Rapports du Quartier général militaire canadien (QGMC), 1940 à 1948

Les Rapports du Quartier général militaire canadien (QGMC) compilent des récits portant sur la participation canadienne à la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

La Marine royale canadienne, l'Armée canadienne et l'Aviation royale canadienne ont nommé des officiers historiens pour rédiger des rapports qui constitueraient la base des histoires militaires canadiennes officielles à venir (c.-à-d. l’Histoire officielle de l’Armée canadienne).

Les Rapports du QGMC constituent la collection la plus formelle et la plus complète de rapports. Ils ont été documentés et rédigés par des officiers du service historique du QGMC à Londres, en Angleterre, entre 1940 et 1948.

Le major (plus tard colonel) C.P. Stacey a été nommé officier historien, état-major général, au Quartier général canadien à Londres, en Angleterre, le 11 octobre 1940. Le lieutenant-général H. D. G. Crerar, chef d’état-major général, a recommandé la nomination du Maj Stacey. Sa tâche consistait « à amasser et à préparer des documents que pourrait utiliser plus tard l’historien officiel, et à garder trace de documents historiques qui disparaîtraient autrement ou qui ne seraient pas disponibles. » Footnote 1

Les rapports suivants du QGMC sont déclassifiés et seront affichés en ligne au fil du temps. Vous pouvez aussi consulter des copies imprimées à la salle de recherche des archives historiques de la DHP. En tant que documents historiques, ces rapports sont seulement disponibles en anglais.

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Title Date Report #
Trans-Atlantic Voyage. Conditions in London. le 31 déc. 1940 1
Work of the Public Relations Officer, CMHQ. le 7 jan. 1941 2
Further on Public Relations; Interview with Mr. James Spence, etc. le 10 jan. 1941 3
Visit to Borden Camp; Br. Page's reminiscences of Iceland, etc. The War and the English Countryside. le 10 jan. 1941 4
Canadian Military Headquarters, London: Description le 17 jan. 1941 5
The Records Branch, CMHQ. le 20 jan. 1941 6
Visit to Welwyn. Sketch of Canadian Medical Establishments in the U.K. Further on the wartime aspect of the English Countryside. le 22 jan. 1941 7
Conditions in London. le 24 jan. 1941 8
Canadian Auxiliary Services in the United Kingdom. le 31 jan. 1941 9
Visit to Headquarters Canadian Corps; interview with Lieut-Gen McNaughton. Present state of the Corps, and plans for its development. le 18 févr. 1941 10
Canadian Corps Exercise "FOX"; Redhill by-pass. le 22 févr. 1941 11
Visit to 2nd Divisional Signals, Aldershot. le 24 févr. 1941 12
Canadian Corps Exercise "DOG". le 8 mars 1941 13
Visit to Canadian Junior War Staff Course. le 10 mars 1941 14
Activities of Canadian Forces in the U.K. 1939-40. le 13 mars 1941 15
Canadian Section, G.H.Q., 2nd Echelon. le 17 mars 1941 16
Renewal of Enemy air activity over Britain. The Present Phase of the War. le 18 mars 1941 17
Visit to Canadian Light Anti-Aircraft Units, Colchester. le 22 mars 1941 18
Royal Inspection of 2nd Canadian Division, 27 Mar 41. le 3 avr. 1941 19
Cinema Films Taken at Canadian Corps HQ; Newsreel Films of Canadian Activity le 4 avr. 1941 20
Closing Exercises, Second Course, Canadian O.C.T.U.; Training of Junior Officers. le 24 avr. 1941 21
Closing Exercises, Canadian Junior War Staff Course. le 24 avr. 1941 22
Canadian Corps Exercise "HARE". le 26 avr. 1941 23
Recent Enemy Air Raids on London. le 30 avr. 1941 24
Canadian Casualties in Recent London Raids. le 5 mai 1941 25
Representation of the War in Art in the UK. le 8 mai 1941 26
