Backgrounder - Canada’s flagship initiatives to support its partnership with Africa
The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honourable Mary Ng, Minister of Export Promotion, International Trade and Economic Development, and the Honourable Ahmed Hussen Minister of International Development announced a series of flagship initiatives which strengthen Canada engagement with African partners.
To enhance diplomacy and to strengthen our presence and engagement with the African Union Commission and African governments, Minister Joly announced $54.4 million for those flagship initiatives and projects in Africa. Key focus areas have been targeted: peace and security, good governance, strengthened people-to-people ties and enhanced diplomatic footprint.
Strengthening Canada’s support for peace and security
Project: Promoting Youth Participation in the Peace Process in Cameroon
Funding: $359,197
Description: This youth focused initiative is implemented in the North-West and South-West regions of Cameroon, by the Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace and Security, and Local Youth Corner Cameroon (LOYOC), a national youth-led organization. The project aims to improve inclusive and gender-responsive participation of youth in formal and informal peace processes for Anglophone regions of Cameroon. Through the establishment of a locally led and experienced body of youth peacebuilders with the advocacy/mediation capacities, networks, and peer support to engage national and community level peace initiatives, the project directly contributes to more inclusive participation of youth in peace processes, peacebuilding, and conflict resolution in Cameroon.
Project: Inclusive Management of the Mining Fund for Peace and Stabilization in Burkina Faso
Funding: $2 million
Description: By building the capacity of civil society organizations, the project will help promote the participation of local populations in the management of mining resources. This will ensure that the interests of local populations are considered, helping to reduce the frustrations and tensions that fuel violence, conflict and illicit trade within communities. The objectives of the project are, for one, to strengthen the use of the Fonds minier de développement local (FMDL) by targeted communes in order to improve the capacities of populations and organizations to implement local initiatives focused on peace and security, and also, to strengthen the capacities and involvement of women, girls and marginalized groups in local initiatives to encourage their leadership and foster the development of inclusive and equitable initiatives within communities.
Project: Mine Action in Support of Confidence Building and Cross-Ethnic Communication in Northern Ethiopia
Funding: $1,396,031
Description: Canada will provide funding for activities to protect people in Northern Ethiopia – specifically Afar, Amhara and Tigray – from the threats posed by new Explosive Remnants of War that resulted from Ethiopia’s recent two-year civil war between the Government of Ethiopia and the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front. The project also aims to use mine action as an entry point to reduce tensions among community members, between communities and the Ethiopian Mine Action Authority and between Ethiopian officials and international actors
Project: Strengthening Local Leadership in Women, Peace and Security, and Youth Peace and Security
Funding: $2,498,942
Description: With Canada’s support, the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) is working in 6 fragile and conflict-affected states, including Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Nigeria, and South Sudan to ensure women’s meaningful participation at each stage of conflict prevention and resolution, as well as post-conflict recovery and reconstruction.
Project: Darfur Community-Led Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding
Funding: $1.5 million
Description: This 18-month project aims to reduce conflict related violence experienced by civilians, particularly women and girls in Darfur, Sudan. The project’s direct beneficiaries include 96 Peace Committee members with a target of 50% of members being women and local and internally displaced populations of the six communities in North and South Darfur will benefit from improved security and information sharing through the early warning network.
Project: Support to the Civilian-led Political Process in Sudan
Funding: $2 million
Description: This project seeks to ensure that Sudan’s political process to end the war and post-war state-building planning is civilian centered. Global Partners Governance will do this by supporting a broad coalition of Sudanese civilian actors under the most credible civilian platform.
Project: Rapid Response Window on Women’s Participation in Peace Processes and the Implementation of Peace Agreements (RRW)
Funding: $1.5 million
Description: The project supports the Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF)'s Rapid Response Window on Women’s Participation in Peace Processes and the Implementation of Peace Agreements (RRW), a funding mechanism that supports urgent, short-term, and strategic initiatives led by women peacebuilders aiming to increase women’s participation and influence in formal peace processes and the implementation of peace agreements.
Project: Engaging Parliamentarians in Promoting Nuclear and Radiological Security, Phase II
Funding: $339,407
Description: This project seeks to reduce the threat to global populations of a nuclear and radiological security event. It focuses on promoting the ratification and implementation of the three key legal conventions that govern nuclear security.
Project: Women’s Network for Mitigating Biological Threats in Africa
Funding: $540,736
Description: In support of the Global Partnership Against the Threat of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction’s Signature Initiative to Mitigate Biological threats in Africa, this project is formally establishing a dedicated Women's Network. This Network will bring together multi-sectoral communities of women to coordinate, collaborate and transfer knowledge and sustainable solutions towards gender equality in the area of biosafety and biosecurity.
Project: Implementation of the Signature Initiative in Lusophone Countries
Funding: $342,494
Description: In support of the Global Partnership’s Signature Initiative to Mitigate Biological threats in Africa (SIMBA), this project is developing training tools and documentation for biosecurity, biosafety and biorisk management in the Portuguese language and implementing a series of workshops comprising risk-based and sustainable approaches to biosecurity and biosafety.
Project: Fortifying Institutional Resilience Against Biological Threats
Funding: $10 million
Description: Through this multi-year project, the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) is enhancing institutional and national resilience to biological threats of animal origin. Activities will mitigate global biological threats through: i) establishment of an Incident Management System; ii) improving capacity of WOAH Members to respond to emergencies resulting from deliberate biological releases (focusing on Africa); iii) development of scientific and evidence-based guidance and standards for emergency management; and iv) dissemination of good practices for emergency management (covering deliberate releases of pathogens).
Project: Universalization and Effective Implementation of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWTC) in Africa
Funding: $3 million
Description: Strengthening the implementation of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) is essential to a strong global norm against the proliferation of biological weapons. Led by the BTWC Implementation Support Unit (ISU), this project will strengthen membership in and effective implementation of the BTWC in the African region.
Project: Sustainable Biosecurity and Biosafety in Africa (in support of the Signature Initiative to Mitigate Biological Threats in Africa)
Funding: $5 million
Description: In support of the Signature Initiative to Mitigate Biological Threats in Africa, this project is supporting the implementation of activities under the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC)’s Biosafety and Biosecurity 5-year Strategic Plan (2021-2025).
Project: Countering Violent Extremism in Prisons in Morocco
Funding: $964,080
Description: This project implemented by the Global Center on Cooperative Security supports the General Delegation for Penitentiary Administration and Reintegration (DGAPR) and its National Training Academy in Morocco to improve the management, risk assessment, and rehabilitation of terrorism offenders in alignment with international good practices and human rights standards.
Project: Preventing Violent Extremism and Sexual and Gender Based Violence
Funding: $1,898,663
Description: This project implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) aims to improve law enforcement capacities and community resilience to violent extremism and gender-based violence (GBV) in Tunisia. Project activities will include a needs assessment and study on the interconnections between violence against women and violent extremism to inform evidence-based interventions; the implementation of community-led interventions and actions plans to address the key socioeconomic drivers of violent extremism and GBV, as well as the strengthening of coordination and collaborative relationships between the Internal Security Forces (ISF), civil society organizations, and women leaders. The capacity of the ISF and specialized GBV units will also be strengthened through training and IT equipment to enhance investigations and the delivery of gender sensitive services to women victims of violence and the use of community policing approaches to prevent violence against women and violent extremism.
Project: Supporting Tunisia in strengthening its security and counter-terrorism responses
Funding: $2,474,389
Description: This project implemented by the United Nations Office on Project Services (UNOPS) and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) aims to strengthen security and counter-terrorism operations by improving close quarter battlefield (CQB) techniques for Tunisia's National Guard Academy in Oued Zarga, in accordance with international human rights, rule of law standards, and gender considerations.
Project: Airport Communication- Detection and Interdiction of Illicit Trafficking and High-Risk Passengers International Airports in North Africa (AIRCOP)
Funding: $2,930,000
Description: This project, implemented by United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in partnership with INTERPOL and the World Customs Organization in Morocco, Algeria, and Egypt, aims to provide training and modernised equipment to enhance the capacity of airport security, customs, civil aviation, police and intelligence officers to better identify and intercept weapons, illicit drugs, and suspicious passengers, including foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs). The increased awareness and knowledge of front-line law enforcement officers aims to improve inter-agency cooperation and increase airport security for all passengers travelling within and through North Africa.
Project: West Africa Counter Terrorism Capacity Building
Funding: $1,644,926
Description: This project with United Nations Office on Counter-terrorism (UNOCT), in collaboration with RCMP, aims to enhance the technical skills of law enforcement officials of the beneficiaries Member States in conducting effective counter-terrorism investigations and addressing violent extremism. Under this project, the Specialized Training on Counter Terrorism Investigations (STOCTI) will support an intelligence-led approach through a comprehensive investigative training program for participating African law enforcement agencies and national academic institutions, which includes foundational to advanced modules, as well as mentoring activities for selected countries The intent of this multi-donors training is to enable and improve the abilities of participant countries to fight to the growing terrorist threats within their respective countries, while creating a cohesive and standardized response by advancing regional cooperation. This specialized training course will be held in the UNOCT Rabat Centre with the participation of up to 36 participants from at least seven African Countries each cycle.
Project: Enhancing Coordinated Governance Across the Kenya-Somalia Border
Funding: $2.51 million
Description: This project implemented by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) proposes to 1) Support the establishment of Joint Operations Centres at both the Mandera and Lamu border points to gather and analyze information to disrupt and deter illicit trade from which al-Shabaab earns income through taxation and extortion. (2) Enhance regional and inter-agency cooperation for investigations on the recovery of proceeds of crime and assets used in the commission of cross-border illicit goods. (3) Enable the development of localized guidance frameworks to guide coordinated inter-agency border management.
Project: Enhancing Security through Improved Border and Immigration Management Phase II
Funding: $3,660,352
Description: As a result of the success of the first portion of this project, this project implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) was amended in direct response to the declaration to re-open the borders by the presidents of both Kenya and Somalia (later delayed due to the surge in Al-Shabab attacks) requesting further support to rehabilitate current border facilities, improving border governance capacities to enhance operational and administrative capacity at the point of entries, as well as providing quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient Infrastructure.
Strengthening Canada’s ties and presence with African countries and institutions
Project: Further institutionalizing Canada’s partnership with the African Union through a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
Description: A Memorandum of Understanding was signed at the 2024 Canada-African Union Commission High Level Dialogue in Toronto, ON, to regularize high level consultation and coordination with the African Union Commission in areas of mutual priority.
Project: Naming a Special Envoy for Africa and a Special Envoy for the Sahel
Description: The Envoys will seek to strengthen and support Canada’s diplomatic engagement with Africa’s national, regional and continental leadership
Project: Expanding our diplomatic engagement through the establishment of a high commission in Zambia and a full embassy in Benin
Description: To increase Canada’s diplomatic footprint on the continent, Canada will pursue the upgrade of its office in Benin to a full-fledged Embassy, and will pursue the upgrade its mission office in Zambia to a High Commission, in accordance with host country conventions.
Project: Establishing a diaspora engagement mechanism
Description: Canada will increase its engagement with the African diaspora community in Canada by establishing a diaspora engagement mechanism. Global Affairs Canada will be able to engage more directly with diaspora community members, and will explore diaspora research initiatives and academic exchanges.
Minister Ng announced the following initiatives, which will place renewed emphasis on economic cooperation, infrastructure development, and job creation :
Project: Creating a new Africa Trade Hub
Description: A new Africa Trade hub will be established to coordinate economic diplomacy and economic engagement efforts across the Government of Canada, and its provincial and territorial governments. Part of these efforts will also work on building private sector engagement on shared interests as they relate to African priorities. Canada will also seek to increase private sector engagement on shared interests as they relate to African priorities, leveraging existing partnerships and engaging a limited number of actors that could scale up investments and engagement on the African continent.
Project: Pursuing a Trade Mission led by Minister Ng
Description: A large-scale, minister-led trade mission to Africa which will prioritize innovation sectors, infrastructure, and critical minerals. Delivered by Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service, a trade mission would aim to open doors for Canadian companies seeking to expand trade or grow their businesses in Africa.
Project: Obtaining legal authority to sign the Canada-Nigeria Air Transport Agreement
Description: Canada has obtained legal authority to sign the Canada-Nigeria Air Transport Agreement. The Agreement was concluded in 2014 and has been applied administratively since its conclusion. The Agreement allows code-share services only; it does not allow for airlines to operate direct flights between Canada and Nigeria. Formal signature is a necessary step of the treaty adoption process and paves the way to ratification and entry into force of the Agreement, which will provide legal certainty to air carriers.
Project: Launching negotiations of a Canada-Ghana Air Transport Agreement
Description: Canada and Ghana launched into negotiations for a first time Air Transport Agreement at the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Air Services Negotiations Event in October 2024. Canada intends to continue negotiations.
Minister Hussen announced the following, to strengthening partnership for people by reducing poverty, providing humanitarian assistance, supporting economic development and empowering youth:
Project: Creating a new Africa trade and development program at Global Affairs Canada
Description: This supports development initiatives that foster stronger trade and investment environments, ultimately contributing to poverty reduction, food security, job creation, gender equality and environmental sustainability.
