Excise and specialty taxes

Excise duties and taxes, other levies and charges, and customs duties and tariffs collected by the federal government.

Services and information

Underused Housing Tax

Filing and paying the tax on vacant or underused housing in Canada

Luxury Tax

Registering for and calculating the luxury tax on certain vehicles, aircraft and vessels

Customs tariff

Current rates for customs duties and tariffs

Fuel charge

Registering for, reporting and paying the fuel charge on certain types of fuel and combustible waste

Air Travellers Security Charge

Current rates and information on collecting and paying the air travellers security charge (ATSC)

Excise duties

Duties and licensing information on beer, wine, spirits, tobacco, cannabis and vaping products

Excise taxes

Taxes on fuel-inefficient vehicles, automobile air conditioners, certain petroleum products and insurance premiums

Digital services tax

Information relating to the tax on certain Canadian digital services revenue

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