In 2021, Canada doubled its international climate finance commitment to $5.3 billion over the next five years. Below is a list of key announcements to date.
Recent announcements
Up to $1B to the Climate Investment Funds – Accelerating Coal Transition Initiative (CIF-ACT)
At COP26, Canada announced it will contribute up to $1 billion to CIF-ACT to help developing countries transition from coal-fired electricity to clean power as quickly as possible. This contribution will help lead to the successful implementation of country-level strategies and associated kick-start projects, build support at the local and regional levels, and accelerate the retirement of existing coal mines and coal power plants while enabling new economic activities and contributing to a socially inclusive and gender equal transition.
See news release for more information.
$510M to establish the Canadian Net Zero and Climate Resilience Accelerator Fund
Canada is providing $510 million in repayable contributions and technical assistance grants to the Inter-American Development Bank Group to establish the Canadian Net Zero and Climate Resilience Accelerator Fund. This project will help economies in Latin America and the Caribbean become less carbon-intensive, more climate-resilient and more inclusive.
See news release for more information.
$450M to the Green Climate Fund (GCF)
At the Seventh Ministerial on Climate Action (MoCA7), Canada announced $450 million to the second replenishment of the Green Climate Fund (GCF-2). The GCF is the largest dedicated international climate fund and a critical funding mechanism of the Paris Agreement that helps developing countries reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. The GCF aims to: invest 50 per cent of its resources to support adaptation, with half of the adaptation funding going to the poorest and most vulnerable countries; and mobilize private sector resources for climate-friendly investments.
This pledge is a 50% increase from Canada’s previous contribution, where in 2019, Canada pledged $300 million to the first replenishment of the GCF (GCF-1). Additionally, in 2015, Canada had pledged $300 million to the GCF’s Initial Resource Mobilization. Canada’s total contribution to the GCF based on the three pledges is $1.05 billion.
$360M to establish the Canadian Climate and Nature Fund for the Private Sector in Asia.
Canada is providing $360 million in repayable contributions to the Asian Development Bank to establish the Canadian Climate and Nature Fund for the Private Sector in Asia. The Fund will mobilize private capital toward inclusive climate change mitigation and adaptation projects. This will accelerate their transition to low-carbon and climate-resilient economies, and advance gender equality in sectors such as renewable energy, climate-smart agriculture, and nature-based solutions.
See news release for more information.
$315M to Partnering for Climate
This initiative will fund projects from civil society, Indigenous Peoples and other organizations in Canada that support climate change adaptation in Sub-Saharan Africa and other parts of the world. This project includes two funding envelopes: the first, of $300 million, encourages broad non-governmental engagement in climate change programming in sub-Saharan Africa—including $20 million for advancing women's rights and climate change adaptation; the second, of $15 million, supports Indigenous peoples and organizations in Canada in advancing climate action alongside Indigenous partners in developing countries. Projects announced as part of Partnering for Climate include:
See news release and program page for more information.
$283M to High Impact Partnership on Climate Action at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Canada is contributing $283.125 million to the High Impact Partnership on Climate Action (HIPCA), with $250 million in concession loans and $33.125 million in grants, including a technical assistance grant of $20 million to support climate adaptation, mitigation and resilience projects in Ukraine. HIPCA is the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development's (EBRD) first multi-donor partnership for accelerating climate action and environmental co-benefits. This initiative will help advance low-carbon, climate-resilient and environmentally compatible pathways in emerging economies and developing countries where the EBRD operates, in a manner that seeks to promote gender equality and economic inclusion. The project will operate over a 25-year period (2023-2048).
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$74M to the 8th replenishment of the Global Environment Facility (GEF-8)
Canada has announced $219M as part of the 8th Replenishment of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), of which $74M is from its climate finance commitment. The GEF helps support sustainable land and forestry management, reduction of air and water pollutants and protection of ecosystems, in addition to climate change mitigation. The GEF also focuses on international waters and oceans management.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$62.5M to the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Canada is providing $200 million to support the International Fund for Agricultural Development, $62.5 million of which is funded through Canada’s climate finance commitment, to support IFAD’s climate mainstreaming agenda. This financial support will help enhance the adoption of gender-responsive climate-smart agriculture and food system solutions for nature-positive climate change mitigation and adaptation in developing countries. It will do so by enhancing awareness, and increasing equitable access and capacity of targeted stakeholders.
See news release for more information.
$58.5M to the Supporting Resilient Green Energy (SuRGE) initiative in the Caribbean
At the Canada-Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Summit held in October 2023, Canada announced it will contribute $58.5 million to the Supporting Resilient Green Energy (SuRGE) initiative to accelerate the Caribbean’s sustainable energy transition. This partnership with the Caribbean Development Bank will target the region’s energy sector, which relies heavily on imported fossil fuels and is vulnerable to frequent and severe climate events. It will also play a crucial role in making the energy sector more gender-equitable and socially inclusive.