Present Phase of the War. Recent Enemy Air Raids on Britain. le 23 mai 1941 27
The Loss of the S.S. “Nerissa”. le 31 mai 1941 28
Visit to Units of the Canadian Forestry Corps, Scotland. Notes on the History and Work of this Corps le 31 mai 1941 29
Canadian Tunnelling Detachment at Loch Laggan. le 4 juin 1941 30
No. 1 Canadian Convalescent Depot, Brixham, Devon le 7 juin 1941 31
Canadian Base Depot - Activities of Personnel of this Depot During Merseyside Air Raids. le 13 juin 1941 32
Situation of the Canadian Forces in the United Kingdom, Summer of 1941: I - Position and Role of the Canadian Forces. le 23 juin 1941 33
South-Eastern Command Exercise "WATERLOO". le 21 juin 1941 34
Co-operation of Canadian Base Depot with Home Guard Units. le 21 juil. 1941 35
Situation of the Canadian Forces in the United Kingdom, Summer, 1941. Part II: Recent Changes in Commands and Staffs. le 7 juil. 1941 36
Presentation of Colours by HM The King to Carleton and York Regiment and Edmonton Regiment, Dominion Day, 1941. le 15 juil. 1941 37
Situation of the Canadian Forces in the United Kingdom, Summer, 1941. Part III: The Problem of Accommodation. le 28 juil. 1941 38
Mock Attack in City of London, 27 Jul 1941. le 30 juil. 1941 39
55th Division Exercise "ALBERT" (Divisional phase): 31 Jul - 2 Aug 41. le 7 août 1941 40
Movement of Second Canadian Division to South Coast. le 9 août 1941 41
Visit to Canadian Army Tank Brigade. le 13 août 1941 42
Arrival of Main Body of Third Canadian Division in the United Kingdom, Jul 1941. le 15 août 1941 43
Demonstration of "Offensive Demolitions" by 5 Corps, 18 Aug 41. le 20 août 1941 44
Situation of the Canadian Forces in the United Kingdom, Summer, 1941. Part IV: Growth of Canadian Military Force in the United Kingdom. Progress of Canadian Overseas Army Programme, 1941. Notes on Sea Transport. le 2 sept. 1 941 45
Situation of the Canadian Forces in the United Kingdom, Summer, 1941. Part V: The Problem of Equipment. le 19 sept. 1 941 46
Visits of Rt. Hon. W.L. Mackenzie King to Canadian Troops in England. le 23 sept. 1 941 47
Royal Inspection of Third Canadian Division, 18 Sep 41. le 23 sept. 1 941 48
Home Forces Exercise "BUMPER" (Army Manoeuvres), 29 Sep - 3 Oct 41. le 27 oct.1941 49
Presentation of Colours by Her Majesty The Queen to Saskatoon Light Infantry (M.G.), 24 Oct 41. le 31 oct.1941 50
Censorship of Mail, Canadian Army Overseas. Field Censors' Notes as Material for History. le 31 oct.1941 51
Visit of Minister of National Defence and Chief of the General Staff to the Canadian Army Overseas, Oct 41. le 12 nov. 1941 52
The Educational Programme of the Canadian Army Overseas, 1940-41. le 30 nov. 1941 53
Arrival of Fifth Canadian (Armoured) Division in the United Kingdom, Oct-Nov 41. le 30 nov. 1941 54
Situation of the Canadian Forces in the United Kingdom, Winter, 1941. Part I: Recent Changes in Commands and Staff. le 9 déc. 1941 55
The Spitzbergen OPERATION, August-September 1941 (Special Expedition 111; Exercise "HEATHER"; OPERATION "GAUNTLET"). le 20 déc. 1941 56
Canadian Anti-Aircraft Units Deployed in Air Defence of Great Britain. le 30 déc. 1941 57
Situation of the Canadian Forces in the United Kingdom, Winter, 1941-42. Part II: Position and Role of Canadian Forces. le 19 jan. 1942 58
Situation of the Canadian Forces in the United Kingdom, Winter, 1941-42. Part III: Growth of Canadian Military Force in the United Kingdom, September 1941 - January 1942. le 29 jan. 1942 59
Canadian Corps Study Week, 19-23 Jan 1942. Corps Training Programme, Winter, 1941-42. le 29 jan. 1942 60
Correspondence of General McNaughton with British Officers, etc., 1940-1941. le 13 févr. 1942 61
