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Grant for hosting free tax clinics

How to apply

On this page

Before you apply

Before you apply, review the list below to confirm your organization is ready.

Once you’ve confirmed the above, your organization should gather all the necessary information to complete the online grant application.

When you can apply

This year, the online application is open from May 1 to June 30.

Your organization is invited to apply annually, each year of the pilot, during the grant application period.

Apply online

Read our Terms and Conditions and refer to before you apply.

Your organization will be asked to report the following on your grant application:

  • the total number of federal income tax returns filed by volunteers affiliated with your organization during the relevant activity period
  • the total government assistance received from either the federal, provincial, municipal or territorial government specifically for the purpose of hosting or administering a free tax clinic

To ensure the transparency of government funding provided through grants and contributions, the name and funding amounts of successful applicants will be published on

Apply for the CVITP Grant

Application review

To assess your organization’s eligibility and determine the funding amount, the CRA will review information collected in your organization’s CVITP/ITAVP registration and your CVITP Grant application.

The CRA will review applications and determine funding on a first come, first served basis within each province and territory.

After assessment, you will be notified of the CRA’s funding decision. If your application is successful, the CRA will send you a grant funding agreement detailing the funding amount. For payment purposes, grant agreements must be signed and returned to the CRA with your banking information.

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