See news release and programme page for more information.
$55M to CGIAR's Climate-Smart Agriculture and Food Systems Research
The climate crisis has also meant that food, land, and water systems around the world are facing new challenges and threats. That is why Canada is supporting new innovation on climate-resilient agriculture and food systems. At COP26, Canada announced it will provide $55 million dollars over three years for CGIAR, a global research partnership that aims to transform these systems to not only strengthen food security and end hunger, but also promote gender equality, create new jobs and livelihoods, and deliver climate and environmental benefits around the world. Canada is a founding member of CGIAR (formerly the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research) and has been a top-ten donor for the last decade.
See news release for more information.
$37.5M to the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF)
At COP26, Canada announced it will renew its support to the LDCF by providing up to $37.5 million to address the adaptation needs of the poorest and most vulnerable countries. The LDCF supports critical, on-the-ground projects in sectors such as water, agriculture and food security, disaster risk management and prevention, and fragile ecosystems. This builds on Canada's previous contribution to the LDCF from its $2.65 billion climate finance commitment (2015-2021).
See news release for more information.
$34.2M to the Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF)
At COP28, Canada announced $34.2 million to the Special Climate Change Fund to help vulnerable nations adapt to climate change. The SCCF is one of the world’s first multilateral climate adaptation finance instruments. Managed by the Global Environment Facility and operating in parallel with the Least Developed Countries Fund, the SCCF has two priority areas: (1) supporting the adaptation needs of SIDS; and (2) strengthening technology transfer, innovation, and private sector engagement for adaptation.
See backgrounder for more information.
$30.25M to Resilience of ecosystems and women’s leadership in the Sahel (REELS)
The REELS project aims to adopt a regional approach to reduce the vulnerability and improve the resilience of women and local communities in the Liptako-Gourma region while fully taking into account the delicate security and stability context in which it will operate. The objectives are as follows: increasing the use of nature-based solutions to climate change under the leadership of women in community development processes; increasing women-led, locally adapted nature-based solutions for conservation, restoration and sustainable use of ecosystems; and improving economic, social and cultural environment for women to increase their influence in local, regional and national decision-making processes.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$28M to the Energy Access Relief Fund (EARF)
At COP27, Canada announced support for the Energy Access Relief Fund (EARF). This initiative aims to reduce the economic impact of COVID-19 on renewable, off-grid energy companies in Africa and Asia and their clients. Project activities include: (1) maintain the emission reductions already achieved by the off-grid energy sector; and (2) position energy access companies to extend emission reductions to other clients beyond the crisis. EARF will provide much-needed financial liquidity to off-grid, renewable energy companies that may otherwise have to reduce their workforces or shut off access to energy for their customers.
See news release for more information.
$25M in Support to the Great Green Wall in Senegal for the resilience of communities and ecosystems
This project is a key initiative of the climate finance commitment and supports a flagship initiative of the African Union. The project aims to strengthen the resilience of ecosystems and vulnerable populations, especially women and youth, in the regions bordering the Great Green Wall in Senegal. This will be done through land restoration and reforestation, natured-based solutions, climate-resilient agriculture, inclusive climate governance and advocacy.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$25M to Women and Youth in Action for Sustainable Ecosystems
This project aims to improve the conservation of ecosystems by increasing the ability of members of farmers' organizations and cooperatives to effectively develop agroforestry value chains that respect biodiversity and are adapted to climate change in Burkina Faso's Sahel region. To ensure its results are sustainable in a context marked by conflict, the project will encourage local communities to commit to inclusive and equitable natural resource governance.
See backgrounder and news release for more information.
$25M to the World Bank's Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP)
At COP26, Canada announced a $25 million contribution to ESMAP, a partnership with the World Bank. This will help develop and implement clean energy alternatives, and support low- and middle-income countries in the transition to a cleaner economy.
See news release for more information.
$22.8M in additional funding to the 8th Replenishment of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Canada is providing an additional $22.8 million in funding for the Eighth Replenishment of the Global Environment Facility (GEF-8) to further support the GEF’s efforts to tackle the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. This additional funding builds on Canada’s initial contribution of $219 million to the GEF’s Eighth Replenishment, of which $74 million is from its climate finance commitment, announced at the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15).
See news release for more information.
$20.5M to Her Resilience, Our Planet
Canada is providing an additional $20.5 million in funding for the Her Resilience, Our Planet project. Implemented by CARE Canada, the project promotes climate-resilient agriculture and supports livelihoods in Tanzania. This initiative empowers women to address climate change risks effectively by increasing their leadership skills and providing technical support through collaborative efforts.
See news release for more information.
$20M to support national climate measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) systems in West Africa
The contribution will support four West African countries – Ghana, Liberia, The Gambia and Togo – to help them build the capacity of their national climate measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) systems. MRV systems are a crucial step for nations to develop strong and effective mitigation policies and actions because they give governments transparent, accurate, and comparable information on emissions sources.
See news release for more information.
$19M to #TheGreenRising
Implemented by Generation Unlimited (GenU), this initiative supports the development and delivery of a youth-centered training program on climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, including gender-responsive approaches. Through the Green Rising initiative, more than 16 million young people, particularly young women, refugees, and youth with disabilities, will be empowered with skills, enabling them to secure jobs, take on entrepreneurial opportunities, and undertake volunteer and advocacy efforts for climate action over four years. The expected results include: (a) improved capacity of young women and young men to adapt to ecological and environmental disasters; (b) increased resiliency of communities to climate change impacts; and, (c) increased access to gender-responsive, environmentally-sensitive market-driven opportunities for livelihood and life skills among young people.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$18.7M to support Scaling-up Nature Based Leadership Platforms
At COP15, Canada announced an investment of $18.7 million in support of Scaling-up Nature-Based Leadership Platforms through the International Model Forest Network. This investment will support efforts to scale up forest and landscape restoration, enable inclusive landscape governance and equip the next generation of forest leaders to address the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss in official development assistance eligible countries. This project will contribute in part to delivering on Canada's commitments under the Global Forest Finance Pledge and the Forests and Leaders' Partnership.
See the news release for more information.
$18.2M for Phase II of Sustainable Energy and Economic Development in Jordan
Implemented by Cowater International, this project aims to increase the employability of women and marginalized groups in the climate-smart agriculture and renewable energy sectors, including solar power technology. The project will contribute to reducing energy costs and carbon emissions for the benefit of local communities.
See news release for more information.
$17M to Climate Adaptation and Protected Areas
The aim of this initiative is to integrate nature-based climate solutions into protected area management and conservation interventions, thereby strengthening the resilience of ecosystems and populations of all genders and social groups to current and future climate challenges. These efforts are deployed in several countries, including Zambia, Uganda, Fiji, Belize, Namibia, Angola and Zimbabwe. It works with project beneficiaries, including conservation partners, local communities, national and local authorities, as well as traditionally disadvantaged groups, particularly women.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$16M to the Loss and Damage Fund
At COP28, Canada announced $16 million towards the start-up costs of a global fund to address loss and damage resulting from climate change. This funding will provide support to vulnerable countries and communities and equip them with the means to avert, minimize and address loss and damage. After Parties at COP27 agreed to the creation of the fund, Canada, as a member of the Transitional Committee on Loss and Damage, worked with developing and developed countries to bring forward recommendations on the operationalization of the fund that were adopted at COP28.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$16M for the Partnership for Market Implementation (PMI) at the World Bank
At COP27, Canada announced an additional contribution to support the Partnership for Market Implementation. This project will help support the expansion of carbon pricing tools internationally. Built on a decade of readiness experience, the PMI is the primary global platform for supporting the concrete implementation of domestic carbon pricing tools such as carbon taxes and emission trading systems by developing countries.
See news release for more information.
$15.39M for Climate Resilience through Empowering Women (CREW)
The Climate Resilience through Empowering Women project aims to strengthen the climate resilience of coffee-growing communities in Southern Ethiopia while promoting the economic empowerment of marginalized women. The project is expected to deliver changes at the farm or household, mill, and wider industry levels to adapt to a changing climate, with a particular focus on women, who, despite playing a critical role in coffee production and processing, are economically marginalized.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$15M to support the green corridor in the Baradères-Cayemites protected area
This project will support climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation in the Baradères-Cayemites protected area in Haiti. Implemented by Viridis Terra International and the Centre for International Studies and Cooperation, it will contribute to food security and the creation of sustainable economic opportunities for vulnerable populations.
See news release for more information.
$15M to Women-Led Coal Transition Mechanism
This project aims to foster women's climate leadership and effective participation in the design of, and decision making regarding, coal transition strategies and the implementation of projects funded by the multi-donor Climate Investment Fund Accelerating Coal Transition program, to which Canada will contribute up to $1 billion.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$14.8M to Rural Women Cultivating Change in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania
Through the use of agro-ecological approaches that encourage equitable production, sustainable resource management and market access, this project will empower women and encourage gender-transformative change. Working in collaboration with women's rights and agriculturally-based organizations, support will be provided to advance climate adaptation, increase food security, enhance gender equality, reduce sexual and gender-based violence and improve livelihoods for rural women.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$13M to Natural Infrastructure for Water Security in Peru
Canada is providing $3.9 million to support Natural Infrastructure for Water Security in Peru to scale up gender-sensitive investments in natural infrastructure to strengthen water security and climate resilience. NIWS supports the Government of Peru, water stressed cities and communities, and the private sector to design impactful, gender-sensitive natural infrastructure projects to address water security issues in the country, and to unlock additional finance to implement them.
See news release for more information.
$12M to Enhancing Eco-systems and Coastal Protection for Climate Change Resilience in the Caribbean
This project is funded in partnership with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) and aims to increase the climate resilience of communities and vulnerable populations in the Caribbean. Acknowledging that climate change contributes to the degradation of the Caribbean's coral reefs and coastal ecosystems, this initiative seeks to transform the way coral reefs and coastal ecosystems are managed to protect their biodiversity is and sustain the vital services they provide.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$11 million to Women Leading Climate Action
The Women Leading Climate Action initiative aims to address gender inequality and achieve environmental justice by empowering women-led groups and environmental, climate and women’s rights movement in developing countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Pacific, to influence key stakeholders (government, investors and donors) to take urgent action to divest from fossil fuel industries, defend critical ecosystems, and support inclusive, sustainable and gender-just climate solutions.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$10M to Strengthening Investments in Gender-Responsive Climate Adaptation (SIGRA)
The project seeks to advance climate action, food security, and inclusive governance in Ghana, to improve the resilience of Ghanaian citizens – particularly women, girls, and marginalized groups – through investment in inclusive and gender-responsive climate adaptation initiatives. It aims to strengthen the enabling environment at the national and local levels while supporting women’s voices and involvement in policy decisions relating to climate change adaptation.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$10M to Scaling up Investments in Nature-Based Solutions
This project in Bangladesh is funded in partnership with the Global Center on Adaptation and aims to promote an increase in the national and global knowledge of nature-based solutions. It will also provide technical and capacity building support to promote climate-resilient and gender-responsive infrastructure, as well as help public and private organizations access climate funds for adaptation.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$10M to the Moroccan Forest Strategy / Resilient women of the Middle Atlas Project
Canada announced $10M to support the Moroccan Forest Strategy project through the Société de coopération pour le développement international (SOCODEVI) [international development co-operation company], a Canadian non-governmental organization. This project will support the operationalization of the new Moroccan Forest Strategy in the Khenifra National Park area. By empowering women to be primary forestry actors, the project takes an integrated approach to the management of forest ecosystems and recognizes the key role local communities play in the protection and conservation of biodiversity.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$10M to the Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN)
Canada has announced $10M to support Nature, Climate and People through BIOFIN. This funding will help implement climate-nature positive-finance solutions, improved biodiversity management and climate adaptation with clear benefits for women and Indigenous groups in developing countries, as well as enhanced well-being for people dependent on nature's services. Activities of this initiative include clarifying biodiversity financing needs, developing a finance plan and selecting priority solutions with the highest potential to implement the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$10M to Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture and Agro-biodiversity for Enhancing Adaptive Capacity of Vulnerable Rural Communities in Old and New Lands of Upper and Lower Egypt
At COP27, Canada re-iterated its intention to support climate-smart agriculture and agriculture biodiversity practices to help rural communities in Aswan, Beheira, and Kafr El Sheikh, Egypt. The project will be delivered through the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. It supports gender equality and the economic empowerment of rural women and men by increasing the adaptive capacities of poor and vulnerable rural populations to climate change, including landless, unemployed, under or seasonally employed individuals. This project is expected to benefit over 8,000 smallholder farmers and 144 locally-based organizations, including government ministries, academic institutions and local organizations.
See news release for more information.
$10M for the Climate Risk Early Warning Systems (CREWS) initiative
Canada announced $10 million in funding over four years for the Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems initiative to improve emergency preparedness in developing countries, particularly the small island developing states. By providing funding to the CREWS Trust Fund, Canada is helping to avert, minimize and address loss and damage and ensure that all people, particularly those most vulnerable to climate change, have access to authoritative information and services to make decisions about their health, safety and property in response to the growing unprecedented weather caused by climate change.
See news release for more information.
$10M to the Adaptation Fund
At COP26, Canada announced it will contribute up to $10 million to the Adaptation Fund, which finances projects and programs that help vulnerable communities in developing countries adapt to climate change, including the most climate-vulnerable countries such as Small Island Developing States and least developed countries. With this first contribution to the Adaptation Fund, Canada supports developing countries' full ownership of adaptation projects, from planning through implementation.
See news release for more information.
$10M to the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)
At COP26, Canada announced it will invest $10 million over five years towards the CCAC Trust Fund. As a founder and a top donor to the Coalition, Canada's contribution will provide critical long-term support to advance the mandate of the CCAC to reduce the emissions of short-lived climate pollutants across key sectors.This support builds on Canada's previous $10 million contribution from its $2.65 billion climate finance commitment (2015-2021).
See news release for more information.
