Historical Research (HR) - Rates of pay for certain excluded and unrepresented groups and levels
Current - 2017-2021
Current - 2017-2021
Rates of pay not authorized by a collective agreement (excluded)
Table legend
- $) Effective
- X) Effective - Wage Adjustmenttable 1 note *
- A) Effective table 1 note *
- B) Effective table 1 note *
- C) Effective
- D) Effective
Effective date | Minimum | Mid-point | Maximum |
$) | 97,391 | 120,617 | 135,995 |
X) Effective - Wage Adjustmenttable 1 note * | 98,706 | 122,245 | 137,831 |
A) table 1 note * | 100,680 | 124,690 | 140,588 |
B) table 1 note * | 102,694 | 127,184 | 143,400 |
C) | 104,234 | 129,092 | 145,551 |
D) | 105,798 | 131,028 | 147,734 |
Table 1 Notes
Pay notes
- The pay increment period for employees in these scales of rates is fifty-two (52) weeks.
- An employee shall, on the relevant effective date of adjustment to rates of pay, be paid in the X, A, B, C or D scale of rates at the rate shown immediately below their former rate:
- on , to a rate of pay within the “X” scale which is 1.35% higher than their former rate of pay.
- on , to a rate of pay within the “A” scale which is 2.0% higher than their former rate of pay.
- on , to a rate of pay within the “B” scale which is 2.0% higher than their former rate of pay.
- on , to a rate of pay within the “C” scale which is 1.5% higher than their former rate of pay.
- on , to a rate of pay within the “D” scale which is 1.5% higher than their former rate of pay.
Approval date:
Archived information
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Annual Rates of Pay
Rates of pay not authorized by collective agreement
Table Legend
- $) Effective
- A) Effective
- B) Effective
- X) Effective – Restructure
- C) Effective
- D) Effective
Effective Date | Minimum | Mid-point | Maximum |
$) | 91,752 | 113,634 | 128,121 |
A) | 92,899 | 115,054 | 129,723 |
B) | 94,060 | 116,492 | 131,345 |
X) - Restructure | 95,001 | 117,657 | 132,658 |
C) | 96,189 | 119,128 | 134,316 |
D) | 97,391 | 120,617 | 135,995 |
Pay Notes
- The pay increment period for employees in these scales of rates is fifty-two (52) weeks.
- An employee shall, on the relevant effective date of adjustment to rates of pay, be paid in the A, B, X, C or D scale of rates at the rate shown immediately below his/her former rate.
- On , to a rate of pay within the "A" scale which is one point two five percent (1.25%) higher than his/her former rate of pay.
- On , to a rate of pay within the "B" scale which is one point two five percent (1.25%) higher than his/her former rate of pay.
- On , to a rate of pay within the "X" scale which is one point zero percent (1.00%) higher than his/her former rate of pay.
- On , to a rate of pay within the "C" scale which is one point two five percent (1.25%) higher than his/her former rate of pay.
- On , to a rate of pay within the "D" scale which is one point two five percent (1.25%) higher than his/her former rate of pay.
- Approval date: .
Annual Rates of Pay
Rates of pay not authorized by collective agreement
- A) Effective
- B) Effective
- C) Effective
- X) Effective – Restructure
- D) Effective
Effective Date | Minimum | Mid-point | Maximum |
$) Prior to | 81,997 | 102,462 | 116,011 |
A) | 83,227 | 103,999 | 117,751 |
B) | 84,683 | 105,819 | 119,812 |
C) | 85,953 | 107,406 | 121,609 |
X) – Restructure | 89,953 | 111,406 | 125,609 |
D) | 91,752 | 113,634 | 128,121 |
Page details
- Date modified: