Funding programs for women and gender equality
Learn more about the funding programs from Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) as well as the open, closed and ongoing funding opportunities.
Related services and information
- General eligibility requirements for Women’s Program
- General eligibility requirements for Gender-Based Violence Program
- General eligibility requirements for Equality for Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Program
- Guidelines on eligible expenditures
- Service standards
- The external project evaluation
Women’s Program
The Women’s Program supports time-limited projects that address systemic barriers to women’s equality in Canadian society. The objective of the Women's Program is to achieve the full participation of women in the economic, social and democratic life of Canada through systemic change. Funding is provided to eligible organizations in support of projects at the local, regional and national levels that address the following three priority areas:
- Improving women's and girls' economic security and prosperity
- Encouraging women and girls in leadership and decision-making roles
- Ending violence against women and girls
Eligible organizations and activities are determined by the Women's Program's funding criteria. Funding is not provided for ongoing activities, such as an organization's operations and administration. Also, as available funds are limited, not all qualified applicants may receive funding.
Gender-Based Violence Program
The Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Program takes action under the second pillar of It's Time: Canada's Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence which is "support for survivors and their families". The Strategy builds on current federal initiatives, coordinates existing programs and lays the foundation for greater action on GBV.
The Program is population-specific, and its objective is to support organizations working in the GBV sector in developing and implementing promising practices to address gaps in supports for Indigenous and underserved groups of survivors in Canada.
Funding is provided to eligible organizations in support of projects at the local, regional and national levels, to address gaps in support for specific populations who have experienced GBV. This includes Indigenous women and their communities and underserved populations, such as those who are more at risk of GBV and/or who are facing barriers getting the support they need. These include children and youth, Black and racialized women, 2SLGBTQI+ people, non-status/refugee/immigrant women, seniors, women living in an official language minority community, women living in northern, rural and remote communities, and women living with a disability.
As available funds are limited, not all qualified applicants may receive funding.
See funding opportunities related to GBV.
Equality for Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Program
The objective of the Program is to advance social, political and economic equality with respect to sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. Funding is provided to eligible organizations for time-specific projects, including partnership building, capacity building, and applied community research, etc.
Eligible organizations and activities are determined by the Program's funding criteria. Funding is not provided for ongoing activities, such as an organization's operations and administration. Also, as available funds are limited, not all qualified applicants may receive funding.
How do I apply?
WAGE issues targeted calls for proposals on specific themes, each with a number of predetermined elements, and application deadlines. Additionally, through a continuous intake process, WAGE is able to address emerging issues as they arise. To ensure your proposed project fulfills the requirements of the eligibility criteria, please consult the General eligibility requirements for Women’s Program, the General eligibility requirements for GBV Program or the General eligibility requirements for SSOGIE Program. You may also contact a Women and Gender Equality Canada office to discuss the application with a Program Officer. For more information, please visit How to apply.
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