$10M to the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network
At COP26, Canada announced it will contribute up to $10 million for the NAP Global Network which works with developing countries to address structural drivers of climate vulnerability, as well as to empower women, marginalized groups, and those most affected by climate impacts to participate in the NAP process and shape a country's adaptation priorities. Canada's contribution to the NAP Global Network build on its previous $4 million contribution from its $2.65 billion climate finance commitment (2015-2021). With this additional funding, the Network will continue and expand technical support, innovate and experiment with peer learning, and make knowledge around NAPs more accessible and compelling.
See news release for more information.
$9.2M to Resilient Puna: Ecosystem-Based Adaptation for Sustainable High Andean Communities in Peru
This project implemented by the German Society for International Cooperation aims to increase climate and economic resilience in targeted Andean communities in Peru by providing technical assistance, establishing a financing facility with public and private investment, and supporting local and regional planning and governance. The project will enhance conservation, restoration, and ecosystem management practices for women and men, expand public and private financing for ecosystem-based adaptation and climate resilience, and strengthen the role of local authorities in climate adaptation planning and decision-making.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$9M to Phases II and III of the Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance (ORRAA)
At COP26, Canada announced it will contribute $9 million for ORRAA, to support their ongoing work helping Small Island Developing States and coastal developing countries increase their resilience to the impacts of climate change through nature-based solutions. Canada is a founding partner of ORRAA, and this additional support builds on its previous $2.5 million contribution from the $2.65 billion climate finance commitment (2015-2021).
See news release for more information.
$8.15M to Canada Fund for Nature-Based Solutions and Adaptation in the Philippines
This project, in partnership with Forest Foundation Philippines, supports vulnerable communities in addressing the impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss. The project assists with financing and capacity building to support gender-responsive, nature-based solutions to climate change and biodiversity loss. This is the first fund facility to support nature-based solutions for adaptation in the Philippines.
See news release for more information.
$8M to decarbonize the cement and concrete sector in Thailand
Canada is providing $8 million over three years (2023-2026) to support the decarbonization of Thailand’s cement and concrete sector in line with its Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement. The project, implemented by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, will strengthen climate governance in Thailand by working with public and private stakeholders to align sectoral action toward net-zero carbon concrete. Activities will include supporting the development of policies, standards and practices, promoting clean technologies, and strengthening South-South experience sharing.
See news release for more information.
$8M to Caribbean Organizations for a Resilient Environment (CORE) Project
This project will provide small- to medium-sized grants to local environmental and women-rights organizations to reach key ecosystems such as mangroves, coral reef and forests, and increase ecosystem services that support the resilience of Caribbean communities to climate change. Partner organizations will work in areas of waste management, tourism, agriculture and fisheries with a view to improving ecosystem health to protect the region's marine and terrestrial biodiversity that underpin the livelihoods of local populations.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$8M to the International Energy Agency Clean Energy Transitions Programme
At the International Energy Agency (IEA) Ministerial meeting, Canada announced an $8 million contribution over 4 years to the IEA's Clean Energy Transitions Programme (CETP). Canada's contribution will support major emerging markets to build capacity for clean energy transitions. With a focus on emerging economies, the CETP aims to advance expert-level cooperation between countries/regions and assist them in their clean energy transition priority-setting through high-level strategy planning, technical capacity building, and sharing international experience.
See news release for more information.
$7.7M to Inclusive development of the green tara value chain in Bolivia
At the G20 Summit, Canada announced $7.7 million to support the Inclusive development of the green tara value chain in Bolivia. This project aims to sustainably develop the green tara value chain – which includes textile and health products– with a climate-smart agro-environmental approach, while promoting gender equality, adaptation to climate change, and food security. It aims to increase the incomes of vulnerable Indigenous rural populations, including Indigenous women.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$7.5M to reduce methane emissions in Caribbean and Pacific Small Island Developing States
At COP27 and the Major Economies Forum (MEF) in 2023, Canada announced a commitment to accelerate the implementation of methane mitigation projects in the waste sector in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Caribbean and Oceania. The project will support four Caribbean SIDS (Belize, Grenada, Guyana and Saint Lucia) and two Pacific SIDS (Fiji and Samoa) in creating financially enabling conditions for a sustained expansion of organic waste management technologies that bring significant environmental, economic and social benefits. The goal of this project is to reduce methane emissions and other short-lived climate pollutants by building the capacity of waste stakeholders at the national and municipal levels; providing a forum for participants to share best practices and learn from others in the region; and helping cities prioritize municipal solid waste actions and measures. The project will be administered by the Center for Clean Air Policy. Further support to this work is provided by ImplementaSur and the Global Methane Hub.
See news release for more information.