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces in the United Kingdom, Winter, 1941-42. Part IV: Progress in Equipment. le 22 févr. 1942 62
Passing-out ceremony, eighth course, Canadian Officer Cadet Training Unit, 7 Mar 42. Transfer of Canadian O.C.T.U. to Canada. le 18 Mar 1942 63
War Artists Programme, Canadian Army Overseas. le 18 Mar 1942 64
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces in the United Kingdom, Spring, 1942. Part I: Recent Changes in Commands and Staffs. le 31 Mar 1942 65
Further Material on Educational Programme of the Canadian Army Overseas. le 10 avr. 1942 66
Plans for British Official Histories of the Present War. le 17 avr. 1942 67
Visit of Their Majesties The King and Queen to Fifth Canadian (Armoured) Division, 24 Apr 42. Progress of Canadian Armoured Formations. le 29 avr. 1942 68
Formation of Headquarters, First Canadian Army (6 avr. 42). le 18 mai 1942 69
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces in the United Kingdom, Spring, 1942. Part II: Training Programme of 1st Canadian Corps. Exercises "BEAVER III", 22-24 Apr 42, and "BEAVER IV", 10-13 May 42. le 18 mai 1942 70
Taking of Conscription Plebiscite for Canadian Forces Overseas le 18 mai 1942 71
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces in the United Kingdom, Spring, 1942. Part III: Position and Roles of Canadian Forces. le 3 juin 1942 72
South Eastern Command Exercise "TIGER", 19-30 May 42. le 24 juin 1942 73
Further material on the Spitzbergen OPERATION Aug-Sep 1941. le 24 juin 1942 74
Material on General Activities of Canadian Army Overseas, 1941-1942. le 30 juin 1942 75
Further material on British Plans for Preparation of Official Histories. Present state of Canadian Army Historical Activities Overseas. le 2 juil. 1942 76
Canadian Confederation Anniversary Service, Westminster Abbey, Dominion Day, 1942. le 6 juil. 1942 77
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces in the United Kingdom, Summer, 1942. Part I: Recent Changes in Commands and Staffs. le 31 juil. 1942 78
Courses for Canadian Service Personnel at Oxford and London Universities. le 12 août 1942 79
Work of Canadian Tunnelling Units at Gibraltar, 1940-1942. le 17 août 1942 80
Canadian Participation in OPERATION "ABERCROMBIE", 22 Apr 42. le 26 août 1942 81
Further Material on Work of War Artists, Canadian Army Overseas. le 19 sept. 1 942 82
Preliminary Report on OPERATION "JUBILEE" (The Raid on Dieppe) 19 Aug 42. le 19 sept. 1 942 83
Project for Preliminary Historical Narrative, Canadian Army Overseas, 1939-40. le 14 oct.1942 84
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces in the United Kingdom, Autumn, 1942. Part I: Growth of the Force in the United Kingdom, January-September, 1942. le 30 oct.1942 85
Further Material Relative to Canadian Participation in OPERATION "ABERCROMBIE" 22 Apr 42, and to Projects for Cross-Channel Raiding by Canadian Troops, Sep 1941 - Apr 1942. le 21 nov. 1942 86
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces in the United Kingdom, Autumn, 1942. Part II: Recent Changes in Commands and Staffs. le 21 nov. 1942 87
Third Anniversary of Landing of First Flight of 1st Canadian Division. le 28 déc. 1942 88
The OPERATION at Dieppe, 19 Aug 42: Personal Stories of Participants. le 31 déc. 1942 89
The OPERATION at Dieppe, 19 Aug 42: Further Personal Stories of Participants. le 18 févr. 1943 90
Press Conference Concerning Organization of First Cdn Army and Arrangements for Press Representatives, 25 Feb 43. le 16 Mar 1943 91
General Activities, Canadian Army Overseas, Jun 1942 - Apr 1943. le 27 avr. 1943 92
Combined Operations Training, 1st Canadian Corps. le 29 avr. 1943 93
G.H.Q. Exercise "SPARTAN", March 1943. le 12 mai 1943 94
Attachment of Canadian Officers and Soldiers to First British Army in Tunisia, 1942-1943 le 12 mai 1943 95
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces in the United Kingdom, Spring, 1943. Part I: Recent Changes in Commands and Staffs. le 20 mai 1943 96
The Canadian Forestry Corps, 1941-1943. le 1 juin 1943 97
Article Dealing with the OPERATION at Dieppe, 19 Aug 42. le 15 juil. 1943 98
Progress of War Artist Programme, Canadian Army Overseas. le 15 juil. 1943 99
OPERATION "JUBILEE": The Raid on Dieppe, 19 Aug 42. Part I: The Preliminaries of the OPERATION. le 16 juil. 1943 100
OPERATION "JUBILEE": The Raid on Dieppe, 19 Aug 42. Part II: The Execution of the OPERATION. Section 1: General Outline and Flank Attacks. le 11 août 1943 101
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces Overseas, Summer, 1943. Part I: Recent Changes in Commands and Staffs. le 3 Sep 1943 102
Canadian Operations in Sicily, July-August 1943: Preliminary Report. le 8 oct.1943 103
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces Overseas, Autumn, 1943. Part I: Position and Roles of Canadian Forces in the United Kingdom. le 13 oct.1943 104
The Work of the Canadian Tunnelling Units at Gibraltar, 1942-43. le 26 oct.1943 105
Enemy Air Action and the Canadian Army in the United Kingdom, 1939-43. le 29 nov. 1943 106
The OPERATION at DIEPPE, 19 Aug 42: Further Personal Stories of Participants. le 29 nov. 1943 107
OPERATION “JUBILEE”: The Raid on Dieppe, 19 Aug 42. Part II: The Execution of the Operation. Section 2: The Attack on the Main Beaches. le 17 déc. 1943 108
OPERATION “JUBILEE”: The Raid on Dieppe, 19 Aug 42. Part III: Some Special Aspects. le 17 déc. 1943 109
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces Overseas, Autumn, 1943. Part II: Growth of the Canadian Army Overseas, October 1942 – October 1943. le 20 déc. 1943 110
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces Overseas, Autumn, 1943. Part III: Recent Changes in Commands and Staffs. le 31 déc. 1943 111
Policy with Respect to Honours and Awards, Canadian Army Overseas, 1939-44. le 25 jan. 1944 112
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces Overseas, Winter, 1943-4. Part I: Progress in Equipment (Feb 1942 - Dec 1943). le 26 jan. 1944 113
War Artists’ Activities, Mediterranean Area. le 6 Mar 1944 114
Contributions of Canadian Tunneling Companies to the War Effort in the British Isles, 1942-43. le 5 mai 1944 115
OPERATION “JUBILEE”: The Raid on Dieppe, 19 Aug 42. Additional Information from German Sources. le 10 mai 1944 116
The Canadian Forestry Corps, 1943-1944. le 25 mai 1944 117
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces Overseas, Spring, 1944. Recent Changes in Commands and Staffs. le 13 juin 1944 118
Canadian Relations with the People of the United Kingdom, and General Problems of Morale, 1939-44. le 30 juin 1944 119
The Canadian Women’s Army Corps Overseas. September 1939 – June 1944. le 31 juil. 1944 120
Canadian Operations in the LIRI Valley (Italy), May – June 1944. le 8 août 1944 121
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces Overseas, Spring, 1944. Growth of the Canadian Army Overseas, October 1943 – May 1944. le 29 août 1944 122
Battle Drill Training. le 31 août 1944 123
Return and Leave to Canada for Personnel of the Canadian Army Overseas. le 12 oct.1944 124
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces Overseas, Summer, 1944. Recent Changes in Commands and Staffs. le 25 oct.1944 125
Canadian Operations in Sicily, July – August 1943. Part I: The Preliminaries of OPERATION “HUSKY” (The Assault on Sicily). le 16 nov. 1944 126
Canadian Operations in Sicily, July – August 1943. Part II: The Execution of the Operation by 1 Cdn Inf Div. Section 1: The Assault and Initial Penetration Inland. le 16 nov. 1944 127
The OPERATION at DIEPPE, 19 Aug 42. Some New Information. le 20 nov. 1944 128
Canadian Operations in Italy. September – December 1943: Preliminary Report. le 25 nov. 1944 129
The OPERATION at DIEPPE, 19 Aug 42: Pictorial and Cartographical Material. le 27 nov. 1944 130
OPERATION “OVERLORD” and its Sequel: Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe, 6 Jun – 31 Jul 44 (Preliminary Report). le 12 févr. 1945 131
Canadian Operations in Sicily, July – August 1943. Part III: The Story of 1 Cdn Army Tk Bde. le 27 févr. 1945 132
Organization of the Canadian Reinforcement Units (United Kingdom): Historical Outline, 1940 - 45. le 29 mars 1945 133
Historical Sketch, Rates of Wastage of Personnel, Canadian Army Overseas, 1939-45. le 5 avr. 1945 134
Canadian Operations in Sicily, July – August 1943. Part II: The Execution of the Operation by 1 Cdn Inf Div. Section 2: The Pursuit of the Germans from VIZZINI to ADERNO 15 Jul – 6 Aug. le 4 mai 1945 135
Canadian Operations in Sicily, July – August 1943. Part II: The Execution of the Operation by 1 Cdn Inf Div. Section 3: Special Aspects of the Sicilian Campaign. le 4 mai 1945 136
Enemy Air Attacks and the Canadian Army in the United Kingdom, 1943-45: The V-Weapons. le 29 mai 1945 137
The 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion; Organization and Training, July 1942-June 1944. le 7 juil. 1945 138
The 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion in France (6 June – 6 September 1944) le 7 juil. 1945 139
Canadian Participation in Civil Affairs - Military Government. Part I: Background and Beginnings. le 10 juil. 1945 140
Situation of the Canadian Military Forces Overseas. Progress in Equipment (January – December 1944). le 18 juil. 1945 141
OPERATION “JUBILEE”: The Raid on Dieppe, 19 Aug 42. Further New Information. le 18 juil. 1945 142
Canadian Operations in Italy. 4 Jun 44 – 23 Feb 45. le 4 août 1945 143
Canadian Operations in Italy. September 1943. le 8 Sep 1945 144
The “CANLOAN” Scheme, 1943 to July 1945 le 27 Sep 1945 145
Operations of First Canadian Army in North-West Europe, 31 Jul – 1 Oct 44 (Preliminary Report). le 10 oct.1945 146
Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe, 1944. Part I: The Assault and Subsequent Operations of 3 Cdn Inf Div and 2 Cdn Armd Bde, 6-30 Jun 44. le 3 déc. 1945 147
Canadian Participation in Civil Affairs - Military Government. Part II: Planning and Training, 31 Jan 44 – 30 Jul 44. le 11 jan. 1946 148
Canadian Participation in Civil Affairs - Military Government. Part III: France, General Historical Survey, July-October 1944. le 18 jan. 1946 149
The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada in OPERATION "SPRING", 25 Jul 44. le 12 févr. 1946 150
The Canadian Forestry Corps 1944-45. le 18 mars 1946 151
The Concluding Phase: The Advance into North-West Germany and the Final Liberation of the Netherlands 23 Mar - 5 May 45. le 21 mars 1946 152
Operation "JUBILEE": The Raid on Dieppe , 19 Aug 42. New Light on Early Planning le 22 mars 1946 153
Clearing the Scheldt Estuary and Opening the Port of Antwerp: Operations of 1st Canadian Army in North-West Europe, 1 Oct - 8 Nov 44 (Preliminary Report). le 5 mai 1946 154
OPERATION "VERITABLE": The Winter Offensive Between the Maas and the Rhine, 8-25 Feb 45 (Preliminary Report). le 16 mai 1946 155
