Public service group insurance benefit plans

The public service group insurance benefit plans form part of the Government of Canada’s total compensation package for public service employees. These include health and dental care benefits, disability insurance and life insurances.

Note to readers

Starting January 1, 2025: improvements and changes to the Public Service Dental Care Plan New

Services and information

Benefit plans

Find information on the public service group insurance benefit plans which includes what you are covered for, how to register, member booklets, and much more.

Life events

Learn about how your benefits may be affected by certain milestones such as getting married, becoming a parent, preparing for retirement, etc.

Benefit news and notices

View information notices, announcements and relevant updates about your benefit plans.

Find a benefit form

Find forms for your group insurance benefit plans.

Look up rates

Find current and past contribution and premium rates for the group insurance benefit plans.

Contact information

Find contact information for the group insurance benefit plans.

British Columbia medical services plan

Find out how the government, as employer, contributes towards employees’ provincial health insurance premium costs.

Civil Service Insurance

Learn about the optional life insurance plan that was stopped in 1954.


Newsletter for active and retired members for the Public Service Health Care Plan, newsletter for members of the Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan, Liaison newsletter for retired members, guides for your pension and insurance benefits statements, annual pensioners’ statement, survey results.

Board appointment opportunities

Process and nomination information for board and committee member positions by Ministerial and Governor in Council appointment.

Plan administrators


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