Part 3A – Business income
Fill in this part only if you have business income, including all income (both monetary and non-monetary) earned from any of the following:
- sharing economy activities such as ridesharing and accommodation sharing
- gig economy activities
- peer-to-peer sales using online platforms
- social media influencer activities
This could apply, for example, if you are a social media influencer who received monetary amounts (including donations, gifts or tips) or non-monetary gifts (such as consumer goods or services) in the course of your business.
If you have professional income, leave this part blank and fill in Part 3B. If you have both business and professional income, you have to fill in a separate Form T2125 for each.
If you have self-employed commission income, including all income (both monetary and non monetary) earned as a social media influencer or from ride sharing services, the Canada Revenue Agency treats it as part of your business income. Include your commission income in amount 3A of Part 3A. Make a note for yourself for how much commission income you include in amount 3A. You will need to know the gross and net commission income to enter in your income tax return.
Gross sales, commissions or fees
Your sales include all sales, whether you received or will receive money, services, or other goods that have bartering or monetary value (such as credit units). Bartering is when two people agree to exchange goods or services without using money. For more information, go to Interpretation Bulletin IT-490, Barter Transactions.
At amount 3A, enter the gross sales, commissions or fees (including GST/HST, collected or collectible).
At amount 3B, enter any GST/HST, provincial sales tax, returns, allowances, discounts and GST/HST adjustments (included on amount 3A).
If you are using the quick method of accounting to calculate your GST/HST remittances, calculate government assistance as follows:
- At amount 3D, enter GST/HST collected or collectible on sales, commissions and fees that are eligible for the quick method
- For each applicable remittance rate, include the sales, commissions and fees eligible for the quick method plus GST/HST collected or collectible. Multiply this amount by the quick method remittance rate and enter the result on amount 3E. This is the amount you enter on line 105 of your GST/HST return (or line 103 if you are filing your GST/HST return on paper)
- The subtotal at amount 3F is amount 3D minus amount 3E
For more information on the quick method and examples, go to Guide RC4058, Quick Method of Accounting for GST/HST.
Adjusted gross sales – Amount 3G
Amount 3G (Adjusted gross sales) is the total of amount 3C plus amount 3F.
Enter your sales, commissions, and fees minus any GST and PST, or HST, and any returns, allowances, and discounts, if these have been included in your sales.
Enter this amount on line 8000 – Adjusted gross sales or adjusted professional fees, in Part 3C of Form T2125.
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