$7M to Catalytic Climate Finance Facility
The Catalytic Climate Finance Facility is designed as a multi-donor vehicle that aims to raise US$100 million over 15 years. With the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Facility aims to support between 30 and 40 blended climate finance solutions, with 14 to 20 solutions supported through Canada’s funding. This initiative is designed to increase the available pipeline of climate finance projects in developing countries and mobilize private capital into climate action, to help address the impacts of climate change on economically disadvantaged groups, particularly women and girls.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$7M to Enhancing Climate Resilience of Biodiversity Hot Spots in Jordan
Canada announced $7 million to support Enhancing Climate-Resilience of Biodiversity Hot Spots in Jordan through the International Union of Conservation of Nature. This project aims to improve the resilience of climate-vulnerable ecosystems and increase the size of restored forest ecosystems in southern Jordan. The project also aims to increase the participation of women, youth and marginalized groups in decision-making processes to derive benefits from the implementation of nature-based solutions in the region.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$7M to the Global Shield Financing Facility
At COP27, Canada announced funding for the Global Shield Financing Facility. This initiative will help make climate-vulnerable countries more resilient and protect the lives and livelihoods of the most vulnerable, including women and girls. This investment supports the Global Shield against Climate Risk to strengthen the Global Climate Risk Finance and Insurance Architecture.
See news release for more information.
$6M for the Caribbean Climate Smart Fund (CCSF)
Implemented by the Rocky Mountain Institute, the CCSF aims to create lasting change in the Caribbean, including small island developing states (SIDS), by building a pipeline of bankable projects to help mobilize private finance for renewable energy, microgrids and energy efficiency. By helping finance distributed, resilient, and clean energy projects, the CCSF will contribute to reduce emissions, improve energy access and enhance resilience to hurricanes and extreme weather events.
See news release for more information.
$6M to the Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR)
At COP26, Canada announced it will contribute $6 million for the Global Fund for Coral Reefs to support international efforts in coral reef conservation and restoration. Through blended finance and innovative public-private partnership, the GFCR is catalysing the private sector's role in the conservation and restoration of vital coral reef ecosystems. This contribution is part of the Canada's efforts to enhance its support for Nature-based Solutions and biodiversity in developing countries.
See news release for more information.
$6M to the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN)
Canada announced a renewed contribution of $6 million to the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), which is a body created under the UNFCCC, to promote the accelerated development and transfer of climate technologies for energy-efficient, low-carbon, and climate resilient development. The contribution will provide developing countries with the technical assistance and capacity building support needed to meet technology needs in pursuit of Nationally Determined Contributions.
See news release for more information.
$5M to the Least Developed Countries Initiative for Adaptation and Resilience (LIFE-AR)
At COP28, Canada announced support for the Least Developed Countries Initiative for Effective Adaptation and Resilience (LIFE-AR). LIFE-AR aims to help least developed countries (LDCs) achieve the LDC 2050 Vision, which was launched in 2019 by the LDC Group within the structure of United Nations climate negotiations. Central to the LDC 2050 Vision is for all LDCs to be on climate-resilient development pathways by 2030 and to deliver net-zero emissions by 2050. Through the LIFE-AR initiative, LDCs work with hundreds of experts from around the world to learn from, and build on, existing good practice.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$5M to Enhance Resilience to Climate Change and Biodiversity in the Iraqi Marshlands
At COP28, Canada announced funding to enhance climate change resilience and biodiversity in the Iraqi Marshlands. This project seeks to address the nexus between human livelihoods and biodiversity protection of the Marshlands based on their reliance on a shared, water-based ecology. With a focus on women as stewards of local traditional knowledge, this project helps build communities’ resilience to the deteriorating state of the marshes. This project will also help women and all members of the Marshlands communities gain access to valuable training and technical assistance to improve natural resource management at the local level which in turn will lead to more sustainable livelihoods.
See backgrounder for more information.
$5M to the Africa Adaptation Initiative for the Food Security Accelerator
The AAI provides support for technical assistance, research, pilot and demonstration interventions for adaptation projects. The project uses grants towards a blended finance facility to catalyze capital for small and medium sized local agriculture enterprises in Africa. Through this funding, the AAI has established a catalytic investment vehicle to foster the acceleration of the resilience of the food system in Africa. The AAI Food Security Accelerator strives to offer 360-degree solutions to foster local private sector actors’ engagement in resilient and adaptation of the African food system.
See news release for more information.
$5M to the OECD's Clean Energy Finance and Mobilization (CEFIM) Programme
At COP27, Canada announced that it will contribute $5 million to CEFIM to support finance mobilization for energy transition efforts in developing countries. This contribution will help to strengthen domestic enabling conditions to attract finance and investments in renewables, energy efficiency, and decarbonisation of industry in emerging economies. The programme supports countries in the development of policies and instruments to help scale up a pipeline of bankable clean energy projects.
See news release for more information.
$5M to UNOPS' Southeast Asia Energy Transition Partnership (SEA ETP)
At COP27, Canada announced that it will contribute $5 million to the SEA ETP to support coal phase out in Southeast Asia. The partnership aims to empower its partner countries – Indonesia, Philippines and Viet Nam – to transition towards energy systems that simultaneously ensures environmental sustainability, economic growth and energy security. The SEA ETP brings together philanthropies with governments to accelerate energy transition in Southeast Asia. Canada's commitment to the SEA ETP will support coal phase out in the region by providing technical assistance to support their nationally determined contributions and Sustainable Development Goals.
