 8 in respect of the sale of a principal residence at origin, provided that the closing date of that sale is:
- no more than three months prior to the commencement date of the period of employment, or the date of the DCBA move authorization message, whichever is earlier;
- no more than two years after the commencement date of the period of employment (or two years after the restriction to move (D)HG&E is lifted for a member on Class "C" Reserve service); and
- prior to the termination date of the period of employment.
(T) Purchase at new place of duty – move for service
- For a move for Reserve service, a Reserve Force member is entitled to claim benefits in Chapter 8 in respect of the purchase of a replacement residence at the new place of duty if all the following conditions are satisfied:
- the period of employment is for two years or more;
- the closing date of the purchase is no more than two years after the commencement date of the initial period of employment (or two years after the restriction to move (D)HG&E is lifted for a member on Class "C" Reserve service); and
- on the closing date of the purchase, there is at least one year remaining in the period of employment.
- For the purposes of subparagraph (1)(b):
- an extension to a period of employment does not extend the entitlement period of two years; and
- where the member is tasked (on training, attach posting or temporary duty) outside the geographical boundaries of the new permanent workplace for a period of 30 days or more and the time limit has not expired, the time limit is extended by the equivalent number of days tasked.
13.1.07 Reserve Relocation Allowance (RRA)
- A Reserve Force member who is moved for Reserve service is entitled to receive the RRA of $1,000.
- Both members of a Reserve Force service couple are entitled to receive the RRA if they are each authorized relocation benefits by DCBA for a period of Class "B" or "C" Reserve service.
- A Reserve Force member who is entitled to relocation benefits and is relocated with their Regular Force spouse is entitled to the RRA only when the service couple moves a dependant to the new place of duty.
13.1.08 Reserve Relocation Allowance (RRA) – administration
- The RRA is administered by the CAF, through the Reserve Force pay system.
- The RRA may be paid to the member at any time during the relocation process.
13.1.09 Service couples – Regular and Reserve Force
- When a Regular Force member is posted and the spouse who is a Reserve Force member obtains a period of employment, the spouse shall be relocated under the Regular Force member’s move.
- A spouse who is a Reserve Force member and who obtains employment after relocating with their Regular Force spouse is considered to be locally hired.
13.1.10 Voluntary early termination of employment
- Subject to paragraph (3), a Reserve Force member who voluntarily terminates their employment before completing one year of their initial period of Class "B" or "C" Reserve service is disentitled to relocation benefits and all relocation benefits received by or paid on behalf of the member are subject to recovery in accordance with QR&O 203.04 (Overpayments).
- For greater certainty, voluntary termination includes cases where a member terminates their employment because the member has applied for and accepted Reserve employment elsewhere within the same place of duty.
- A Reserve Force member who is offered and accepts a Component Transfer into the Regular Force is not subject to recovery of relocation benefits. However, the member forfeits any entitlement to a Return Move as the member is no longer a Reserve Force member and therefore not eligible to benefits under this chapter.
Section 13.2 Return Moves
13.2.01 Return Move
- A Reserve Force member is entitled to a Return Move from the location to which they were last moved at public expense for a period of Reserve service, if the initial period of employment for which they were authorized to move, as indicated on the DCBA relocation authority message:
- has been completed by the Reserve Force member; or
- has been terminated or reduced by the appropriate Command, Hiring Authority or employing unit for reasons other than misconduct.
- A Reserve Force member who voluntarily terminates their employment before completing the initial period of Class "B" or "C" Reserve service is not entitled to a Return Move.
- A Reserve Force member may move to:
- within 100 km of the residence from which they were last moved at public expense for a period of Reserve service; or
- any other location in Canada, but the amount of the benefits reimbursed shall not exceed the amount of the benefits payable for a move under subparagraph (a).
- There is no entitlement to move to a new residence that is 40 km or less from the current residence.
13.2.02 Return Move – administration and limitations
- A Return Move must be requested by the Reserve Force member, through their chain of command to DCBA (see also CAFRD 13.03). The authority to conduct a Return Move is issued by DCBA.
- DCBA must be advised in cases where a period of employment is extended after the Return Move authorization has been issued.
- The benefits for a Return Move are generally the same as for a move for Reserve service under this chapter, except for the following:
- time limit;
- Reserve Force pay;
- purchase and sale of a residence; and
- RRA.
13.2.03 Time limit
Return Move benefits must be exercised and claimed within one year of completion/termination of the period of employment. When there are further periods of Class "B" or "C" employment within the same place of duty, the time limit will be extended by the corresponding number of days served in the new employment.
13.2.04 Reserve Force pay
There is no authority for a member to be paid for Class "A" or "B" Reserve service in respect of any Return Move relocation activity that occurs after the period of employment has ended.
13.2.05 Sale and purchase of a residence
Despite the conditions and time limits contained elsewhere in this directive, the conditions and time limits related to the sale and purchase of a residence for a move under this section are governed by CAFRD subsections to
(T) Sale at current place of duty – Return Move
For a Return Move, a Reserve Force member is entitled to claim benefits in Chapter 8 in respect of the sale of a principal residence at the current place of duty if all the following conditions are satisfied:
- the member was entitled under the CAFRD or a previous CFIRP Directive to claim purchase benefits at the current place of duty;
- the closing date of the sale is no more than one year before the termination date of the period of employment; and
- the closing date of the sale is before the expiry date of the Return Move benefits under CAFRD 13.2.03.
(T) Purchase at destination – Return Move
For a Return Move, a Reserve Force member is entitled to claim benefits in Chapter 8 in respect of the purchase of a replacement residence at the Return Move destination if all the following conditions are satisfied:
- the member did not receive the REI benefit under Chapter 8 for a residence at the Return Move destination;
- the closing date of the purchase is no more than one year before the termination date of the period of employment; and
- the closing date of the purchase is before the expiry date of the Return Move benefits under CAFRD 13.2.03.
13.2.06 Reserve Relocation Allowance (RRA) – Return Move
The RRA is not payable in respect of a Return Move.
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