Récipiendaires d'IDEeS – Composante 1b
Les projets suivants ont obtenu un financement au titre de la deuxième composante (1b) de l’élément Projets compétitifs. La Composante 1b a pour objet de poursuivre les efforts déployés relativement aux solutions scientifiques et technologiques de la Composante 1a, afin de faire progresser les solutions, de sorte qu’elles atteignent un niveau de maturité supérieur.
Veuillez prendre note que les titres des soumissions sont publiés dans la langue d’origine. Aussi, les montants octroyés qui figurent sur les pages Web de la divulgation proactive et des achats et ventes du gouvernement du Canada auront préséance.
Défis | Titre du projet (titres des soumissions sont publiés dans la langue d’origine) |
Innovateur | Montant attribué |
Identification et caractérisation des objets spatiaux | Watchguard Space-Based Proximity Monitoring & Space Surveillance System |
976 630,26 $ |
Advanced Space Common Operating Picture (SCOP) System for Intelligent Space Situational Awareness (SSA) and Space Object Identification and Characterization (SOI&C) |
977 455,47 $ |
Space object identification phase 1b |
976 465,70 $ |
Space Common Operating Picture System (S-COPS) |
976 369,46 $ |
974 599,70 $ |
A “Digital Crew”, AI-Enabled Multiband Vehicle Situational Awareness System |
977 191,43 $ |
Smart object monitoring using deep learning |
975 027,50 $ |
Ecopia Machine-Learning Detection & Classification System |
971 780,49 $ |
Multi System Protection |
977 500,00 $ |
Visible Infrared Quantum Mad Platform for Detection and Classification |
976 902,00 $ |
Surveillance maritime persistante | An Autonomous Sonar Operations System |
977 498,05 $ |
PAASS (Renamed to: Targeted Adaptive Persistence (TAP) Surveillance) |
975 809,25 $ |
AUV to ASV Docking to Enable Autonomous, Persistent Maritime Surveillance |
955 236,55 $ |
Persistent Sonobuoy Array |
976 746,75 $ |
Collaborative Persistent Surveillance using Unmanned Underwater Vehicles |
975 329,62 $ |
Détection et planification des risques chimiques, biologiques et radiologiques | A 5D VISUALIZATION AND ANALYSIS SOLUTION FOR CBRN THREATS |
885 173,40 $ |
Personal Protective Ensembles for Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Hazard Detection protection |
977 500,00 $ |
Robust, lightweight, medium range optical standoff detection, identification and tracking of warfare bio-agent clouds |
977 316,00 $ |
Advanced Multiplex Technology for Pathogen Detection and Recognition |
977 091,52 $ |
Sensitive Detection and Identification or Airborne Chemicals and Biological Agents |
977 500,00 $ |
Wearable Chemical Hazard Sensors |
974 965,88 $ |
Rapid City Planner for CBR Hazard Detection And Planning |
977 439,14 $ |
Protection balistique légère | Tactical Unloading Upper Body Chassis |
976 925,00 $ |
Diamond and Alumina-Based PSTF Variants for Improved Lightweight |
973 394,50 $ |
Fragmentation and impact protective Knee and Elbow guards |
627 243,14 $ |
Collaboration de systems robotiques | Common Organic Ground Station (COGS) |
976 744,31 $ |
Multi-Agent Robotic System (MARS) Development for Single Human Operation |
977 450,25 $ |
Define the Limitation of Human vs Automated Control of Multiple Robotic Systems |
977 495,46 $ |
Lightweighting the Dismounted Soldier |
975 430,00 $ |
Integrate Control of multiple UGvs into ISS |
977 076,89 $ |
Positionnement, navigation et synchronisation résilients, non fondés sur le système mondial de localisation (GPS) | Système de reconnaissance 3D sans GPS à l'aide de micro-UAV |
976 942,25 $ |
Geolocation in GPS-Denied Environments using Deep Leaming based Multi-Tempora l Cross-View Data Fusion |
977 348,38 $ |
Navigation in GPS-denied Environments Using Hybrid Adaptive SLAM Approach |
817 650,00 $ |
Positionnement, Navigation et synchronisation résilents, non Fondés sur le Système Mondial de Localisation |
975 885,40 $ |
Quantum-Enhanced Navigational Sensors |
The Governing Council of the University of Toronto |
966 988,89 $ |
Performance humaine dans les environnements climatiques extrêmes | Smart wound management bandage for extreme environments |
964 114,00 $ |
Extremes in temperature monitor using wearable Doppler sensor |
971 780,92 $ |
Dual Diver Heating System (DDHS) |
760 201,82 $ |
Hybrid Augmentation and Harvesting Exoskeleton for Increased Performance and Autonomy in Remote Locations |
977 094,38 $ |
Pre-deployment Acclimation Strategies and Resilience Assessment and Techniques Using Extreme Climatic Chambers |
977 500,00 $ |
Prédire et optimiser le rendement du personnel | Biometric Monitoring in support of personal performance prediction and optimization |
977 497,68 $ |
Injury Prevention and Performance Optimization in the Military Context |
965 522,75 $ |
Readiness Evaluation: QUantified INdividuals (REQUIN) |
971 302,88 $ |
Development and validation of the CANadian virtual Soldier Performance Prediction and Optimization Tool (CAN-SPPOT). |
973 891,88 $ |
Compréhension approfondie du contenu des médias sociaux | Provenant - Tracing Mass Manipulation in the Social Media War of Influence |
977 484,46 $ |
Deep Vector Spaces for SOCMINT Selection, Message Alignment and Credibility Assessment |
977 410,32 $ |
Making sense of the Chatter with SMART (Social Media Auto-Reporting Technologies) |
945 300,00 $ |
977 454,00 $ |
977 500,00 $ |
MIST (Multimodal Input Surveillance & Tracking) |
977 439,66 $ |
Cyber attribution pour la défense du Canada | Cyber attribution of Sophisticated Threat Actors in the Defence of Canada |
971 129,00 $ |
Recruter et maintenir en poste les femmes pour atteindre un niveau de représentation féminine de 25 % d'ici 2026 | A multi-stage approach to addressing sex-disparities in musculoskeletal injuries in military operators |
856 290,23 $ |
SkyHive Women in the Military 2 |
977 500,00 $ |
Smart recruiting using deep learning |
974 510,00 $ |
Amélioration du rendement cognitif | Multi-User AR Enabled Networked Operations for the RCN |
899 511,84 $ |
Gaze-Aware System for Supporting Human Performance in Surveillance |
938 307,39 $ |
Holographic Display for Battlespace Visualization |
976 779,41 $ |
3D Visualization for Complex Information Systems |
MDA Systems Ltd |
977 498,60 $ |
Intelligent, Dynamically Adaptive Simulation and Operational Support to Enhance Medical Trauma Response |
Queen's University |
976 143,00 $ |
Proactive Deterrence | AI Deterrence: Science, Theory, and Practice |
214 582,26 $ |
BMU Deterrence Intelligent Room Platform |
970 864,10 $ |
Concepts as Tools for Proactive Deterrence |
University of British Columbia |
270 894,00 $ |
Comprendre et aborder le trouble de stress post-traumatique | PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL UNDERSTANDING AND TREATMENT OF PTSD: AN RTMS APPROACH |
967 022,87 $ |
Virtual Reality (VR)-based Interventions for PTSD in Canadian Military and Veteran Populations |
862 500,00 $ |
Translating Biomarkers for Traumatic Stress Disorders in Canada’s Military (BioTRAUMACAN) |
975 660,00 $ |
Development of an Online PTSD and Relationship Therapy for CAF Members and Their Partners: Couples HOPES (Helping Overcome PTSD and Enhance Satisfaction) |
853 132,60 $ |
Leveraging Advanced Brain Imaging |
977 494,53 $ |
Understanding predictors recovery of military-related PTSD from both an individual and family perspective |
London Health Sciences Centre Research Inc. (St-Joseph's Health Care) |
806 536,12 $ |
Identification and translation of a whole body biosignature to improve clinical management of PTSD subtypes |
974 881,71 $ |
Understanding and Influence the stress process through biofeedback, wearable and mobile technologies to prevent and address PTSD |
934 844,68 $ |
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