Selection and Training of Officers for the Canadian Army Overseas - 1940-1945. le 31 juil. 1946 156
Visit of the Prime Minister of Canada to Battlefields in France, August 1946. Notes on topography, etc. le 29 août 1946 157
Operations of the 1st Canadian Armoured Brigade in Italy, May 1944 to February 1945. Part I: The Gustav and Hitler Lines. le 27 sept. 1 946 158
OPERATION "JUBILEE": The Raid on Dieppe 19 Aug 42. Additional Information on Planning. le 5 oct.1946 159
Operations of the 1st Canadian Armoured Brigade in Italy, May 1944 to February 1945. Part II: The Advance to Florence, 3 Jun - 1 Sep 44. le 9 oct.1946 160
Canadian Operations in Italy, October - November, 1943. le 16 oct.1946 161
Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe, 1944. Part II: Canadian Operations in July. le 8 nov. 1946 162
Canadian Participation in the Defence of Hong Kong, Dec 1941. le 14 nov. 1946 163
The Problem of Selection and Reallocation of Personnel in the Canadian Army Overseas, 1939-1946. le 19 nov. 1946 164
Operations of 1 Cdn Inf Div and 1 Cdn Armd Bde in Italy, 25 Nov 43 - 4 Jan 44. le 27 nov. 1946 165
Administrative Aspects of the Operations of 1 Cdn Inf Div in Italy, Dec 1943. le 29 nov. 1946 166
The Participation of First Cdn Army in Strategical Planning in 1942. le 3 déc. 1946 167
The Organization of First Canadian Army. le 12 déc. 1946 168
Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe, 1944. Part III: Canadian Operations, 1-23 August. le 14 jan. 1947 169
OPERATION "TIMBERWOLF": The Movement of 1 Cdn Corps to the Mediterranean, 1943. le 10 févr. 1947 170
OPERATION "BLOCKBUSTER": The Canadian Offensive West of the Rhine, 26 Feb - 23 Mar 1945 (Preliminary Report). le 5 mars 1947 171
Canadian Participation in Civil Affairs - Military Government. Part IV: Belgium and the Netherlands, General History Survey. le 11 mars 1947 172
The Watch on the Maas 9 Nov 44 - 8 Feb 45. le 25 mars 1947 173
The Canadian Army Occupation Force in Germany, May 1945 to June 1946. le 25 mars 1947 174
Operations of the 1st Canadian Armoured Brigade in Italy, May 1944 to Feb 1945. Part III: The Gothic Line. le 26 mars 1947 175
Canadian Participation in Civil Affairs - Military Government. Part V: Germany, General Historical Survey. le 19 juin 1947 176
The Repatriation of the Canadian Military Forces Overseas, 1945-1947. le 4 juil. 1947 177
Canadian Operations in Italy, 5 Jan - 21 Apr 44. le 22 juil. 1947 178
Canadian Operations in the Liri Valley, May-Jun 44. le 25 juil. 1947 179
The Visiting Forces Act 1941-44. le 29 juil. 1947 180
OPERATION "GOLDFLAKE", the Move of 1 Cdn Corps from Italy to North-West Europe, Feb-Mar 1945. le 7 août 1947 181
The Strategical Role of First Canadian Army, 1942-1944. le 22 août 1947 182
Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe, 1944. Part IV: First Canadian Army in the Pursuit 23 Aug - 30 Sep. le 22 sept. 1 947 183
Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe, 1944. Part V: Clearing the Channel Ports, 3 Sep 44 - 6 Feb 45. le 24 sept. 1 947 184
OPERATION "VERITABLE": The Winter Offensive between the Maas and the Rhine, 8-25 Feb 45. le 24 sept. 1 947 185
OPERATION "BLOCKBUSTER": the Canadian Offensive West of the Rhine 26 Feb - 23 Mar 45. le 25 sept. 1 947 186
Operations of 1 Cdn Corps, 4 Jun 44 to 24 Sep 44: the Breaking of the Gothic Line and the Capture of Rimini. le 26 sept. 1 947 187
Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe, 1944. Part VI: Canadian Operation, 1 Oct - 8 Nov. The Clearing of the Scheldt Estuary. le 7 avr. 1948 188

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