Specific situations
Interview setup

Text version of the above image
UFile screen
Under Interview tab
Family Head sub-tab
Interview setup topic is highlighted
Specific situations section is highlighted
The following are ticked:
Immigrant, emigrant, non resident taxpayer, you are a Canadian resident and your spouse immigrated to Canada in the year
Tax return for a Status Indian
Prison in 2023
- Click Interview setup in the left-side menu
- Tick the box next to Immigrant, emigrant, non-resident taxpayer, you are a Canadian resident and your spouse immigrated to Canada in the year in the Specific situations section
- Click Next
Immigrant, emigrant or non-resident

Text version of the above image
UFile screen
Under Interview tab
Family Head sub-tab
Immigrant, emigrant, non-resident, factual resident topic is highlighted
Immigrant, emigrant or non-resident page
You immigrated to Canada in 2023 is highlighted
You are a Canadian resident and your spouse immigrated to Canada in 2023 is highlighted
- Click Immigrant, emigrant, non-resident, factual resident in the left-side menu
- Click the + sign next to You immigrated to Canada in 2024
Immigration to Canada

Text version of the above image
UFile screen
Under Interview tab
Family Head sub-tab
Immigrant topic
Immigration to Canada page
Date of entry (dd-mm-yyyy) – empty field for day, month, year is highlighted
Your net income while you were living in Canada with your spouse – empty field is highlighted
- Enter the individual’s Date of entry
- If the individual identified they had a spouse, the tax software generates the additional field, Your net income while you were living in Canada with your spouse
- if both spouses share the same date of entry and have been living together (married or common-law) since that date, leave this field blank to allow the tax software to use the amount from line 23600
- if the spouse has a different date of entry than the individual, enter the individual’s net income for the time spent living in Canada with their spouse
- scroll down
Immigration to Canada

Text version of the above image
UFile screen
Under Interview tab
Family Head sub-tab
Immigrant topic
Immigration to Canada page
- In the Canadian sourced income (excluding Part XIII income) earned when you were not a resident of Canada section:
- select the applicable response from the Source of income drop-down menu
- enter the amount (in Canadian dollars) into the next field
- if the individual does not have any income to report, select any source of income and enter $0.00
- In the Canadian source Part XIII income PLUS foreign sourced income earned when you were not a resident of Canada section:
- enter the individual’s country of origin into the Name of country field
- select the applicable response from the Source of income drop-down menu
- enter the amount (in Canadian dollars) into the next field
- if the individual does not have any income to report, select any source of income and enter $0.00
- Click Next
- Click the + sign next to You are a Canadian resident and your spouse immigrated to Canada in 2024
Spouse immigration to Canada

Text version of the above image
UFile screen
Under Interview tab
Family Head sub-tab
Spouse immigrant topic
Spouse immigration to Canada page
- Enter the net income (in Canadian dollars) of the individual while they were residing in Canada from the date they started living with their spouse or common-law partner in Canada, until December 31
- Click Next
- Tick the box next to Tax return for a Status Indian in the Specific situations section
- Click Next
Tax return for Status Indian

Text version of the above image
UFile screen
Under Interview tab
Family Head sub-tab
Status Indian topic is highlighted
Status Indian exemptions page
Please confirm that you are a registered Indian, or entitled to be registered as an Indian under the Indian Act is highlighted with the following drop-down options: Yes, No
- Click Status Indian in the left-side menu
- Select Yes from the Please confirm that you are a registered Indian, or entitled to be registered as an Indian under the Indian Act. drop-down menu
Instructions for T4A(P)
- Enter the tax-exempt amount from box 20 into the Exempt CPP/QPP benefits field
- Click Next
- Enter the information from the T4A(P)
Instructions for a T5007
- Enter the tax-exempt amount from box 10 of the T5007 slip into the Exempt workers’ compensation benefits field
- Enter the tax-exempt amount from box 11 of the T5007 slip into the Exempt social assistance payments field
- Click Next
- Enter the information from the T5007
Instructions for a letter for social assistance payments received
- Enter the amount in the letter from the band council or the amount the individual tells you, into the Social assistance payments received from a First Nation/band council (not included in a T5007) field
- Click Next
Instructions for a T4A, COVID-19 benefits
- Enter the tax-exempt amounts from boxes 197, 198, 199, 200, 202, 203, 204 and 211 into the Exempt benefits paid due to the COVID-19 field
- Click Next
- Enter the information from the T4A
Instructions for a T5 or interest income without a tax slip
- Enter the tax-exempt interest in the Exempt interest income field
- Click Next
- Enter the information from the T5 and interest income
Instructions for a T4A box 48
- Make sure you answered Yes to the statement Please confirm that you are a registered Indian, or entitled to be registered as an Indian under the Indian Act
- Click Next
- Enter the tax exempt amount from T4A box 48
Instructions for tips and gratuities
- Enter the tax-exempt amount of tips and gratuities into the Other employment exempt income field
- Enter the total amount of tips and gratuities
- Tick the box next to Prison in 2024 in the Specific situations section
- Click Next
Prison in 2024

Text version of the above image
UFile screen
Under Interview tab
Family Head sub-tab
Prison in 2021 topic is highlighted
Prison in 2021 page
Indicate if you were in prison for 90 days or more in 2021 drop-down menu is highlighted with the following drop-down options: Not in prison (or in prison for less than 90 days), In prison on December 31, 2021 for 6 months or less (90 days or more), In prison on December 31, 2021 for more than 6 months, In prison on December 31, 2021 for more than 1 year, In prison on December 31, 2020 and for the first 179 days of 2021, In prison during the year for 90 days or more
- Click Prison in 2024 in the left-side menu
- Select the applicable situation from the Indicate if you were in prison for 90 days or more in 2024 drop-down menu
- Click Next
Page details
- Date modified: