Share your thoughts: Strengthening Canada’s Counter-Proliferation Framework

From Public Safety Canada

Current Status: Closed

This was a targeted engagement with key Canadians stakeholders on possible changes to Canada’s counter-proliferation framework.


The Government of Canada conducted a targeted stakeholder consultation between November and April 2019 to help inform possible changes to its counter-proliferation framework. The consultation asked key Canadian stakeholders in academia, the scientific community, and industry to become active partners in developing options.

A Discussion Paper was prepared providing information on the current framework and the challenges it faces. Stakeholders were invited to read this Discussion Paper and respond to the questions it raises, which the Government will consider in its development of an improved and strengthened approach to counter-proliferation. Stakeholders were also welcome to provide additional feedback, outside of what had been raised within the Discussion Paper.


Results from this dialogue include:

Five overarching themes emerged from the feedback received:

  1. Increase Transparency and Scope: Stakeholders agreed that a transparent and goal-driven approach would strengthen Canada’s counter-proliferation framework.
  2. Balance Security and R&D: Counter-proliferation initiatives should be effective without placing undue burden on legitimate research and academic progress.
  3. Align Governance: Strengthened governance should be established between all departments and agencies responsible for counter-proliferation. A one-stop shop should be created to, if necessary, provide consultations on proliferation risks and activities, as well as share general information with the public.
  4. Stress ‘Safeguarding’ in Outreach Initiatives: The Government of Canada should engage in more collaborative outreach and awareness initiatives with the aim of safeguarding domestic research(ers) and industry.
  5. Revise Offences and Positive Compliance: Existing penalties for proliferation offences should be enhanced in order to deter future proliferation activities.

Related information

Discussion Paper: Strengthening Canada’s Counter-Proliferation Framework

Countering the Proliferation of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Weapons

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