See news release for more information.
$5M to Rocky Mountain Institute for Climate Finance Access Network (CFAN)
At COP27, Canada announced $5M in funding through the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) to support the Climate Finance Access Network (CFAN) expand its work with climate-vulnerable countries. The Climate Finance Access Network has made great strides in building developing countries' capacity to structure and securing public and private finance for priority climate mitigation and adaptation investments.
See news release for more information.
$5M for the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)
This initiative will help improve the technical and institutional capacity of developing countries to support NDC implementation and to meet the reporting requirements under the Paris Agreement. Canada's contribution aims to create and strengthen regional cooperation networks to facilitate resource-pooling and peer-learning in priority regions.
See news release for more information.
$4.8M to Water for Resilience in the Eastern Caribbean
This project seeks to address the loss of habitat and ecosystem services that support a secure water supply in response to the significant variability in weather patterns and extreme weather events combined with pressures from poor land-use management. The project will increase water security in Eastern Caribbean communities through gender-responsive access and nature-friendly water supplies for agricultural and home use.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$4.75M to the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program
This project works to accelerate and increase climate adaptation action across the entire African continent and has implemented development activities in 19 countries since its launch in 2021. It focuses on areas where investments in adaptation and resilience-building yield high economic dividends and can accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, with interventions supporting food security, resilient infrastructure, youth entrepreneurship and job creation, and innovative climate adaptation finance.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$4.65M to the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Climate Finance Access Hub (CCFAH)
At the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), Canada announced $4.65 million over three years to enable the Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub to deploy climate finance experts to eight small and climate-vulnerable Caribbean and African countries, in addition to reinforcing the central hub with gender equality and health expertise. The CCFAH’s network of experts builds national and regional capacity to access increased amounts of climate financing for adaptation and mitigation initiatives.
See social media post for more information.
$4.6M to Sustainable Economic Development Through Renewable Energy in Jordan
This project aims to expand the use of renewable energy and energy-efficient solutions in households, schools and public institutions in some of the poorest communities in Jordan. The project will integrate gender equality considerations, such as providing gender-sensitive vocational training in renewable energy and empowering women's decision-making in renewable energy solutions.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$4.5M for Accelerating Green and Climate Finance in the Philippines
Canada announced $4.5 million to accelerate green and climate finance in the Philippines. The project aims to accelerate the flow of private capital to investments in nature-based solutions (including for marine-protected areas), improve financial institutions' integration of gender-responsive and climate-related policies in their lending programs, and strengthen monitoring and reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals' impacts on green and climate investments.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$4.5M to support national climate measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) systems in Pacific Alliance countries
Canada announced $4.5 million, over four years, to support Pacific Alliance countries in strengthening their national climate measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) systems. MRV systems are critical for nations to develop strong and effective mitigation policies and actions, because they provide governments with transparent, accurate, and comparable information on emissions sources.
See news release for more information.
$3M to Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Adaptation: Monitoring and Impact project
This project seeks to increase the implementation of best practices and both knowledge and capacities related to nature-based solutions of implementing partners and beneficiaries of Canada's nature-positive climate finance programming in developing countries. Canada's contribution will support gender-responsive nature-based solutions project design, implementation and monitoring; climate change vulnerability and biodiversity assessments and monitoring systems; implementation of corrective actions in projects; tracking of and reporting on the progress of Canada's nature-based solutions and biodiversity portfolio; and wide sharing of tools and lessons to nature-based solutions practitioners and other stakeholders.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$3M to Gender Equality for Nationally Determined Contribution Planning and Implementation
At COP28, Canada announced funding for gender equality for nationally determined contribution planning and implementation. The project will enable the NDC Partnership to promote inclusive and more effective mitigation policies and strengthen linkages with the NDC Partnership's Gender Strategy. Canada’s contribution helps provide capacity building for the design and implementation of better climate policies and action that fully integrate gender issues.
See backgrounder for more information.
$2.6M to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Disaster Resilience in Latin America and the Caribbean
This project seeks to reduce climate and disaster risk in Latin America and the Caribbean. It will support the accelerated implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, ensuring that it incorporates a climate-smart, gender-responsive approach to foster greener, more sustainable, and more equitable communities. The project also seeks to improve climate-smart disaster prevention, including through more comprehensive disaster and climate risk management.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$2.2M to support the phase-down of HFCs, in Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Senegal
At COP28, Canada announced $2.2M to support the phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons in Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Senegal. This project, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme, will assist Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Senegal in phasing down their use of the potent GHGs, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), to support the implementation of the Kigali Amendment of the Montreal Protocol. The projects support activities in the countries to demonstrate low-global warming, energy efficient technologies to substitute HFC-based technologies in the refrigeration sector, as well as training and capacity-building.