In addition, Minister Hussen announced $176.64 million in funding for:
Project: Supporting Moroccan Women’s Empowerment through Sustainable Entrepreneurship (WESE)
Funding: $2 million
Description: This project will support women entrepreneurs affected by the 2023 High Atlas earthquake near Marrakesh.
Project: Accelerating Women’s Business Growth (AWBG)
Funding: $14 million
Description: Canada will work to advance gender equality within Ethiopia’s private sector while fostering financial returns aligned with investor expectations. The project supports women entrepreneurs, executives, and managers in in overcoming systemic barriers hindering small and medium enterprise (SME) growth and career advancement and aims to, inter alia, promote economic growth by generating 9,000 quality jobs for individuals in rural and urban areas, focusing on empowering women through leadership roles. It also aims to attract $81 million in capital investments into gender-smart SMEs in Ethiopia. Project activities include: (1) establishing a women entrepreneur collective, a virtual and in-person training platform for smaller companies to learn from and network with larger ones; (2) providing training and investor facilitation support tailored to various women-owned SMEs; and (3) building gender or impact-focused investors awareness of Ethiopian investment opportunities in gender smart SMEs.
Project: Climate Resilience through Empowering Women (CREW)
Funding: $15.39 million
Description: The Climate Resilience through Empowering Women project aims to strengthen the climate resilience of coffee-growing communities in Southern Ethiopia while promoting the economic empowerment of marginalized women. The project is expected to deliver changes at the farm or household, mill, and wider industry levels to adapt to a changing climate, with a particular focus on women, who, despite playing a critical role in coffee production and processing, are economically marginalized.
Project: Urban Productive Safety Nets and Jobs Program (UPSNJP)
Funding: $75 million
Description: Canada will work to address basic human needs in 88 cities across Ethiopia by offering urban poor and vulnerable women & men opportunities for wage employment, a first work experience for youth, and cash support to provide a safety net, including measures specifically targeting women. The project aims to benefit 1.7 million people (60% women) in impoverished urban areas, including internally displaced people and refugees, by improving incomes in urban centers across Ethiopia.
Project: Support to women and youth's economic and social empowerment in Senegal
Funding: $20.35 million
Description: Canada will continue to work to promote gender equality and financial inclusion by supporting access to financial services for women and youth in Senegal. The project will, inter alia, support 60,000 women and 6,000 young entrepreneurs in southern Senegal and peri-urban areas of Dakar.
Project: Facilitating Inclusive, Resilient and Sustainable Trade (FIRST)
Funding: $9.7 million
Description: Canada will contribute to inclusive economic growth, and the empowerment of women, youth, and marginalized groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique, and Zambia. It will provide support to ministries of trade and commerce to develop trade and investment policies that incorporate the needs of women, people with disabilities, youth, and marginalized groups. It will also create enabling environments at border crossings; strengthen the ability of women-led SMEs to adapt and leverage new trade and investment opportunities; improve the abilities of research institutions to gather, analyze and use gender-sensitive trade-related data and evidence; and provide data to assist policy-makers with the development of inclusive trade and investment agreements.
Project: South Africa Skills Enhancement Program
Funding: $5 million
Description: Canada will strengthen the capacity of 15 technical vocational education and training colleges in the Eastern Cape and Limpopo provinces in South Africa by providing funding to improve the delivery of gender responsive and inclusive training and increase access to student support and career transition services, especially for women and at-risk learners.
Project: Renewed Women's Voice and Leadership in Crisis- and Conflict-affected Contexts
Funding: $25.2 million
Description: Canada will provide funding to Urgent Action Fund – Africa, as part of Canada’s Renewed Women’s Voice and Leadership (WVL) Program, which supports local and regional women’s rights organizations (WROs), lesbian, bisexual and transgender, queer and intersex (LBTQI+) groups, women human rights defenders and feminist networks working to promote women’s and girls’ rights and advance gender equality where WVL is implemented and other countries facing crisis and conflict.
Project: United Nations Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Kenya
Funding: $10 million
Description: The United Nations Multi-Partner Trust Fund in Kenya supports Kenya’s national priorities by using the combined and unique experience of various UN agencies to target vulnerable communities in Kenya. Canada’s support to the Fund will be directed to joint UN programming dedicated to gender equality, ending violence against women and girls, and human rights.
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