Transitional relief
Transitional prohibited investment benefit – this expression is relevant only if an individual held one or more prohibited investments in their RRSP or RRIF on March 23, 2011, and continues to hold the investments in their RRSP or RRIF in the tax year. An individual’s transitional prohibited investment benefit for a tax year is the total of any income earned (excluding the dividend gross-up) and capital gains realized in the tax year on these investments, less any capital losses realized on these investments in the tax year. For this purpose, the amount of a capital gain realized is the positive difference between the FMV of the property when it is disposed of by the RRSP or RRIF, or when it ceases to be a prohibited investment (less reasonable costs of disposition, if any) and the FMV of the property on March 22, 2011. The amount of a capital loss is the negative difference.
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