See backgrounder for more information.
$2.2M to Sustainable Technologies for Adaptation and Resilience in Fisheries
This project will support the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism, which aims to advance the clean energy transition in the Caribbean fisheries and aquaculture sectors. The project will operate in Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Suriname and will promote the use of sustainable energy technologies, support the development of viable business models and promote low carbon and carbon neutral fishery certification.
See news release for more information.
$2M to support inclusivity within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process,
At COP27, Canada announced $2 million to support inclusivity within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process. This initiative will deliver capacity-building workshops, in both English and French to enhance leadership of women climate negotiators in developing countries to allow them to participate meaningfully in international climate change negotiations. It will also help enhance Indigenous Peoples' contributions to the UNFCCC, by supporting the implementation of activities under the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform.
See news release for more information.
$2M to Improving the Association of Southeast Asian Nations' Humanitarian Assistance Capacity in Multi Hazards
This project will support the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance (AHA Centre). The program will integrate gender, protection and inclusiveness as well as climate change adaptation and environmental sustainability standards and measures into disaster management. Specifically, the project aims to improve the capacity of ASEAN member states and local partners to provide gender-responsive humanitarian assistance and respond to natural and human-induced disasters.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$2M to fund methane mitigation projects
Canada is providing $2 million from 2023 to 2026 to fund methane mitigation projects in developing countries. At the Global Methane Forum in March 2024, the following projects, selected on the advice of the Global Methane Initiative (GMI), were announced by Canada’s Ambassador for Climate Change:
organic waste management methane clinic to identify challenges and solutions in India
waste management system planning using GMI tools in Serbia
supporting the promotion of biodigester technology in Côte d’Ivoire
research in support of methane mitigation strategies for oil and gas in Nigeria
supporting the development of technology to improve the monitoring of surface landfill methane emissions in Ecuador.
GMI is an international public-private partnership focused on methane reductions and supporting the recovery and use of methane as a clean energy source.
See news release for more information.
$1.25M to the United Nations Climate Action Team (UNCAT) project to secure 1.5°C aligned nationally determined contributions
At COP29, Canada announced $1.25M in support for the UN Climate Action Team project to secure 1.5°C aligned Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). The project aims to develop a comprehensive strategy to set expectations on the ambition level, quality and timing of NDC submissions by key G20 nations. The project will also ensure that a coordinated United Nations system is provided to developing countries to prepare the next generation of NDCs, building on the promise of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
See news release for more information.
$1.25M in early support to establish the Santiago Network to avert, minimize and address loss and damage associated with climate change
At COP27, Canada announced $1.25M in early support to help establish the Santiago Network, designed to help developing countries avert, minimize and address loss and damage associated with climate change. The Santiago Network was established by Parties to the Paris Agreement at COP25 and is intended to facilitate access to technical assistance for developing countries. Canada's initial funding will support the set-up and operationalization of the network including potentially the process for selecting a host organization, setting up a secretariat and the interim arrangements.
See news release for more information.
$1M to Systematic Observations Financing Facility (SOFF)
This project supports early warning systems for least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing states (SIDS) in an effort to reduce, minimize and avert losses and damages incurred from climate change. SOFF is part of a United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund (UNMPTF) that was established jointly by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) at COP26. The project aims to close the weather and climate observations gap by providing financial and technical assistance to SIDS and LDCs for the long-term generation and sharing of basic surface-based weather and climate observations.
See news release for more information.
$957,000 to Nature-Based Climate Solutions Knowledge and Capacity Initiative
This project will strengthen the knowledge and capacity of Southern and Northern civil society and Indigenous peoples and organizations in designing and implementing nature-based solutions for climate adaptation projects that advance gender equality, are socially inclusive and provide biodiversity benefits in the most vulnerable regions of the world, including Sub-Saharan Africa, small island developing states and least-developed countries.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
$750,000 to Climate Resilience Execution Agency of Dominica (CREAD)
Canada has committed $750,000 in additional funding towards the Climate Resilience Execution Agency of Dominica (CREAD). This funding will bring Canada's contribution to CREAD to over $3.7 million. The project aims to make Dominica's people, infrastructure and systems more resilient to climate-related and natural disasters. This project will help implement key Government of Dominica recovery and reconstruction projects and strengthen capacity in the civil service, allowing Dominica to better manage recovery from future disaster events.
See news release and backgrounder for more information.
Global Forest Finance Pledge
At COP26, Canada endorsed the Global Forest Finance Pledge to help finance the protection, restoration, and sustainable management of forests in developing countries. Through this pledge, signatory countries announced their intention to collectively provide US$12 billion for forest-related climate finance between 2021-2025.